Hibernate fetching quick if setMaxResults is set - oracle

There is a simple sql query which fetches only ONE record. The database is oracle.
Following is the simple query:
select *
from APPEALCASE appealcase0_
where appealcase0_.caseNumber='BAXXXXX00' and appealcase0_.DELETED_FLAG='N'
When I fetch this row using hibernate the response time is 500ms which is slow since it has to be really quick and withing 10ms. But when I set the MaxResults in the hibernate query object to 1(one) the response time improved to 15ms.
Though my issue is fixed I'm still puzzled how setting MaxResults to 1 improved the response time drastically. Can anyone explain me this?

Well, that's quite logical to me. Since you tell Oracle to retrieve at most one record, it stops searching for more as soon as it finds one. Whereas if you don't, it scans the whole table (or index) to find all the records matching the search criteria.
What you should check, though, is if you have an index defined on the caseNumber column.


Speed up SQLite 'SELECT EXISTS' query

I've got a 3GB SQLite database file with a single table with 40 million rows and 14 fields (mostly integers and very short strings and one longer string), no indexes or keys or other constraints -- so really nothing fancy. I want to check if there are entries where a specific integer field has a specific value. So of course I'm using
I haven't got much experience with SQLite and databases in general and on my first test query, I was shocked that this simple query took about 30 seconds. Subsequent tests showed that it is much faster if a matching row occurs at the beginning, which of course makes sense.
Now I'm thinking of doing an initial SELECT DISTINCT barField FROM FooTable at application startup, and caching the results in software. But I'm sure there must be a cleaner SQLite way to do this, I mean, that should be part of what a DBMS's job right?
But so far, I've only created primary keys for speeding up queries, which doesn't work here because the field values are non-unique. So how can I speed up this query so that it works at constant time? (It doesn't have to be lightning fast, I'd be completely fine if it was under one second.)
Thanks in advance for answering!
P.S. Oh, and there will be about 500K new rows every month for an indefinite period of time, and it would be great if that doesn't significantly increase query time.
Adding an index on barField should speed up the subquery inside the EXISTS clause:
CREATE INDEX barIdx ON FooTable (barField);
To satisfy the query, SQLite would only have to seek the index once and detect that there is at least one matching value.

How to handle large amount of data using linq in mvc

I face a problem using a linq query. I am getting data from a SQL database using this query and date time parameter (see below). When this query executes, it takes a long time, and after a long wait, I get an error.
Data is available in database, and when I use Take() with number of rows, it will work. I don't to know how to figure out the problem.
Is it possible my query hits a large amount of data causing the query to not work? Can you please share any suggestions on how to solve this issue?
from ClassificationData in DbSet
where ClassificationData.CameraListId == id &&
ClassificationData.DateTime <= endDate &&
ClassificationData.DateTime >= startdate
orderby ClassificationData.Id descending
select ClassificationData
Your problem is probably more in the realm of SQL than LINQ. LINQ just translates what you write into Transact-SQL (T-SQL) that gets sent up to SQL Server. If your SQL Server is not set-up properly, then you'll get a timeout if the query takes too long.
You need to make sure that you have indexes on the ClassificationData table (I assume it's a table, but it could be a view -- whatever it is, you need to put indexes on it if it has lots of rows). Make sure that an index is on DateTime, and that an index is also on CameraListId. Then, bring down the data unordered and execute the order-by in a separate query done on the local machine -- that will let SQL Server start giving you data right away instead of sorting it first, reducing the chance for a timeout.
If your problems persist, write queries directly against SQL Server (in Query Analyzer, for instance, if they still use that -- I'm old school, but a bit rusty). Once you have SQL Server actually working, then you should be able to write the LINQ that translates into that SQL. But you could also make it a stored procedure, which has other benefits, but that's another story for another day.
Finally, if it's still too much data, break up your data into multiple tables, possibly by CameraListId, or perhaps a week at a time of data so the DateTime part of the query doesn't have as much to look through.
Good luck.

Is there a way around Hibernate calling OracleStatement.getColumnIndex for each row and column?

I am puzzled by Hibernate’s behavior when loading ResultSets with many columns via HQL: it seems like OracleStatement.getColumnIndex(String) is called over and over again, not just once for every column at the beginning of the load but once for every column when retrieving each and every row of data.
In case of a ResultSet with many columns this seems to take a significant amount of time (in our case about 43 % of the total time, see attached screenshot of a VisualVM profile). Our HQL loads a table with many columns, join fetching two other tables with to-many relations (both having lots of columns, too). Unfortunately we cannot restrict the columns to be loaded, because the task is to preload all objects into a Coherence cache on startup of the system, so the objects have to be complete.
As far as I can tell the problem arises because hydrating the mapped result objects of an HQL query from the ResultSet does use nullSafeGet() for each column which takes String arguments to identify the column and therefore has to call getColumnIndex().
(When loading the data from a ResultSet of an SQL query one can use getString(int), getTimestamp(int) etc. instead of String based versions to avoid this issue.)
We are still using an old version of Hibernate (3.6) but the source on github indicates that the same behavior is still present, as nullSafeGet() is still String based instead of taking an index (or object containing the index) which then could be precomputed once at the beginning of the load.
Is there something that I am missing?
Is there a reason for calling getColumnIndex() for each column of each row of data over and over again?
Is there a way around this which does not involve rewriting the query into SQL and using the index based accessors to build up the mapped objects manually?
The only similar issue I was able to find on the internet was this question which has no answer.
The query there had many columns, too.
Thanks for any help!
This problem is addressed in Hibernate 6, which switches from reading JDBC ResultSet by name to reading by position.

1st access to Oracle SP is very slow, subsequent access seem fine

Not sure if this question has been already asked. I face this problem where the 1st hit from the website to an Oracle SP takes a lot of time. Subsequent accesses work just fine.
The SP i'm taking about here is a dynamic SP used for Search functionality(With different search criteria selection option available)
1st access time ~200 seconds
subsequent access time ~20 to 30 seconds.
Stored Procedure logic on a high level.
Conditional JOINS are appended based on some logics.
Dynamic SQL and cursor used to retrieve data.
Any help to start tackling these kind of issues is very helpful..
The reason why it takes only a few secs to execute the query after the first run is that Oracle caches the results. If you change the SQL then Oracle considers it a different query and won't serve the results from the cache but executes the new query (even formatting the code again or adding a space in between will be a difference).
It is a hard question how to speed up first execution. You'll need to post your query and explain plan and probably you'll have to answer further questions if you want to get help on that.

Hibernate pagination or batch processing

Question: How can I process (read in) batches of records 1000 at a time and ensure that only the current batch of 1000 records is in memory? Assume my primary key is called 'ID' and my table is called Customer.
Background: This is not for user pagination, it is for compiling statistics about my table. I have limited memory available, therefore I want to read my records in batches of 1000 records at a time. I am only reading in records, they will not be modified. I have read that StatelessSession is good for this kind of thing and I've heard about people using ScrollableResults.
What I have tried: Currently I am working on a custom made solution where I implemented Iterable and basically did the pagination by using setFirstResult and setMaxResults. This seems to be very slow for me but it allows me to get 1000 records at a time. I would like to know how I can do this more efficiently, perhaps with something like ScrollableResults. I'm not yet sure why my current method is so slow; I'm ordering by ID but ID is the primary key so the table should already be indexed that way.
As you might be able to tell, I keep reading bits and pieces about how to do this. If anyone can provide me a complete way to do this it would be greatly appreciated. I do know that you have to set FORWARD_ONLY on ScrollableResults and that calling evict(entity) will take an entity out of memory (unless you're doing second level caching, which I do not yet know how to check if I am or not). However I don't see any methods in the JavaDoc to read in say, 1000 records at a time. I want a balance between my lack of available memory and my slow network performance, so sending records over the network one at a time really isn't an option here. I am using Criteria API where possible. Thanks for any detailed replies.
May useing of ROWNUM feature of oracle will hepl you.
Lets say we need to fetch 1000 rows(pagesize) of table CUSTOMERS and we need to fetch second page(pageNumber)
Creating and Calling some query like this may be the answer
select * from
(select rownum row_number,customers.* from Customer
where rownum <= pagesize*pageNumber order by ID)
where row_number >= (pagesize -1)*pageNumber
Load entities as read-only.
Query.setReadOnly( true );
For Criteria
Criteria.setReadOnly( true );
Stateless session quite different with State-Session.
Operations performed using a stateless session never cascade to associated instances. Collections are ignored by a stateless session
Use flash() and clear() to clean up session cache.
Question about Hibernate session.flush()
ScrollableResults should works that you expect.
Do not forget that each item that you loaded takes memory space unless you evict or clear and need to check it really works well.
ScrollableResults in Mysql J/Connecotr works fake, it loads entire rows, but I think oracle connector works fine.
Using Hibernate's ScrollableResults to slowly read 90 million records
If you find alternatives, you may consider to use this way
1. Select PrimaryKey of every rows that you will process
2. Chopping them into PK chunk
3. iterate -
select rows by PK chunk (using in-query)
process them what you want
