Is there way to determine Last Access Time of the Azure storage files apart from log analytics . So, does anyone ever come across this situation, what would be the best way to achieve this? Or am I too concerned about this?
Thank you in advanced.
In Azure file storage, there is no option till date to know the last opened/viewed/accessed time, but there is a possibility to get to know about the last modified file. In case you are looking for that, here's a C# way:
CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("<Your Connection string>");
CloudFileClient cloudFileClient = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();
CloudFileShare cloudFileShare = cloudFileClient.GetShareReference("<Your File Share Name>");
IEnumerable<IListFileItem> fileShareItemsList = cloudFileShare.GetRootDirectoryReference().ListFilesAndDirectories();
foreach (IListFileItem listItem in fileShareItemsList)
if (listItem is CloudFile) // Checking direct files under the root directory for now
CloudFile file = (CloudFile)listItem;
file.FetchAttributes(); // this is mandatory to fetch modified time
DateTime lastModifiedTime = file.Properties.LastModified; // Here's the time!
// Use it in your logic..
Conveniently this is blank in the JS Docs
Does an ACL have to be explicitly applied when each User is created?
I had the same question. The following appears to work, applied right after new User is created (before calling the signUp method):
var user = new Parse.User();
user.set( userObj )
var acl = new Parse.ACL();
// apply desired ACL methods here..
// by default, public read/write will be restricted
user.setACL( acl );
user.signUp( null, ... )
Initially, I tried passing user into new Parse.ACL() per Parse's docs, but that was not working.
(I'm now reading up on the Cloud Code because perhaps such security logic be better done there?)
How can I "pair" multiple users, and have them access the same data - perhaps some of the users in a group having read only rights? As a use case, think of a family sharing calendars, each using their own login, but being able to see each other's calendar.
You should have a look at Roles and Security in the Parse docs.
I'm no expert, but I would assume that you would create a role for a family and then restrict the access to either classes or objects (depending on your approach) with Access Control Lists. In that way you can have a group/role that has the same permissions for same objects and classes.
Adapted from the docs:
Creating a role
// By specifying no write privileges for the ACL, we can ensure the role cannot be altered.
var roleACL = new Parse.ACL();
var familyRole = new Parse.Role("MyFamilyRole", roleACL);;
var calEvent = new Parse.Object("CalendarEvent");
var familyACL = new Parse.ACL();
familyACL.setRoleReadAccess("MyFamilyRole", true);
This can of course be done more efficiently by using defaultACLs and other functionality. But these are the basics.
Btw, I reference the JS api, since you didn't specify a platform.
I have a question on how to revoke access to all objects (documents, emails etc) from all users leaving READ access only, in Documentum. Having being searched around the internet, no answers were found. Thanks for your help.
As part of the test, I was trying to do this on one user ONLY. My attempts involved changing Security Permissions in DA (Documentum Administration) and change owner_name in DQL. But none of these attempts seems to work.
Any suggestions? Much appreciated
The short of it is that you need to remove or change access on the objects themselves (folders, documents, etc.).
You can create a new permission set (ACL) that contains the permissions you want (in this case, READ permission) under the Security section in Documentum Administrator. You can either create a group and assign them the READ permission, or just use the dm_world group and assign it READ. Remove the other access permissions you don't want.
If you use a group other than dm_world you will need to assign all the users to this group under User Management.
Then, use DQL to apply your new permission set to all of your folders and documents.
You can create an ACL with READ permission using API as below:
Sample ACL
you can modify the existing ACL using API as below:
retrieve,c,dm_acl where object_name = 'existing_acl_name'
I have faced a similar situation and I found to ways to approach it . One way which is an easy way would be to create a new acl with all the permissions and group you wish to have access which can be done as follow :
String aclName = "your_acl_name";
String aclDescription = "your_acl_description";
//create your acl object :
IDfACL acl = (IDfACL)_session.newObject("dm_acl"); acl.setObjectName(newAcl.toString());
IDfPermit permit = new DfPermit();
//you may need to change the value of the next line based on your objectve
//Finally grant the permit you've created above :
then update the acl name of your previous object to the one you've just created as follow (DQL) :
Update dm_folder set acl_name = 'your_acl_name' where object_name = 'your_object_name'
or use the more straight forward way which is by using DFCsas below :
//First you must fetch the acl you're going to edit ==>
IDfACL acl = session.getObjectByQualification("dm_acl where object_name='" + "your_acl_name" + "'");
//This will produce a dql for fetching your acl based on it's name from dm_acl object table
I hope that this would help you as it worked for me :)
Some functions, like ExtAudioFileOpenURL, only accept URLs to as a path to a file. This is fine but what if your file is within a container or a memory buffer, is it still possible to create a URL to point to this?
char * w = read_sample_bytes(...);
CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateForBuffer(..., w, ...);
ExtAudioFileOpenURL(url, &extAudioFile);
or will I have to extract the data to a temporary file and create a url to that?
Presumably, you would first create an AudioFileID with AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks, then wrap the result using ExtAudioFileWrapAudioFileID for the ExtAudioFile APIs you will need. No CF/NS-URL is required to create/read files in memory using this approach.
You can't create a URL to a region of memory.
For your specific purpose, you'll have to either do what Justin suggested or use Audio Queue Services.