My batch file is closing a program too early - windows

Thank you, for those whom took the time to read my question. I am a gamer and would like to execute a few things. First, I would like to Trigger a batch file when I click a program, how do you do that or is it even possible? Basically, activating a game, triggers the batch file.
NOw for the batch file problem, I want to execute Xpadder when I activate games (this is an mmo) and when I close the game I want Xpadder's process/service to close. Ultimately, it's auto trigger,activate,wait,terminate.
That's kind of the process I want it to go if all can be done.
Batch File:
#echo off
start "Blade" "C:\Users\user\Documents\Blade.xpadderprofile" Blade.xpadderprofile
ECHO Blade.xpadderprofile STARTED
start /w "C:\Program Files (x86)\game\games.exe" games.exe
taskkill /f /im Xpadder.exe
This actually works but the problem is there are two ".exe" files with mmo's. I'll start the game and it would close Xpadder too early because one launcher starts another launcher/client. Xpadder works for the first launcher but the first launcher closes so the game will start. I hope I am explaining myself clear enough.
Reference link: How to automatically close App_A when I close App_B using batchfile
Essentially, this is the same question I have but it's not very clear. What is the batch code to get Xpadder to stay on until the second launcher/client is closed not the first one?
The game has to open through the launcher then into the second launcher/client or it will not work.
here is the other clients name and path i think:
C:\Program Files (x86)\game\gamer\bin\gam.exe

How about the use of the PsExec, a small MS ulility? Using it, your batch should work:
cmd /c psexec -d "Blade" "C:\Users\user\Documents\Blade.xpadderprofile" Blade.xpadderprofile
start /w "C:\Program Files (x86)\game\games.exe" games.exe
taskkill /f /im Xpadder.exe
The file psexec.exe must be placed in folder enlisted in the system variable WINDIR or PATH, or, otherwise, you should call it with its full path, eg. *C:\Program Files\Others\pstools.exe".
You can add #echo off, salt, pepper or some green Tabasco if you have mon€y for this :D


Program started from batch file starts in background

I have a batch file that I run from a flash drive. This file attempts to
1. Close 2 programs
2. Update data on the computer based on the data on the flash drive
3. Restart the programs
The code in this batch is:
taskkill /IM "MyProgram".exe
taskkill /f /fi "imagename eq MyProgram.exe"
copy e:\File1.xml C:\Folder\SubFolder1\Themes\Data\File1.xml /Y
copy e:\File2.xml C:\Folder\SubFolder1\Themes\Data\File2.xml /Y
copy e:\File3.xml C:\Folder\SubFolder2\Themes\Data\File3.xml /Y
copy e:\File4.xml C:\Folder\SubFolder2\Themes\Data\File4.xml /Y
start /MAX "" "C:\Folder\SubFolder2\MyProgram.exe"
start /MAX "" "C:\Folder\SubFolder1\MyProgram.exe"
The first two steps work fine, with the commands that are on lines 1-6. My issue starts with step 3 and the commands on lines 7 and 8.
Is there something wrong with the batch commands?
EDIT: After digging a little more, I have found that the programs appear to be starting in the background. When looking at task manager, the programs appear in the "Background Processes" section instead of showing in the foreground as expected.
What I believe is happening is your program does not know where the configuration files are located because the working directory is where the batch file started itself. So your program is looking for its files on your usb drive. By using the /D option with the START command it will switch the working directory to whatever path you set it to.
start "" /MAX /D "C:\Folder\SubFolder2\" MyProgram.exe

Want to execute two commands in windows batch file one by one

I want to send the spool files to printer from spool folder one by one and after processing each file it will be moved to another folder or delete it.
But When I'm trying to run below batch file it directly moves spool files without sending to printer which is due to batch processing.
for %%f in (C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS\*.SPL) do (
echo %%~nf
start "" E:\spool\xyz\tp.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS\%%~nf.SPL" "HP Printer"
move "C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS\%%~nf.SPL" d:\%%~nf.txt
SO need any alternative option without using windows PowerShell.
Thanks in advance.
It is not because of the batch processing. By default batch waits on the termination of a command before moving on. So leaving out the start should do.
The problem is actually the start command. By default start will execute the program as a new process and won't wait for it to finish. Use start /WAIT instead, the /WAIT option will ask it to wait. But as I said earlier, you don't even need start.
Supposing your program exits when it has completed its task, you should do:
for %%f in ("C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS\*.SPL") do (
echo %%~nf
E:\spool\xyz\tp.exe "%%~ff" "HP Printer"
move "%%~ff" d:\%%~nf.txt
In general that should do. But if the program E:\spool\xyz\tp.exe itself starts some kind of background process and exits without waiting for it to terminate, even start /WAIT won't help. As I don't know the program you're using (E:\spool\xyz\tp.exe) I won't be able to help you in that case.
EDIT: Just a little improvement I made in the code: you don't need to specify the whole path to get the file corresponding to the loop variable, %%~ff will do it for you (see this link for others).

Batch file fails on startup, but works when I click it

I have a small problem with my batch script. The idea is simple:
I have an app that checks for updates periodically (checks for one exe file). If it finds one it then downloads it, renames it and puts it in the same directory as the old file. Then the app creates a .bat file and also puts it in the same directory. The contents of .bat file are :
ECHO Waiting while old application closes...
ping -n 5
taskkill /IM myApp.exe /f
ECHO Updating application
move /y myApp_TEMP.exe myApp.exe
START myApp.exe
Before I close my application (myApp.exe) I instruct it to execute the .bat file, ant wait 5 sec. so it will properly close, that’s why the ping -n 5 is here for. So ideally this script should:
Close myApp.exe
Rename myApp_TEMP.exe to myApp.exe
Overwrite old myApp.exe with new myApp.exe
Start myApp.exe
And it works when I double click on the .bat file, the problem occurs when I put myApp.exe in Windows startup list.
So the app start's, downloads update, generates the .bat file (keep in mind that everything is happening in the same directory) and then runs it. After some digging i found out that the line move /y myApp_TEMP.exe myApp.exe is not executing. But when I run this script manually everything works. Maybe someone has already experienced similar issues?
You are using relative paths in your filenames. Check that it's being run with the correct current directory or switch to absolute paths.
I would suggest using a CD /D <directory of the .exe file> before the move, that way you always know for sure you're in the right directory. Also, you can use timeout 5 /NOBREAK to wait for 5 seconds in regular batch-files
Might need to add some redundancy to the script. Such as:
ECHO Waiting while old application closes...
taskkill /IM myApp.exe /f
timeout 5 /nobreak >nul
ECHO Updating application
IF EXIST "%cd%\MyApp_TEMP.exe" move /y myApp_TEMP.exe myApp.exe
ECHO File not found. Unable to update.
START myApp.exe
The problem seems to stem from a problem in directory searching. While this could be solved with a rather long search time, it'd be easier to make sure that the batch is in the same directory as "MyApp_TEMP.exe" or using
cd <path to MyApp_TEMP.exe>
ECHO Updating application
move /y myApp_TEMP.exe myApp.exe
START myApp.exe
You could also use an ELSE if the file is not found, I just Personally prefer to use label jumping with GOTO.

Batch file to start all programmes in the start folder of XP

I need start all folders in a the Windows "Start/Programs/Startup folder" of an XP machine, explorer is disabled to stop top people playing and remove the Start and Task-bar.
I can run a batch file at start-up but how do I write the batch to run ALL programs in the "Start/Programs/Startup folder" the programs in the folder may change but the batch needs to remain the same
I am able to open each file individually using the below code but I really need to be able to open everything in the folder to avoid problems in the future
start "" /b "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\PROG.appref-ms"
I have tried the code below, that batch starts but nothing starts
%DIR%=C:\Documents and Settings\Pete\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
for %%a in (%DIR%\*) do "%%a"
Running the batch from the desktop also doesn't run the programs in the start folder, the DIR address is taken from windows explorer when I navigated to the folder with the short cuts in
This is an interesting request--one that I would question the motive behind, but since you asked, here's a way you could accomplish it:
#echo off
set DIR=C:\Your\Directory
for %%a in ("%DIR%\*") do "%%a"

How do I run a .exe but stay in the same command window (not open a new one)?

I have searched for many weeks to solve my problem and can't find a good way of doing it that works on every machine I may need to use.
I know START command opens a new window to do the .exe, but I want to stay in the same window and run the .exe
(because I want my batch file to continue ONLY WHEN THE .EXE has finished running)
I have found that on some computers when I .exe it opens a new window and other computers is stays in the same window which makes me think my code is fine but there is a setting somewhere on the computers that is different.
Can you help? What are my options? The .exe I am running is NASTRAN which is an engineering solver that runs in command window.
To wait for the command to terminate you should use the WAIT flag:
start /WAIT c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe
You could start an application without creating a new window using the B flag:
start /WAIT /B "c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe"
You should also try reading the help text for the start command:
start /?
You can use cmd /k example.exe
You probably have a different variant of the .exe on some machines which is called only there, and spawns a separate window, for reasons I cannot know. Search for the .exe file on all machines and compare.
Also, post your batch file code so we can exactly see how you start the .exe.
You could consider not using start at all. Simply start the executable directly.
Did you try using call in the batch file. it runs the exe in the same window. as the batch file. The next statement in the batch file is executed after this exe is finished running
In order to do this you have to run an executable from the directory where it is located, and also have to avoid the use of "start" command.
For example:
cd C:\MyDirectory\
MyApplication.exe -Parameter1 -ParameterN
I achieved showing output of my executable (no aforementioned solutions worked for me) in the same CMD window only via rights escalation script (it will launch your .bat/.cmd file as admin):
if _%1_==_payload_ goto :payload
echo %~nx0: elevating self
set vbs=%temp%\getadmin.vbs
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >> "%vbs%"
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "payload %~sdp0 %*", "", "runas", 1 >> "%vbs%"
del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
goto :eof
<<<start writing your commands from here. E.g.:
"C:\my program\launcher.exe" argument1>>>
P.S. Don't forget to remove <<< and >>> from script.
