Detect empty command - bash

Consider this PS1
PS1='\n${_:+$? }$ '
Here is the result of a few commands
$ [ 2 = 2 ]
0 $ [ 2 = 3 ]
1 $
1 $
The first line shows no status as expected, and the next two lines show the
correct exit code. However on line 3 only Enter was pressed, so I would like the
status to go away, like line 1. How can I do this?

Here's a funny, very simple possibility: it uses the \# escape sequence of PS1 together with parameter expansions (and the way Bash expands its prompt).
The escape sequence \# expands to the command number of the command to be executed. This is incremented each time a command has actually been executed. Try it:
$ PS1='\# $ '
2 $ echo hello
3 $ # this is a comment
3 $
3 $ echo hello
4 $
Now, each time a prompt is to be displayed, Bash first expands the escape sequences found in PS1, then (provided the shell option promptvars is set, which is the default), this string is expanded via parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal.
The trick is then to have an array that will have the k-th field set (to the empty string) whenever the (k-1)-th command is executed. Then, using appropriate parameter expansions, we'll be able to detect when these fields are set and to display the return code of the previous command if the field isn't set. If you want to call this array __cmdnbary, just do:
PS1='\n${__cmdnbary[\#]-$? }${__cmdnbary[\#]=}\$ '
$ PS1='\n${__cmdnbary[\#]-$? }${__cmdnbary[\#]=}\$ '
0 $ [ 2 = 3 ]
1 $
$ # it seems that it works
$ echo "it works"
it works
0 $
To qualify for the shortest answer challenge:
PS1='\n${a[\#]-$? }${a[\#]=}$ '
that's 31 characters.
Don't use this, of course, as a is a too trivial name; also, \$ might be better than $.
Seems you don't like that the initial prompt is 0 $; you can very easily modify this by initializing the array __cmdnbary appropriately: you'll put this somewhere in your configuration file:
__cmdnbary=( '' '' ) # Initialize the field 1!
PS1='\n${__cmdnbary[\#]-$? }${__cmdnbary[\#]=}\$ '

Got some time to play around this weekend. Looking at my earlier answer (not-good) and other answers I think this may be probably the smallest answer.
Place these lines at the end of your ~/.bash_profile:
PS1='$_ret$ '
trapDbg() {
local c="$BASH_COMMAND"
[[ "$c" != "pc" ]] && export _cmd="$c"
pc() {
local r=$?
trap "" DEBUG
[[ -n "$_cmd" ]] && _ret="$r " || _ret=""
export _ret
export _cmd=
trap 'trapDbg' DEBUG
trap 'trapDbg' DEBUG
Then open a new terminal and note this desired behavior on BASH prompt:
$ uname
0 $
$ date
Sun Dec 14 05:59:03 EST 2014
0 $
$ [ 1 = 2 ]
1 $
$ ls 123
ls: cannot access 123: No such file or directory
2 $
This is based on trap 'handler' DEBUG and PROMPT_COMMAND hooks.
PS1 is using a variable _ret i.e. PS1='$_ret$ '.
trap command runs only when a command is executed but PROMPT_COMMAND is run even when an empty enter is pressed.
trap command sets a variable _cmd to the actually executed command using BASH internal var BASH_COMMAND.
PROMPT_COMMAND hook sets _ret to "$? " if _cmd is non-empty otherwise sets _ret to "". Finally it resets _cmd var to empty state.

The variable HISTCMD is updated every time a new command is executed. Unfortunately, the value is masked during the execution of PROMPT_COMMAND (I suppose for reasons related to not having history messed up with things which happen in the prompt command). The workaround I came up with is kind of messy, but it seems to work in my limited testing.
# This only works if the prompt has a prefix
# which is displayed before the status code field.
# Fortunately, in this case, there is one.
# Maybe use a no-op prefix in the worst case (!)
# Functions for PROMPT_COMMAND
PS1_update_HISTCMD () {
# If HISTCONTROL contains "ignoredups" or "ignoreboth", this breaks.
# We should not change it programmatically
# (think principle of least astonishment etc)
# but we can always gripe.
case :$HISTCONTROL: in
*:ignoredups:* | *:ignoreboth:* )
echo "PS1_update_HISTCMD(): HISTCONTROL contains 'ignoredups' or 'ignoreboth'" >&2
echo "PS1_update_HISTCMD(): Warning: Please remove this setting." >&2 ;;
# PS1_HISTCMD needs to contain the old value of PS1_HISTCMD2 (a copy of HISTCMD)
# PS1_HISTCMD2 needs to be unset for the next prompt to trigger properly
unset PS1_HISTCMD2
# Finally, the actual prompt:
PS1='${PS1_base#foo${PS1_HISTCMD2:=${HISTCMD%$PS1_HISTCMD}}}${_:+${PS1_HISTCMD2:+$? }}$ '
The logic in the prompt is roughly as follows:
This displays the prefix. The stuff in #... is useful only for its side effects. We want to do some variable manipulation without having the values of the variables display, so we hide them in a string substitution. (This will display odd and possibly spectacular things if the value of PS1_base ever happens to begin with foo followed by the current command history index.)
This assigns a value to PS1_HISTCMD2 (if it is unset, which we have made sure it is). The substitution would nominally also expand to the new value, but we have hidden it in a ${var#subst} as explained above.
We assign either the value of HISTCMD (when a new entry in the command history is being made, i.e. we are executing a new command) or an empty string (when the command is empty) to PS1_HISTCMD2. This works by trimming off the value HISTCMD any match on PS1_HISTCMD (using the ${var%subst} suffix replacement syntax).
This is from the question. It will expand to ... something if the value of $_ is set and nonempty (which it is when a command is being executed, but not e.g. if we are performing a variable assignment). The "something" should be the status code (and a space, for legibility) if PS1_HISTCMD2 is nonempty.
${PS1_HISTCMD2:+$? }
'$ '
This is just the actual prompt suffix, as in the original question.
So the key parts are the variables PS1_HISTCMD which remembers the previous value of HISTCMD, and the variable PS1_HISTCMD2 which captures the value of HISTCMD so it can be accessed from within PROMPT_COMMAND, but needs to be unset in the PROMPT_COMMAND so that the ${PS1_HISTCMD2:=...} assignment will fire again the next time the prompt is displayed.
I fiddled for a bit with trying to hide the output from ${PS1_HISTCMD2:=...} but then realized that there is in fact something we want to display anyhow, so just piggyback on that. You can't have a completely empty PS1_base because the shell apparently notices, and does not even attempt to perform a substitution when there is no value; but perhaps you can come up with a dummy value (a no-op escape sequence, perhaps?) if you have nothing else you want to display. Or maybe this could be refactored to run with a suffix instead; but that is probably going to be trickier still.
In response to Anubhava's "smallest answer" challenge, here is the code without comments or error checking.
PS1='${PS1_base#foo${PS1_HISTCMD2:=${HISTCMD%$PS1_HISTCMD}}}${_:+${PS1_HISTCMD2:+$? }}$ '

This is probably not the best way to do this, but it seems to be working
function pc {
fc -l > /tmp/new
if cmp -s /tmp/{new,old} || test -z "$foo"
PS1='\n$ '
PS1='\n$? $ '
cp /tmp/{new,old}
$ [ 2 = 2 ]
0 $ [ 2 = 3 ]
1 $

I need to use great script
Although I don't like external dependencies, this was the only thing to help me avoid to have 1 in $? after just pressing enter without running any command.
This goes to your ~/.bashrc:
__prompt_command() {
local exit="$?"
PS1='\u#\h: \w \$ '
[ -n "$LASTCMD" -a "$exit" != "0" ] && PS1='['${red}$exit$clear"] $PS1"
[-f ~/ ] && . ~/
preexec() { LASTCMD="$1"; }
UPDATE: later I was able to find a solution without dependency on


Consistent syntax for obtaining output of a command efficiently in bash?

Bash has the command substitution syntax $(f), which allows to capture
the STDOUT of a command f. If the command is an executable, this is fine
– the creation of a new process is necessary anyway. But if the command is
a shell-function, using this syntax creates an overhead of about 25ms for
each subshell on my system. This is enough to add up to noticable delays
when used in inner loops, especially in interactive contexts such as
command completions or $PS1.
A common optimization is to use global variables instead
[1] for returning values,
but it comes at a cost to readability: The intent becomes less clear, and
output capturing suddenly is inconsistent between shell functions and
executables. I am adding a comparison of options and their weaknesses below.
In order to get a consistent, reliable syntax, I was wondering if bash has
any feature that allows to capture shell-function and executable output
alike, while avoiding subshells for shell-functions.
Ideally, a solution would also contain a more efficient alternative to executing multiple commands in a subshell, which allows more cleanly isolating concerns, e.g.
db_handler=$(database_connect) # avoids leaking the variable
query $db_handler lastname # outside it's required
echo ", " # scope.
query $db_handler firstname
database_close $db_handler
Such a construct allows the reader of the code to ignore everything inside $(), if the details of how $person is formatted aren't interesting to them.
Comparison of Options
1. With command substitution
person="$(get lastname), $(get firstname)"
Slow, but readable and consistent: It doesn't matter to the reader at first
glance whether get is a shell function or an executable.
2. With same global variable for all functions
get lastname
person="$R, "
get firstname
Obscures what $person is supposed to contain. Alternatively,
get lastname
local lastname="$R"
get firstname
local firstname="$R"
person="$lastname, $firstname"
but that's very verbose.
3. With different global variable for each function
person="$lastname $firstname"
More readable assignment, but
If some function is invoked twice, we're back to (2).
The side-effect of setting the variable is not obvious.
It is easy to use the wrong variable by accident.
4. With global variable, whose name is passed as argument
get LN lastname
get FN firstname
person="$LN, $FN"
More readable, allows multiple return values easily.
Still inconsistent with capturing output from executables.
Note: Assignment to dynamic variable names should be done with declare
rather than eval:
$VARNAME="$LOCALVALUE" # doesn't work.
declare -g "$VARNAME=$LOCALVALUE" # will work.
eval "$VARNAME='$LOCALVALUE'" # doesn't work for *arbitrary* values.
eval "$VARNAME=$(printf %q "$LOCALVALUE")"
# doesn't avoid a subshell afterall.
If you want it to be efficient the shell functions can't return their result via stdout. If they did, there'd be no way to get it but by running the function in a subshell and capturing the output via an internal pipe, and these operations are kind of expensive (a few ms on a modern system).
When I was focusing on shell scripts and I needed to max their performance I used a convention where function foo would return its result via a variable foo. This you can do even in a POSIX shell and it has the nice property that it won't overwrite your locals because if foo is a function, you've already kind of reserved the name.
Then I had this bx_r getter function that runs a shell function and saves its output into either a variable whose name is given by the first argument or it outputs the output to stdout if the first argument is a word that's an illegal variable name (without a newline if the word is exactly an empty word, i.e., '').
I've modified it so it can be used uniformly with either commands or functions.
You can't use the type builtin to differentiate between the two here because
type returns its result via stdout => you'd need to capture that result and that would impose the forking penalty again.
So what I do when I'm about to run function foo is I check if there's a corresponding variable foo (this can catch a local variable but you'll avoid the chances of this if you limit yourself to properly namespaced shell function names). If there is, I assume that's where function foo returns its result, otherwise I run it in a $(), capturing its stdout.
Here's the code with some testing code:
case $1 in
([!A-Za-z_0-9]*) false;;
(*) true;;
bx_r() #{{{ Varname=$1; shift; Invoke $# and save it to $Varname if a legal varname or print it
# `bx_r '' some_command` prints without a newline
# `bx_r - some_command` (or any non-variable-character-containing word instead of -)
# prints with a newline
local bx_r__varname="$1"; shift 1
local bx_r
if ! bx_varlike_eh "$1" || eval "[ \"\${$1+set}\" != set ]"; then
bx_r=$( "$#" ) || return #$1 not varlike or unset => must be a regular command, so capture
#if $1 is a variable name, assume $1 is a function that saves its output there
"$#" || return
eval "bx_r=\$$1" #put it in bx_r
case "$bx_r__varname" in
('') printf '%s' "$bx_r";;
([!A-Za-z_0-9]*) printf '%s\n' "$bx_r";;
(*) eval "$bx_r__varname=\$bx_r";;
} #}}}
for sh in sh bash; do
time $sh -c '
. ./
bx_getnext=; bx_getnext() { bx_getnext=$((bx_getnext+1)); }
bx_r - bx_getnext
bx_r - bx_getnext
i=0; while [ $i -lt 10000 ]; do
bx_r ans bx_getnext
i=$((i+1)); done; echo ans=$ans
echo ====
$sh -c '
. ./
bx_r - date
bx_r - /bin/date
bx_r ans /bin/date
echo ans=$ans
echo ====
time $sh -c '
. ./
bx_echoget() { echo 42; }
i=0; while [ $i -lt 10000 ]; do
i=$((i+1)); done; echo ans=$ans
0.14user 0.00system 0:00.14elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1644maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+76minor)pagefaults 0swaps
Thu Sep 5 17:12:01 CEST 2019
Thu Sep 5 17:12:01 CEST 2019
ans=Thu Sep 5 17:12:01 CEST 2019
1.95user 1.14system 0:02.81elapsed 110%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1656maxresident)k
0inputs+1256outputs (0major+350075minor)pagefaults 0swaps
0.92user 0.03system 0:00.96elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 3284maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+159minor)pagefaults 0swaps
Thu Sep 5 17:12:05 CEST 2019
Thu Sep 5 17:12:05 CEST 2019
ans=Thu Sep 5 17:12:05 CEST 2019
5.20user 2.40system 0:06.96elapsed 109%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 3220maxresident)k
0inputs+1248outputs (0major+949297minor)pagefaults 0swaps
As you can see, you can get uniform call syntax with this, while speeding up
the execution of small shell functions by up to about 14 times due to eliminating the need for captures ($()).
Use a bash nameref.
With bash v4 you can use variable namerefs:
get() {
declare -n _get__res
case "$2" in
firstname) _get_res="Kamil"; ;;
lastname) _get_res="Cuk"; ;;
get LN lastname
get FN firstname
person="$LN, $FN"
Namerefs can still clash with variables from outer scope. Use long names for the namerefs, like here I used underscore, function name, two underscores and then variable name.

Conditional on non-instantiated variable

I am new to Bash scripting, having a lot more experience with C-type languages. I have written a few scripts with a conditional that checks the value of a non-instantiated variable and if it doesn't exist or match a value sets the variable. On top of that the whole thing is in a for loop. Something like this:
for i in ${!my_array[#]}; do
if [ "${my_array[i]}" = true ]
#do something
This would fail through a null pointer in Java since my_array[i] is not instantiated until after it is checked. Is this good practice in Bash? My script is working the way I designed, but I have learned that just because a kluge works now doesn't mean it will work in the future.
You will find this page on parameter expansion helpful, as well as this one on conditionals.
An easy way to test a variable is to check it for nonzero length.
if [[ -n "$var" ]]
then : do stuff ...
I also like to make it fatal to access a nonexisting variable; this means extra work, but better safety.
set -u # unset vars are fatal to access without exception handling
if [[ -n "${var:-}" ]] # handles unset during check
then : do stuff ...
By default, referencing undefined (or "unset") variable names in shell scripts just gives the empty string. But is an exception: if the shell is run with the -u option or set -u has been run in it, expansions of unset variables are treated as errors and (if the shell is not interactive) cause the shell to exit. Bash applies this principle to array elements as well:
$ array=(zero one two)
$ echo "${array[3]}"
$ echo "array[3] = '${array[3]}'"
array[3] = ''
$ set -u
$ echo "array[3] = '${array[3]}'"
-bash: array[3]: unbound variable
There are also modifiers you can use to control what expansions do if a variable (or array element) is undefined and/or empty (defined as the empty string):
$ array=(zero one '')
$ echo "array[2] is ${array[2]-unset}, array[3] is ${array[3]-unset}"
array[2] is , array[3] is unset
$ echo "array[2] is ${array[2]:-unset or empty}, array[3] is ${array[3]:-unset or empty}"
array[2] is unset or empty, array[3] is unset or empty
There are a bunch of other variants, see the POSIX shell syntax standard, section 2.6.2 (Parameter Expansion).
BTW, you do need to use curly braces (as I did above) around anything other than a plain variable reference. $name[2] is a reference to the plain variable name (or element 0 if it's an array), followed by the string "[2]"; ${name[2]}, on the other hand, is a reference to element 2 of the array name. Also, you pretty much always want to wrap variable references in double-quotes (or include them in double-quoted strings), to prevent the shell from "helpfully" splitting them into words and/or expanding them into lists of matching files. For example, this test:
if [ $my_array[i] = true ]
is (mostly) equivalent to:
if [ ${my_array[0]}[i] = true ]
...which isn't what you want at all. But this one:
if [ ${my_array[i]} = true ]
still doesn't work, because if my_array[i] is unset (or empty) it'll expand to the equivalent of:
if [ = true ]
...which is bad test expression syntax. You want this:
if [ "${my_array[i]}" = true ]

Bash prompt multiple command substitution

I am setting up my bash prompt in .bashrc using the following (simplified) function:
set_prompts() {
PS1="\u#\h in \w "
Now the exit_status_prompt prints a different coloured prompt character, depending on whether the value of $? is 0 or not.
What I noticed though, is that with the code as above, the colour of the prompt character never updates. However, if I append the output of exit_status_prompt to $PS1 before I append the output of get_git_repo_details, or don't append the output of get_git_repo_details at all, then it does update.
Does anyone know what is causing this? Thanks.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
highlight 1 "❯ "
highlight 2 "❯ "
The highlight function then just uses tput to prepend the string in the second parameter with the colour specified in the first parameter.
You need to call exit_status_prompt before doing anything else in set_prompts, or $? is going to be reset. Presumably, exit_status_prompt uses the exit status of the most recently executed command or assignment.
set_prompts() {
PS1="\u#\h in \w "
I've unescaped the command substitutions, because I assume that you are (and should be) running set_prompts as the first command in PROMPT_COMMAND.

Bash IF not working as expected

I am trying to have a function, called from PS1 which outputs something in a different colour, depending on what that something is.
In this case it's $?, the exit status of a program.
I am trying to get this function to output red text if the exit status is anything other than 0.
I have tried all possible variations of this, ways of representing that variable in the conditions and so forth and it just isn't working.
Instead of outputting what I expect it's just either always $LRED in one variation of this IF, or always $HII in another variation of this IF.
All relevant BASH is posted below, can you guys offer any insight?
# Custom Colour Alias
NM="\[\033[0;38m\]" # No background and white lines
HI="\[\033[1;36m\]" # Username colour
HII="\[\033[0;37m\]" # Name colour
SI="\[\033[1;32m\]" # Directory colour
IN="\[\033[0m\]" # Command input color
exitStatus ()
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "$LRED\$?"
echo "\$?"
#echo \$?
export PS1="\n$HII[ $LRED\u $SI\w$NM $HII]\n[ \! / \# / $(exitStatus) $HII]$LRED $ $IN"
This is what I did based on the accepted answer below.
# Before Prompt
if [[ $EXSO != 0 ]];\
PS1="\n$HII[ $LRED\u $SI\W$NM $HII\! / \# / $ERRMSG $HII] $SI$ $IN";'
Problem is that your assignment to PS1 is only evaluated once, thus exitStatus is only called once. As Nirk also mentions you should use PROMPT_COMMAND. Set it to the command you want executed before every new prompt is displayed. An example:
PROMPT_COMMAND='if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -n FAIL:;fi'
Will yell FAIL: before every new prompt if the previous command failed:
mogul#linuxine:~$ date
Sun Sep 29 21:13:53 CEST 2013
mogul#linuxine:~$ rm crappy_on_existent_file
rm: cannot remove ‘crappy_on_existent_file’: No such file or directory

How to set a conditional newline in PS1?

I am trying to set PS1 so that it prints out something just right after login, but preceded with a newline later.
Suppose export PS1="\h:\W \u\$ ", so first time (i.e., right after login) you get:
hostname:~ username$
I’ve been trying something like in my ~/.bashrc:
function __ps1_newline_login {
if [[ -n "${PS1_NEWLINE_LOGIN-}" ]]; then
printf '\n'
export PS1="\$(__ps1_newline_login)\h:\W \u\$ “
expecting to get:
# <empty line>
hostname:~ username$
A complete example from the the beginning would be:
hostname:~ username$ ls `# notice: no empty line desired above!`
Desktop Documents
hostname:~ username$
Try the following:
function __ps1_newline_login {
if [[ -z "${PS1_NEWLINE_LOGIN}" ]]; then
printf '\n'
export PS1="\h:\W \u\$ "
PROMPT_COMMAND is a special bash variable which is executed every time before the prompt is set.
You need to use the -z flag to check if the length of a string is 0.
Running with dogbane's answer, you can make PROMPT_COMMAND "self-destruct", preventing the need to run a function after every command.
In your .bashrc or .bash_profile file, do
export PS1='\h:\W \u\$ '
reset_prompt () {
PS1='\n\h:\W \u\$ '
When the file is processed, PS1 initially does not display a new-line before the prompt.
However, PROMPT_CTR is immediately decremented to -1 (it is implicitly 0 before) before the prompt is shown the first time. After the first command, PROMPT_COMMAND clears itself and the counter before resetting the prompt to include the new-line. Subsequently, no PROMPT_COMMAND will execute.
Of course, there is a happy medium, where instead of PROMPT_COMMAND clearing itself, it just resets to a more ordinary function. Something like
export PS1='\h:\W \u\$ '
normal_prompt_cmd () {
reset_prompt () {
PS1='\n\h:\W \u\$ '
2018 Update (inspired by chepner's answer)
UPDATE: Fixed PROMPT_COMMAND issues caused by other answers
No need to export PS1
I used "\n$PS1" instead of re-typing.
Other answers interfere with the PROMPT_COMMAND's default behavior (more info below)
Enter the following in ~/.bash_profile (substituting first line with your prompt):
add_newline_to_prompt() {
if [ $is_new_login = "true" ]; then
I noticed that my tab name in terminal wasn't updating to my current working directory and did some investigating. I realized that above solutions are messing with PROMPT_COMMAND. Try this out:
Comment out any modifications to PROMPT_COMMAND in your config files (.bash_profile etc.)
Now open a new shell:
shell_session_history_check; update_terminal_cwd
Notice that when you open a new shell, it runs both a "history check" and updates the name of the tab current working directory. Notice that it only runs the "history check" initially, and then never runs it again.
NOTE: I've only tested this on Mac's Terminal. May be different on other systems.
Insert this in your .bashrc:
alias clear="clear; export PROMPT_COMMAND='export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo''"
This achieves exactly what you want. No need for \n in PS1 or any functions.
