Configure HBase cluster in Windows - windows

I would like to configure HBase cluster in Windows environment;
Existing possible ways: 1) Cygwin; 2) VirtualBox; 3) HDInsight;
My requirement: Configure HBase cluster purely in windows environment.
Analysis so far,
In file 'hbase-0.98/bin/start-hbase.cmd' , they have mentioned as below,
if "%distMode%"=="false" (
start "HBase Distribution" %HBASE_BIN_PATH%\hbase.cmd master start
) else (
if "%distMode%"=="true" (
#echo This is not implemented yet. Stay tuned.
#rem call %HBASE_BIN_PATH%\hbase-daemons.cmd --config "${HBASE_CONF_DIR}" start zookeeper
File hbase-daemons.cmd is totally missing in the installer package;
Message "This is not implemented yet. Stay tuned." Tells us to wait;
Yet HDInsight and Hortonworks were able to create HBase-Hadoop Cluster in Windows. I would like to do the same;
Please guide me, what configuration do I need to do to configure HBase-Hadoop cluster in windows;

Hbasecluster formed on hadoopcluster only.So use normal hbase package.
1.Run zookeeper in place all PC's ip which are involved in cluster.
2.Then change "start-hbase.cmd" file by using standalone mode command.Then start "Master and Regionserver" in system2.
3.Then start "regionserver" in system3.
4.Now the Hbase_Cluster is ready.


Starting Hadoop Services using Command Line (CDH 5)

I know how to start services using Cloudera manager interface, but I prefer to know what is really happening behind the scene and not rely on "magic".
I read this page but it does not give the desired information
I know there are some .sh files to be used but they seem to vary from version to version, and I'm using the latest as of today (5.3).
I would be grateful to have a list of service starting commands (specifically HDFS)
PS : Looks like somehow Cloudera ditched the classic Apache scripts ( etc.)
You can figure this out by installing Cloudera's optional service packages.
These use the service command to start services instead of Cloudera Manager.
hadoop-hdfs-namenode - for namenode
hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode - for secondary namenode
hadoop-hdfs-datanode - for datanode
hadoop-hdfs-journalnode - for journalnode
You can see the CDH5.9 RPMs here:
After you install them, you can look at the respective /etc/init.d/SERVICENAME
to understand how they are run (assuming you're comfortable looking at shell scripts).

redis on windows cluster setup

I have downloaded MSOpenTech Redis version 3.x which includes the long awaited clustering feature. My redis database is all working and I can start my cluster on the min 3 nodes required (in cluster mode). Does anyone know how to configure the cluster (it seems no one knows)?
Installing Linux and running the native Linux version is not an option for me sadly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can follow the Redis Cluster Tutorial and to create the cluster you can use the redis-trib.rb ruby script, for which you need to install Ruby for Windows.
For example:
> C:\Ruby22\Bin\ruby.exe redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1
Did not have the option to install Ruby on Windows but found the manual steps worked for me. The Ruby script seems to do a lot of checking stuff is setup correctly and is the preferred setup route. So Beware, here be dragons.
Set each node to run in Cluster mode. Edit the file and uncomment
cluster-enabled yes
cluster-config-file nodes-6379.conf
cluster-node-timeout 15000
restart the service.
Run a powershell window and change to the Redis installed folder and start the redis-cli. e.g.
cd "C:\Program Files\Redis"
Now you can join other nodes. Run CLUSTER MEET IPADDRESS PORT for each of the other nodes, than the instance you happen to be on. e.g.
After a few seconds running
Should list all the nodes connected, but all will be set as MASTER.
On each of the other nodes, run CLUSTER REPLICATE MASTERNODEID. Where MASTERNODEID is the hash-looking value next the node declared "myself" on your master when running CLUSTER NODES. e.g.
CLUSTER REPLICATE b7c767ab3ab7c4a926ac2fed937cf140b96764a7
Now allocate slots to each Master. My setup has three instances, only one master.
for ($slot=0;$slot -le 16383;$slot++) {
.\redis-cli.exe -h REDMST CLUSTER ADDSLOTS $slot
Reconnect with redis-cli and try and save data. e.g.
SET foo bar
GET foo
Phew! Got most this from reading which is not Windows specific.
for windows version:
open the command window then type below command
C:\ProgramFiles\redis>FOR /L %i IN (0,1,16383) DO ( redis-cli.exe -p **6380** CLUSTER ADDSLOTS %i )
6380 is port of master node.

Hadoop cluster configuration with Ubuntu Master and Windows slave

Hi I am new to Hadoop.
Hadoop Version (2.2.0)
Setup Hadoop standalone - Ubuntu 12 (Completed)
Setup Hadoop standalone - Windows 7 (cygwin being used for only sshd) (Completed)
Setup cluster with Ubuntu Master and Windows 7 slave (This is mostly for learning purposes and setting up a env for development) (Stuck)
Setup in relationship with the questions below:
Master running on Ubuntu with hadoop 2.2.0
Slaves running on Windows 7 with a self compiled version from hadoop 2.2.0 source. I am using cygwin only for the sshd
password less login setup and i am able to login both ways using ssh
from outside hadoop. Since my Ubuntu and Windows machine have
different usernames I have set up a config file in the .ssh folder
which maps Hosts with users
In a cluster does the username in the master need to be same as in the slave. The reason I am asking this is that post configuration of the cluster when I try to use the logs say that they are able to ssh into the slave nodes but were not able to find the location "/home/xxx/hadoop/bin/" in the slave. The "xxx" is my master username and not the slaveone. Also since my slave in pure Windows version the install is under C:/hadoop/... Does the master look at the env variable $HADOOP_HOME to check where the install is in the slave? Is there any other env variables that I need to set?
My goal was to use the Windows hadoop build on slave since hadoop is officially supporting windows now. But is it better to run the Linux build under cygwin to accomplish this. The question comes since I am seeing that the is trying to execute and not some *.cmd.
If this setup works out in future, a possible question that I have is whether Pig, Mahout etc will run in this kind of a setup as I have not seen a build of Pig, Mahout for Windows. Does these components need to be present only on the master node or do they need to be in the slave nodes too. I saw 2 ways of running mahout when experimenting with standalone mode first using the mahout script which I was able to use in linux and second using the yarn jar command where I passed in the mahout jar while using the windows version. In the case Mahout/ Pig (when using the provided sh script) will assume that the slaves already have the jars in place then the Ubuntu + Windows combo does not seem to work. Please advice.
As I mentioned this is more as an experiment rather than an implementation plan. Our final env will be completely on linux. Thank you for your suggestions.
You may have more success going with more standard ways of deploying hadoop. Try out using ubuntu vm's for master and slaves.
You can also try to do a pseudo-distributed deployment in which all of the processes run on a single VM and thus avoid the need to even consider multiple os's.
I have only worked with the same username. In general SSH allows to login with a different login name with the -l command. But this might get tricky. You have to list your slaves in the slaves file.
At least at the manual I did not find anything to add usernames. it might be worth trying to add -l login_name to the slavenode in the slave conf file and see if it works.

CDH4 installation using tarball

I have been struggling to install CDH via tarball, there is no document that describes the steps or guides through. I do have root access on the server & wish to install CDH4 via tarball in Pseudo mode. Can anyone help?. On the same server apache hadoop is also installed, i want to install this CDH, without effecting the existing apache hadoop.
It will not work..because in the end CDH4 will use the same ports which your existing apache hadoop is using..It will work ..if you shutdown your existing hadoop cluster and then start your CDH4 cluster. Or else change all the port numbers for namenode,secondary namenode,jobtracker, tasktracker and datanode and their respective web UI's port..which is kind of tedious.. It would be also helpful if you provide some error logs..So I can highlight what exactly is the problem.

How to connect mac to hadoop/hdfs cluster

I have CDH for running in a cluster and I have ssh access to the machine. I need to connect my Mac to Cluster, so if I do hadoop fs -ls , it should show me the content of the cluster.
I have configured HADOOP_CONF to point to the configuration of the cluster. I am running CDH4 in my cluster. Am I missing something here , Is it possible to connect ?
Is there some ssh key setup that I need to do ?
There are a few of things you will need to ensure to do this:
You need to set your HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable to point to a directory that carries config XMLs that point to your cluster.
Your Mac should be able to directly access the hosts that form your cluster (all of them). This can be done via VPN, for example - if the cluster is secured from external networks.
Your Mac should carry the same version of Hadoop that the cluster runs.
