Add a custom language which is not already available in magento - magento

I have a magento installation and i want to add urdu language in Magento. I searched everywhere but could now find how to add and map Magento_base\app\locale\ur_PK in locale. Please someone guide me which can be the necessary setting and parameters i need to set for this. I already know how to add store view for different languages in Magento.
Problem is that i dont see Urdu language in System -> Configuration -> General -> Locale Options -> Locale . So i cant map \app\locale\ur_PK folder to language
Thanks in advance

You will need messing on library of zend , of one researched how to do in zend.
Basically you will have to create two files in xml, ur.xml and ur_PK.xml in lib/Zend/Locale/Date

In the file
in the Array $_allowedLocales
where is no "ur_IN" nor "ur_PK".
For this you will not be able to select Urdu in Backend.
Only "gu_IN" and "hi_IN" are available.
As a hack you can add "ur_IN" or "ur_PK" to the array.


Typo3 DCE field configuration is empty

Dear Stackoverflow community,
i have a problem with the typo3 dce extension. I did not find anything from searching and have not seen this problem in any time.
When i create a field in the dce there should be a configuration in the textarea below the dropdown menu. (picture)
Empty DCE configuration
I can not create a working dce without this configuration.
I think it is a general problem but i do not know which one and from where it comes.
Any suggestions?
even if I dont work with DCE i got two possible solutions for you:
Looks like the extension requires silently fluid or css styled content included, so you can try to add them to your template (at the template configuration -> includes). Try "fluid_styled_content" first.
The second possible solution is a missconfiguration. Cause I dont know the structure i can just refer to the extension documentation -> User Manual

Can't change the word on a button on Magento

I have installed a cookie bar extension via Magento Connect and it works just fine. I want now to change the text inside the that says "Close".
I have written it in the translation files, cleaned my cache and nothing happened.
I have also read this and tried to find the button on the extension's files, but I can't find it.
Anyone has more ideas of how to solve this issue or point me to a solution? Thanks in advance!
I am using this extension
Image of the issue:
To create translate you need to follow below steps :
Place your language package in /app/locale directory.
Now got to Admin c-panel > System > Configuration > General > Locale Options > Locale select you language pack from the Dropdown list.
you can also translate the words through Inline. Go to System > configuration > Developers > Translate Inline. After enabling this you can translate directly through UI

Magento template placement

I am developing a magento module that should inject some javascript at before_body_end. What I don't understand is where I should place my template file. In all tutorials, people suggest that they should be placed in app/design/frontend/default/default/{ModuleName}/{TemplateName}
First of all I can't get this to work. I get the error: Not valid template file:frontend/base/default/template/...
Furthermore, if I understand correctly, this would put the template in the default theme. But what if the end user uses another theme?
What does work, is placing the template file in app/design/frontend/base/default/{ModuleName}/{TemplateName}. However, I am not really sure if this is the way to go.
Can someone please tell me what the right course of action is here?
P.s. I need to modify the js based on conditionals. That's why I am not using addJs to inject the js.
Go to System -> Configuration -> Design -> Themes and check you fallback settings. You probably don't have "default" there.
First, Magento will look for the template, which is in the folder set in the "Templates" field in "Current package name" package , then if it doesn't exist, it will look for the template, which is set in "Default" field in "Current package name" package, and then it will look in the base/default folder.

How to use hooks in CS-Cart for overriding footer.tpl file

I am new to cs-cart and
I am trying to use hooks in cs-cart. I had gone through some cs-cart website but not getting proper answer. Suppose if i want to override footer.tpl file with new content then how can i do it using hooks. Just tell me the steps what code to write in index.tpl file and where to keep new footer.tpl file.
I'd suggest you to check this brief guide:
Assuming you're on a version 4.x.x:
You don't need to edit anything in index.tpl, just take note of the name of the hook you want to use (I suppose you want to use this one {hook name="index:footer"})
Write your new template and give it the name footer.[override/pre/post].tpl
Save this new .tpl file in themes/[your_theme_name]/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/index (maybe you need to create such directories in your folders tree)
Make sure you have the "my changes" addon installed and active. You can check it through your admin area of the store.
And that's it, it should work.
I've seen no standard "footer.tpl" file in version 4.x.x., so the above instructions work, but they only append content at the end of the page. Customization of such page area can be done via the layout and theme editor on the admin area of the store.
The naming algorithm mentioned on the documentation of cs-cart is for
version 3.x.x. Since version 4.x.x. the folders names have varied.
You should replace skins/[skin name]/[admin|customer] for

Trouble Translating Magento

I'm developing a shopping site using Magento, but I'm since the site needs to be for spanish-speaking people, I need to translate the site into spanish. I downloaded some .csv files to make the translation but they're not working. I've even tried to make changes on the english .csv files, changing the statements to spanish but it's still not working. Any ideas of how to make this issue work?
Thanks in advance!
Make sure, that your csv files are located in selected locale (i think /app/locale/es_ES) and this locale is selected in admin for your StoreView (System -> Configuration -> General -> Locale options)
Clear cache after changing csv files
Just found it, you need to go to system > configuration > developer > translate inline, there yoou have to eneable the changes in the backend or in the front end and thats it. Its a really hard way to get it going, but it works. Any other suggestion is welcome.
