Keep lines in common between two files, but including duplicates [duplicate] - bash

The following command gives me a list of matching expressions:
grep -f /tmp/list Filename* > /tmp/output
The list file is then parsed and used to search Filename* for the parsed string. The results are then saved to output.
How would I output the parsed string from list in the case where there is no match in Filename*?
Contents of the list file could be:
Example Files:
Result of Running Command:
Stack overflow question 2480584 looks like it may be relevant, through the use of an if statement. However I'm not sure how to output the parsed string to the output file. Would require some type of read line?

Obviously, grep -f list Filename* gives all matches of patterns from the file list in the files specified by Filename*, i.e.,
in your example.
By adding the -o (only print matching expression) and -h (do not print filename) flags, we can turn this into:
Now you want all patterns from list that are not contained in this list, which can be achieved by
grep -f list Filename* -o -h | grep -f /dev/stdin -v list
where the second grep takes it's patterns from the output of the first and by using the -v flag gives all the lines of file list that do not match those patterns.

This makes it:
$ grep -v "$(cat Filename* | cut -d, -f2)" /tmp/list
$ cat Filename* | cut -d, -f2
And then grep -v looks for the inverse matching.


The flow of stdout from combined commands

I need to edit a bash script that sorts .vcf files. vcf files are roughly structured as shown below:
## header line
## header line
Data line
Data line
The script is called vcfsort and is part of a library for manipulating vcf files. It looks like this:
head -1000 $1 | grep "^#"; cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
And it is run by writing vcfsort input.vcf > output.vcf.
I understand roughly what it does: since sorting should only be done on the data lines, it gets the header lines:
head -1000 $1 | grep "^#";
And combines it with sorted data lines:
cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
I need the head command to read more lines. Instead of calling vcfsort like above, I thought I could just edit the script myself and write it out directly as a command like this:
head -10000 input.vcf | grep "^#"; cat input.vcf | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n > output.vcf
This does not work as expected. My attempt above writes the correct output to stdout, if I leave out > output.vcf. However, if I include it, only the data lines are written to file and the header lines are written to stdout. So, I have a couple of questions:
In this stack overflow answer, it is said that to combine
semicolon-separated commands, they should be enclosed in parentheses. Why is that not the case in the vcfsort script?
Why is $# used in the cat command instead of $1? $# should refer to all of a shell scripts arguments, but since only one is given (the input file), why not just use $1? If there is a reason for this, how can I transfer that to my command line expression?
Why do I only get part of the stdout when I send it to a file?
Could you show me the edits I need to make to get my command to work as intended?
So the script gets first 1000 lines of first file!
Separates header, and basically just copy all comments in those first 1000 lines to output.
Next, it filters all comments lines (leaving only data lines) for all files, and does sorting.
so if you use
vcfsort file1 file2 file3
$1 = "file1" and header from file1 only will be presented in output.
while $# referring to all files: "file1 file2 file3"
if you need to get headers from all files and merge it - I would recommend to use loop.
for file in $#; do
head -1000 $file | grep "^#";
cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
Why do I only get part of the stdout when I send it to a file?
head -10000 input.vcf | grep "^#"; cat input.vcf | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n > output.vcf
Each command executing separatelly (divided by semicolon ";"). So in example above you just redirecting data lines output after sorting. It doesn't redirect to file header part.
I would recommend to delete redirecting to file and just use:
vcfsort input.vcf > output.vcf
This does not work as expected
May I know what was expected?
There are two command lists, separated by a ;, inside vcfsort:
head -1000 $1 | grep "^#"
cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
Each list is a single pipeline. The final two commands in each pipeline inherit their standard output from vcfsort, so that when you run
vcfsort input.vcf > output.vcf
both grep and sort write to output.vcf.
The equivalent using braces would be (replacing ; with a newline for readability)
# Quoting the parameter expansions is important, to protect
# against word-splitting and pathname expansion of the original arguments.
{ head -1000 "$1" | grep "^#"
cat "$#" | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
} > output.vcf
Output redirections apply only to a single command, not a command list. Here, a command group serves as that single command:
the standard output of the command group is output.vcf, and the two lists in the group inherit that just as before.
Your attempt
head -10000 input.vcf | grep "^#"; cat input.vcf | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n > output.vcf
only opened output.vcf to use as the standard output for sort; the standard output of grep remains whatever standard output it inherits from its parent, namely your terminal.

bash cat exclude multiple files based on grep results

I have the following cat command that I use in a bash script. I look for $SAMPLE.txt file in subfolders 20* and combine them into 1 output.txt
cat /$FOLDER/20*/$SAMPLE.txt > /$OUTPUTFOLDER/output.txt
I now want to exclude certain files conditionally.
I found the following here
$ shopt -s extglob
$ cat -- !(DISCARD).txt > catKEPT
I want to do something like this.
Look for $SAMPLE and a pattern '$PAT1' in a $SAMPLEFILE. This $SAMPLEFILE is comma seperated. If there is a match, I want to store the first field of this line & use it to exclude files from cat
I would use this command to look for $SAMPLE and $PAT1 & then cut to keep my first field. I would assign that to a variable 'EXLUDE_FOLDER'
EXCLUDE_FOLDER=grep '$SAMPLE' $SAMPLEFILE | grep '$PAT1' | cut -d "," -f 1
And then use it like this
cat /$FOLDER/20*/$SAMPLE.txt -- !($FOLDER/$EXLUDE_FOLDER/$SAMPLE.txt) > /$OUTPUTFOLDER/output.txt
I'm stuck at putting this into an if/statement and dealing with situations where grep results in multiple matches, so multiple files should be excluded
If SAMPLE and PAT are variables, you presumably want them expanded to their contents, which means you must put them in double quotes, not single quotes. Example:
# Compare single quotes versus double
echo '$SAMPLE' # outputs $SAMPLE
echo "$SAMPLE" # outputs 3
If SAMPLEFILE is the name of a file, you must double-quote it, else it will fail if your filename has spaces in it, so you must use:
So, now you can test if your grep works like this:
grep "$SAMPLE" "$SAMPLEFILE" | grep "$PAT1" | cut -d "," -f 1
So, if that works, the next thing is that you want to capture the output of the command, so you need to use $(...). That means:
EXCLUDE_FOLDER=$(grep "$SAMPLE" "$SAMPLEFILE" | grep "$PAT1" | cut -d "," -f 1)
So, see test if that works now:

Cut words from files based on grep

I have a small bash script as follows :
cat foo.txt | grep "balt" > bar_file
Ideally what I would like to happen is that every word that contains "balt", I would like removed from the foo.txt file. Can I get direction on how to basically move words from one file from another based on whats grepped.
As a side note: There is no need to use cat and pipe its output to grep since you can pass the filename directly to grep which reduces a single process execution.
As for your question you can -o option of grep to get matching words only having balt in them along with \b boundary checking like this:
$ cat foo.txt
abcd baltabcd xyz
xdef abbaltcd xyz
$ grep -o '\b\w*balt\w*\b' foo.txt
$ grep -o '\b\w*balt\w*\b' foo.txt > bar_file
$ cat bar_file
As you can see grep matches 0 or more word characters present before or after balt and puts that into another file.
Example words were: baltabcd, abbaltcd and balt

How to grep return result as the matching term

I would like to return only the first instance (case-insensitive) of the term I used to search (if there's a match), how would I do this?
$ grep "exactly-this"
Binary file /Path/To/Some/Files/file.txt matches
I would like to return the result like:
$ grep "exactly-this"
grep has an inbuilt count argument
You can use the -m option to give a count argument to grep
grep -m 1 "exactly-this"
If you want to avoid the message in case of the binary files,use
grep -a -m 1 "exactly-this"
Note that this will print the word in which the match occurred.Since it is a binary file,the word may span over multiple lines
What you need is the -o option of grep.
From the man page
-o, --only-matching
Prints only the matching part of the lines.
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
This is a file with some exactly this in the middle
with exactly this in the begining
and some at the very end in brackets (exactly this)
[jaypal:~/Temp] grep -o 'exactly this' file
exactly this
exactly this
exactly this
[jaypal:~/Temp] grep -om1 'exactly this' file
exactly this

grepping string from long text

The command below in OSX checks whether an account is disabled (or not).
I'd like to grep the string "isDisabled=X" to create a report of disabled users, but am not sure how to do this since the output is on three lines, and I'm interested in the first 12 characters of line three:
bash-3.2# pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy
Getting policy for jdoe /LDAPv3/
isDisabled=0 isAdminUser=1 newPasswordRequired=0 usingHistory=0 canModifyPasswordforSelf=1 usingExpirationDate=0 usingHardExpirationDate=0 requiresAlpha=0 requiresNumeric=0 expirationDateGMT=12/31/69 hardExpireDateGMT=12/31/69 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword=0 maxMinutesUntilDisabled=0 maxMinutesOfNonUse=0 maxFailedLoginAttempts=0 minChars=0 maxChars=0 passwordCannotBeName=0 validAfter=01/01/70 requiresMixedCase=0 requiresSymbol=0 notGuessablePattern=0 isSessionKeyAgent=0 isComputerAccount=0 adminClass=0 adminNoChangePasswords=0 adminNoSetPolicies=0 adminNoCreate=0 adminNoDelete=0 adminNoClearState=0 adminNoPromoteAdmins=0
Your ideas/suggestions are most appreciated! Ultimately this will be part of a Bash script. Thanks.
This is how you would use grep to match "isDisabled=X":
grep -o "isDisabled=."
grep: invoke the grep command
-o: Use the --only-matching option for grep (From grep manual: "Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line."
"isDisabled=.": This is the search pattern you give to grep. The . is part of the regular expression, it means "match any character except for newline".
This is how you would use it as part of your script:
pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy | grep -oE "isDisabled=."
This is how you can save the result to a variable:
status=$(pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy | grep -oE "isDisabled=.")
If your command was run some time prior, and the results from the command was saved to a file called "results.txt", you use it as input to grep as follows:
grep -o "isDisabled=." results.txt
You can use sed as
cat results.txt | sed -n 's/.*isDisabled=\(.\).*/\1/p'
This will print the value of isDisbaled.
