Add element to a nested hash in ruby - ruby

I have a hash:
a = { 21 => { 3 => {:x => 5, :y => 6}}}
I want to add another value to the key '21' so that the hash looks like this:
a = { 21 => { 3 => {:x => 5, :y => 6}, 4 => {:x => 8, :y => 7}}}
How can I do that?

You want to add an key-value pair to a hash (a[21]). a[21] will give you the inner hash object.
a = { 21 => { 3 => {:x => 5, :y => 6}}}
# => {3=>{:x=>5, :y=>6}}
Associating key, values to the inner hash will solve your problem.
a[21][4] = {:x => 8, :y => 7}
# => {21=>{3=>{:x=>5, :y=>6}, 4=>{:x=>8, :y=>7}}}

Another way is:
a[21].update({ 4=>{:x => 8, :y => 7} })
a #=> {21=>{3=>{:x=>5, :y=>6}, 4=>{:x=>8, :y=>7}}}


How to merge hash of arrays?

I have an array:
{a => 1, b => { c => 1, d => 1}},
{a => 1, b => { c => 1, d => 2}},
{a => 1, b => { c => 2, d => 2}},
{a => 2, b => { c => 1, d => 1}},
I want to change it to this:
{a => 1, b => [{ c => 1, d => [1, 2]}, { c => 2, d => [2]}]},
{a => 2, b=> [ { c=> 1, d => [1] } ]}
Hashes of same value of a go to one hash
b should be an array of {c => , d =>}
d should be an array
d with same value of c go to same array
Here is a solution. It is very explicit, so it would not generalize to other hash structures.
hashes = [
{:a => 1, :b => { :c => 1, :d => 1}},
{:a => 1, :b => { :c => 1, :d => 2}},
{:a => 1, :b => { :c => 2, :d => 2}},
{:a => 2, :b => { :c => 1, :d => 1}},
a_values = {}
hashes.each do |hash|
a_value = hash[:a]
a_values[a_value] ||= {}
c_value = hash[:b][:c]
a_values[a_value][c_value] ||= { :c => c_value, :d => [] }
d_value = hash[:b][:d]
# Now aggregate the results
results = do |a_value, c_hashes|
b_arr = { |c_value, c_hash| c_hash }
{ :a => a_value, :b => b_arr }
And here is the output:
{:a=>1, :b=>[{:c=>1, :d=>[1, 2]}, {:c=>2, :d=>[2]}]},
{:a=>2, :b=>[{:c=>1, :d=>[1]}]}

Collect values from an array of hashes

I have a data structure in the following format:
data_hash = [
{ price: 1, count: 3 },
{ price: 2, count: 3 },
{ price: 3, count: 3 }
Is there an efficient way to get the values of :price as an array like [1,2,3]?
First, if you are using ruby < 1.9:
array = [
{:price => 1, :count => 3},
{:price => 2, :count => 3},
{:price => 3, :count => 3}
Then to get what you need:{|x| x[:price]}
There is a closed question that redirects here asking about handing map a Symbol to derive a key. This can be done using an Enumerable as a middle-man:
array = [
{:price => 1, :count => 3},
{:price => 2, :count => 3},
{:price => 3, :count => 3}
#=> [1, 2, 3]
Beyond being slightly more verbose and more difficult to understand, it also slower. do |b| { 10000.times {{|x| x[:price] } } } { 10000.times { array.each.with_object(:price).map(&:[]) } }
# user system total real
# 0.004816 0.000005 0.004821 ( 0.004816)
# 0.015723 0.000606 0.016329 ( 0.016334)

Flatten Hash while Iterating over hash's array elements. Ruby

The input hash can have nests of any combo of Arrays and Hashes (AoA, AoH, HoH, and HoA). Flatting the hash elements to have the proper key and delimiter of _> is no problem.
However, I'm having trouble when an Array comes into the picture and I need to grab each element and stick it to the proper key while continuing to build the output. The final output should be a 1-D array of hashes with the only difference being the each array elements.
For example:
if the input hash is:
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => [1,2,{:zz => [40,50]},[10,20]], :a => {:o => "1", :p => "2"}}
The final result should be:
`[{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 1, :z_>zz => 40, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2},
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 1, :z_>zz => 50, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2},
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 2, :z_>zz => 40, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2},
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 2, :z_>zz => 50, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2},
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 10, :z_>zz => 40, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2},
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 10, :z_>zz => 50, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2},
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 20, :z_>zz => 40, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2},
{:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => 20, :z_>zz => 50, :a_>o => 1, a_>p => 2}]`
This is long and complicated, but at least it works:
my_hash = {:x => 333, :y => 13, :z => [1,2,{:zz => [40,50]},[10,20]], :a => {:o => "1", :p => "2"}}
# Create Recursive function to get values:
def advance_hash_flattener(input, parent=[])
case input
when Hash then input.flat_map{|key, val|
advance_hash_flattener(val, parent+[key])}
when Array then input.flat_map{|x| advance_hash_flattener(x, parent)}
else [parent.join('_>'), input]
#Some small transformations for the last step:
first_step = advance_hash_flattener(my_hash)
.group_by{|x| x.first}
.map{|x| [x.first,]}
p first_step #=> [["x", [333]], ["y", [13]], ["z", [1, 2, 10, 20]], ["z_>zz", [40, 50]], ["a_>o", ["1"]], ["a_>p", ["2"]]]
# Create an array of Hashes:
final_array = []
first_step.each do |key,values|
new = []
values.each do |val|
if final_array.first.key?(key)
final_copy ={|x|x.clone}
final_copy.each{|x| x[key] = val}
new += final_copy
final_array.each{|x| x[key] = val}
final_array += new
# result stored in final_array

Search an Array of Hashes with a partial Hash in Ruby

Given a hash
z = [{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}, {'a' => 3, 'b' => 4}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 4}]
How do I search if the search parameter itself is a hash e.g.
{'a' => 3}
so that I can do something like z.find_by_hash({'a' => 3}) for it to return
{'a' => 3, 'b' => 4}
and also to get a collection of arrays like z.find_by_hash({'a' => 1}) for it to return
[{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}, {'a' => 1, 'b => 4}]
You can do this:
class Array
def find_by_hash(hash) { |h| h.includes_hash?(hash) }
class Hash
def includes_hash?(other)
included = true
other.each do |key, value|
included &= self[key] == other[key]
This extends Hash by a method to find out if a Hash includes another (with multiple keys and values). Array is extended with the method you wanted, but it's a more generic approach since you can do this:
ary = [ {:a => 1, :b => 3, :c => 5}, {:a => 5, :b => 2, :c => 8} ]
ary.find_by_hash( { :a => 1, :c => 5 } )
Note: You should also consider using Symbols for Hash keys since it is a common practice in Ruby, but my approach does also work with your keys.
z = [{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}, {'a' => 3, 'b' => 4}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 4}]
class Array
def search_hash(hash)
key = hash.keys.first
value = hash.values.first
select { |h| h[key] == value }
z.search_hash({'a' => 3}) #=> [{"a"=>3, "b"=>4}]
or you can type it without curly brackets
z.search_hash('a' => 3)
Basically what you need is something like this:
class Array
def find_by_hash(h)
h.collect_concat do |key, value|{|h| h[key] == value}
I didn't find an approach in API, so I think we have to implement it of our own.
(by the way, I think #megas' approach is better and more readable)
Code by TDD:
class SearchHashTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#array_with_hash_elements = [{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}, {'a' => 3, 'b' => 4}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 4}]
def test_search_an_array_by_hash_parameter_and_return_single_hash
assert_equal( {'a' => 3, 'b' => 4},{'a'=>3}) )
def test_search_an_array_by_hash_parameter_and_return_an_array
assert_equal( [{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}, {'a'=> 1, 'b' => 4}],{'a'=>1}))
implemented code ( just for demo, not production)
class ArrayWithHashElements
def initialize some_array
#elements = some_array
def search( query_hash)
puts "search: #{query_hash.inspect}"
result = []
#elements.each do | array_element_in_hash_form|
query_hash.each_pair do | key, value |
if array_element_in_hash_form.has_key?(key) && array_element_in_hash_form[key] == value
puts "adding : #{array_element_in_hash_form.inspect} to result"
result << array_element_in_hash_form
return result.size != 1 ? result : result[0]
sg552#siwei-moto:~/workspace/test$ ruby search_hash_test.rb
Loaded suite search_hash_test
search: {"a"=>1}
adding : {"b"=>2, "a"=>1} to result
adding : {"b"=>4, "a"=>1} to result
.search: {"a"=>3}
adding : {"b"=>4, "a"=>3} to result
Finished in 0.000513 seconds.
2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Ruby: This "Double dimensional hash" requires processing

I have this:
h = { 1 => { 1 => {:a => "x", :b => "y", :c => "z"},
2 => {:a => "xx", :b => "yy", :c => "zz"}
2 => { 1 => {:a => "p", :b => "q", :c => "r"},
2 => {:a => "pp", :b => "qq", :c => "rr"}
I want to get this:
result = { 1 => { 1 => {:a => "x"},
2 => {:a => "xx"}
2 => { 1 => {:a => "p"},
2 => {:a => "pp"}
What would be a nice way of doing this ?
A single example can't really define your structure. For example, are hashes always 3 levels deep with hashes to be pruned at the level 3?
You can start with:
h.each{|k1,v1| v1.each{|k2, v2| v2.delete_if{|k3,v3| k3 != :a}}}
(Should really be a comment, but the code's hard to read that way)
If you're removing from the innermost hash all keys except :a, why not assign the value part of that hash directly to the hash that contains it?
result = {
1 => { 1 => "x", 2 => "xx"},
2 => { 1 => "p", 2 => "pp"}
