SMS sending in WebAPI with Samsung Gear S - sms

Has anyone found a working example for integrating SMS in an app into a Samsung Gear S using the WebAPI?
I found two examples for tizen, but none of them worked with the Gear S. With minor adaptations they look like this:
First try:
function sendSMS(smsno)
if (bDebug)
alert("Versuche SMS (sendSMS) zu senden an " + smsno);
smsnumber = smsno;
var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl(
'', 'sms:'
+ smsnumber);
tizen.application.launchAppControl(appControl, null, function()
}, function(e)
alert("SMS konnte nicht gesendet werden: " + e.message);
onsuccess : function()
onfailure : function(er)
alert("SMS konnte nicht gesendet werden: " + er.message);
catch (e)
alert(" - " + e.message);
Second try:
// Define the success callback.
function messageSent(recipients)
if (bDebug)
alert("The SMS has been sent");
// Define the error callback.
function messageFailed(error)
alert("The SMS could not be sent " + error.message);
// Define service error callback.
function serviceErrorCB(error)
alert("Cannot get messaging service " + error.message);
// Define the success callback.
function serviceListCB(services)
if (services.length > 0)
var msg = new tizen.Message("messaging.sms",
plainBody : "Hilferuf von Nummer: " + smsnumber + ": "
+ vorname + " " + nachname + ": " + adresse,
to : [ smsnumber ]
// Send request
services[0].sendMessage(msg, messageSent, messageFailed);
catch (e)
alert("serviceListCB Problem - " + e.message);
function sendSMS_tizen(smsno)
if (bDebug)
alert("Versuche SMS zu senden an " + smsno);
smsnumber = smsno;
tizen.messaging.getMessageServices("messaging.sms", serviceListCB,
catch (e)
alert("tizen.messaging nicht definiert- " + e.message);
Unfortunately the Samsung documentation is very unspecific on this part.
ANy ideas welcome!

Both solutions are from Mobile profile. It will not work on Gear S. Unfortunately now there is now way to send sms from web api on Gear S. That is why there is no documentation on this ;)


Parse Javascript Platform Change Password Error

I defined a cloud codeļ¼š
Parse.Cloud.define("updateUser", async (request) => {
const query = new Parse.Query("User");
query.get(, {useMasterKey:true})
.then(function(user) {
user.set("username", request.params.username);
user.set("password", request.params.password);
user.set("gender", request.params.gender);
return, {useMasterKey:true});
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Got an error " + error.code + " : " + error.message);
Return has been changed successfully.
But, using the new password to log in on the mobile app, the password is incorrect.
{"code":101, "stack": "Error": Invalide username/password}
I think you need to return the first promise. Also try to use setUsername and setPassword. It would be something like this:
Parse.Cloud.define("updateUser", async (request) => {
const query = new Parse.Query("User");
return query.get(, {useMasterKey:true})
.then(function(user) {
user.set("gender", request.params.gender);
return, {useMasterKey:true});
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Got an error " + error.code + " : " + error.message);

Parse cloud code afterSave gets triggered twice

I have a aftersave on Parse cloud code. I have made changes to the table once but the aftersave hook triggers twice
1st Update (Actual update)
Input: {"object":{"addedBy":"tt","albumTitle":"ggh","approved":true,
2nd Update (Shouldn't happen)
Input: {"object":{"addedBy":"tt","albumTitle":"ggh","approved":true,
The only difference between the two updates is the updatedAt time. Will aftersave be triggered even if the update time changes?
How can I avoid the second aftersave execution?
Here is my cloud code :
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Photos", function (request) {
var albumNameA = "";
var publicUser = "";
var albumOwner = "";
var photoUniqueId = "";
var isApproved = "";
albumNameA = request.object.get("albumTitle");
publicUser = request.object.get("addedBy");
photoUniqueId =;
isApproved = request.object.get("approved");
if (request.object.get("createdAt").getTime() == request.object.get("updatedAt").getTime()) {
var getAlbumOwner = new Parse.Object.extend("Albums");
var q3 = new Parse.Query(getAlbumOwner);
q3.equalTo("title", albumNameA);
success: function (results) {
console.log("Checking for Creator name " + results.get("creatorName"));
albumOwner = results.get("creatorName");
console.log("Uploading a Photo Final " + albumNameA + "-by-" + publicUser + "--ownedby--" + albumOwner);
console.log("Uploading a Photo" + albumNameA + "-by-" + publicUser + "--" + photoUniqueId + "--" + isApproved);
var install = new Parse.Object.extend("Installation");
var q2 = new Parse.Query(install);
q2.equalTo("privacy", privateUserNo);
q2.equalTo("username", albumOwner);
success: function (results) {
if (!isApproved) {
where: q2, // Set our Installation query
data: {
alert: "New Photo uploaded by " + publicUser + " ,waiting for approval"
}, {
success: function () {
// Push was successful
console.log("Push success");
error: function (error) {
// Handle error
console.log("Push error");
error: function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
error: function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
} else if (!(request.object.get("createdAt").getTime() == request.object.get("updatedAt").getTime())) {
console.log("all case scenarios");
var getAlbumOwner1 = new Parse.Object.extend("Albums");
var q6 = new Parse.Query(getAlbumOwner1);
q6.equalTo("title", albumNameA);
success: function (results) {
albumOwner = results.get("creatorName");
var sendApproval = new Parse.Object.extend("Photos");
var q4 = new Parse.Query(sendApproval);
success: function (results) {
var objectIDNeeded =;
var isChanged = results.get("approved");
var currentUpdateTime = results.get("updatedTime");
console.log("Your Photo, " + publicUser + " ,has been approved by " + albumOwner);
var install = new Parse.Object.extend("Installation");
var q5 = new Parse.Query(install);
q5.equalTo("privacy", privateUserNo);
q5.equalTo("username", publicUser);
success: function (results) {
where: q5, // Set our Installation query
data: {
alert: "Your Photo has been approved by " + albumOwner
}, {
success: function () {
// Push was successful
console.log("Push success");
error: function (error) {
// Handle error
console.log("Push error");
error: function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
error: function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
error: function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

how to open a url from the barcode scanner in phonegap build

i'am using the Barcode Scanner for phonegap build, How would i retrieve the QR Codes URL data and display the webpage into a Iframe or div
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$("#scanner_mode").click(function() {
function (result) {
alert("We got a barcode\n" +
"Result: " + result.text + "\n" +
"Format: " + result.format + "\n" +
"Cancelled: " + result.cancelled);
function (error) {
alert("Scanning failed: " + error);
Right i have tried this but its not working, so how would i get the src of a iframe to load result.text url
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$("#scanner_mode").click(function() {
function (result) {
document.getElementById("frame").src = result.text;
function (error) {
alert("Scanning failed: " + error);
yep so its working :)
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$("#scanner_mode").click(function() {
function (result) {
document.getElementById("frame").src = result.text;
function (error) {
alert("Scanning failed: " + error);
that works :)

Shopify API return custom message

I am using the shopify ajax api to add products to my customers cart, and have a js file with the following code
Shopify.onError = function(error) {
alert('Error: ' + error.message);
Shopify.onCartUpdate = function(cart) {
alert("There are now "+ cart.item_count + " items in the cart.");
Shopify.onItemAdded = function(line_item) {
alert(line_item.title + ' Was aloted to your shopping cart');
Shopify.onProduct = function(product) {
alert('Received everything we ever wanted to know about '+ product.title);
which i was under the impression would depending on the ajax result return one of the above messages
i am making the call with the following statement
<button class="button" onclick="Shopify.addItem(jQuery('#add_item').val(), jQuery('#add_item_qty').val());return false"><i class="foundicon-cart"></i> Add to cart</button>
which is working though returning the default messages
It appears to be a syntax issue }, should be };, for example:
Shopify.onCartUpdate = function(cart) {
alert("There are now "+ cart.item_count + " items in the cart.");
should be
Shopify.onCartUpdate = function(cart) {
alert("There are now "+ cart.item_count + " items in the cart.");

MVC 3 & Uploadify - how to show custom error message?

After uploading a file, before I save it on the disk, I'm doing some validation.
If something fails, I want to show my custom error message to the user.
I've found something sililar here Uploadify: show error message from HTTP response
How to do this in MVC 3 ?
Taken straight from ab mvc3 app that I'm working on right now:
<script type="text/javascript">
function initupLoadify() {
uploader: '#Url.Content("~/scripts/swf/uploadify.swf")',
script: '#Url.Action("Upload", "Home")',
cancelImg: '#Url.Content("~/Content/cancel.png")',
auto: true,
sizeLimit: 5500000,
fileDataName: 'fileData',
//scriptData: { 'propertyId': $("#PropertyID").val() },
buttonText: 'Add Schedule',
wmode: 'transparent',
//buttonImg: '#Url.Content("~/Content/button.png")', // make nice gradient image for button
onComplete: function (event, queueId, fileObj, response) {
// do something
setTimeout(2000, window.location = '#Url.Action("Index")' + '?id=' + response);
return true;
onCancel: function (evt, queueId, fileObj, data) {
$("#msg").html("<br />Operation cancelled");
return true;
onOpen: function (evt, queueId, fileObj) {
$("#msg").html("<br />Upload in progress");
return true;
onError: function (event, queueId, fileObj, errorObj) {
$("#msg").html( + " was not uploaded ");
if (errorObj.status == 404)
$("#msg").html("Could not find upload script. Use a path relative to: " + "<?= getcwd() ?>");
else if (errorObj.type === "HTTP")
$("#msg").html("error " + errorObj.type + ": " + errorObj.status);
else if (errorObj.type === "File Size")
$("#msg").html( + " " + errorObj.type + " Limit: " + / 1000 + " KB");
$("#msg").html("error " + errorObj.type + ": " + errorObj.text);
hope this helps
Here is an MVC 3 example.
If you're using versions 3.0+ use onUploadComplete instead of onComplete (realize their parameters differ).
