TypeScript garbled characters with Visual Studio - visual-studio

I've used Sublime Text and WebStorm, and now I am trying to use Visual Studio to code TypeScript.
But characters garble in new project as below:
Source code:
Evaluated string:
I've never met this problem before start using Visual Studio. Why? What is different from Sublime Text and WebStorm?

Due to a missing BOM header (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark). Go to advanced save options :
And save as UTF8.


Refactor on save in Visual Studio 2019

I love Prettier for VS Code. I want to do similar things in Visual Studio (2019).
It now has 'Wrap, indent, and align parameters or arguments' for example (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/reference/wrap-align-indent-parameters?view=vs-2019); and I'd like to do this automatically whenever I save the file.
Does anyone know if this is possible? Or if there's a free extension that can do this?
Mads Kristensen (a Microsoft employee who makes scads of Visual Studio extensions and teaches you to too!) made a JsPrettier extension for "classic" Visual Studio (ie, not VS Code):
It does not format on save if you set that up in its settings.
If it's literally Prettier in Visual Studio that you're after, this isn't a bad option.
I don't know of a free plugin but you can get quite a long way towards this with some muscle memory and the built in autoformat command.
will do code indentation and formatting, and save the file.
If you have Resharper (sorry), there's a configurable code cleanup tool which will do what you want and CTRL+E, CTRL+F, CTRL+S will do the cleanup and save.
The Format document on Save VS extension does exactly what you want, with one exception. It automatically runs Visual Studio's code cleanup command on save.
Visual Studio's code cleanup commands covers many code style preferences and can be configured with a .editorconfig file. Unfortunately one thing that is not supported by VS yet (not counting Resharper) is line wrap preferences. There is an open ticket for this: dotnet/roslyn#33872
If and when Roslyn supports line wrap preferences (presumably as a new .editorconfig preference), then Visual Studio code cleanup will enforce it and the extension will apply it on save.

Visual Studio extension: How to make editor text behave like a link

I would like to write a Visual Studio extension, that makes a part of the text behave like a link: blue, underlined on hover, open a URL on click. (Like the default editor works for http://... texts.)
I can do classification (coloring) and also custom adornments and commands, so I could probably make this "manually", but I wonder if there is an easier way to do that.
I am interested to do this in normal Visual Studio (2017 or newer), not VS Code.
You can use UrlTag.
On how to use tags see Walkthrough: Highlight text and Visual Studio 2017 Extension development tutorial part 5: Highlight code in Editor.

Cant save BIML file in Visual Studio

I have just started trying to use BIML to generate my SSIS packages. Im currently using VIsual studio 2015 to do everything.
When I add a new BIML file to the project it appears in the Solution explore and I can open the file and edit it. But when I save and close and reopen none of the changes where saved. Is there a setting that i need to change in Visual Studio? Currently I have to edit this file through the use of Notepad++ or something similar.
Visual Studio ScreenShot
As a work around to this issue, you could right click on the file you wish to edit and choose XML (Text) Editor.
Sadly you'll loose intellisence for the C# code
If you open a file twice, once in the BIML editor and once in the XML editor then you can view side by side making your changes in XML but viewing nice formatting in BIML...

How to include special characters when selecting text in the Visual Studio editor

I've recently started following the recommendation to use $ as the first character in the name of all jQuery variables, so it's easy to differentiate them from normal JavaScript variables.
Unfortunately the JS editor in Visual Studio 2010 doesn't pick up the $ when I double-click to select a word, or when searching for "whole word".
I know some text editors (Textpad, for example) allow you to tweak which characters are included in words. Is there any way to control this in Visual Studio?
This doesn't really answer the question, but the problem has gone away as the $ symbol is included automatically in VS 2012 and beyond.

visual studio 2010 Character encoding

After creating a batch file in visual studio, I get an error when I run it about invalid characters. Does anyone know the default character encoding for txt files?
The default encoding for a text file in Visual Studio 2010 is UTF-8.
Therefore if you need to use ANSI I would recommend created the file outside of VS and then drag it to the project or add existing file to get it in the project. From their VS will respect the file encoding.
