CPU SIMD vs GPU SIMD? - parallel-processing

GPU uses the SIMD paradigm, that is, the same portion of code will be executed in parallel, and applied to various elements of a data set.
However, CPU also uses SIMD, and provide instruction-level parallelism. For example, as far as I know, SSE-like instructions will process data elements with parallelism.
While the SIMD paradigm seems to be used differently in GPU and CPU, does GPUs have more SIMD power than CPUs?
In which way the parallel computational capabilities in a CPU are 'weaker' than the ones in a GPU?

Both CPUs & GPUs provide SIMD with the most standard conceptual unit being 16 bytes/128 bits; for example a Vector of 4 floats (x,y,z,w).
CPUs then parallelize more through pipelining future instructions so they proceed faster through a program. Then next step is multiple cores which run independent programs.
GPUs on the other hand parallelize by continuing the SIMD approach and executing the same program multiple times; both by pure SIMD where a set of programs execute in lock step (which is why branching is bad on a GPU, as both sides of an if statement must execute; and one result be thrown away so that the lock step programs proceed at the same rate); and also by single program, multiple data (SPMD) where groups of the sets of identical programs proceed in parallel but not necessarily in lock step.
The GPU approach is great where the exact same processing needs be applied to large volumes of data; for example a million vertices than need to be transformed in the same way, or many million pixels that need the processing to produce their colour. Assuming they don't become data block/pipeline stalled, GPUs programs general offer more predictable time bound execution due to its restrictions; which again is good for temporal parallelism e.g. the programs need to repeat their cycle at a certain rate for example 60 times a second (16ms) for 60 fps.
The CPU approach however is better for decisioning and performing multiple different tasks at the same time and dealing with changing inputs and requests.
Apart from its many other uses and purposes, the CPU is used to orchestrate work for the GPU to perform.

It's a similar idea, it goes kind of like this (very informally speaking):
The CPU has a set amount of functions that can run on packed values. Depending on your brand and version of your CPU, you might have access to SSE2, 3, 4, 3dnow, etc, and each of them gives you access to more and more functions. You're limited by the register size and the larger data types you work with the less values you can use in parallel. You can freely mix and match SIMD instructions with traditional x86/x64 instructions.
The GPU lets you write your entire pipeline for each pixel of a texture. The texture size doesn't depend on your pipeline length, ie the number of values you can affect in one cycle isn't dependant on anything but your GPU, and the functions you can chain (your pixel shader) can be pretty much anything. It's somewhat more rigid though in that the setup and readback of your values is somewhat slower, and it's a one shot process (load values, run shader, read values), you can't massage them at all besides that, so you actually need to use a lot of values for it to be worth it.


Emulate a very fast (virtual) CPU core

I know that the usual method when we want to make a big math computation faster is to use multiprocessing / parallel processing: we split the job in for example 4 parts, and we let 4 CPU cores run in parallel (parallelization). This is possible for example in Python with multiprocessing module: on a 4-core CPU, it would allow to use 100% of the processing power of the computer instead of only 25% for a single-process job.
But let's say we want to make faster a non-easily-splittable computation job.
Example: we are given a number generator function generate(n) that takes the previously-generated number as input, and "it is said to have 10^20 as period". We want to check this assertion with the following pseudo-code:
a = 17
for i = 1..10^20
a = generate(a)
check if a == 17
Instead of having a computer's 4 CPU cores (3.3 Ghz) running "in parallel" with a total of 4 processes, is it possible to emulate one very fast single-core CPU of 13.2 Ghz (4*3.3) running one single process with the previous code?
Is such technique available for a desktop computer? If not, is it available on cloud computing platforms (AWS EC2, etc.)?
Single-threaded performance is extremely valuable; it's much easier to write sequential code than to explicitly expose thread-level parallelism.
If there was an easy and efficient general-purpose way to do what you're asking which works when there is no parallelism in the code, it would already be in widespread use. Either internally inside multi-core CPUs, or in software if it required higher-level / larger-scale code transformations.
Out-of-order CPUs can find and exploit instruction-level parallelism within a single thread (over short distances, like a couple hundred instructions), but you need explicit thread-level parallelism to take advantage of multiple cores.
This is similar to How does a single thread run on multiple cores? over on SoftwareEnginnering.SE, except that you've already ruled out any easy-to-find parallelism including instruction-level parallelism. (And the answer is: it doesn't. It's the hardware of a single core that finds the instruction-level parallelism in a single thread; my answer there explains some of the microarchitectural details of how that works.)
The reverse process: turning one big CPU into multiple weaker CPUs does exist, and is useful for running multiple threads which don't have much instruction-level parallelism. It's called SMT (Simultaneous MultiThreading). You've probably heard of Intel's Hyperthreading, the most widely known implementation of SMT. It trades single-threaded performance for more throughput, keeping more execution units fed with useful work more of the time. The cost of building a single wide core grows at least quadratically, which is why typical desktop CPUs don't just have a single massive core with 8-way SMT. (And note that a really wide CPU still wouldn't help with a totally dependent instruction stream, unless the generate function has some internal instruction-level parallelism.)
SMT would be good if you wanted to test 8 different generate() functions at once on a quad-core CPU. Without SMT, you could alternate in software between two generate chains in one thread, so out-of-order execution could be working on instructions from both dependency chains in parallel.
Auto-parallelization by compilers at compile time is possible for source that has some visible parallelism, but if generate(a) isn't "separable" (not the correct technical term, I think) then you're out of luck.
e.g. if it's return a + hidden_array[static_counter++]; then the compiler can use math to prove that summing chunks of the array in parallel and adding the partial sums will still give the same result.
But if there's truly a serial dependency through a (like even a simple LCG PRNG), and the software doesn't know any mathematical tricks to break the dependency or reduce it to a closed form, you're out of luck. Compilers do know tricks like sum(0..n) = n*(n+1)/2 (evaluated slightly differently to avoid integer overflow in a partial result), or a+a+a+... (n times) is a * n, but that doesn't help here.
There is a scheme studied mostly in the academy called "Thread Decomposition". It aims to do more or less what you ask about - given a single-threaded code, it tries to break it down into multiple threads in order to divide the work on a multicore system. This process can be done by a compiler (although this requires figuring out all possible side effects at compile time which is very hard), by a JIT runtime, or through HW binary-translation, but each of these methods has complicated limitations and drawbacks.
Unfortunately, other than being automated, this process has very little appeal as it can hardly match true manual parallelization done by a person how understands the code. It also doesn't simply scale performance according to the number of threads, since it usually incurs a large overhead in the form of code that has to be duplicated.
Example paper by some nice folks from UPC in Barcelona: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5260571/

OpenCL: work group concept

I don't really understand the purpose of Work-Groups in OpenCL.
I understand that they are a group of Work Items (supposedly, hardware threads), which ones get executed in parallel.
However, why is there this need of coarser subdivision ? Wouldn't it be OK to have only the grid of threads (and, de facto, only one W-G)?
Should a Work-Group exactly map to a physical core ? For example, the TESLA c1060 card is said to have 240 cores. How would the Work-Groups map to this??
Also, as far as I understand, work-items inside a work group can be synchronized thanks to memory fences. Can work-groups synchronize or is that even needed ? Do they talk to each other via shared memory or is this only for work items (not sure on this one)?
Part of the confusion here I think comes down to terminology. What GPU people often call cores, aren't really, and what GPU people often call threads are only in a certain sense.
A core, in GPU marketing terms may refer to something like a CPU core, or it may refer to a single lane of a SIMD unit - in effect a single core x86 CPU would be four cores of this simpler type. This is why GPU core counts can be so high. It isn't really a fair comparison, you have to divide by 16, 32 or a similar number to get a more directly comparable core count.
Each work-item in OpenCL is a thread in terms of its control flow, and its memory model. The hardware may run multiple work-items on a single thread, and you can easily picture this by imagining four OpenCL work-items operating on the separate lanes of an SSE vector. It would simply be compiler trickery that achieves that, and on GPUs it tends to be a mixture of compiler trickery and hardware assistance. OpenCL 2.0 actually exposes this underlying hardware thread concept through sub-groups, so there is another level of hierarchy to deal with.
Each work-group contains a set of work-items that must be able to make progress in the presence of barriers. In practice this means that it is a set, all of whose state is able to exist at the same time, such that when a synchronization primitive is encountered there is little overhead in switching between them and there is a guarantee that the switch is possible.
A work-group must map to a single compute unit, which realistically means an entire work-group fits on a single entity that CPU people would call a core - CUDA would call it a multiprocessor (depending on the generation), AMD a compute unit and others have different names. This locality of execution leads to more efficient synchronization, but it also means that the set of work-items can have access to locally constructed memory units. They are expected to communicate frequently, or barriers wouldn't be used, and to make this communication efficient there may be local caches (similar to a CPU L1) or scratchpad memories (local memory in OpenCL).
As long as barriers are used, work-groups can synchronize internally, between work-items, using local memory, or by using global memory. Work-groups cannot synchronize with each other and the standard makes no guarantees on forward progress of work-groups relative to each other, which makes building portable locking and synchronization primitives effectively impossible.
A lot of this is due to history rather than design. GPU hardware has long been designed to construct vector threads and assign them to execution units in a fashion that optimally processes triangles. OpenCL falls out of generalising that hardware to be useful for other things, but not generalising it so much that it becomes inefficient to implement.
There are already alot of good answers, for further understanding of the terminology of OpenCL this paper ("An Introduction to the OpenCL Programming Model" by Jonathan Tompson and Kristofer Schlachter) actually describes all the concepts very well.
Use of the work-groups allows more optimization for the kernel compilers. This is because data is not transferred between work-groups. Depending on used OpenCL device, there might be caches that can be used for local variables to result faster data accesses. If there is only one work-group, local variables would be just the same as global variables which would lead to slower data accesses.
Also, usually OpenCL devices use Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) extensions to achieve good parallelism. One work group can be run in parallel with SIMD extensions.
Should a Work-Group exactly map to a physical core ?
I think that, only way to find the fastest work-group size, is to try different work-group sizes. It is also possible to query the CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE from the device with clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo. The fastest size should be multiple of that.
Can work-groups synchronize or is that even needed ?
Work-groups cannot be synchronized. This way there is no data dependencies between them and they can also be run sequentially, if that is considered to be the fastest way to run them. To achieve same result, than synchronization between work-groups, kernel needs to split into multiple kernels. Variables can be transferred between the kernels with buffers.
One benefit of work groups is they enable using shared local memory as a programmer-defined cache. A value read from global memory can be stored in shared work-group local memory and then accessed quickly by any work item in the work group. A good example is the game of life: each cell depends on itself and the 8 around it. If each work item read this information you'd have 9x global memory reads. By using work groups and shared local memory you can approach 1x global memory reads (only approach since there is redundant reads at the edges).

what's make GPU programs non-preemptible?

Modern operating systems have no support for GPUs, treating them more or less as a normal I/O device.there some researches in that areas attempt to managing GPUs at operating system level,but they claim that the GPU programs are non-preemptible: once a work unit has been started, it’s impossible to interrupt it without destroying the channel’s data.
so what i am asking is:
Is it true that it's non-preemtible?
If it's non-preemtible ,what make it non-preemtible ,is it because of hardware
design or what is the reason?
If it non-preemtible what we need to make it preemtible?
i'll be highly appreciated if someone can give a clear explanation.
GPU preempt themselves all the time, but only with other work items from the same kernel. If a compute unit is waiting on a memory read or write it will execute other work items. It's single instruction multiple threads essentially. However, it doesn't make sense to stop a job part way through and switch to a different job. You'd need to keep track of an enormous amount of state (unlike a serial processor that just has a register set, you'd have all that multiplied by the number of compute units). GPU jobs are all designed to run quickly, so cycling jobs through the system is more efficient that switching between partially complete jobs. That all said, some modern GPUs divide up the hardware and can have different parts working on different jobs at the same time.
At the risk of over simplification:
Let's say I have a solid object defined within the GPU. For simplicity, let's say that the object is a cube and that the GPU maintains 8 vertices (and that the GPU is VERY slow).
Let me start a rotation. I have do a matrix multiplication on each vertex. I do 3 of them. Then I get preempted.
My cube is no longer a cube.
If you wanted it preemtable, you'd need some kind of transaction processing with rollback (slowing things down) and hardware support giving a preemptable interface.

parallel processing multiple evaluations of a sequential task on a large data set -- a task for GPU computing?

I am working on some signal processing code in SciPy, and am now trying to use a numerical optimizer to tune it. Unfortunately, as these things go, it is turning out to be quite a slow process.
The operations I must perform for this optimization are the following:
Load a large 1-d data file (~ 120000 points)
Run optimizer, which:
Executes a signal processing operation, does not modify original data, produces 120000 new data points.
Examines difference between original signal and new signal using various operations,
One of which includes FFT-based convolution
Generates a single "error" value to summarise the result -- this is what should be minimized
Looks at error and re-runs operation with different parameters
The signal processing and error functions take under 3 seconds, but unfortunately doing it 50,000 times takes much longer. I am experimenting with various more efficient optimisation algorithms, but no matter what it's going to take thousands of iterations.
I have parallelised a couple of the optimisers I'm trying using CPU threads, which wasn't too difficult since the optimiser can easily perform several scheduled runs at once on separate threads using ThreadPool.map.
But this is only about a 2x speed-up on my laptop, or maybe 8x on a multicore computer. My question is, is this an application for which I could make use of GPU processing? I have already translated some parts of the code to C, and I could imagine using OpenCL to create a function from an array of parameters to an array of error values, and running this hundreds of times at once. -- Even if it performs the sequential processing part slowly, getting all the results in one shot would be amazing.
However, my guess is that the memory requirements (loading up a large file and producing a temporary one of equal size to generate every data point) would make it difficult to run the whole algorithm in an OpenCL kernel. I don't have much experience with GPU processing and writing CUDA/OpenCL code, so I don't want to set about learning the ins and outs if there is no hope in making it work.
Any advice?
Do you need to produce all 120,000 new points before analysing the difference? Could you calculate the new point, then decide for that point if you are converging?
How big are the points? A $50 graphics card today has 1Gb of memory - should be plenty for 120K points. I'm not as familiar with openCL as Cuda but there may also be limits on how much of this is texture memory vs general memory etc.
edit: More familiar with CUDA than OpenCL but this probably applies to both.
The memory on GPUs is a bit more complex but very flexible, you have texture memory that can be read by the GPU kernel and has some very clever cache features to make access to values in a 2d and 3d arrays very fast. There is openGL memory that you can write to for display and there is a limited (16-64k ?) cache per thread
Although transfers from main memory to the GPU are relatively slow ( few GB/s) the internal memory bus on the graphics card is 20x as fast as this

CUDA: Bigger problems in threads

Almost all of the CUDA exemplar code describes doing near-atomic operations on large data sets. What kind of practical limitations are the to the size of a problem each thread can do?
For example, I have another question open at the minute that involves per-thread matrix solving. Is this kind of thing too large to put within each thread?
CUDA is a data parallel programming model for what is effectively an SIMD architecture, so obviously it isn't as flexible as a general purpose multithreaded or MIMD architecture. Certainly kernels can be a lot more complex than simple arithmetic operations.
In my own work I use CUDA a lot for solving partial differential equations (so the finite element, finite difference and finite volume methods), which every thread processes a cell or element from a discretised continuum. In that sort of calculation, there are a lot of FLOPs per thread per cell/element.
The key area to be mindful of is branch divergence. Because it is an SIMD architecture under the hood, code where there is a lot of branching within a warp of threads (which is effectively the SIMD width), will suffer performance penalties. But branch divergence and code complexity need not be synonymous, you can write very "branchy" and "loopy" code which will run well, as long as threads within any given warp don't diverge too often. In FLOP and IOP heavy algorithms, that is usually not too hard to achieve.
I just want to reiterate talonmies and say that there is no real limit to the "size" of a kernel in number of operations. As long as the computation is parallel, CUDA will be effective!
As far a practical considerations, I would just add a few small notes
long running kernels can timeout, depending on os (or when profiling with cudaProf). You might have to change a setting somewhere to increase maximum kernel execution time.
long running kernels on systems without a dedicated gpu can freeze the display (interrupting ui).
warps are executed asynchronously - one warp can access memory while another performs arithmetic in order to use clock cycles effectively. long running kernels might benefit more from attention to this kind of optimization. i'm not really sure about this last one.
