Open windows batch with prompt text but no invokation - windows

How can one open a batch window with some predefined text after the prompt and not invoking the command?
Say I want to invoke notepad.exe with a filename t.txt.
I would create a cmd file with this line:
start notepad "t.txt"
But I want the file to be opened specified by the user.
So the cmd file should just open a cmd window and "type" start notepad without actually executing this.

You can do it using a Vbscript:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "cmd", 9 'opens cmd.exe
WScript.Sleep 500 'gives cmd a time to load
WshShell.SendKeys "start notepad"
If you want this within your cmd file, try this:
#if (#X)==(#Y) #end /*
start cmd.exe
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0"
var obj = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
obj.SendKeys("start notepad");

Normally you'd have to launch a command prompt window: start cmd rather than starting notepad directly. But neither start nor cmd offer the function you desire. Would adding a simple echo to your batch file with instructions and a pause prior to actually issuing the command work?
Echo When the other operation completes return to this window
start notepad "t.txt"
This will provide the echo, then wait for the user to press any key before actually attempting to launch notepad with that filename.


Use "cmd /c" but hide the console window

I have a shortcut running this command when clicked: cmd /c "full path to my batch file". When I use it, it does what it is supposed to do, but in the process the ugly console window pops up. Is there any way to make this command start a hidden or at least minimized window?
Use the command start with switch /min to start cmd in minimized window:
start /min cmd /c "full path to my batch file"
powershell "start <path of batch file> -Args \"<batch file args>\" -WindowStyle Hidden"
This can be placed in a separate batch file which, when called, will terminate immediately while your batch file executes in the background.
From ' Args ' to ' \" ' can be excluded if your batch file has no arguments.
' -v runAs' can be added before the end quote to run your batch file as an administrator.
I found this solution :
Create a launch.vbs file and add
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Batch Files\syncfiles.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
Replace "C:\Batch Files\syncfiles.bat" by your absolute or relative path file name.
Source :
Source MSDN :
Right-click on the shortcut icon and choose "Properties."
On the "Shortcut" tab, choose the "Run" type you desire from the dropdown menu.
The START command has a /B switch to start without creating a window. Use START /? to read all about it.
This will create a separate process (without a window), and not block parent window so it can continue your main work:
start /b cmd /c "full path to my batch file"
Use AutoHotKey file. Download and install AutoHotKey first.
suppose you have an 1.bat
you'll create a C:\2.ahk, whose content is
Run C:\1.bat,,Hide
and you'll create a 3.lnk, and right click it, click property, then set the Target to
"C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" C:\2.ahk
Then you'll get what you want.
This way, you can attach the 3.lnk to your taskbar or start menu, and also change its icon.
The start method can only be used in a bat, which can't be added to taskbar or changed icon.
Create a VBScript file as a shell to start it.
' Launcher.vbs
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Quit 1
End If
Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSH.Run "cmd /c " & WScript.Arguments(0), 0, False
You may want to embed this as a Here Document in your batch file. See heredoc for Windows batch?

Windows command line: automatically type in a command from .cmd file

Okay, I have such a batchfile:
#title RUBY ;)
#set PATH=D:\Programming\Ruby22-x64\bin;%PATH%
#call cmd /K cd /D E:\RubyProgramming
that I use to facilitate running scripts without the need to navigate to the folder each time. The thing is that I usually run the very same command for hundreds of times for a given program that I am working on at any given time. For instance:
ruby rubyprogram.rb inputfile.txt outputfile.xml miscargument
Is there a way to make such a batch file that types in a command when you run it? Not executes, just type in, so that I press Enter to execute it and use ↑ up arrow to use it again in the cmd? I haven't been able to find a command that would allow this anywhere, but it would be useful if there was one.
The simplest would be to just create a new batch-file that executes that specific command:
#echo off
title RUBY ;)
set PATH=D:\Programming\Ruby22-x64\bin;%PATH%
cd /D E:\RubyProgramming
rubyprogram.rb inputfile.txt outputfile.xml miscargument
Alternatively, you could get the batch file to repeatedly ask for the command to run
#echo off
title RUBY ;)
set PATH=D:\Programming\Ruby22-x64\bin;%PATH%
cd /D E:\RubyProgramming
set RUBYCMD=rubyprogram.rb inputfile.txt outputfile.xml miscargument
REM line below ends with a space for neatness
set /p RUBYCMD=Enter ruby command (or 'Q' to exit) [%RUBYCMD%]:
if /i "%RUBYCMD%" == "q" goto :eof
goto :loop
No, batch files can't type or click anything. However, you can call scripts from a batch file which are written in other languages. For example, you cold write a VB or an AutoIt script, call it from your batch and make the new script "type" the command.
Take a look at this VB script:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "%windir%\notepad.exe"
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WshShell.SendKeys "hello world"
This will open notepad, focus the new window and type hello world. This way you can also start a new console or get the focus of an already started one and type your command. This code can be saved in a separate vb script file and called from your batch.

How to write to the same command prompt with vbs in windows?

I have vbs script and that creates folder, make archive and copy to that folder, upload to ftp and so on. I want it to write status to cmd after each step of execution( after creating folder, zip...)
The following opens cmd.exe and writes there "creates folder". That's exactly what I want.
Dim objShell, strCmd
strCmd = "%comspec% /k echo creates folder"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run strCmd, 1, True
But, how I can write to the same cmd window that just opened? If I use this
strCmd = "%comspec% /k echo starting zip"
objShell.Run strCmd, 1, True
it opens new cmd window, but I want to write "starting zip" to previously opened cmd.
How I achieve this?
To print to the command prompt use wscript.echo.
I want to point out that the behavior of .echo is effected by how the script is loaded. For instance, if I run it from command prompt, like this: test.vbs, then the echo lines show up as pop-ups due to running wscript by default. However, if instead I load the file like this: cscript text.vbs all output goes to console as expected.

How to keep the VBScript command window open during execution

When I execute a VBScript, the command window that it creates closes quickly before the user gets a chance to read the output. How can I get the window to stay open without modifying windows registry?
This is the code:
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("")
objShell.Run "SyncToyCmd.exe -R", 1, True
You can send your execution command through the cmd.exe command interpreter, along with a pause command which will give the user a Press any key to continue . . . prompt to close the window. "%comspec% /c ""SyncToyCmd.exe -R & pause""", 1, True
Or to keep the window alive, use the /k flag instead of /c: "%comspec% /k SyncToyCmd.exe -R", 1, True
But beware, your VBScript will not continue (or terminate) until this cmd window is manually closed.
The %comspec% environment variable refers to the correct command to open the command interpreter as per your operating system. On my XP machine, for instance, %comspec% is equal to C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.
See cmd.exe documentation here:
More info on the use of the & versus the && command separators here.
Assuming that it's the popped-up command window that you want to keep open (rather than the one running your VBScript), you can use CMD.exe's Pause command to achieve this:
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("")
objShell.Run "cmd.exe /C ""SyncToyCmd.exe -R & Pause"" ", 1, True
Make it sleep for a while, maybe tell the user it will close in 5 seconds?
Set WScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 5000

How can I run a program from a batch file without leaving the console open after the program starts?

For the moment my batch file look like this:
myprogram.exe param1
The program starts but the DOS Window remains open. How can I close it?
Use the start command to prevent the batch file from waiting for the program. Just remember to put a empty double quote in front of the program you want to run after "Start".
For example, if you want to run Visual Studio 2012 from a batch command:
Start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
notice the double quote after start.
You can use the exit keyword. Here is an example from one of my batch files:
start myProgram.exe param1
Look at the START command, you can do this:
START rest-of-your-program-name
For instance, this batch-file will wait until notepad exits:
#echo off
notepad c:\test.txt
However, this won't:
#echo off
start notepad c:\test.txt
From my own question:
start /b myProgram.exe params...
works if you start the program from an existing DOS session.
If not, call a vb script
wscript.exe invis.vbs myProgram.exe %*
The Windows Script Host Run() method takes:
intWindowStyle : 0 means "invisible windows"
bWaitOnReturn : false means your first script does not need to wait for your second script to finish
Here is invis.vbs:
set args = WScript.Arguments
num = args.Count
if num = 0 then
WScript.Echo "Usage: [CScript | WScript] invis.vbs aScript.bat <some script arguments>"
WScript.Quit 1
end if
sargs = ""
if num > 1 then
sargs = " "
for k = 1 to num - 1
anArg = args.Item(k)
sargs = sargs & anArg & " "
end if
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """" & sargs, 0, False
This is the only thing that worked for me when I tried to run a java class from a batch file:
start "cmdWindowTitle" /B "javaw" -cp . testprojectpak.MainForm
You can customize the start command as you want for your project, by following the proper syntax:
START "title" [/Dpath] [options] "command" [parameters]
title : Text for the CMD window title bar (required)
path : Starting directory
command : The command, batch file or executable program to run
parameters : The parameters passed to the command
/MIN : Minimized
/MAX : Maximized
/WAIT : Start application and wait for it to terminate
/LOW : Use IDLE priority class
/NORMAL : Use NORMAL priority class
/HIGH : Use HIGH priority class
/REALTIME : Use REALTIME priority class
/B : Start application without creating a new window. In this case
^C will be ignored - leaving ^Break as the only way to
interrupt the application
/I : Ignore any changes to the current environment.
Options for 16-bit WINDOWS programs only
/SEPARATE Start in separate memory space (more robust)
/SHARED Start in shared memory space (default)
You should try this. It starts the program with no window. It actually flashes up for a second but goes away fairly quickly.
start "name" /B myprogram.exe param1
How to solve "space problem" and local dependencies:
#echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL"
start heidisql.exe
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application"
start chrome.exe
Loads of answers for this question already, however I am posting this to highlight something important:
Start "C:\Program Files\someprog.exe"
Ghe above might cause issues in some windows versions as Start actually expects the first set of quotation marks to be a windows title. So it is best practice to first double quote a comment, or a blank comment:
Start "" "C:\Program Files\someprog.exe"
Start "Window Title" "C:\Program Files\someprog.exe"
My solution to do this from the GUI:
Create a shortcut to the program you want to run;
Edit the shortcut's properties;
Change the TARGET field to %COMSPEC% /C "START "" "PROGRAMNAME"";
Change the RUN field to minimized.
Ready! See how you like it...
PS: Program parameters can be inserted in between the two final quotation marks; the PROGRAMNAME string can be either a filename, a relative or an absolute path -- if you put in an absolute path and erase the drive letter and semicolon, then this will work in a thumbdrive no matter what letter the host computer assigns to it... (also, if you place the shortcut in the same folder and precede the program filename in PROGRAMNAME with the %CD% variable, paths will always match; same trick can be used in START IN field).
If this batch file is something you want to run as scheduled or always; you can use windows schedule tool and it doesn't opens up in a window when it starts the batch file.
To open Task Scheduler:
Start -> Run/Search -> 'cmd'
Type taskschd.msc -> enter
From the right side, click Create Basic Task and follow the menus.
Hope this helps.
Here is my preferred solution. It is taken from an answer to a similar question.
Use a VBS Script to call the batch file:
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\path\to\your\batchfile.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
Copy the lines above to an editor and save the file with .VBS extension.
