Tests not run automatically - ruby

I'm trying to setup Guard in my Exercism folder, so that all tests are automatically run (using guard-minitest).
The folder structure looks like this:
├── exercism
└── ruby
   ├── bob
   │   ├── bob.rb
   │   ├── bob_test.rb
   ├── etl
   │   ├── etl.rb
   │   ├── etl_test.rb
   └── binary_search_tree
      ├── bst.rb
      ├── binary_search_tree.rb
      └── README.md
Due to the unusual folder structure, I made the following configuration in the Guardfile:
# tell Guard to watch all folders under ruby/
all_dirs = Dir.glob('ruby/*')
directories all_dirs
options = {
test_folders: all_dirs,
test_file_patterns: '*_test.rb',
pride: true
guard :minitest, options do
With this setup I expect that all my tests will be run after any edit to a .rb file.
I run guard in debug mode.
All tests run on startup, as expected.
However, when I edit a .rb file the tests are not run again, although Guard outputs this:
20:43:26 - DEBUG - Interactor was stopped or killed
20:43:26 - DEBUG - Hook :run_on_additions_begin executed for Guard::Minitest
20:43:26 - DEBUG - Hook :run_on_additions_end executed for Guard::Minitest
20:43:26 - DEBUG - Start interactor
I tried many variations in the guard configuration, such as:
watch(%r{^ruby/([^/]+)/([^/]+).rb$}) do |m|
(I expect this to only run the test from the folder in which a file was modified.)
Nothing seems to work. I have to go to guard's interactive console and press ENTER to get tests to run.
What am I doing wrong?
After reading Cezary's answer below, I tried some more things, including trying this on other environments.
It turns out it wasn't guard's fault, but probably the environment I was using.
I initially ran everything in a Codio box.
I moved the project to other two machines, a Win8 and an Ubuntu 14.04, and it works fine on both using this Guardfile:
all_dirs = Dir.glob('ruby/*')
directories all_dirs
clearing :on
options = {
test_folders: all_dirs,
test_file_patterns: '*_test.rb',
pride: true
guard :minitest, options do
watch(%r{^ruby/([^/]+)/([^/]+).rb$}) do |m|
file = Dir.glob("ruby/#{m[1]}/*_test.rb").first
puts " Should test #{file}"
The output of guard -d is as follows:
On the Codio box (where it doesn't work):
<!-- language: lang-none -->
08:55:09 - DEBUG - Interactor was stopped or killed
Should test ruby/anagram/anagram_test.rb
08:55:09 - DEBUG - Hook :run_on_additions_begin executed for Guard::Minitest
08:55:09 - DEBUG - Hook :run_on_additions_end executed for Guard::Minitest
08:55:09 - DEBUG - Start interactor
[1] guard(main)>
On Win/Ubuntu (where it works fine):
<!-- language: lang-none -->
11:02:10 - DEBUG - Interactor was stopped or killed
Should test ruby/anagram/anagram_test.rb
11:02:10 - DEBUG - Hook :run_on_modifications_begin executed for Guard::Minitest
11:02:10 - INFO - Running: ruby/anagram/anagram_test.rb
Run options: --seed 52507
# Running tests:
Finished tests in 0.001249s, 8006.0205 tests/s, 8006.0205 assertions/s.
10 tests, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
11:02:10 - DEBUG - Hook :run_on_modifications_end executed for Guard::Minitest
11:02:10 - DEBUG - Start interactor
[1] guard(main)>
I don't know why on Codio I get run_on_additions and on the other two I get run_on_modifications.
Anyway, I guess that's a Codio issue. I tried with and without Manual Save and it's the same.

Hi I'm one of the guys "reponsible" for Guard, and based on this I wrote a walkthrough: https://github.com/guard/guard/wiki/Understanding-Guard
I highly recommend going through it (feedback appreciated).
Here's a list of things to consider:
structure: if you can, put tests in a separate top folder, ideally 'ruby/test' in your example, and the files in 'ruby/lib'. This is closer to the convention and then things like Guard::Minitest would work out of the box. (Some editors - like Vim and Emacs - allow you to switch between "alternative" files and they will automatically know where to look for tests or implementation files).
Guard watches directories recursively (and this can't even be turned off right now). For small projects, you can just watch everything by not specifying a directories option. But, if you have lots of disk activity in your folder and you have large projects, you'll want to select directories. E.g. in your case, it would be: directories ruby. So `Dir.glob('ruby/*') doesn't make much sense here.
Guard::Minitest options - if you use the structure I described, this shouldn't be necessary. If not, I think having test_folder: %w(ruby) should be enough. Also, test_file_patterns shouldn't be necessary, since your files seem to following the defaults/convention (bob_test.rb and etl_test.rb) - unless you have something really strange as having test suites inside the bob.rb and etl.rb files.
Your watch expression has no block, so it returns the files changed. Unfortunately, when you change an implementation file (like bob.rb), that file is passed to Guard::Minitest, which ignore non-test files (probably using the test_file_patterns option, so since bob.rb won't match bob_test.rb, Guard::Minitest will quietly do ... nothing.
Ideally, rename your Guardfile, update your gems (Guard::Minitest basically) and run bundle exec guard init minitest to so what the "current" recommended template is for Guard::Minitest and try to tweak that instead. You'll see that the default has:
watch(%r{^lib/(.*/)?([^/]+)\.rb$}) { |m| "test/#{m[1]}test_#{m[2]}.rb" }
which shows how to translate changed implementations files into test files (which are the only files Guard::Minitest cares about).
In your case you may want:
watch(%r{^ruby/(.*/)?([^/]+)\.rb$}) { |m| "ruby/#{m[1]}/#{m[2]}_test.rb" }
I'd say the regexen are horrible - and I'm planning to implement glob pattern support - but this will take a while (lots of critical bug fixes in the pipeline for me).
If this doesn't help - definitely go through the Wiki document above, since there are about 20-50 problems you can have with Guard/Listen - and most are completely outside Guard's/Listen's control. (I wish I could change this to make it simpler, so any suggestions would be helpful).
Since bugs are a priority for me, like most maintainers - we rely on issues reported int GitHub. So we don't usually watch stuff in Stack Overflow (we expect tough issues to be reported in Github).
Ok, I've pointed out so many things wrong, time for stuff you did very, very well:
Running Guard in debug mode - you're AWESOME for doing that
Showing output regarding the changes - you're AWESOME for doing that as well (since this shows the Guard::Minitest is getting the changes, but it's ignoring them - likely since you're passing implementation files and not test files).
Submitting such a detailed issue - that's so helpful. Ideally, you shouldn't have gone through all the trouble (or even had the issue in the first place), but by reporting this you're showing us what is wrong with Guard on so many levels. (Often, as developers/maintainers we "get" the internals, so we "know" what's wrong immediately - even though the docs or messages or debug output says nothing to others - so issues like this help us help others very much).
Thanks again for this - if you ever see other people with issues you can resolve - please do so. If you see obvious bugs or issues in Guard - please open an issue in Guard. If it's in another plugin repository (like Guard::Minitest), just mention me so that important issues aren't ignored (mention me as #e2 on GitHub).
I do hope to make Guard better - currently I'm working hard to make it simpler, more intuitive, more flexible and more reliable. The more I can count on people reporting broken stuff, the faster I can move ahead with cool stuff.
Thanks again and have a great day!

I had a similar issue when wanting to use Guard with any new Ruby Exercism exercise I'd pull down: running the full test suite would work, but tests would not run automatically when files changed. What I did in order to get this working was the following:
Create a common Guardfile and place it at ~/exercism/ruby/Guardfile with the following content:
# frozen_string_literal: true
group :red_green_refactor, halt_on_fail: true do
guard :minitest,
all_on_start: false,
test_folders: ["."] do
# Re-test test files when they're edited.
watch(%r{\A.+_test\.rb\z}) { |m| "./#{m[1]}" }
# Run the test file of the (non-test) file that was edited.
watch(%r{\A(.+)(?<!_test)\.rb\z}) { |m| "./#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
guard :rubocop,
all_on_start: false,
cli: ["--display-cop-names"] do
# Only run Rubocop over implementation files only
# as test files are not written by me.
watch(%r{(?:.+/)?\.rubocop\.yml\z}) { |m| File.dirname(m[0]) }
When running Guard within an exercise folder, always specifically reference this Guardfile ie guard --guardfile ~/exercism/ruby/Guardfile.
Some specific gotchas here about the Guardfile configuration:
The test_folders option, the locations where guard-minitest will go looking for test files, defaults to %w[test spec]. This is fine for any standard Ruby project, but not for Exercism, where the test file and the implementation file are in the same directory. So, it needed to be changed to ["."] to specify that.
In the blocks for the Minitest watch methods, the string returned needs to look like a path, otherwise the tests will just not run when a file is changed (with no error output or indication that something went wrong). For example:
watch(%r{\A.+_test\.rb\z}) { |m| "#{m[1]}" } will not work. It has to be watch(%r{\A.+_test\.rb\z}) { |m| "./#{m[1]}" }.


How to split Dangerfile to multiple smaller files

I am trying to split Dangerfile into multiple files and call them from the main Dangerfile.
I tried this way,
In the parent Dangerfile
puts "Branch #{github.branch_for_base} #{git.lines_of_code}"
require_relative "scripts/large_diff.rb"
warn 'Some warning'
And in the scripts/large_diff.rb
puts '---->>>>'
puts github.pr_json.inspect
puts '<<<<---->>>>'
puts github.inspect
puts '<<<<----'
But this gives this error
You used `puts` in your Dangerfile. To print out text to GitHub use `message` instead
Branch release/abc/xyz 304
bundler: failed to load command: danger (/Users/runner/work/my-proj/my-proj/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.0.0/bin/danger)
/Users/runner/work/my-proj/my-proj/scripts/large_diff.rb:2:in `<top (required)>': \e[31m (Danger::DSLError)
[!] Invalid `Dangerfile` file: undefined local variable or method `github' for main:Object. Updating the Danger gem might fix the issue. Your Danger version: 8.5.0, latest Danger version: 8.6.1
# from Dangerfile:3
# -------------------------------------------
# puts "Branch #{github.branch_for_base} #{git.lines_of_code}"
> require_relative "scripts/large_diff.rb"
# warn 'Big PR, split it into smaller ones'
# -------------------------------------------
from Dangerfile:3:in `require_relative'
from Dangerfile:3:in `eval_file'
from /Users/runner/work/bitrise-comment/bitrise-comment/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.0.0/gems/danger-8.5.0/lib/danger/danger_core/dangerfile.rb:311:in `eval'
from /Users/runner/work/bitrise-comment/bitrise-comment/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.0.0/gems/danger-8.5.0/lib/danger/danger_core/dangerfile.rb:311:in `eval_file'
I know this is because the github object is not avaialble in the child danger file. How can I use variables and functions (the object github functions warn, fail etc) available in Parent Dangerfile also in the child danger file?
PS: I am new to ruby :)
What you're trying to do is not so much Ruby-specific but rather a way of how things are done with Danger. One of the ways to split the file into several smaller ones would be to dedicate a folder for these smaller danger files. Here's an example of such a structure
├── Dangerfile
└── checks
├── large_diff
│   └── Dangerfile
└── other_check
└── Dangerfile
Then in the main Dangerfile, you can just reference the other ones like so
danger.import_dangerfile(path: 'checks/large_diff')
danger.import_dangerfile(path: 'checks/other_check')
It doesn't really matter how you name the directories, but Danger will expect to find a file named Dangerfile in that directory. Personally, I prefer this approach, but there are other methods like importing a Dangerfile from a gem or creating a Danger plugin and calling it through danger.import_plugin(...) See the reference for more info - https://danger.systems/reference.html

Ruby test-unit not showing summary after tests

Normally Ruby test-unit will display a summary of tests run after they are finished, something like this:
Finished in 0.117158443 seconds.
10 tests, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
298.74 tests/s, 0.00 assertions/s
This was working, but now something has changed and when the unit tests are run it shows the dots but then stops. I tried re-organizing some test file into different directories and made absolutely sure to change the filepaths in the testrunner. Also, the dots do not match the number of tests/assertions.
Loaded suite test
.................$prompt> // <<-- does not put newline here.
I notice that if I run the testrunner from another directory, the summary will show, but it will cause errors with the test dependencies. I should be able to run the testrunner from the same directory. This is an example of the testrunner I am using: https://test-unit.github.io/test-unit/en/file.how-to.html. What are the reasons that this would not display at the end?
Seems like it could be an issue with not having the test-unit.yml file in the same directory as which you run the script.
See here in the code or in the same section in that document you posted.
See how it's configured here, for example:
runner: console
color_scheme: inverted
name: red
bold: true
name: green
bold: true
This part of the code documentation really stuck out:
# ## Test Runners
# So, now you have this great test class, but you still
# need a way to run it and view any failures that occur
# during the run. There are some test runner; console test
# runner, GTK+ test runner and so on. The console test
# runner is automatically invoked for you if you require
# 'test/unit' and simply run the file. To use another
# runner simply set default test runner ID to
# Test::Unit::AutoRunner:
Maybe you need to have that runner specified in your YML file?
Without seeing how you are calling your script and your directory organization, it will be hard to tell what is causing that issue but I think it begins with it not reading that yaml file for instance.
If all else fails, let me recommend two great unit testing libraries for Ruby if you feel compelled to switch to a more widely-used library:
Edit: You could also revert your directories to be in the same order as before and hardcode in your Gemfile for that test-unit gem the last version that worked for you, like `"test-unit": "3.4.0".

Testing a Jekyll site with rspec and capybara, getting a bizarre race-case on rspec start

So check this out: it appears as though, upon running bundle exec rspec, there's a race between jekyll serve and puma/rspec's boot up. Sometimes I run the command, and my tests run fine. Other times, I get the error for each of my spec files: cannot load such file -- /path/to/project/sitename_jekyll/_layouts/spec/form_spec.rb which is interesting cause that's not where my spec files are located. They're in /path/to/project/sitename_jekyll/spec/form_spec.rb.
What's crazy is that I can literally just re-run the command over and over and over again and sometimes it'll go through and run the spec tests in the correct location, and sometimes it'll look for them in _layouts and error out. It probably runs correctly maybe once out of ever three or five attempts. All the other times I get the following errors:
Here's what my spec_helper.rb looks like: https://gist.github.com/johnhutch/2cddfafcde0485ff021501d5696c0c2d
And here's an example test file:
My .rspec only contains two lines:
--require spec_helper
And here's the output, both successful and unsuccesful, back to back:
This sounds like jekyll is changing the current directory while building the site, which since it is being run in a thread also affects the tests RSpec is trying to run (See https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/9785 for why Dir.chdir is not threadsafe) - leading to attempts to load things from incorrect locations.
A potential solution to this would be to wait for the Jekyll site to be built before actually running your tests. A comment in your spec_helper seems to state that someone thought passing force_build: true would do this but from a quick perusal of the jekyll-rack code I don't think that's true and you actually need to wait for compiling? to return false (v 0.5) (complete? to return true in the current master branch) to ensure building has finished (as well as passing force_build). This could either be done in a loop sleeping and checking (simpler)
sleep 0.1 while <jekyll app>.compiling?
or (if using the master branch) via the mutex/conditional Rack::Jekyll exposes like in its test suite - https://github.com/adaoraul/rack-jekyll/blob/master/test/helper.rb#L49
Note: Also check my comment about your tests that aren't actually testing anything.
As per Thomas Walpole's super helpful responses this ended up working:
sleep 0.1 while Capybara.app.compiling?
inserted right after:
51 Capybara.app = Rack::Jekyll.new(force_build: true)
in my spec_helper.rb
Thanks again, Thomas!

How to load attributes from a file to chefspec node

I have the following layout:
In the attributes files I have a lot of common settings likes
default['framework']['folder']['lib'] = '/usr/lib/fwrk'
I would like to use them in my chefspec, like
it 'install the lib if there are changes' do
lib_path = chef_run.node['framework']['folder']['lib']
How can I include this file to my node from SoloRunner/ServerRunner?
Run the .converge() first and you'll see them in there. But remember that you almost ever parameterize your tests on the same inputs on both sides, that wouldn't be a useful test since it doesn't check if the value is what you expected it to be.

Configuring guard to monitor controller sub-directories

I'm new to ruby and I'm trying to configure guard to monitor controllers in a nested directory.
Here is the directory structure
Here is the watch expression that should fire when the file my_controller.rb is edited
{ |m| [
Note that i don't have routing or acceptance tests, I'm just trying to modify the existing controller watch statement to work with the controller in a nested directory. Also, note that I was able to successfully watch the spec file for changes by adding the following line
Any insight would be appreciated.
Well, #rainkinz had it right. There was a typo in the specfile name that I couldn't see. I used the -d switch when running guard which printed debug statements that brought the error to my attention.
