Button clicker Google multiplayer iOS - xcode

when compilear the Google example I can't get the authorization to create a game room.
All is ok in the Google console. The constants file have my app Id. What's is missing?

In the file Constants.h
// Update the following value with your Client ID, // Refer
for more information //
define CLIENT_ID #"REPLACE_ME" //<----------------- HERE
And change
change the Bundle Identifier from com.example.ButtonClicker to
something appropriate for your Provisioning Profile. (It will probably
look like com..ButtonClicker)


PWA builder: How to update existing app with Android Package Options

Am using https://www.pwabuilder.com/ to generate .apk file for uploading to Google Play Store.
Was able to successfully Create New and add PWA for first time to the Play Store, however some updates have been made and now need to update the PWA with latest updates.
For updating a existing app through PWAbuilder, need to change Options:
and for the Signing key section, then need to select the Use mine option:
How to get the Key file for the Signing key section?
and where to find the Key alias + Key password + Key store password?
Am having trouble finding answer specifically for this situation so if you can, please also share screenshots to help be more clear & specific.
Okay so I misunderstood and thought this key file and info is found through the Google Play Console, however when reading issue on https://github.com/pwa-builder/PWABuilder/issues/961 I came across the post by user xet7 and that contains 6 steps and I realized with their step 5:
You will get .zip file that has key file like signing.keystore that has random data, and signingKey-readme.txt that has your passwords.
so I went back to my original .zip received from PWAbuilder website during initial uploading to Google Play and found those two files:
In the signing-key-info.txt you will find the info needed for PWAbuilder's Android Package Options to fill in the Signing key section input fields: Key alias + Key password + Key store password
and the signing.keystore is the file we need for the Key file that needs to be included.
Also, make sure to update App version code and update other fields and can hit DONE button!

NativeScript geolocation set purpose message for tracking location

I'm using nativescript-vue and nativescript-geolocation plugin.
Apple doesn't approve my app because I don't specify what is the reason for geo tracking upon sending the allow request to the user (see example):
As far as I see, there is no such option in nativescript-geolocation to change that message.
Is there any other ways to change this message or perhaps there is a hidden option at nativescript-geolocation that I've missed?
Refer the plugin ReadMe file,
For a custom prompt message on IOS, the following keys are required:
NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription (iOS 11.0+) OR
NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription (iOS 8.0-10.0) and
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription. Read more about request
always usage.
You will add these keys in your App_Resources/iOS/info.plist
<string>Your message here.</string>

How to make UILabel "live"?

I would like to add text to my app so when ever I want to change the text in Xcode, the text will also change for the user. From my understanding so far, if I want to change a UILabel, I would have to submit it to the AppStore again and the user would have to update the app in order to see the UILabel text change.
Is it possible for me to add text on the app when ever I want and it will update for the user automatically?
First you should consider the solution, that will be connecting your app to certain API service.
In other words, the service that will bring fresh data to your app, will be an API, that your code will connect to. After connection and getting response from server, data from it will be transferred to the user interface of your application.
For example - your code will be set to make requests from your app using URL, looking like this:
For better imagination, if you would like to check, what this URL returns, you would type that URL to your browser. It would return some output - for example JSON, something like this:
{"label": "This is title"}
So your app (after some action, for example when a view is shown or a user taps a button) will establish connection to this URL, to be able to get this output and process it. So it will await some structure, that is needed to read by your program. In this case, the structure is a format of an output, that is JSON.
Then, your code will parse this output and gets result. So the result would be "This is title" and your UILabel would be updated with "This is title".
For URL connections and sessions, using swift3, the best choice to use is an Alamofire framework:
And this is very useful tutorial:
It explain, how to get an access to a service, that is capable to prepare your output (e.g. JSON), because your app will need to connect to it.
This tutorial is a solid guide, how to create a service like that.
You have to implement web services for this where your app will read data from some server, programmatically. And using this you can update your any type of data. I would suggest to read more about Objective C Basic, Web services, AFNNetworking, NSURLSession and all.

How to use the File API to store text data in the samsung TV?

How to use the File API to store text data in the samsung TV ?
And the data will "live" until the application uninstalled.
I implemented video api of samsung tv. When start my api, asking for user login account. But, I want to store user's login details. User don't need to enter every time login credentials. If once user logged in, and next time username and password should pre populated with details. I think file api is useful for me. But don't understand how to use it. Where to store file which is going to use or what should be extension? And how to access that file fileSystemObj.openCommonFile(curWidget.id + '/testFile.data', 'r');
what is this "curWidget.id" I mean how to use it for my app?
Please, guide me. Or if possible provide me an example.
curWidget.id is widget id of the app in the widgetlist.xml is written widget id.
I hope it is helpful for you
curWidget.id is identificator of installed widget, it is provided by smart hub. When you publish your app, it is generated by seller site.
Basic guideline about files: your app should create directory for its files. Recommened path is value of curWidget.id property.
Example available in Samsung documentation: http://samsungdforum.com/Guide/?FolderName=tec00111&FileName=index.html
var fileSystemObj = new FileSystem();
if (fileSystemObj.isValidCommonPath(curWidget.id) == 0){
var jsFileObj = fileSystemObj.openCommonFile(curWidget.id + "/data.dat","w");
/* Some code */
Your files will stay and after app uninstallation. You will have to remove them yourself. This is also covered in guide.

Where is my "receiver app URL in Developer Console"

I am following the directions here:
In order to understand how I can stream DRM videos with m3u8 to Google ChromeCast (from iOS).
Under 'Steps to setup'. The 3rd step says
Point your receiver app URL in Developer Console to
I don't know what my 'receiver app url' is. Is that referring to ?
Is this the URL you setup when you are at https://cast.google.com/publish/#/overview and you select "Add new application" of type "Custom Receiver". Then under Receiver details you are allowed to put in a 'URL'?
And for 'developer console' - I assume it's referring to?
Developer console is where you had pointed to. The receiver URL is the one you had guessed; when you create a custom receiver, you need to specify where the receiver code is to load it from and you need to point it to wherever you are serving your receiver page at.; it has nothing to do with the chromecast ip/url.
