How to use NSWindowOcclusionState.Visible in Swift - macos

I am trying to implement window toggling (something I've done many times in Objective-C), but now in Swift. It seams that I am getting the use of NSWindowOcclusionState.Visible incorrectly, but I really cannot see my problem. Only the line w.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self) is called after the initial window creation.
Any suggestions?
var fileArchiveListWindow: NSWindow? = nil
#IBAction func tougleFileArchiveList(sender: NSMenuItem) {
if let w = fileArchiveListWindow {
if w.occlusionState == NSWindowOcclusionState.Visible {
else {
else {
let sb = NSStoryboard(name: "FileArchiveOverview",bundle: nil)
let controller: FileArchiveOverviewWindowController = sb?.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("FileArchiveOverviewController") as FileArchiveOverviewWindowController
fileArchiveListWindow = controller.window

Old question, but I just run into the same problem. Checking the occlusionState is done a bit differently in Swift using the AND binary operator:
if (window.occlusionState & NSWindowOcclusionState.Visible != nil) {
// visible
else {
// not visible

In recent SDKs, the NSWindowOcclusionState bitmask is imported into Swift as an OptionSet. You can use window.occlusionState.contains(.visible) to check if a window is visible or not (fully occluded).
observerToken = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSWindow.didChangeOcclusionStateNotification, object: window, queue: nil) { note in
let window = note.object as! NSWindow
if window.occlusionState.contains(.visible) {
// window at least partially visible, resume power-hungry calculations
} else {
// window completely occluded, throttle down timers, CPU, etc.


is anyone able to restrict the type of the objects dropped on the mac in SwiftUI 3?

as per the documentation, it should be pretty straightforward. example for a List:
the UTType should be the parameter restricting what a SwiftUI object can receive. in my case i want to accept only Apps. the UTType is .applicationBundle:
but it doesn't work. the SwiftUI object never changes status and never accepts the drop. the closure is never run. whether on Lists, H/VStacks, Buttons, whatever. the pdf type don't seem to work either, as well as many others. the only type that i'm able to use if fileURL, which is mainly like no restriction.
i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong or if SwiftUI is half working for the mac.
here's the code:
List(appsToIgnore, id: \.self, selection: $selection) {
.onDrop(of: [.applicationBundle, .application], isTargeted: isTargeted) { providers in
return true
replacing or just adding .fileURL in the UTType array makes the drop work but without any type restriction.
i've also tried to use .onInsert on a ForEach instead (, and to go through a proper DropDelegate ( but keep getting the same results. it would seem the SwiftUI drop for macOS is not yet working, but i can't find any official information about this. in the docs it is written macOS 11.0+ so i would expect it to work?
any info appreciated! thanks.
You need to validate manually, using DropDelegate of what kind of file is dragged over.
Here is a simplified demo of possible approach. Tested with Xcode 13 / macOS 11.6
let delegate = MyDelegate()
List(appsToIgnore, id: \.self, selection: $selection) {
.onDrop(of: [.fileURL], delegate: delegate) // << accept file URLs
and verification part like
class MyDelegate: DropDelegate {
func validateDrop(info: DropInfo) -> Bool {
// find provider with file URL
guard info.hasItemsConforming(to: [.fileURL]) else { return false }
guard let provider = info.itemProviders(for: [.fileURL]).first else { return false }
var result = false
if provider.canLoadObject(ofClass: String.self) {
let group = DispatchGroup()
group.enter() // << make decoding sync
// decode URL from item provider
_ = provider.loadObject(ofClass: String.self) { value, _ in
defer { group.leave() }
guard let fileURL = value, let url = URL(string: fileURL) else { return }
// verify type of content by URL
let flag = try? url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.contentTypeKey]).contentType == .applicationBundle
result = flag ?? false
// wait a bit for verification result
_ = group.wait(timeout: .now() + 0.5)
return result
func performDrop(info: DropInfo) -> Bool {
// handling code is here
return true

Present attached sheet on MacOS SwiftUI

I'd like to present a sheet descending from the toolbar's bottom edge in a SwiftUI MacOS app. How can I specify that attachment point?
The methods below present a sheet at the view's center.
I had thought attachment was implied in .beginSheet(). Answers I see discussing this use Storyboards, but I'd like to stick to code.
struct SomeView: View {
func presentsSheetAtWindowCenter() {
guard let mainWindow = NSApp.mainWindow else { return }
let host = NSHostingController(rootView: someView)
let sheetWindow = NSWindow(contentViewController: host)
mainWindow.beginSheet(sheetWindow) { (response) in
func presentsSheetAtWindowCenterToo() {
guard let mainCVC = NSApp.mainWindow?.contentViewController else { return }
let host = NSHostingController(rootView: someView)

Document-based app where the top-level document represents the window, not tab

When I use Xcode 12 to create a "Document App", the app template that is generated is one where the CoreData-backed "Document" represents the current tab, as seen below:
So basically if I hit cmd-S, the semantics are the to save the content of that one currently-active tab.
However, what if I wanted the "Document" to represent all the tabs in that window? Given that these default window tabs are sort of baked in, is Cocoa flexible enough to fit my design criteria?
The sample you've posted contains multiple documents (Untitled, Untitled 2, ..) inside a single window. Each of these tabs is a separate document with the tabbed interface handled transparently by macOS.
If you'd like to use tabs inside a single document - like e.g. sheets in a Numbers document - you'd have to implement that functionality on your own.
When a window tab is moved, the tabGroup property of the window changes. The tabGroup property is observable but this is not documented. Window controllers can be moved to another document with addWindowController. I don't know how to prevent a new document from opening in a tab in another document. Accessing the tabGroup seems to work but it's a hack. Switching NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing off and on also seems to work. Here's my test app (Xcode app template, document based, XIB. Add a WindowController subclass and change the class of the file's owner in Document.xib.)
class Document: NSDocument {
var documentData: [String]? // String per window
func addWindowTab(_ data: String?) {
let windowController = WindowController(windowNibName: NSNib.Name("Document"))
if let text = data {
windowController.text = text
if let otherWindowController = windowControllers.first, // document has other window(s)
let tabgroup = otherWindowController.window?.tabGroup,
let newWindow = windowController.window {
else {
_ = windowController.window?.tabGroup // access tabGroup to open new documents in a new window
override func makeWindowControllers() {
if let data = documentData {
for windowData in data {
else {
func windowControllerDidChangeTabGroup(_ windowController: NSWindowController) {
var destinationDocument: Document?
// check if the window is in a tabgroup with windows of another document
if let tabGroup = windowController.window?.tabGroup, > 1 {
for otherWindow in {
if let otherWindowController = otherWindow.delegate as? WindowController,
otherWindowController.document !== self {
destinationDocument = otherWindowController.document as? Document
// check if this document has other windows
else if windowControllers.count > 1 {
destinationDocument = Document()
if let destinationDocument = destinationDocument,
destinationDocument !== self {
destinationDocument.addWindowController(windowController) // removes windowController from self
if windowControllers.count == 0 {
class WindowController: NSWindowController {
var tabObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
override func windowDidLoad() {
tabObservation = window?.observe(\.tabGroup, options: []) { object, change in
if let document = self.document as? Document {
// accessing tabGroup can change tabGroup and cause recursion, schedule on runloop
override func newWindowForTab(_ sender: Any?) {
if let document = document as? Document {

iPhone X screenEdgePanGesture not working (swift)?

I'm running some regular edgePan code to initialise edgePan detection:
func setupGestures() {
let edgePan = UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(screenEdgeSwiped))
edgePan.edges = .left
edgePan.cancelsTouchesInView = false
and the selector:
func screenEdgeSwiped(recognizer: UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer) {
if recognizer.state == .recognized {
if slideOutMenuView != nil {
else {
This all works fine but when I give it a test run on the iPhone X. It seems to not even register the gesture.
Is there a different screenGesture that they have introduced or have they completely overwritten the functionality?
The App is in landscape mode.

How to properly add global NSEvent listener for pressure events in Swift OS X application?

I'm pretty new in OS X programming and I'm trying to write an application that will capture Force Click event at system-wide context.
Based on various sources I wrote down code listed below:
var lastClickStage = -1
func checkAssistanceSettings () -> Bool {
let checkOptPrompt = kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt.takeUnretainedValue() as NSString
let options = [checkOptPrompt: true]
let accessEnabled = AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions(options)
return accessEnabled == 1
func processForceClick(incomingEvent: NSEvent!) -> Void {
let clickStage = incomingEvent.stage
if clickStage == lastClickStage {
if (lastClickStage == 2 && clickStage != 2) {
lastClickStage = clickStage
if (clickStage == 2 && lastClickStage != 2) {
let applicationClicked = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().frontmostApplication?.bundleIdentifier
if (applicationClicked != nil) {
NSLog("ForceClicked in \(applicationClicked!)!")
lastClickStage = clickStage
func processForceClickLocally(incomingEvent: NSEvent!) -> NSEvent {
return incomingEvent
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(NSEventMaskFromType(NSEventType.EventTypePressure), handler: processForceClickLocally)
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(NSEventMaskFromType(NSEventType.EventTypePressure), handler: processForceClick)
When I run my application local event listener seems to work like a charm, but global event listener never calls his handler, even if XCode or a specific built application gets grant to accessibility in System Settings (AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions(options) evaluates as "true").
Can anyone point out what's wrong with it?
EDIT: Even strange thing discovered by me: seems like global listener not working with this NSEventMask. Got no problem with NSEventMask.LeftMouseDownMask for example.
So now seems like question is transformed to "What wrong with NSEventMask.EventMaskPressure in global listeners?".
