Visual Studio 2013 freezes when ending debugging - visual-studio-2013

Out of the blue Visual Studio started locking up on me for 2-5 minutes at a time when ending debugging (after a test run, in my case). CPU usage is high (maxing out one core). If I leave it, eventually it will unfreeze and continue as normal.
I've tried a number of solutions but nothing seems to help.
I don't have any add-ons installed
I tried restarting Visual Studio and my PC
I rebooted my PC and ran chkdsk /F
I don't have Show All Files turned on in the Solution Explorer

Turned out to be stupidly simple: I saw a suggestion somewhere (can't remember where, sorry) to clear all breakpoints with Ctrl+Shift+F9. I did that and restarted the IDE for good measure, and so far it's been running fine.


Visual Studio slowness, possible reason?

Im struggling with extremely slow Visual Studio. I use it to build C++ projects mostly.
Everything could be super slow. Menu's loading, intelIsense tips, builds. I've just tested building simple solution in 1 file, and build took around 5 minutes. But! I found this article about Windows Performance Analyzer which I used to trace this solution build. Despite overall time taking around 5 minutes, WPA report build took only around 0.686 seconds, attaching screenshot:
apparently I press "rebuild" in VS and build itself started ~300 seconds later(timeline).
Currently I use VS2019. Same problem I observed on VS2017. I did removed all VS components and installed VS2019 and problem is not gone. All other programs run fine. No excessive CPU load(intell 6700k), no noticeable harddrive usage(windows and VS components are on m2 ssd, lightning fast), 32 gb ram and enough free space on system disk.
Only VS extension I installed myself is QT extension for VS2019. Which actions can I take next to find the problem?
Things to try:
devenv /safemode from a command line starts the IDE in safe-mode with all plugins disabled.
Visual Studio Installer and repair install
Disable graphics acceleration in Visual Studio (Tools|Options|General ... there are a few "rich client visual experience" related things)
Check paths on your computer. If other apps run fine but one does not, it could be that this app tries to access a network drive or website which is not available.
Run "procmon" and "procexp" (Process Monitor/Process Explorer from Sysinternals) and take a look at what's going on.
Try VS 2022.

Visual Studio 2015 debugging slow to load

Just suddenly over the past day I'm having an issue with Visual Studio 2015 where it takes an age to start debugging anything. Even a simple console application with one line will take over 3 minutes just to start. Running without debugging is normal.
Things I've tried:
Enable Just My Code checked under General Debugging options
Created local cache of Symbols
Removed all Breakpoints
Deleted all user temp files
Reinstalled Visual Sudio
Nothing has had any effect. When starting debugging it just hangs and VS becomes unresponsive for a couple of minutes until it then will start debugging. Once running it is fine. I don't understand why this has suddenly just started happening.
My company have recently pushed McAfee out to all machines, but this has been running on mine for a while now without any issue so not sure why it would suddenly be causing this now. Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you fix it?
I have disabled Just my code and disabled also diagnostic tools during debug in Tools->settings->debug

Visual Studio takes forever to start the first time

I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2013 Profession Trial on my Windows 7 64-bit computer ( RAM is 6 GB). But, when I start it for the first time, it says 'We're getting things ready. Thanks for your patience' and its been on for about an hour.
Is this normal with VS 2013?
I left my computer running the whole night, and by morning it had re-booted. After the re-boot, VS 2013 seems to be starting quickly. So, its hard to say why Visual Studio 2013 was taking hours to start up the first time.
If the loading is taking a long time, Alt+Tab to find a login page hidden underneath the "We're getting things ready" window. Enter your Microsoft account credentials.
This answer was originally posted by Alex K in a comment.
I had already gone past the credentials screen.
I left mine running for a while but eventually killed the process and restarted VS.
It started instantly.
I had no sign-on screen hiding behind the "We're Getting Things Ready". I ended the task in Windows Task Manager. Then I started Visual Studio again (no need to reboot). This time I noticed the option to "Sign In later". I selected this and it started up in just a couple of minutes. I then signed in after it started up. All seems to be working fine now.
I too experienced this odd first time start up 'hang' on a fresh install to a new PC. For what it's worth, my experience mirrored bassbytesbikes. I finally just killed and restarted it. No discernible ill effect... so far.
I came across this problem installing Visual Studio Premium 2013 in a VirtualBox VM. Specifically, I'd enter my login credentials and then it would hang on the 'Preparing for first time use' screen. If I killed VS and then restarted it, it'd bring up the main window but then hang before it displayed the startup page.
The solution for me was to enable 3D graphics acceleration in the VM settings. This seems to be because IE relies on 3D graphics and VS uses IE to display the start page (among other things).
As an answer, I got the same issue while creating, openning projects at visual studio 2012. Then I searched a lot about it and I learned that they fixed that problem with Visual Studio 2013 with Update 5. I got the vs2013 with update 5 and everything works well now.
For my situation the firewall was blocking the connection to Microsoft's server

What is making Visual Studio hang and how can I prevent it?

I'm working on a solution in Visual Studio (v10.0.30319.1) which contains 8 C# projects (WPF Application and Class Libraries). I've been working on this solution for several months, but yesterday I started having problems with Visual Studio hanging for some time when starting and stopping my app in the debug environment.
I first notice it when I stop the application and VS hangs for around 5 seconds. I then press F5 to start again and it takes 5-10 seconds to start. Then I stop the application and it takes about 10 seconds to stop. The problem subsequently worsens until I reboot the computer (I'm not sure if restarting VS is sufficient - I will test and update the question when it happens again).
Once the computer has been restarted, I cannot replicate the problem, but I know it will creep up on me again today.
While the problem is happening, one of the cores is at 100% usage. Memory usage for devenv.exe is normal at a bit over 200MB, and not increasing.
The computer is quite powerful and everything else is working correctly so I'm sure it's not a resource issue.
Did you update VS2010 with Service Pack 1?
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 Download
Be warned, although the page says it's only an 800 KB download, what is actually downloaded is a downloader that downloads over 800 MB of patches. (That's a lot of "downloads" :P)
Delete your solution user option files i.e. {SolutionName}.suo and {SolutionName}.docstates.suo
It worked for me, before doing that I tried #Casey solution but it didn't work.
so first try deleting files, if it do not work then update VS2010 and then delete files again.

Starting Visual Studio causes all running apps to hang and stop responding

After my laptop fell on the floor and its screen was a little damaged, I was able to continue working with it, but failed to build a project of mine. At some point, the system froze, and I was forced to restart the laptop. Ever since, I’m not able to start Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. Moreover, when I do try to start one of the versions, I see no splash screen, and at some point, all running applications stop responding, and I’m forced to restart the laptop.
When I started Visual Studio 2008 with the /SafeMode flag it started OK and worked perfectly, but when I tried it with Visual Studio 2010, I did see a splash screen and the application main window was opened, but then the system got stuck again and forced me to restart.
I use Windows XP SP3, and the addins I recall I have are Visual Assist, IncrediBuild, and Productivity Power Tools for VS 2010 (how can I check what other addins are installed without having Visual Studio running?)
I tried using the /Log flag to find out what’s happening, but there was nothing that seemed related in the generated log.
At the time of the hang, the CPU and memory of the system was low.
The problem happens whether I open Visual Studio with no solution, or with an existing solution.
Do you have any idea why this might happen, or how it can be solved?
I run chkdsk /R /V and it is stuck on "1 percent
completed." for hours now. Is there anything I can do?
I'll try to re-install Visual Studio 2010 next week, when I'm in the office. I hope that will help.
Thanks a lot,
Your drive is torched. Buy a new drive, and salvage whatever you can from the existing drive, then swap them out. If you're lucky you can salvage enough of the existing drive to not need to do a full OS reinstall, but it's likely you're going to need to do some reinstallation.
Looks like the cause if the fall of your laptop. Though what changes happened is unknown it is more likely to be a hardware issue.
Did you reinstall the softwares and check how they work.
If I was diagnosing this issue, I would start from the ground up.
Start of with a basic CheckDisc - CheckDisk Instructions for XP
Progress from that to try re-installing over your existing VS install.
I can't see it being a software problem, so I reckon the checkdisk will discover/fix something, or a reinstall should resolve it.
You've probably damaged your hard disk in an area which is touched by VS. Windows often grinds completely to a halt when it's struggling to read a damaged area of disk.
Check the Windows event log for errors to do with disk drives.
