Magento Wholesale buying - magento

I have this idea to make a product page that lists all the products on the site, Perhaps paginatied, and have them all have a quantity box on the right side of them.
This way, people who stock my product can go to this page, enter the quantities for all the products they need and click "Add to cart" at the top or bottom of the page.
Saving the stockist time by adding 40 of each product they want etc.
Has this been done before? Can it be done?

Of course this is possible. In terms of magento quite everything is possible. If your question "Has this been done before?" aims to an extension-suggestion. Sorry, but i don't know one.
But in simplest case a "small" custom module could do the job. Simply add a custom attribute to the categories (e.g. wholesale = yes|no), override the catalog/category/view.phtml by your module-layout-update and check this attrib within that "new" view. If it is "yes" list all products out of this category in the way described above.
Processes of "add to cart" with the right qty out of a categoryview exist already but you need to trigger them e.g. by a custom javasscript just before the page swaps. and you slightly have to mod the "add to cart" itself to prevent jumping into the cart afterwards. Its just an example, would work for non-configurable/non-optioned products at least.
If it has to be an own page listing all products of the shop, your module has to provide a bit more up front (controller, viewblock, etc.) but that more could be also helpful with implementing own logic, eg. collecting all qty in a session first and ask later for "add to cart"


Magento put single product in catalog mode

i have a Magento shop and want to do the following:
Some of the products should not be available for buying (they should be put in some kind of catalog mode).
How could this be achieved in Magento?
Make some custom attribute for those products. For example:
And on frontend display add to card button depending on this attribute. Like this:
if($product->getCanSale() == 1){
/*Display add to cart button*/
/*Dont' display add to cart button*/
The above answer works, but is a template solution for something that (in principle) should be solved server-side.
If any of your visitors is savvy enough to construct an add-to-cart URL, they can still add products you hid the cart button for, to their carts. Probably a very minor problem of course, in this case.
There's an extension called Not2Order, don't know if I'm allowed to link it here. That extension takes care of enabling / disabling the ordering of products from the server side, which is a little more robust.

Add two products to magento Shopping Cart simultaneously on click of add to cart button

I have been working on a LiftSuggest - an automatic Product Recommendations generator.
Now,I have introduced a bundling functionality which will bundle two products and assign discount.
For example,
On product page of A of the client's site,I(LiftSuggest) displays a bundle Saying "Buy A and B together and avail 10% off on net value". Now, when the user clicks on the add to cart button , I want both the products to be added simultaneously to cart. I had implemented the solution proposed on this link, but I need the products to be added on click of add to cart button,without entering the quantity or providing the check box.Just imagine that you can see a box( container) containing two products and on click of add to cart button-in that div container itself, both of them should be added to cart.I can make out that I need to store both the products in session, but I don't know exactly how to proceed.
Scripting language used:PHP
Please Help!
There are cart rules for various shopping carts. You can manipulate those rules through coding and achieve the desired output.

How do I add checkboxes to Magento's "Estimate Shipping and Tax" in the cart?

So, on the cart page, my customers can view the "Estimate Shipping and Tax" area. I don't want to remove it, but I need to know a little additional information from them to properly process the shipping. For example, on a freight item, I need to know if they have a loading dock.
Currently, I do this in the checkout without any issue. I was able to check if there is a freight item, and, if so, show the checkboxes to the customer during the "Shipping Address" stage. Then, in the saveShipping function, I was able to pull in the values and pass them to the shipping charge calculation.
Well, I've got the checkboxes in the template to display in the "Estimate Shipping and Tax" when there is a freight item in the cart, but I don't know much about the coShippingMethodForm function so that I can add in the values of the checkboxes. Anyone have any idea where I should be looked for this?
Additionally, when I hit "Get estimate", the page refreshes and it removes their selections. How best can I retain their selections to repopulate the correct boxes once the page refreshes?
I think that the best way would be to write your own shipping method module. I personally would steer clear of having a checkbox added to 'Estimate shipping and taxes' instead in my module I'd output both prices with loading bay, without loading bay (just for the estimates) in checkout you can get that option from the "Shipping Address" section and pass it into you shipping module calculation this is just a little 'cleaner.'
Check out this wiki for how to write a custom shipping module

Increase product amount in shopping cart

We are selling ready made packs ( total weight 18 kg ) which is include several food products. But we want to make a special thing to our customers which they should make their packs by selecting our product range.
So that, they should make first a base pack with selected products then they can multiply this package in the checkout section.
What I want to do, modify the checkout section of magento to multiply selected products with a text field and calculate total amount by button.
Like in image...
Does anybody help me to make such a thing?
Personally I would do this with frontend code, in prototype. The reason being that you will have to modify your template anyway and your customers will need javascript enabled to get to your cart anyway.
General approach is to have the onclick for your apply button take the id.value for your quantity text box and then update everything with the quantity class in the cart page. Then have this script call the same update url as the standard update quantities button.
Here is my suggestion: in your module you create an observer listening to controller_action_predispatch_checkout_cart_index. In your observer's method you can get the items in cart with $itemCollection = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getAllItems();. now you just have to loop through this condition and set the quantity:
foreach ($itemCollection as $item) {
edit: sorry, didn't read about the input and button.
For the input and button, you just have to edit the template (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/cart.phtml). Or, if you want tom make an independant extension, you could add them by an observer. Check out inchoo's post. This form you've just created will call your controller/action, where you can set the items quantity (so no need for an observer anymore), with the same technique I've put earlier.
Let me know if that's not clear.

Please specify the product's option(s) in Magento

Actually i am using Elias_configurablebundle plugin for the configurable product as associated of the Bundle Product and to display GRID* for the configurable associated products i am using magento mechanics grid. here i have merged both of the extensions it showing GRID on bundle view page but showing Please specify the product's option(s)* on click of the **Add To Cart.
Although everything is fine, no required field left to fill out, i have applied any single custom options for any of the product.
so here i want to remove this validation so then it will directly redirect to shopping cart page.
Configurable products need to have their options chosen (say, color or size) in order to be added to the cart. Otherwise, there is no way to decide which simple product should be decremented from the inventory. So there is no way for you to "skip" selecting this information, other than hardcoding the selections for the configurable product.
If you do that, just use the simple products instead, and skip all the headache.
Another thing to check is that the options fields are actually inside the tags. Its fairly easy in Magento to move the option selects to a different column and not realize that you are moving them outside the add to cart form tags.
if the options are selected outside the form tags, then as far as the form is concerned no options have been selected.
Hope this helps someone down the road.
