How to block Windows phone build in phonegap - phonegap-build

I don't want windows phone build when i pull latest code in the phonegap site. I want only Android Build. I have attached the screen shot.

You can select target platforms in your configuration file.
To build for Android only, add this line to your config.xml:
<gap:platform name="android" />
Related PhoneGap documentation page


How to debug a Cordova app showing blank screen in XCode Simulator

We inherited an app where the frontend is built in Vue 2 and the mobile app built with cordova-ios (6.2.0) and cordova-android (10.1.1). It has built ok and loaded in the XCode (13.2.1) simulator until recently.
It's got some fairly old packages which I upgraded, and managed to get it to run both in vue ui and Android Studio (Chipmunk). (I had upgraded the packages because somewhere along the line that build broke -- so I deleted node_modules and package-lock.json, then upgraded packages one by one until I got it working again.)
However, when I do the Cordova build for iOS, open the project in XCode, do an XCode build, then open it up in a simulator, the screen is completely blank.
These are the only files that changed in version control between releases:
(various Vue files under src/views)
I'm fairly new to mobile development so don't really know how to proceed. How would I go about debugging the project (simulator, XCode, whatever) to see what has broken?
Any extra information you need please ask.
Edit 1: Avinash's suggestion about debugging via Safari Dev Console was a good tip (thanks Avinash). I've checked the app HTML vs a working build and it seems somehow the injection of the app content into <div id="app"> is not happening. In the android version it's fine, so maybe something in the cordova build is not happy.
There's an error message in the debug logging in XCode saying it could not load the "LaunchStoryboard" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier which is also different from the output in a working build.
Avinash's suggestion is spot on in that it can help troubleshoot startup problems (I've had to do this a bunch of times myself). From your update, it sounds like there's an issue with the splash screen configuration.
There's some iOS specific documentation for the splash screen plugin on the Cordova documentation website. A couple tips that might be useful in tracking down the issue:
You can use a single image for the splash screen if desired. I've got just one defined for my app (the needed dimensions are defined in the Cordova docs above):
<platform name="iOS">
<splash src="www/res/screen/ios/Default#2x~universal~anyany.png" />
I have also run into issues where the storyboard file has gotten corrupted, probably by me falling on my keyboard and clicking on something while the editor was open. To rebuild, you can remove and re-add the iOS platform:
$ cordova platform rm ios
$ cordova platform add ios
This should copy over the splash image and rebuild the storyboard file.

How to get updated properly an Ionic 4 app to upload it on Google Play store?

i recently upload an app on GooglePS but i've got few warnings about the SDK im targeting, It seems i'm targeting 27 Sdk and it should be 29 (Don't understand about this to be honest) what is the properly way to maintenance it to the last target and to reach all the android versions possible? Any guide for to keep it up to date? Thank you very much
To up your app to api 29 you can add this to your config.xml
<preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="29"/>
Add this after <platform name="android">
And just build your app.

Why are my Xamarin UWP Images not showing up on device?

I am developing a Xamarin UWP app using ffimageloading. The images show up just fine on the Windows Phone emulator that I am running through Visual Studio, but when I deploy it to a device through the device portal all of the images are missing.
<ffimageloading:CachedImage Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1"
Source="{helpers:ImageResource}" />
The issue was the build configuration. By turning off "Compile with .NET Native tool chain" on the Build tab of Properties for the Release configuration of the main UWP app and deploying the app with WinAppDeployCmd.exe
I had the same problem whenever I kept the image file inside any folder (for. eg assests). But later i started keeping the images file in the main project folder; I didn't keep them inside any folders and they started to show up in the application.
To get "Compile with .NET Native tool chain" working you have to use UWP-specific overload of the Forms.Init call which allows to correctly include FFImageLoading assemblies for Xamarin.Forms usage:
// you'll need to add `using System.Reflection;`
List<Assembly> assembliesToInclude = new List<Assembly>();
//Now, add in all the assemblies your app uses
assembliesToInclude.Add(typeof (FFImageLoadingAssembliesHere).GetTypeInfo().Assembly);
//Also do this for all your other 3rd party libraries
Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(e, assembliesToInclude);
// replaces Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(e);
I also had the issue with images not showing up on my UWP app. The images were showing up on my Android project but not UWP. For me the solution was to add the file extension. For some reason "myimage" works on Android but not on UWP, has to include the file extension like "myimage.png". Just wanna leave this here for anyone else potentially experiencing the same issue.

Phonegap Build Windows Phone change pin to start text

So i've been building a windows phone app with phonegap build. I'm using the config.xml file. Does anyone know how to change the pin to start text?
This may not be relevant to Phonegap Build but I had exactly the same problem when building a WP8 app locally. I found the only way to change this is by doing the following:
In your Phonegap project, open platforms\wp8\Properties\WMAppManifest.xml in a text editor.
Change the value of Title.
Un-pin the app and then re-pin. The title should now be updated.
This doesn't feel like the right way to do this but changing the PhoneGap config.xml doesn't seem to make any difference.

XCode + Phonegap + Sencha Can I deploy to other platforms?

I have to start work on phone gap. Till now i have found out that Sencha is a good way for developing ui thus i have chosen to use Phonegap + Sencha. I came to know that i can export the "www" folder to eclipse to deploy the app on android if I use Phonegap. So my question is, will I still be able to deploy it on android if I also use Sencha with Phonegap?? If so, how? I am following this url for developing in iOS:
use phone gap build service for any platform like
1) Android
2) iphone
and many more
for android in eclipse you will get the .apk file
for using phoneGap build service (which is free) you can get .apk file
phone gap build service
