Visual Studio 2013 generated solution from CMake links VS 2012 libraries - visual-studio

I generate a Visual Studio 2013 solution using CMake 3.0.2. When compiled it gives errors similar to this:
MSVCP110D.dll and Visual Studio 2013
I can't get my head around this, the toolset is v120 so why does it link v110 libraries? I've asked in the CMake IRC channel but they can't help me. It's impossible to debug the program because the redistributable does not include debugging dlls.
Edit: This is an Ogre3D application that i derived from the tutorials cmake zip. I've barely touched the CMakeLists.txt, only set REQUIRED for finding boost and added boost-system to libraries that are copied during install.

I found the solution regarding the Ogre3D-specific issues with this. The latest prebuilt 1.9 package was compiled with VS11 (2012) so that's why the .dll is missing, since I use VS12 (2013) as IDE.
The solution is to build Ogre3D from source, as is explained in depth here:
Remember to update your OGRE_HOME environment variable to point at the sdk folder inside the build.
Hope this helps other lost souls!


Compilation Error in VS Studio compiling Fortran code

I am getting this error while compiling my Fortran code in VS Studio:
warning #31001: The dll for reading and writing the pdb (for example, mspdb110.dll) could not be found on your path.
I also looked to change the Base Platform Toolset in Project Properties, but in VS 2019 IDE I couldn't find this option to edit it.
I am using Intel Compiler 2021. I have also tried upgrading my VS Studio to latest version but the problem persists.
Please tell how to fix this.
This message is saying that your Visual Studio is misconfigured. Make sure that you have the "Desktop Development for C++" and "Windows 10 SDK" components of Visual Studio installed (see You may need to uninstall both the Intel compiler and Visual Studio, then reinstall.

Using the Node version of tsc with Visual Studio 2015 TypeScript Extension

I've a collection of .ts files that compile without error on Windows when running tsc v1.7.5 under node. When compiling the same files using tsc.exe v1.7.5, the compiler shows a bunch of errors in the source where there clearly are none. I think this may be a compiler bug and I am currently working to get the minimal reproduction.
But for the meantime, I'd like to see if I can get the TypeScript Visual Studio 2015 extension to run tsc under node instead of using the tsc.exe version.
Is this possible?
I know this question is quite old and it's not really answer to your question but I had the same issue with TypeScript for VS2015 recently and found a solution. I've tried installing different versions of the TypeScript plugin from offical website: but it appears that the problem is withing the compiler, which is "bundled" with Visual Studio 2015:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\1.8\tsc.exe
Updating the extension itself is not updating the compiler which is always 1.8.34 for me. It throws "tsc.exe Exited" errors when compiling in Visual Studio
I resolved the issue by running "Repair" option on the "Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2015". It just reinstalled Microsoft SDKs and problem went away. Hope it helps somebody

How to configure Glib on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010?

i'm trying to port to Windows a C project wrote to work on Linux. It's a simple project that depends CUDA and Glib librarys.
I believe the best way is to compile with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, but i don't have idea how to link Glib to this project. CUDA code is going well, but every call to Glib methods generate a "unresolved external symbol" error.
i just solved my problem using this guide to configure GTK on Visual Studio 2008:
The only change i done was about the Tools/Options/VC++ Directories because this was deprecated on VS2010. I added the paths directly to the project properties.

Boost .lib's for Visual Studio 2010

Where can i get boost .lib for visual studio 2010??
I tried to rename the old .lib's for VS2008 but this didn't work for the threads library.
Build the binary from source if the distro supplied one is not compatible.

SDL with Code::Blocks and Visual Studio 2008 VC++ Compiler

I've looked around on Google for tutorials on setting up SDL with it. The problem is that all the tutorials for linking to SDL with Code::Blocks is with the Mingw compiler, and never with VC++ 2008 Compiler.
I have the SDL for VS downloaded at C:\SDL. The problem is, I can't get it to work with Code::Blocks.
What do I need to do? I tried following the tutorials for Mingw but they don't seem to work.
This tutorial covers setting up SDL to work with Visual Studio .NET. I followed along with Visual Studio 2008 and found it fairly intuitive: (broken link)
As the person who commented on your question implied, more information would be useful.
