Is there a way to bridge out SMS via gateway on FreeSWITCH? - sms

I wonder if there is a way to send sms messages out from freeswitch box via a gateway just like bridge api in mod sofia for calls.
I can originate and receive calls from a sip provider via an external gateway on freeswitch. Now i need to do the same philosophy for chat using the same gateway.
If not, I would be greateful if you recommend an open source http to sip gateway as an alternative.
Thank you for any help.

You need to check what messaging protocol (e.g. SIP SIMPLE) is accepted by your remote sms gateway. SIP SIMPLE is supported by Freeswitch out-of-the-box. Then, you can either execute "chat" API command from your dialplan:
<action application="set" data="api_result=${chat(sip|from#sender|to#receiver|${your_text_msg})}"/>
or create a chatplan (see mod_sms for latter) if you require more sophisticated message routing.

The answer is indeed using chat application but a follows:
Assuming that I have an iptel gateway registered on my FreeSWITCH server "" and that I have the following user registered on ipetl ""
To send an SMS to this user out from FreeSWITCH via the iptel gateway, I can do it from FreeSWITCH console as follows:
chat sip|noreply#mydomain|external/|Hello It's working !
Or the api (with ESL for e.g.):
api chat sip|noreply#mydomain|external/|Hello It's working !
Of course you can replace the iptel gateway in this example with the gateway that your SIP provider gave you. Make sure that the Gateway supports chat using the SIP SIMPLE protocol.


Twilio SMS to Softphone Bria/SessionTalk

How can Twilio SMS messaging be integrated with SIP soft phones such as Bria and SessionTalk. Both those examples support sms messaging via SIP Simple but there is a dirth of documentation on how to set this up.
For the purpose of this question assume that a Twilio messaging service is already set up and tested to work. There is also an external server available if additional coding is required.
SIP SIMPLE is not a protocol Twilio supports, so direct integration is not possible.

Proxy SMTP server with instructions receiving from API

The task is to build SMTP proxy gateway which will send all letters to API for some checks and dependently of API answer will send letter to destination server or will return error message to client.
Please look at this picture
IMAP will be organized in same way, all letters will be sent to API for virus checking etc. and only letters with successfull API response will be received to mailbox.
Want to ask and advice which software will be better to use for this purpose. Dovecot/Postfix? But how to integrate it with AMQP API? Maybe better will be to organize it through nginx proxy? Or python Twisted framework?
Will be grateful for any help.
If you're looking for a COTS software solution, Forum Sentry API Security Gateway software version can act both as an SMTP proxy or an AMQP proxy.
[I work for Forum Systems]

Send a SIP text message to SIP gateway

I am looking for a solution to send an SMS over SIP to my SIP gateway.
I am running FreeSWITCH server and I am using SIP trunking to send and receive calls from my SIP provider.
The issue is resolved when dealing with calls because FreeSWITCH offers the possibility to bridge calls out to SIP gateway (mod_sofia via bridge application)
But it seems like FreeSWITCH does not support sending sms to sip gateway (mod_sms)
I am trying to work this arround by finding an open source trick with which I can send text messages to my SIP provider via the gateway I already have.
Kindly I am asking recommendations to solve this issue.

Playsms Vs Kannel as gateway

Kannel is a compact and very powerful open source WAP and SMS gateway
PlaySMS is a flexible Web-based Mobile Portal System that it can be made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway,
I am confused, if Playsms can serve as gateway, why we need kannel?
Playsms and Kannel are not comparable, they are complementary; Playsms is a web portal to create and manage sms services on top of "compact" gateways, it is where Kannel is playing, but playsms is compatible with many other types of gateways.
It really depends on what you need to do:
Create a top-level messaging service ? then it is playsms (more info)
Use a gateway as a component for your own app ? web site ? ... then it is kannel, or jasmin, or gnokii, or gammu ... (depends on your taste)

SIP over websockets to true SIP

I'm trying to implement a sip server for connecting to from an HTML sip client(made using sipml5). During my research into doing this I've come across sip over web-sockets which might be useful to me, however, I am unsure if a user agent connecting through sip over web-sockets to a compatible server would then be able to successfully make a call to some one using an incompatible server(i.e. calling from SIP over web-sockets to true SIP).
I know webrtc2sip can be used for connecting to legacy networks but I would rather avoid using another proxy if at all possible. So, is it possible to connect to a compatible SIP server using SIP over web-sockets then make a call from this user agent to another that does not support SIP over web-sockets without using a gateway?
You are right, SIP over Websockets is a draft, not specification. And I do not know many SIP vendors who support this draft.
Possible solution is truly websocket-SIP gateway. For example Flashphoner Web Call Server is implemented as a gateway which works through websockets with browser and works via SIP(TCP and UDP) with SIP servers. Therefore it is compatible with any server that supports RFC3261 - standard SIP specification.
Brief signaling scheme is:
Browser - [Websockets] - Web Call Server - [SIP TCP, UDP] - any SIP Server
Brief streaming scheme:
Browser - [WebRTC = SRTP, DTLS, ICE, STUN ] - Web Call Server - [RTP UDP] - any SIP/RTP Server
An alternate way is to use kamailio as it understands both sip and ws sip .
when you say "implementing a sip server " is it a simple registrar or proxy server or you want cal control logic / presence other features ?
In all cases kamailio fulfills all requirements , plus it is opensource .
Mobicents SIP Servlets Example already provides a B2BUA Application taking care of that for you. The Media is peer to peer (or through a TURN Relay Server) but if you need to bridge to a Media Server, you can indeed patch the SDP Body to make the media of each party go through the Media Server (pending it supports Media related codecs from WebRTC, DTLS-SRTP etc) to add conferencing, recording type of capabilities.
