How do I perform mathematical operation linked with user input [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to be able to input a number and choose a variable then what the variable is set to then its subtracted by the number inputed and displayed in a TextBox when i click the calculate button (I'm trying to create a rank calculator for a game).
[Current cR is TextBox1, Choosen Rank is ComboBox1 and Calculate is Button1]
The Template

It will look something like this if I understand your equation correctly.
private1-textbox1.value/agxp = rgr
I think that is essentially what you are asking. I am assuming you will have assigned a value to private1 previously and that the ccr is inputed by the user. I also am assuming that your agxp is also previously assigned. There is the possibility that the value in textbox1 will be read as a string not as an integer. If that is the case, you will have to convert it to an integer.


How to access a go struct whilst only being given one property of it? [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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So lets say you have one property of a struct. You also know the name of the struct type, but there is a specific struct created called StructAccess you want to target. You know the id, but only that property, and none others. How would you get the other values of StructAccess with only the value of id (StructAccess.ID)
Just Asking.
How would you get the other values of StructAccess with only the value of id (StructAccess.ID)
Not at all. This is impossible.

Is there a way to print a string variable in its 2 words format? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I would like to find a clear way to demonstrate concretely that a variable of type string holds a 2-words data structure (at least as far as I understand it).
This demonstration is for didactic purposes.
So, as I know, a string is a 2 words data structure where one word holds the address of the underlying slice of bytes and the word holds the length.
Given a variable defined like this a := "a string literal", is there a way to view (or print) the content of the variable in its 2 words format so that people can actually see this 2-words structure?
is there a way to view (or print) the content of the variable in its 2 words format?
No, because this is an unspecified implementation detail.
If you are okay with code that might brake: Use reflect.StringHeader. See unsafe.Pointer point (6) on how to do this.
Best not to do this. As said: this is a deliberately hidden implementation detail.

Change record color based on property value [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a oracle form that has two blocks . I would like to have the cell change color base on it's value null or not . How can this be done?
There are two built-ins you can use: SET_ITEM_PROPERTY and SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY (have a look at Forms Online Help System for more info).
if you use the first one, it'll change all items in a tabular block (i.e. the whole column)
it means that - if it really is a tabular form ("two blocks" sound like "master-detail" where detail usually has tabular layout - you should use the second one, SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY which will change only one instance of that item
For example, you'd do this:
if :system.cursor_item is null then
set_item_instance_property(:system.cursor_item, current_record, visual_attribute, 'RED');
end if;

Arithmetic Operation on a string [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a task in my school extraculicular. my task is to create a calculator that can run with 1 input. example,
and the output will be
like that, how to create that? i have search in google to create calculator but all of them show basic tutorial like "Input first number:" "Input second number" "What operator u want" "Result"
Thank's before.
My english is not well.
That is very easy in Free Pascal:
uses symbolic;
var s : string;
You can read the input expression from the user with readln(s) instead of the fixed expression.
The round is because the evaluation returns a single, for more details see the sources of unit symbolic.

ruby regex with address conversion [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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PS: Digits are double bytes.I have a string,that contains address. How to convert that address like above.
Answering the question that probably should have been asked (given the clarifications in comments):
address.gsub(/([0-9]+)(?:丁目|番地?|号)(?=[0-9]|$)/, '\1-').sub(/-$/, '')
This will process any sequences of "number+location" (with "location" being lot, block, (house) number...) that is either followed by another number, or is at the end of the string, replacing the location with a dash; then removing the final dash, if there is one.
Note that this will not pick up on Japanese numbers: if you get an address like 東京都千代田区丸の内一丁目2番1号, it makes no sense to transform it to 東京都千代田区丸の内一-2-1, and converting Japanese numbers into Arabic ones is trivial up to 9 and then a bit less trivial.
string.gsub(/(?<=[0-9])(?:丁目|番地?|号)\b/, "-").sub(/\z/, "")
