Multiple receivers for a sing EMS Q - tibco

I have deployed a process in tibco admin and one of the queue(Q in the process starter of this process) configured has always 2 receivers. I am not sure why this is happening. if i stop this process then it goes to 0 receivers.i have also verified the JMS connections of 2 queues and it is one and the same. Could someone shed some light on this issue

Maybe you deployed it in TIBCO Administrator but in LB (Load Balance) mode so in that case, you will have 2 service instances with 2 JMS connections, as well. Try to check it.

Another possibility is that the Max Sessions on the JMS Queue Receiver is set to 2. If such is the case, the Receiver Count will appear as 2.

Unfortunately I had the same process in the project twice.


IBM MQ - Ability to queue messages during maintenance without stopping channel

Hoping someone with MQ knowledge will know if the following is possible ...
Background : we have one IBM MQ 7.5 server currently but happy to upgrade if that helps.
Scenario : We have a dedicated channel and queues for a processing application. I'd like a way, on a single MQ Server, to be able to have new messages delivered and for them to queue up in "Messages_IN" during a release then let them through afterwards. I cannot stop the channel that is used as the consuming application will error (lose MQ access) and not work. i.e. sending applications and the processing application currently use the same channel / queues.
Diagram linked below to help explain ...
MQ options?
Is there anyway to have a flow control on a queue that would allow us to control messages not being consumed by an application without stopping the channel? Any new queues / channels / config etc are fine but currently limited to one MQ Server.
Many thanks for anyone who's taken the time to read this and hopefully its technically possible.
Hi the comment of JoshMC is your answer. You ned to set the "GET" propiertie of the QUEUES "MESSAGES_IN" to "DISABLED". With that you prevent any aplication of get message from the QUEUE, whe you end your maintenance you need to set the propertie to "ENABLED" for enabled applicaiton to gets messages from the queue.

JMS Messages pending WebLogic 12

We are experiencing relatively random situation when the messages which are sent to the particular queues ending up as Messages Pending. The only way to solve the problem is to restart an associated Managed Server where an MDB is deployed. There are no Errors/Exceptions in the Managed Server log files. In the Admin Console of the WebLogic we can see that there are "stuck threads" in the Managed Server where we have MDB. What's even more strange is the fact that despite having a lot of messages pending an MDB continues to listen to the Queue and process the messages which arrive later.
Is there any way to resolve the issue without restarting Managed Server?
My suggestion to you is to go on server -> Monitoring -> Threads
You will see a list of threads currently running on your managed server. Look for the threads marked as stuck or hogging and jot down their numbers..
Then, click on Thread Dump on top of the page and look for the stack with the number of your thread... You will see exactly which method is holding your thread and hogging your MDB.
Hope it helps !!!

Muliple Websphere Application Servers attached to a single Websphere MQ Failing

Having multiple consumer applications active specification attached to a single MQ on distributed VM servers is causing a null payload in a MQ Message.
Note: See notes at the bottom. No issue with mq.
I have 3 Websphere applications deployed across 2 VM servers. 1 application is a publisher and the other 2 applications are consumers attached to a single MQ Manager, and MQ.
2 consumer applications are pulling off the messages and processing them. The consumer application on the separate server receives a null payload. I have confirmed that its seems to be an issue having multiple application server instances attached to MQ. Confirmed by deploying the publisher on server 2 with consumer 2, then consumer 1 fails.
Has anyone tried attaching multiple MDB applications deployed on separate server instances bind to one Queue Manager and one MQ?
Websphere 7, EJB 3.0 MDB's,Transactions turned off,Queue in a queue installed on another machine.
Distributed computing, scaling up against large number of messages.
I'm thinking this is a configuration issue but not 100% sure where to look. I had read that you could use MQLink, but I don't see why I would need to use service bus integration.
Supporting Doucmentation:
[MQ Link][1
UPDATE: I fixed the problem and it was a related to a combination of class loader issue with a duplicate classes. See Solution Notes below I added.
- Clarified specifications, clarified question and added overall goal.
- reference notes to solution.
Has anyone tried attaching multiple MDB applications deployed on
separate server instances bind to one Local MQ?
Multiple MDB applications deployed on separate servers, connecting to one Queue Manager(but different queue) is a normal scenario and we have it everywhere and all applications work fine.
But, I suspect what you are doing is: Multiple MDB applications deployed on separate servers, connecting to one Queue Manager and listening to the same queue.
In this case one message will be received by one consumer only.
You need to create separate queue for each application and create subscriptions for each for the topic being published by your publisher.
I suspect, for load balancing the problem you may be facing is that, when your first application gets the message, it doesn't issue a commit. So, there will be an uncommited message in the queue, which may be stopping your other application from getting message from the queue. When your first application finishes its processing, it issues a commit, but then again it is ready to pick the message and hence it again issues a get.
In my architecture, we have implemented load balancing using multiple queue managers like below:
You create 3 queue managers, say GatewayQM, App1QM and App2QM.
Keep the three queue managers in the same cluster.
Create an alias queue(shared in cluster) in GatewayQM and ask your putting app to put message in the gateway queue.
Now create one local cluster queue in each of App1QM and App2QM. Read from these queues via your applications App1 and App2 respectively.
This implementation provides you better security and serves a perfect load balancer.
This specific problem was caused by a code issue and the combination of class loading being set to "Parent First" in the Websphere console. On one node it would work and the other nodes in a cluster would fail, I think this was caused by the "Parent First" setting.
More important, in terms of my configuration in a cluster binding multiple active specifications to a single MQ to provide distributed computing is a correct solution.
However "points" due go to "nitgeek" solution references above if you are looking for a extremely high volume solution. Its important to understand that a single MQ can have a very high depth and takes a lot to fully utilize one. My current configuration is a good starting point for quick configuration and distributed processing using Multiple MDB's.

MQ: Same queue name under 2 queue manager

I have two MQ queue manager with same queue names configured. Both are configured to send data to different servers. Currently queue manager(QM1) is stopped(status Ended Immediately) and QM2 is running
Now my program opens the queue and sends data. It doesnot specify queue manager name. When I execute the program, MQ connection request returns error 2059.
My questions are:
What happens when multiple queue managers have same queue name?
How to tackle situation without changing the code?
Please forgive if the description is vague. It would be helpful if anyone provide links so that newbie like me can learn something.
It would be helpful if could provide details on your application. Whether it's using server bindings or client mode connection to queue manager. What version of MQ are you using?
The below information is valid for MQ v7.x:
If you are using client mode then you can use multiple CONNNAMEs to connect. If one queue manager is down, your application will connect to next queue manager in CONNAME list. One of the simplest way to do when using client mode connection is to define MQSERVER environment variable and specify multiple CONNNAMEs.
SET MQSERVER=<channel name>/TCP/host1(port1), host2(port2)
For example when both queue managers are on local host:
SET MQSERVER=MYSVRCONCHN/TCP/localhost(1414),localhost(1415)
In server bindings mode if queue manager name is not specified, then application will attempt to connect to the default queue manager. If the default queue manager is down, then 2059 is thrown.
Your explaination doesn't provide clarity about your requirements.
You wrote:
My questions are 1. What happens when multiple queue managers have same queue name.
Nothing. Its a normal scenario. Different queue managers may have queues with same name and it doesn't create any ambiguity. Although, scenario will be a little different when the queue managers are in same cluster and the queue is also a cluster queue. Then everything will depend on requirements and design.
You wrote:
2. How to tackle situation without changing the code
Run the queue manager which is stopped.
You wrote:
Now my program opens the queue and sends data. It doesnot specify
queue manager name.
What application are you using?For a client application, you access a queue using an object of queue manager.
I am asssuming that you are using an application(client) which doesn't take queue manager details from you, only takes queue details. And may be the queue manager is hard coded within the code. And it sends the message first to the queue of Queue manager 1 and then to queue manager 2. But, in your case queue manager 1 is down.
If above is the case, then the application's code needs to be changed. You should have exception handling in such a way that it executes the code for sending the message to the second queue manager even though the first lines of code throws error.

IBM MQ Message Throttling

We are using IBM MQ and we are facing some serious problems regarding controlling its asynchronous delivery to its recipient.We are having some java listeners configured, now the problem is that we need to control the messages coming towards listener, because the messages coming to server are in millions count and server machine dont have that much capacity t process so many threads at a time, so is there any way like throttling on IBM MQ side where we can configure preetch limit like Apache MQ does?
or is there any other way to achieve this?
Currently we are closing connection with IBM MQ when some X limit has reached on listener, but doesen't seems to be efficient way.
Please guys help us out to solve this issue.
Generally with message queueing technologies like MQ the point of the queue is that the sender is decoupled from the receiver. If you're having trouble with message volumes then the answer is to let them queue up on the receiver queue and process them as best you can, not to throttle the sender.
The obvious answer is to limit the maximum number of threads that your listeners are allowed to take up. I'm assuming you're using some sort of MQ threadpool? What platform are you using that provides unlimited listener threads?
From your description, it almost sounds like you have some process running that - as soon as it detects a message in the queue - it reads the message, starts up a new thread and goes back and looks at the queue again. This is the WRONG approach.
You should have a defined number of process threads running (start with one and scale up as required, and within limits of your server) which read from the queue themselves. They would each open the queue in shared mode and either get-with-wait or do immediate get with a sleep if you get a MQRC 2033 (no messages in queue).
Hope that helps.
If you are running in the application server environment, then the maxPoolDepth property on the activationSpec will define the maximum ServerSessionPool size for the MDB - decreasing this will throttle the number messages being delivered concurrently.
Of course, if your MDB (or javax.jms.MessageListener in the JSE environment) does nothing but hand the message to something else (or, worse, just spawn an unmanaged Thread and start it) onMessage will spin rapidly and you can still encounter problems. So in that case you need to limit other resources too, e.g. via threadpool configuration.
Closing the connection to the QM is never an efficient way, as the MQCONN/MQDISC cycle is expensive.
