Missing Text Editor font size setting in VS2013 - visual-studio-2013

I want to change font size in Visual Studio 2013 code editor (TextEditor setting), but this setting is missing.
However in previous VS(2012) it setting exists.
How to change font size setting in Visual Studio 2013 code editor? Ctrl+Wheel please do not offer, but is temp and bad solution for me. And why missing TextEditor option in Fonts and Colors settings?

I was found workaround. I was manually add some rows to .vssettings file (located in user/Documents and Settings/Visual Studio 2013 by default). It rows need to add to Fonts and Colors section:
<Category GUID="{58E96763-1D3B-4E05-B6BA-FF7115FD0B7B}" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="12" CharSet="1" FontIsDefault="No"/>
<Category GUID="{75A05685-00A8-4DED-BAE5-E7A50BFA929A}" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="12" CharSet="1" FontIsDefault="No"/>
<Category GUID="{E0187991-B458-4F7E-8CA9-42C9A573B56C}" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="12" CharSet="1" FontIsDefault="No"/>
<Category GUID="{FF349800-EA43-46C1-8C98-878E78F46501}" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="12" CharSet="1" FontIsDefault="No"/>
I was copy and pasted this options from working VS2012 settings.

It is because Microsoft SQL Server Tools were not installed. Rerun your visual studio's installer, and choose the button "modify", then check the item "Microsoft SQL Server Tools" and install it. After installing, everything should work.


How to stop resharper solution wide analysis?

I clicked the resharper circle on the bottom right of my visual studio and selected the solution wide code analysis.
The problem is, it got stuck at "4246 errors in 216 files". Now whenever I open up any visual studio with this project, visual studio completely freezes and I can't do anything in it.
I uninstalled resharper for one of the visual studios, which solves the freezing problem for that visual studio. But obviously, that means not having resharper.
Any ideas what I can do?
I poked around on my projects and found that the setting seems to be saved in the <yourProjectName>.csproj.DotSettings which is in the same folder as the *.csproj file.
Upon turning the settings off for a project, the following gets added to that file:
<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeInspection/Highlighting/UsageCheckingInspectionLevel/#EntryValue">Off</s:String>
You could try to create/add the file to your project and check if it works. For reference, the full file looks like this:
<wpf:ResourceDictionary xml:space="preserve" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:ss="urn:shemas-jetbrains-com:settings-storage-xaml" xmlns:wpf="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation">
<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeInspection/Highlighting/UsageCheckingInspectionLevel/#EntryValue">Off</s:String>

How do I set the icon and splash screen for a Cordova app in Visual Studio?

I am trying to make a Cordova application inside Visual Studio 2013 Professional. When I add a <icon> tag to my config.xml as well as a <splash> tag, the icon does not actually show up when I run my app.
My icon image is .png format and 128x128.
Here is the relevant section in my config.xml:
<icon src="res/icon.png"/>
<splash src="images/about.jpg"/>
Can anyone help me? I can post more code if that is necessary.
If you are using VS Tools for Apache Cordova in VS 2013, you need to provide visual assets with names and dimensions listed in this documentation here.
Our next public release of VS 2015 will support using config.xml to configure visual assets as in your sample.
You can't, Visual Studio Cordova will not, without adding a 3rd party hook which requires advanced configuration, allow you to change them.
For Visual studio
Step 1. Install Splash Screen Plugin from config.xml
Step 2. Change images for splash screens (The res\screens\platform subfolder contains splash screens for each platform).
Step 3. Run Project on Device.

Add Visual Studio "Open With" option for all file types

I'd like to add Notepad++ to the "Open With..." menu for all file types in Visual Studio 2013. I followed these directions to create it for one file (in my case, a .edmx file), but Notepad++ still does not appear as an available editor in any other type (e.g. .tt, .cd).
How do I add Notepad++ as an option for all file types, rather than adding it to each file type one by one? Many of the built-in editors (e.g. "JSON Edtior", "XML (Text) Editor") are available for all files, regardless of type, so it should be possible.
It is pretty easy. I use VS2012 and it works for me. Pretty sure this is the same for VS2013. Make sure you pick the Notepad++.exe from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\ .
You don't need any Arguments for the "Add Program" dialog box. Just specify the path to the Notepad++.exe and a friendly name. That's it.
So I looked in the CurrentSettings.vssettings file, and found that the relevant settings are at name="Environment_DefaultEditors", as in the following block:
<Category name="Environment_DefaultEditors" Category="{68161AEE-BCA8-4214-B2E4-7875263E49C5}" Package="{DA9FB551-C724-11d0-AE1F-00A0C90FFFC3}" RegisteredName="Environment_DefaultEditors" PackageName="Visual Studio Environment Package">
<PropertyValue name="NumberOfMappings">0</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="NumberOfDefaultEditors">5</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="DefaultEditor>0">cd>0>NoGuid>NoGuid</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="DefaultEditor>1">config>0>NoGuid>NoGuid</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="DefaultEditor>2">cs>0>NoGuid>NoGuid</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="DefaultEditor>3">edmx>0>NoGuid>NoGuid>1>Notepad++?"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="DefaultEditor>4">tt>0>NoGuid>NoGuid</PropertyValue>
So the PropertyValues are only generated if you try "Open With..." for the file type at least once. Also, the settings really are only on a filetype-by-filetype basis; the "Default JSON Editor" and such are hardcoded into Visual Studio.
So barring a (possible) programmatic way to edit the settings file directly, this is not possible.

VS2010 Disable outlining in xaml, (or disable outlining completely)

In Visual Studio 2010 how can I disable outlining in XAML files please? Or even better just disable outlining entirely for everything.
Every time I move the mouse from the editor pane to the Solution Explorer the mouse crosses over that stupid outlining widget and causes half the editor to start flashing, it's the most irritating thing ever.
I haven't tried it, but I believe setting
<Category name="XAML_Formatting" Category="{dac05320-0c3a-4ead-a332-8c23b0cfc130}" Package="{e58c2a8b-bcc4-4559-ad59-d62eb6d58a22}" RegisteredName="XAML_Formatting" PackageName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml">
<PropertyValue name="AutoOutlining">False</PropertyValue>
in your Visual Studio settings file (.vssettings) should work.
In order to disable outlining entirely you need to set a few more variables in that file to false.
An example of a vssettings file is avaliable here, though this isn't a recommended configuration or anything just an example.
<PropertyValue name="EnterOutliningModeOnOpen">0</PropertyValue> for the C# and J# sections
<PropertyValue name="AutoOutlining">False</PropertyValue> for XML
<PropertyValue name="Outlining">False</PropertyValue> for Basic (I presume VB)
The following values for C & C++.
<PropertyValue name="EnterOutliningModeWhenFilesOpen">false</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="AutomaticOutliningOfStatementBlocks">false</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="AutomaticOutliningOfPragmaRegions">tfalse</PropertyValue>
Regarding the GUI method of turning off outlining for various languages in Visual Studio see here.
Alternately you could implement a custom language service that has outlining disabled and that is set to override all language settings as part of your Visual Studio settings file. Though this approach is probably more trouble than it is worth.

How To: Stop Visual Studio XAML Editor from Adding mc:Ignorable

Whenever I run my Windows Phone application while the XAML page is open, Visual Studio adds the following to my XAML:
How can I stop it from doing so? I know it won't hurt me to keep it, but I don't want it in my code unless I need it.
When creating any kind of predefined document Visual Studio uses built in default templates.
For instance for Visual Studio 2010 custom template for WPF UserControl looks:
<UserControl x:Class="$rootnamespace$.$safeitemname$"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
File location at my PC: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplatesCache\CSharp\WPF\1033\WPFUserControl.zip\UserControl1.xaml
So as you can see Microsoft Team decided to include this namespace by default. I believe you can find such template for Windows Phone project as well, just look under the Visual Studio installation folder, and obviously you always can create and use own templates for any kind of document.
And what I found most neat - you do not need to restart Visual Studio in order to pickup template updates you made. I just removed mc:Ignorable from default demplate and tried to create a new UserControl - it was created using just updated template file, so Visual Studio 2010 pick up changes on the fly, this is nice, credits to Microsoft Team.
Looks like all available templates are grouped per Technology/Framework under this folder:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplatesCache\CSharp\"
I couldn't find a configuration option or registry that stops Visual Studio XAML Editor adding the mc:Ignorable to a given XAML page.
Possible ways you could stop Visual Studio adding it include:
Closing your XAML Page manually before running your application
Closing your XAML Page automatically before running your application by extending Visual Studio (resources here) or using macros (macros are removed from Visual Studio 11 and onwards)
Setting the editor for editing XAML to just use the regular text editor inside of the XAML Editor. (resources here and here)
Removing the added XAML by having your application or post build step edit the XAML file.
A partial code snippet is here. If taking the application approach you would need to edit the file and then reload the relevant control. Information on post build events is avaliable at How to: Specify Build Events (C#) and Gotcha! Visual Studio Pre/Post-Build Events for using a batch file.
Whether you need it or not depends on your use case for whether you need the design time width and height specified to Visual Studio's designer, which is your decision.
For further information see mc:Ignorable Attribute for the Attribute itself and the following Stackoverflow post for additional information on d:DesignWidth and d:DesignHeight.
