Could someone help me configure MinGW in SublimeText 3? (Newbie) - gcc

I downloaded MinGW following the first link here and now I need to configure it in SubimeText 3. I know I should go to Tools > Build System > New Build System... But what should I specify there?
I use Win7x64. And MinGW is in C:\MinGW

The complete reference for build systems is here. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the C:\MinGW\bin directory is in your PATH, then restart Sublime so the change gets picked up.
Once you've done that, create a new build system with the following contents:
"cmd": ["gcc", "${file}", "-o", "${file_base_name}.exe"],
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"selector": "source.c, source.c++",
"shell": true,
"name": "Run",
"cmd": ["start", "cmd", "/k", "${file_path}/${file_base_name}.exe"],
"shell": true
and save it as Packages/User/C.sublime-build where the Packages folder is the one opened by selecting Preferences -> Browse Packages....
You can now choose this build system by selecting Tools -> Build System -> C. Once you are ready to compile, save your source file, then hit CtrlB to build. To run the program, hit CtrlShiftB and a cmd window will open up to run the resulting .exe file, then stay open until you close it (so you can see any output produced by the program).
You can try to use the C++ build system that comes with Sublime, but some users have run into issues with it in the past, especially on Windows, so this custom one may suit your needs better.
Good luck!


The Debugger in VS Code is starting but closing right after with no Terminal outputs

My Setup is the following:
I use a quite big python repository and code with VS Code with the following setup:
Version: 1.66.0 (user setup)
Commit: e18005f0f1b33c29e81d732535d8c0e47cafb0b5
Date: 2022-03-30T05:50:14.623Z
Electron: 17.2.0
Chromium: 98.0.4758.109
Node.js: 16.13.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19041
Since yesterday the debugger doesn't start anymore. When I start it with the buttons or with F5, the debug toolbar shows up for a second and then it vanishes again. The normal run works perfectly, as well as when I run my file from a terminal.
I didn't really change something that I can remember, only that VS Code did an automatic update on Monday evening.
There is no Terminal output that I can show, since it is not opening a Debugging Console.
I used the debugger always directly from the file that I needed to debug and didn't specify any launch.json files.
What I already tried, is as mentioned using not the Debugger, but the Run command and started the files from a terminal outside of VS Code. Then my code runs as intended. But since I need the debugger for my work, this is not a good solution.
I also went back a few commits to the last step where I know it was working, but this didn't change it at all.
I tried to debug a simple "hello World" python script but there I have the same problem.
I used the automatic add configuration from VS Code and it added the following launch.json file to the .vscode folder in the repo. Together with this file it added a configuration called "Python: Aktuelle Datei" (german for current file). This also didn't help when I'm trying to launch it with this configuration.
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Python: Aktuelle Datei",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${file}",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true
Is there anyone who encountered a similar issue?

VSCode wrong path while debugging Go program

I have my main.go in a subfolder cmd/admin/main.go but when I'm debugging and there are errors in a file, it gives me the relative path from the main.go folder instead of the workspace folder. So for example I will have the error ..\..\path\to\file.go:238:3: undefined: test which won't work if I try to Ctrl+click it.
If I launch the command from the root go run cmd/admin/main.go that works as intended returning path\to\file.go:238:3: undefined: test.
My launch.json:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/admin",
"env": {},
"args": []
Go version 1.16.6
VSC version 1.58.2
OS Windows10
Go File > Add Folder to Workspace
Then select the folders containing main.go
You can also do it in the command line:
code cmd/admin -a
Now make sure your current launch.json has been deleted to start fresh, your workspace should look like this:
Notice that there is a 'package main' and 'func main()' this is required for Go to know the entry point.
Now press Run and Debug with a breakpoint:
That's it, it should now work on any folders you add to your workspace. If you want more specific debug options, add them to your workspace and they'll apply in the context of the file you run from. Click the 'create a launch.json file.:
Select workspace:
Select Go: Launch package
You now have a launch config that will apply to the directory you run it from:
Make sure to save your workspace to keep it:
Be sure to delete your current launch.json files if they already exist anywhere.
Make sure all of your source code is located in GOPATH/src, you can find out where GOPATH is by putting this into a command line:
go env GOPATH
The file doesn't need to be named main.go, but you MUST have a package named main, and a func named main for Go to know the entry point, for each executable, for example influxdb's two cli's:
More info
VS Code workspace debugging:
Try and make sure:
you have no GOxxx environment variable set (no GO_BASE_PATH, no GOROOT), except for GOPATH set to %USERPROFILE%\go, and %GOPATH%\bin in your %PATH%
you are using Go installed in the default C:\Program Files\Go\ folder
you have set up your project using Go modules, with a go mod init myproject
you have defined a multi-root workspace for your project root folder, compose of only one root: your project. Save that workspace (it will create a <name>.code-workspace JSON file).
See then if the issue persists (and no cwd should be needed in your launch.json)

How to compile Sass to CSS in Sublime Text 3 automatically?

For example, there is package for less LessToCss. As for Sass(or SCSS) I don't know what i should do. Ruby and sublime package Sass are installed.
You have to alter the PATH variable at the end of PATH string in the Environment Variables: Desktop - Properties - Environment Variables. It for win vista/7 users. Detail for 2000/XP here Sass compiler not working in sublime text 3
One way is to download a SASS build compiler from here: SASS Compiler
This is automatic Sublime package that simply builds your file at the place.
However since they released the new version, there seem to be multiple settings on this package - you could try to mess with that a bit and see what it can do nowdays.
Second way is to write your own Build command in Sublime. You do this by going to "Tools>Build System>New Build System..."
"cmd": ["sass", "--update", "$file:${project_path}/Project/Web/css/${file_base_name}.css", "--stop-on-error", "--style", "compressed", "--no-cache", "--sourcemap=none"],
"selector": "source.sass, source.scss",
"line_regex": "Line ([0-9]+):",
"path": "/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
"shell": "true"
Explanation: I use a folder structure as the following: Project/Web/CSS - If you have the Sublime Project FILE at the same level as Project FOLDER, then this will automatically build your Sass file (placed ANYWHERE in the project file) in your Web/CSS folder. Of course you can change this as you see fitting.
here is 100% solution, as i also using. Actually i am using in mac so, i am not sure about windows because i wouldn't try yet in windows but i think it will works in window's too.
so here is the build;
copy this from starting brackets and paste it into build and then save with any name like (Build to CSS),"
"cmd": ["sass", "--update", "$file:${file_path}/../css/${file_base_name}.css", "--stop-on-error", "--no-cache"],
"path": "/user/local/bin:$PATH"
"shell": true
If it's working then please comment.

Sublime Automatically build New Build System

I have a js and html build system on sublime . I'd prefer not to have to switch my build system anytime I want to compile in those languages. Is there a way I can make the automatic build system choose html whenever the file has a .html suffix? Right now this is all I have in my html build system
"cmd": ["open", "-a", "Google Chrome", "$file"]
I'm running Mac OS 10.9.5. Thanks in advance for your help.
Change your build system to this:
"cmd": ["open", "-a", "Google Chrome", "$file"],
"selector": "text.html"
Next, go to Tools -> Build System and select Automatic. Now, whenever you're editing an HTML file, you can hit ⌘B and it will automatically use your HTML build system. You can read all about build systems here and here.

SublimeText 2 on Mac OS X: Build does not do anything, no errors

I am trying to Run/Build a simple python file like:
def test(a):
print a
Running it from the commandline obviously runs fine. Trying it from within SublimeText nothing happens. I don't get build output, nor any errors in the console or in the OS's
My Python.sublime-build for example looks like:
"cmd": ["/usr/local/bin/python", "-u", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python"
But it does not matter if I change the command to "cmd": ["randombullshit"],. Nothing happens and no errors show.
The same goes for other languages such as coffeescript.
Any idea where to look? or what to change?
Make sure your file is saved before you attempt to build it, and go to Tools -> Build System and select Python instead of Automatic, just to be sure. You can see build results via Tools -> Build Results.
What might be happening is your preferences might be set to not automatically show build results. Go to Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Settings - User and put in the following:
"show_panel_on_build": true
If you don't have any personalized settings yet, the file should look like this:
"show_panel_on_build": true
This should (hopefully) fix the problem.
