Child XML for Joomla Parameters - joomla

I'm creating a template with many parameters available in its backend.
Basically I have about 8 blocks in the template structure (index.php) and each block have about 30 options (background, content type, layout, animation etc) so I have about 300 options totally in the template backend. This makes the template backend is loaded very slow when opened or saved.
Is there any native way (I didn't use any template framework) to make all of these 30 options are loaded in the separated / child xml so it will be called by demand (ajax) and the template backend loaded faster? Any other suggestion or advice are welcome

There is no "native" way to do what you want. I do think, however, that Joomla is slow in rendering these XML tags so it might be worth it to check the code that does the rendering and perhaps optimize it.


AngularJS - does everything need to loaded on initial page load?

I am diving into JavaScript MVC with Angular and as I understand it, along with the initial shell page, all your scripts must be loaded on the initial page load. However, and correct me if I'm wrong, that would mean that a majority of your scripts being loaded could be entirely useless (i.e. you have view #1 showing and scripts for views #2 - #10 aren't needed yet)?
In my case, I have a fairly large web app, with a feed page, results page, product page, profile page, among others. It amounts to 10+ pages, and my current (the traditional) approach is loading scripts specific to each page on load. Now each page is a partial and I don't believe it's possible to load specific scripts with partials?
So, part of my question is if my statements are accurate. The other is whether or not my fear of suffering on initial page load are justified (especially for mobile devices for instance).
I really got into Angular in hopes to clean up my JavaScript with the MVC approach and did not plan on taking advantage of it as a single page application (I can forego the use of routing different partials into my view, right?). But now I'm not sure. I just want to get a better understanding of how it works before making the leap.
Any help appreciated. Thanks!
Take a look into AMD pattern with Require.JS (Works with any type of JS framework). There is a seed project with AngularJS + RequireJS.

Caching web pages with high-frequently changing elements

What would be a good approach in general to cache a web page where most of the content living in a database almost never changes (e.g. description) but a little content changes high-frequently (e.g. stock items).
I want to keep the web page cached as long as possible. Would it be an option to get the dynamic content via AJAX request? Do better approaches exist?
You could request the stock data from a separate URL and use JavaScript to insert it into the document. That way, the HTML/CSS/JS remains the same and can be cached. The stock information is loaded using JavaScript and it's not inserted into the HTML by the server.
You could create a URL that returns JSON for this purpose (and similarly for other information that you wish to include using JavaScript).

Website optimization / decrease loading time in mvc 3

I have built a test website using nopCommerce open source , Everything is working fine , i need to know , why my website loading time is greater than 6 sec , the homepage works fine but the categories when clicked takes like 6-10 secs. how can i check the http request and calls to db so that i can track which function is taking a long times.
Test website is test website
Things I would try in that order:
Analyze my code for possible performance bottlenecks using a .NET profiler.
Finally submit bugs to the nopCommerce support if the previous approaches didn't yield anything fruitful that would put my code into cause.
In between I might also checkout with my hosting provider whether he is not the cause of the slowness.
As a quick and dirty check, you can add the time it takes to generate the response as a column in the IIS logs - that will give you some idea as to whether the server is being slow to serve the pages or you need to do some front-end optimisation work.
On the front end side the first thing you need to do it merge all the CSS files for a theme into one to save on roundtrips - the browser can't render the page until it's got the CSS
All the .js files you have in the head will also block the page, can you merge them and load them later?
The performance of imagegen.ashx looks on the slow side - do you need to generate the banners on the fly or could they be pre-generated?
If the back-end side of generating the page is slow, there are some scripts around the web to show which queries are using the most CPU, making the most IO ops etc.
Below is a list of things you can improve,
1.Combine your js.
There are a few things you can use, for example, jsMin, you can read this [post] However, jsmin doesn't seem to compress the combined js.
Another option is [jmerge] It kinda does it after the fact, in the sense that you need to have the site ready to cobine them with jmerge since it only take a http link.
The best one I'v known so far is bundling and minification feature of MVC4. It's part of MVC4, however, you can get a Nuget package for you MVC 3 app.
Word of advice: bundling every js of yours is not necessarily a good idea, it even backfires someimtes, since you will end up with a big js that browser will have to download sequentially, instead of downloading several smaller ones. (you might want to look into head.js to make js download parallel) So the trick here is to keep the balance. I end up have a jquery from google CDN and bundled the rest of my js into one.
2.Put js at the bottom of the page so the browser doesnt have to load the js first before it starts to render the page. But you need to be careful with this one though, since normally you will have jquery functions doing stuff upon document.ready() at the header of the page, I adviese you moving that to the bottom of the page as well, if possible.
If you move the js reference and scirpt block in you layout page to the bottom, then you will most likely run into problem with nested js reference and js script blocks in your individual view. No worries, then you need to look into using #section (probably suitable for a discussion in an other thread) in your view and render it in your layout page, so that the referenced and script block inside your view get rendered at the bottom of the page at run time.
2.Use CDN
Pretty straight forward.
3.Combine CSS
Combine them into one, with the same tool you use for combining js, but you need to reference it at the page header, instead of the bottom.
4.Enable static content cache, something like this in your web config file
It won't help with first time load, but definitely will make it a lot faster for returning user.
5.Enable url compression
Time to first load
This is one of the metrics used by But dont bang your head against this one too much, as it basically says how fast your web server can serve the content. So probably not much you can do here form the software end.
Hope that would help!
NopCommerce is deadly slow, and the developers doesn't look in to the performance issue seriously. I have seen lot of performance related forums left unanswered. So best luck.

Implementing Django Templates and jQuery Templates Together

I'm working on a website that uses AJAX to retrieve data from the server and display it on the page. Django renders the initial page content using its template engine (so it will be indexed by search engines). When the user takes an action, jQuery fetches the new data via AJAX and the response is returned as JSON. I would like to have jQuery render this new content without violating the DRY Principle. Therefore I would like to use a templating engine that is "shared" between Django and jQuery. I've been running in circles trying to find the best solution but always seem to run into a road block.
Has this already been done? Here are the options I have thought of:
Use regular expressions to transform the Django template into correct jQuery template syntax, and render it in its raw form to the page. jQuery will then pick it up and use it to render the new data.
Extend the jQuery template engine to recognize the Django template syntax, again rendering the raw Django template to the page for jQuery to use.
Has this been successfully done before? Either way seems like a lot of work for anything but the simplest of Django templates because of the plethora of Django tags and filters that would need accounted for.
Your best bet is to pick a template language that has both Javascript and Python support, and use that everywhere.
As far as I know, Mustache is your best bet.
I haven't found a perfect solution since I asked this question, but for the sake of development time I resorted to sending back both JSON and HTML in the AJAX response. This way the django templates still perform the HTML generation, but javascript is still free to utilize the data without having to parse the HTML.
I am sending approximately twice the data over the network, but I'm going to live with it until my application grows to the point where a smaller response is beneficial. At that point I will probably look into something like Mustache as Rob mentioned.

Load Partial Template Ajax - With Grails

I am creating a grails webapp, and have the main index gsp, and there are several common components that will be common across most of the pages on the site that I am using partial templates for.
Each partial template will be quite isolated and contain very different information, so each one should be getting info from different controllers.
What I want is on page loading, for each partial template to make a call to a controller to load the required content - Im hoping there is some tag I can easily place in my partial templates specifying a controller/action that will automatically call the controllers on load.
Is this possible?
Also, one of the partial templates' controllers will be pulling back information from a web service that can take some time, so it would be good if i could also load these templates asynchronously..
That's what the <g:include> Tag is for. It's very useful by itself but even more if combined with the springcache plugin and using page fragment caching.
Since the include calls a regular action in a controller you can also consume it by an ajax call.
