nutch 1.7 keeps change filesystem to local when run from oozie - hadoop

I built and ran nutch 1.7 from command line just fine
hadoop jar apache-ntuch-1.7.job org.apache.nutch.crawl.Crawl hdfs://myserver/nutch/urls -dir hdfs://myserver/nutch/crawl -depth 5 -topN100
but when I ran the same thing from oozie, it keeps getting
Wrong FS: hdfs://myserver/nutch/crawl/crawldb/current, expected: file:///
I checked into the source, every time the code does
FileSystem fs = new JobClient(job).getFs();
the fs gets changed back to local fs.
I override all the instance of these statements, the job then dies in the fetch stage, simply says Job failed!
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.runJob(
it really appears that running from oozie causes the wrong version of JobClient class (from hadoop-core.jar) to be loaded.
Anyone saw this before?

it seems the oozie conf directory is missing the proper *-site.xml files. I added mapred-site.xml to /etc/oozie/conf/hadoop-conf directory, and this problem went away.


Getting No such file or directory error when i use shell from oozie

i am trying to run shell script from oozie, when i am using hadoop commands inside shell script, it's working fine but when i am trying to run local commands, i am getting no such file or directory exception.
hadoop fs -touchz /user/123/test.txt
this script is working, when i use NFS path or local path i am getting
"No such file or directory" exception,
touch /HDFS/user/123/test.txt
is there anything i am missing, please let me know, '/HDFS' is NFS path.
The thing is all the Oozie workflows will be executed by the Oozie server so if you have the directory /HDFS/user/123 created already in the Oozie server, it will work.
So the solution to make it work would be configuring the NFS to work with (attach) the Oozie server.
After clarifying some of my own unknowns, what I had mentioned above is not entirely correct. Here is my updated answer:
When you, the client, submit the Oozie job, with YARN, it goes to the ResourceManager which then negotiates and routes it to any of the NodeManagers, so for your case to work, you would have to have the NFS mount configured on all of the NodeManagers to work properly.

Spark 2.0.1 not finding file passed in through archives flag

I was running Spark job which make use of other files that is passed in through --archives flag of spark
spark-submit .... --archives hdfs:///user/{USER}/{some_folder}.zip .... {file_to_run}.py
Spark is currently running on YARN and when I tried it with spark version 1.5.1 it was fine.
However, when I ran the same commands with spark 2.0.1, I got
ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: Cannot run program "/home/{USER}/{some_folder}/.....": error=2, No such file or directory
Since the resource is managed by YARN, it is challenging to manually check if the file gets successfully decompressed and exist when the job runs.
I wonder if anyone has experienced similar issue.

Why MR2 map task is running under 'yarn' user and not under user I ran hadoop job?

I'm trying to run mapreduce job on MR2, Hadoop ver. 2.6.0-cdh5.8.0. Job has relative path to directory which has a lot of files to be compressed based on some criteria(not really necessary for this question). I'm running my job as following:
sudo -u my_user hadoop jar my_jar.jar com.example.Main
There is a folder on HDFS under path /user/my_user/ with files. But when I'm running my job I got following exception: File /user/yarn/<path_from_job> does not exist.
I'm migrating this job from MR1 where this job is working correctly. My suggestion is this is happening due to YARN, because each container started under YARN user. In my job configuration I've tried to set"my_user" but this didn't help.
I've found ${user.home} usage in me Job configuration, but I don't know aware where it is set and is it possible to change this.
The only solution I found so far is to provide absolute path to folder. Is there any other way around, because I feel like this is not correct approach.
Thank you

Hadoop on Mesos fails with "Could not find or load main class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MesosExecutor"

I have a Mesos cluster setup -- I have verified that the master can see the slaves -- but when I attempt to run a Hadoop job, all tasks wind up with a status of LOST. The same error is present in all the slave stderr logs:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MesosExecutor
and that is the only line in the stderr logs.
Following the instructions on, I have put a modified Hadoop distribution on HDFS which each slave can access.
In the lib directory of the Hadoop distribution, I have added hadoop-mesos-0.0.4.jar and mesos-0.14.2.jar.
I have verified that each slave does in fact download this Hadoop distribution, and that hadoop-mesos-0.0.4.jar contains the class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MesosExecutor, so I cannot figure out why the class cannot be found.
I am using Hadoop from CDH4.4.0 and mesos-0.15.0-rc4.
Does any one have any suggestions as to what might be the problem? I know I would always start with a CLASSPATH problem, but, in this case, the mesos-slave is downloading, unpacking, and attempting to run a Hadoop TaskTracker so I would imagine any CLASSPATH would be setup by the mesos-slave.
In the stdout of the slave logs, the environment is printed. There is a MESOS_HADOOP_HOME which is empty. Should this be set to something? If it is supposed to be set to the downloaded Hadoop distribution, I cannot set it in advance because the Hadoop distribution is downloaded to a new location every time.
In the event that is related (some permissions issue maybe), when attempting to browse slave logs via the master UI, I get the error Error browsing path: ....
The user running mesos-slave can browse to the correct directory when I do so manually.
I found the problem. bin/hadoop of the downloaded Hadoop distribution attempts to find its location by running which $0. However, that will find a current Hadoop installation if one exists (i.e. /usr/lib/hadoop), and will load the jars under that installation's lib directory instead of the downloaded one's lib directory.
I had to modify bin/hadoop of the downloaded distribution to find its own location with dirname $0 instead of which $0.

Using different hadoop-mapreduce-client-core.jar to run hadoop cluster

I'm working on a hadoop cluster with CDH4.2.0 installed and ran into this error. It's been fixed in later versions of hadoop but I don't have access to update the cluster. Is there a way to tell hadoop to use this jar when running my job through the command line arguments like
hadoop jar MyJob.jar -D hadoop.mapreduce.client=hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.0.0-cdh4.2.0.jar
where the new mapreduce-client-core.jar file is the patched jar from the ticket. Or must hadoop be completely recompiled with this new jar? I'm new to hadoop so I don't know all the command line options that are possible.
I'm not sure how that would work as when you're executing the hadoop command you're actually executing code in the client jar.
Can you not use MR1? The issue says this issue only occurs when you're using MR2, so unless you really need Yarn you're probably better using the MR1 library to run your map/reduce.
