CakePHP pagination in existing find() operations - ajax

I thought a bit too late about the pagination in my cakephp project, so now I have existing (complex) HABTM find operations (with dynamic order, tag search etc..) is it possible to do a cakephp pagination at this point? Or is it better/easier to do the pagination by my own (find next 20 entries from ID xx...)?
I've searched a long time for a solution but actually i've found nothing useful

No matter what you do , how complex app you make , you just need some syntax changes to make pagination , I had same , please check the solution i implemented.
$conditionSearchLessonsByCourse = array('CourseLessonsReference.is_active'=>1,
'Course1.is_active'=>1 ,
//Pagination logic
$this->paginate = array('conditions' => $conditionSearchLessonsByCourse,
'order' =>' DESC',
"joins" => array(
array(//UserCourse = Course Join
"table" => "courses",
"alias" => "Course1",
"type" => "INNER",
"conditions" => array(
" = CourseLessonsReference.course_id"
),//For Category = Course Join
"table" => "course_categories",
"alias" => "CourseCategory",
"type" => "INNER",
"conditions" => array(
" = Course1.course_category_id"
'recursive' => 2
$allLessonReferences = $this->paginate('CourseLessonsReference');


Store Taxonomy (Tree of life) with Couchebase, best practice

I previously asked a question about this (How to store a Tree Of Life in MySQL? (Phylum, Class, Order, Family, etc)) and I was using MySQL but after someone suggested using MongoDB, I decided to look around and install Couchbase. (Funny thing, geraldss suggested Couchbase in the comment of my previous question after I installed it).
I will store the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, etc for each fish in a document. But I would also like to have document(s) to help with a multilevel dropdown.
I want the first dropdown to be the 5 Kingdom, and then the next dropdown will populate with the Phylum available for this kingdom., Then the third dropdown will be populate with a list of this Phylum's class, and so on.
Right now I'm trying to find the best practical way to store this.
Should I create 1 single huge document called taxonomy or should I create multiple documents about, let say, each Phylum (still huge documents), or something else?
Little PHP array example to help me create the document(s):
"Fungi" => array(
"origin" => "Latin, derived from Greek - sp(h)onges, sponges",
"description" => "Obtain food through absorption, excrete enzymes for digestion",
"example" => "molds, mushrooms, lichens",
"Phylum" => array(),
"Plantae" => array(
"origin" => "Latin - plant",
"description" => "Multicellular organisms that are autotrophic",
"example" => "mosses, ferns, grasses, flowers, trees.",
"Phylum" => array(),
"Animalia" => array(
"origin" => "Latin - breath, soul",
"description" => "Multicellular organisms that develop from the fertilization of an egg by a sperm",
"example" => "sponges, worms, insects, fish, birds, humans",
"Phylum" => array( //32 total, 12 here
"Porifera" => array(
"name" => "Porifera",
"type" => "Phylum",
"origin" => "Latin - to bear pores",
"description" => "Sponges",
"Cnidaria" => array(
"name" => "Cnidaria",
"type" => "Phylum",
"origin" => "Greek - nettle",
"description" => "",
"Class" => array(
"Hydrozoa" => array(
"name" => "Hydrozoa",
"description" => "Hydras",
"Order" => array( //Multiple Order
"Family" => array( //Multiple Family for each Order
"Genus" => array( //Multiple Genus for each Family
What should I do? Would it be a good approach to create one single document? How would you store this?
(Please don't close this question, I'm trying very hard to switch my mind from relational to document-based DB and I'm struggling with this)

Wordpress failing to sort and filter in same wp_query with meta values using relational operators

I am trying to implement a filter and sort system for woo-commerce products in Wordpress.
There are two prices in my system (buy and rent)
Below is the argument array:
$args = array(
"post_type" => "product",
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
// This is to order by price
'meta_key' => '_regular_price',
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'AND',
// This is for getting price values greater than 1 in the ordering
'key' => '_regular_price',
'value' => 0,
"relation" => 'OR',
"key" => array('_regular_price','rent_price'),
"value" => array(1, 1000),
"compare" => 'BETWEEN',
"type" => 'DECIMAL'
"key" => array('_regular_price','rent_price'),
"value" => array(5000, 10000),
"compare" => 'BETWEEN',
"type" => 'DECIMAL'
If i remove the order by clause it works ok, or else if i remove the filter clause it works fine. But both of them together wont work.
Here are the conditions i am looking to implement:
Order by buy price or rent price (No price range selected & Price > 0)
Filter products between price range (single price range or multiple)
Both of the above together

CakePHP paginator isn't sorting

In CakePHP, I would like to sort my index list (created by the paginator component) on sequence ASC, but it won't work. If I see the query setup in the CakePHP docs (, my paginator settings should look like this:
public function index()
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
'Attraction' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Attraction.deleted' => null
'order' => array(
'Attraction.sequence ASC',
' ASC'
'limit' => 15
$attractions = $this->Paginator->paginate('Attraction');
$this->set('attractions', $attractions);
But every time I load my index file, the list is sorted on ID and ignores the "order" setting. Can anybody tell me if there's anything wrong with my "order" item in my paginator settings? ;)
'order' => array(
'Attraction.sequence' => 'asc',
'' => 'asc'
The sorting direction must be in the array value, while the field name should be the index. The examles I found in the documentations are always showing that
I don't think you should have that Attraction index in your options array - in other words, I think your options array should look like this:
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
'conditions' => array(
'Attraction.deleted' => null
'order' => array(
'Attraction.sequence ASC',
' ASC'
'limit' => 15

cakephp 2.1 contain second level different field name

I can't get the values from a second level contain using different field name as link.
Asistencia model:
var $belongsTo = array('Employee');
Horario model:
var $belongsTo = array('Employee');
Employee model:
var $hasMany = array(
'Horario' => array(
'foreignKey' => 'employee_id',
'dependent' => true
'Asistencia' => array(
'foreignKey' => 'employee_id',
'dependent' => true
I'll explain using these values on my example record:
Asistencia: employee_id = 3701
Employee : id = 3701
In my find() from Asistencia, I get to contain Employee by switching Employee primaryKey just fine:
$this->Asistencia->Employee->primaryKey = 'id';
$this->paginate = array(
'contain' => array(
'Employee' => array(
'foreignKey' => 'employee_id',
//'fields' => array('id', h('emp_ape_pat'), h('emp_ape_mat'), h('name')),
'Horario' => array(
'foreignKey' => 'employee_id',
//'fields' => array('id' )
'conditions' => $conditions,
'order' => 'Asistencia.employee_id');
However, my Horario record is linked to Employees via another field: emp_appserial
Employee : emp_appserial = 373
Horario : employee_id = 373
How can my Employee array contain Horario array? (they do share the value just mentioned).
Currently, the Horario contain is using the value on Asistencia.employee_id and (3701). (checked the sql_dump and is trying to get the Horario via
"WHERE `Horario`.`employee_id` = (3701)"
but for the Employee to contain Horario, it should use the value on Employee.emp_appserial and Horario.employee_id (373).
This is what i get (empty array at bottom)
(int) 0 => array(
'Asistencia' => array(
'id' => '5',
'name' => null,
'employee_id' => '3701',
'as_date' => '2012-11-19',
'Employee' => array(
'id' => '3701',
'emp_appserial' => '373',
'emp_appstatus' => '8',
'AgentFullName' => '3701 PEREZ LOMELI JORGE LORENZO',
'Horario' => array()
Please notice:
'employee_id' => '3701', (Asistencia)
'emp_appserial' => '373', (Employee)
my Horario has 'employee_id' = 373.
How could I make the switch so the relation Employee<->Horario is based on emp_appserial?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Firstly you may be getting problems because you're using Spanish words for your Model names and I suspect you're also using them for Controllers.
This is a very bad practice since CakePHP's idea is:
Convention over configuration.
This is achieved through the Inflector class which "takes a string and can manipulate it to handle word variations such as pluralizations or camelizing and is normally accessed statically". But this works ONLY WITH English words. What this means for you is that you may be missing the data because Cake is not able to build the DB queries right, since you're using Spanish words. By doing so you're making the use of CakePHP's flexible persistence layer obsolete - you will have to make all the configurations by hand. Also most likely pagination will NOT WORK. Other parts of the framework may also not work properly:
HtmlHelper, FormHelper, Components, etc. ...
These problems will expand if you try to use more complex Model associations such as HABTM or "hasMany through the Join Model".
So I do not know why exactly you aren't seeing the Horario record, but what I just explained most likely is your problem.
What you're trying to do is against the core principles of CakePHP and you'd save yourself a lot of problems if you refactor a bit and use English words. Your other option is NOT TO use Cake.

Cakephp 2.0: How to provide ORDER BY instructions for data retrieved recursively through find()?

I am trying to set up a model with a lot of hasMany/hasOne relationships, and I'd like for the owned models to be presented, alphabetically, in a drop-down menu within the "Add" view. I am not sure how to provide ORER BY instructions to models that are retrieved recursively. This is what I've tried:
$services = $this->service->find('all', array(
'Service.start_year DESC',
'Servicecat.title DESC'
) );
But of course this yields no change. I have a suspicion it's not very complicated, I just can't find a solution in the cookbook/api. Ideas?
You could do this a few ways. I prefer to use the containable behavior for models and then it allows you to finely control how the models are retrieved. You could also setup order in your model's relationship definition.
Model Way
$hasMany = array(
'Servicecat' => array(
'order' => array(
'Servicecat.title DESC'
Containable Way
In your models, set them to use the containable behavior:
public $actsAs = array('Containable');
Then, when you find from your controller, you can explicitly state which models are linked. You can use multidimensional arrays to determine the depth of recursion.
$services = $this->Service->find(
'contains' => array(
'Servicecat' => array(
'order' => array('Servicecat.title' => 'DESC')
'order' => array('Services.start_year' => 'DESC')
