Cannot start the emulator for Windows Phone 8.1 - visual-studio-2013

this is the error I get when I try to launch the emulator:
I have windows 8.1 professional, and the emulator as its shown is compatible with w8.1, and I installed the suitable VS update.

As the message suggests, you probably don't have Hyper-V enabled. If your PC supports it (which it should if the CPU isn't very old), you'll probably have to enable it from your BIOS (look up your motherboard or laptop model number for the exact location of the option in the BIOS).
On the off chance that it's enabled there but disabled from Windows, type "Turn Windows features on or off" from your Windows search charm and see if the Hyper-V option is checked or not. If the option isn't there at all then it's probably disabled from the BIOS or not supported by your CPU.

Also make sure you are running the 64 bit version of Windows 8.1 Pro. From the error shown it sounds like you may have the 32 bit OS installed.


Visual Studio: Xamarin - Error starting Android Emulator

Problem encountered on
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
Using the Hello World xamarin example in Visual Studio - I'm unable to start the Android Emulator.
When I click on the Run button in the Android Device Manager - the error appears immediately (See attached)
Error-AndroidDeviceManager (Emulator including Google Play/Google API)
Emulator error
Device error: WARNING: unexpected '-prop' value ('monodroid.avdname=pixel_2_pie_9_0_-_api_28'), only 'qemu.' properties are supported
WARNING: unexpected '-prop' value ('emu.uuid=4b63b139-cc77-4b66-9200-0d25f8fc545e'), only 'qemu.' properties are supported
Same Error when Emulator is not using Google Play/Google API
Same Error when Emulator is not using Google Play/Google API
Windows Specifications
Edition: Windows 10 Pro
Version: 1909
AMD Ryzen 9
Task Manager:
Performance: Virtualization is Enabled
cmd - systeminfo:
Hyper-V Requirements: VM Monitor Mode Extensions: Yes
Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes
Second Level Address Translation: Yes
Data Execution Prevention Available: Yes
Visual Studio 2019
Windows Features On/Off (see attached - shows Hyper V / Virtualization enabled as per documentation):
I tried this way too - adding the Virtual Machine Platform - same error
Android SDK Settings
Android SDK Version:
Could the issue be related to the Android SDK Tools - only showing Android SDK Command-line Tools versions 1.0 to 2.1?
Could the issue be related to Android Repository perhaps missing on the bottom right hand side?
I've now also included the Android SDK Repository under the tools - but this is still not coming through:
You should also check Virtual Machine Platform in Turn Windows features on or off. Also, note that the tutorial that you linked to use an Android device for USB debugging.
Here are my Android SDK Manager settings
Platform Settings
I had also the same problem, but I have already fixed as next process.
disable both [Hyper-V] and [Windows Hypervisor Platform].
restart PC.
enable both [Hyper-V] and [Windows Hypervisor Platform].
restart PC.
I had exactly the same problem, so I went to my UEFI settings and I realized that my SVM Mode was disabled. I don't know what motherboard you have but for Gigabyte this usually is in:
M.I.T → Advanced CPU Core Settings → SVM Mode
Disable the hyper-v via the following command on command line and reboot.
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Enable it back with the following command and reboot.
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
Now my emulator runs!
It seems like there is some kind of conflict with virtualization as per this and it effects creating Linux VMs too but these steps clears it.
The answer by suzukimi is right but I provided the commands and some additional info.
I had the same problem, solved it by turning on the virtualization in the bios
I struggled with this issue for 2 days. I even installed Android Studio and run its own emulator to make sure the issue is not Xamarin. Finally it is solved. In my Dell laptop running Windows 10 with Hyper-V installed, there are two issues causing this:
Run Command prompt in Admin mode. type bcdedit. On the last entry all the way down, make sure hypervisorlaunchtype is Off. By default it is set to Auto.
To change this setting, type:
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Make sure to run the emulator on the laptop screen. Not on any other monitor. Somehow Android emulator crashed my laptop graphics driver when it is on other monitor.
I had same issue after I brainlessly type some command which ADB I think recommend it to me. After a while a realize, that even WSL does not work (Ubuntu in WSL and Docker) so I started to troubleshoot this one and finaly find solution
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
this typing in powershell fix all issues for me with Hyper-V and WSL
I had the same issue turns out the issue was that the intel HAXM wasn't installing properly from the SDK manager window.
So I downloaded the Installer directly from the repo. and installed it via the exe.
Restarted Visual studio. Worked perfectly.
Go to BIOS and enable Virtualization Technology and of course also make sure the Windows Feature (Hyper-V is installed - all components).
In my case, BIOS was reset when I changed my CPU battery.
This recently happened to me. After some research, I discovered that Microsoft Hyper V was the issue, but the machine I was trying to use it on was Windows 10 Home edition. It had to be Professional, Enterprise, etc. It's not compatible with the version of Windows. Hope this helps.

Can't install Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator

So I have a HP laptop, and as many HP users know it's a nightmare to install Hyper-V on it. But I somehow managed. Hyper-V is running on my laptop and I have all the necessary hardware requirements:
SLAT is enabled
VT-x is supported and enabled
I'm running 64 bit Windows 8.1 Professional
I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 3
Hardware D.E.P. is enabled and supported
And yet when I run the Phone Emulator installation I get the following display:
I can't figure out what's going on or why I keep getting the error. Hyper-V is running as shown:
I've spent two days already trying to figure this out and searching on Google for a solution to this problem. Some of the things I've tried:
Flashing my BIOS
Resolving issues with the Realtek BlueTooth driver (this causes issues with Hyper-V)
Reseting my BIOS
Doing a clean install of my whole system
Installing all Windows Updates
Installing all Visual Studio updates
Enabled / Disabled D.E.P.
Any advice is appreciated. If you need the log from the emulator installation let me know and I'll post it here.
I've attempted to install winsows server standard 2012 and tried enababling hyper-v and installing visual studio and the phone emulator there, and that works and I'm able to run the emulators with no problem.
When I tried the same thing back after installing windows 8 again it installs hyper-v but fails to start windows after installing visual studio update 2 with the phone images etc. The only way I can boot back into windows is if I turn off virtualization in bios.
So it turns out that HP Pavilion laptops support all that is needed to run Hyper-V, however it looks as if HP is blocking the SLAT functionality from working properly with Hyper-V thus not allowing it to run correctly. This looks like it's blocked at the BIOS level.
Updating the BIOS doesn't solve the issue.
The way I came to this conclusion is that Windows Server running Hyper-V runs the Windows Phone emulator with no problems, and it's a Microsoft decision to not require SLAT when running Hyper-V on Windows Server while requiring it on Desktop version of Windows.
Seeing how I paid extra for a more powerful laptop to be able to use features like Hyper-V, and to have an experience such as this due to a manufacturer configuration has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Needless to say this is the LAST time I'll ever buy an HP laptop.

Unable to start the Windows Phone Emulator

I've seen this error several times. Each time I google deeply and finally made me reinstall my windows and all stuffs. Please help, I don't want to reinstall everything again. The error is:
Windows Phone Emulator
Unable to start the Windows Phone Emulator
Windows Phone Emulator is unable to start because
the hypervisor is not running. The likely cause is
that hardware-assisted virtualization is not enabled.
Check your computer's BIOS to ensure that hardware-
assisted virtualization and hardware-assisted data
execution features are enabled.
But yesterday I debugged really normally on Windows Phone using Emulator and I really sure
I've turned on Virtualization in BIOS and also in Turn Windows features on or off :
Sometimes when I hit f5 the IDE come with another error: 0x80131500
My PC: windows 8.1 ultimate 64b, 4gb ram, i3, Visual Studio 2013 RC3
Finally after struggling all day, I solved it ^^
I post the solution here so that somebody don't have to waste time just like me to solve such a silly error!
Just simple disable Hyper-V option in Turn Windows features on or off
(you could open this by hit the combination Windows + S, this will open the search box, then type "Turn Windows features on or off"
restart your PC
enable the Hyper-V option by using the same way as step 1.
Enjoy coding :D
If the accepted answer doesn't work for you - as it unfortunately did not for me - also be sure to enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in your BIOS.
The article below outlines what BIOS settings to enable for Hyper-V:
In my case, I had hardware-assisted virtualization enabled in the BIOS, but not data execution prevention (DEP). I also had Hyper-V enabled via Windows Features. After enabling DEP in the BIOS, I was able to run the Windows phone emulator.
CMD with admin rights:
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
and reboot.

Windows 8.1 dont have hyper-v - cant use Windows Phone Emulator

Lately i wanted to get into Windows Phone 8 development and i installed Visual Studio 2013 + Windows Phone SDK 8 + Visual Studio 2013 Latest update.
My system parameters are:
- 8gb ram
- Windows 8.1 64bit system
- Intel i5
The moment i try to run a Windows Phone project a dialog appears and it says:
Title - " Cant start the windows phone emulator"
Subtitle - "The Windows Phone Emulator requires Hyper-V.Your PC is missing the following pre-requisites required to run Hyper-V:
-Windows 8 Professional(64 bit)"
After i saw that i checked for how to upgrade Normal Windows 8.1 to Windows 8.1 Professional.
With no luck i tried to find out more about to install Hyper-V with the BIOS configuration with no luck as well.
Usually i develop on Android with Eclipse(with the Emulator) so i can't understand the reason why a emulator of Windows Phone can't run on my system.
I dont have Hyper-V feature in the Windows Feature list to Turn off/on
Thanks heads up for each answer! :)
The error is saying you need Windows 8.1 x64 Pro or Enterprise to be able to install Hyper-V. You can still develop phone apps in the edition of Windows 8.1 you have but you must debug on on a windows phone the emulator will not be available
System Control -> Programms and Functions -> "Activate or deactivate Windows Features" (in the left bar)
(freely translated from my german win8.1)
There you can activate Hyper-V if it is inside your Windows-version. Then try to restart VS2013 and start the emulator. I had to "deactivate" my Hyper-V and activate it again for some reason. Then it worked.
Good Luck! :)
The Windows Phone 8 emulator is a special Hyper-V image. It cannot run on other virtualization technology.
Without the emulator, the alternative option would be to use an actual device.
you can use a virtual machine to deploy windows phone 8 OS. Your System processor does not support hyper-v so, you can install win phone 8 on a virtual machine. you would found this link helpful.. check it out:
Step which i followed; ( I already have windows 8.1 64-bit machine )
Enabled 'Virtualization / Hardware assisted virtualization' in bios. [ ].
Hyper-V option came in 'windows features' after I did this step.
Later, I Became a member of Hyper-V admin group.

Getting issue while installing Windows Phone SDK

I am new to wp development while installing. windows mobile sdk i am getting an error "This computer does not support windows phone emulator which requires the 64 bit edition of windows 8.1 pro and a computer that supports Hiper-V" as shown in the below screen shot....
I am using windows 8.1 pro 64 bit operating system and dual core second generation processor and 4 gb ram.
For Windows phone emulator installation should requires SLAT support for the machine
See the requirements for WP 8
Check whether your system has SLAT support using the below software
If your machine is SLAT enabled make sure the Hyper-V settings in "Windows Features" as below:
It works only on the processor that has HYPER-V(Virtualization). All the intel i-series supports virtualization.
