How does delete operation work with Rest in Spring Data - spring

Currently we have exposed our methods like this
public class PersonResource {
public void delete(#PathVariable Long id) {
log.debug("REST request to delete Person: {}", id);
The operations of this method, in terms of input and output, are very clear to the user developer.
This article shows how to expose JPARepositories directly obviating the need of a service layer.
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel="people", path="people")
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<PersonEntity, Long> {
It is not obvious to me how I can make a "delete operation" available with PathVariable Long id.
There is an excellent article on this topic.
But it actually shows how to supress export of a delete operation.

As documented here, Spring Data REST will expose item resources for the repository you declare. Thus, all you need to do is discover the URI of the resource to delete and issue a DELETE request to it.


Access other service's API

In our Angular + Spring boot application application, we have 2 Controllers (2 Services are internally referenced). In first controller, We are sending a File from UI and reading the content of the file , query an external application and retrieve a set of data and return only a sub-set of Data, for entering as recommendation for UI fields. why we are returning only sub-set of data received from the external application? Because, we need only those sub-set data for showing recommendations in UI.
Once the rest of the fields are filled, then, we call another controller to generate a report. But, for generation of files, the second service requires the rest of the data from external application, which is received by the first service. I understand that Autowiring the first service in the second service, will create new instance of the first service and I will not get the first service instance, which is used to query the external application. I also like to avoid calling the external application again to retrieve the same data again in the second service. My question is how to fetch the data received by the first service in the second service?
For example:
First controller (ExternalApplicationController), which delegates loading of loading/importing of data from files
public class Department{
private Metadata metadata; // contains data such as name, id, location, etc.,
private Collection<Employee> employees; // the list of employees working in the department.
public class ExternalApplicationController{
private ExternalApplicationImportService importService;
public Metadata importDepartmentDataFromFiles(#RequestParam("files") final MultipartFile[] files) {
return this.importService.loadDepartmentDetails(FileUtils.getInstance().convertToFiles(files)).getMetadata();
The first service (ExternalApplicationImportService), which delegates the request to the external application for loading of department data.
public class ExternalApplicationImportService{
private final ExternalApp app;
public Department loadDepartmentDetails(File file){
return app.loadDepartmentDetails(file);
The Metadata from the ExternalApplicationController is used to populated UI fields and after doing some operations (filling up some data), user requests to generate a report(which contains details from the employees of that department)
public class ReportController{
private ReportGenerationService generationService;
public void generateAnnualReports(){
public class ReportGenerationService{
public void generateAnnualReports(){
//here I need access to the data loaded in the ExternalApplicationImportService.
So, I would like to access the data loaded in the ExternalApplicationImportService in the ReportGenerationService.
I also see that there would be more services created in the future and might need to access the data loaded in the ExternalApplicationImportService.
How can this be designed and achieved?
I feel that I'm missing something how to have a linking between these services, for a given user session.
You speak about user session. Maybe you could inject the session of your user directly in your controllers and "play" with it?
Just adding HttpSession as parameter of your controllers' methods and spring will inject it for you. Then you just have to put your data in the session during the first WS call. And recover it from the session at the second WS call.
public class ReportController{
public void generateAnnualReports(HttpSession session){
Alternatively for the second call you could use:
public class ReportController{
public void generateAnnualReports(#SessionAttribute("<name of your session attribute>") Object yourdata){
You are starting from a wrong assumption:
I understand that Autowiring the first service in the second service, will create new instance of the first service and I will not get the first service instance, which is used to query the external application.
That is not correct: by default, Spring will create your bean as singleton, a single bean definition to a single object instance for each Spring IoC container.
As a consequence, every bean in which you inject ExternalApplicationImportService will receive the same instance.
To solve your problem, you only need a place in where temporarily store the results of your external app calls.
You have several options for that:
As you are receiving the same bean, you can preserve same state in instance fields of ExternalApplicationImportService.
public class ExternalApplicationImportService{
private final ExternalApp app;
// Maintain state in instance fields
private Department deparment;
public Department loadDepartmentDetails(File file){
if (department == null) {
department = app.loadDepartmentDetails(file);
return department;
Better, you can use some cache mechanism, the Spring builtin is excellent, and return the cached result. You can choose the information that will be used as the key of the cached data, probably some attribute related to your user in this case.
public class ExternalApplicationImportService{
private final ExternalApp app;
public Department loadDepartmentDetails(File file){
// will only be invoked if the file argument changes
return app.loadDepartmentDetails(file);
You can store the information returned from the external app in an intermediate information system like Redis, if available, or even in the application underlying database.
As suggested by Mohicane, in the Web tier, you can use the http sessions to store the attributes you need to, directly as a result of the operations performed by your controllers, or even try using Spring session scoped beans. For example:
public class ExternalApplicationController{
private ExternalApplicationImportService importService;
public Metadata importDepartmentDataFromFiles(#RequestParam("files") final MultipartFile[] files, HttpSession session) {
Deparment department = this.importService.loadDepartmentDetails(FileUtils.getInstance().convertToFiles(files));
session.setAttribute("department", department);
return deparment.getMetadata();
public class ReportController{
private ReportGenerationService generationService;
public void generateAnnualReports(HttpSession session){
Department department = (Department)session.setAttribute("department");
// Probably you need pass that information to you service
// TODO Handle the case in which the information is not present in the session
In my opinion, the second of the proposed approaches is the best one but all are valid mechanisms to share your data between the two operations.
my recommendation for you will be to revisit your design of classes and build a proper relationship between them. I feel you need to introduce the extra logic to manage your temporal data for report generation.
#Mohicane suggested to use HTTP Session in above answer. It might be a possible solution, but it has an issue if your service needs to be distributed in the future (e.g. more than one runnable instance will serve your WEB app).
I strongly advise:
creating a separate service to manage Metadata loading process, where you will have load(key) method
you need to determine by yourself what is going to be a key
both of your other services will utilize it
this service with method load(key) can be marked by #Cacheable annotation
configure your cache implementation. As a simple one you can use In-Memory, if a question becomes to scale your back-end app, you can easily switch it to Redis/DynamoDB or other data storages.
Spring Caching
Spring Caching Guide

Use CRNK without repository

We've standardized on using JSON:API for our REST endpoints, however; not all of our data revolves around repositories and it seems that CRNK requires repositories in order to work.
Is that correct?
I wrote a very simple Spring Boot 2.1.9 example that has a single controller and included CRNK in it, but when I get into my controller I do not get the expected JSON:API output.
Please keep in mind, I am just starting to look at CRNK and this is just a simple "hello world" type of application that I am testing with
Here is my example
package com.example.crnkdemo;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
public class Controller {
#GetMapping(value = "/{country}", produces = "application/vnd.api+json")
public Country test1(#PathVariable String country, #RequestParam(name = "filter[region]", required = false) String filter) {
return new Country(country, filter);
Country is just a dummy class I created which is:
package com.example.crnkdemo;
import io.crnk.core.resource.annotations.JsonApiId;
import io.crnk.core.resource.annotations.JsonApiResource;
#JsonApiResource(type = "country")
public class Country {
private String country;
private String region;
But when I use the following URL http://localhost:8080/test/v1.0/US?filter[region]=northeast I get
"country": "US",
I would have expected the JSON API type of result
"data": {
"type": "country",
"id": "US",
"attributes": {
"region": "northeast"
I ran into similar issue and the problem was that I got io.crnk:crnk-format-plain-json in my dependencies (simply copied from an example app) which changes the way how the responses look like (non-JSON-API). So first have a look into your maven/gradle configuration.
"not all of our data revolves around repositories"
you may also have a look at where the architecture of resource-oriented framework like Crnk and JSON:API are discussed in more detail. In principle one can model everything as repository. Applications usually follow two kinds of patterns: CRUD ones and "actions". CRUD is simple: GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE objects. A repository is a perfect match for that. In contrast, people have a harder time when it comes to "actions". But this can be modelled as well as CRUD. For example, POSTing an AddressChange resource may trigger a server to start modifying the address(es) of some objects. This may happend immediately or take a longer time. Subsequent GET requests for the POSTed resources will reveal the current status of the action. And a DELETE request can cancel the request.
Crnk itself is not in need for Controllers as Spring MVC is. This kind of "lower-level plumbing" is taken care by Crnk itself because JSON:API specifies how a REST layer is supposed to look like. So there is no need to write custom code to specify urls patterns, parameters, etc. as in the MVC example above. Instead one can implement a repository:
public class TaskRepositoryImpl extends ResourceRepositoryBase<Task, Long> {
private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Task> tasks = new Concurrent...
public TaskRepositoryImpl() {
public <S extends Task> S create(S entity) {
map.put(entity.getId(), entity);
return entity;
public ResourceList<Task> findAll(QuerySpec querySpec) {
return querySpec.apply(tasks.values());
There are also many built-in defult repository implementatons like for in-memory, JPA, security to cover the most frequent use cases.
with crnk, no need of writing controllers, manager classes. By default the controllers are defined.
Once we define the resources, we can access it by http://server_name:portno/crnk-path-prefix-property/defined_resourcename & the method type
Eg. In our case, resource is country, let's say server is running in localhost:8081 and crnk-path-prefix is /api/v1, then the url is http://localhost:8081/api/v1/country & set method type is GET, it will give the desired output. Remember to set content-type as application/vnd.api+json.
For POST, same url and set method type as POST, pass the data object
For PATCH, same url along with id attribute appended to the url and set method type as PATCH & pass the data object

Spring data rest - Is there a way to restrict the supported operations?

I want to expose data from a database as Restful APIs in a Spring(SpringBoot) application. Spring Data Rest appears to be an exact fit for purpose for this activity.
This database is read-only for my application needs. The default provides all the HTTP methods. Is there a configuration that I can use to restrict (in fact prevent) the other methods from being exposed?
From the Spring docs on Hiding repository CRUD methods:
16.2.3. Hiding repository CRUD methods
If you don’t want to expose a save or delete method on your
CrudRepository, you can use the #RestResource(exported = false)
setting by overriding the method you want to turn off and placing the
annotation on the overriden version. For example, to prevent HTTP
users from invoking the delete methods of CrudRepository, override all
of them and add the annotation to the overriden methods.
#RepositoryRestResource(path = "people", rel = "people")
interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long> {
#RestResource(exported = false)
void delete(Long id);
#RestResource(exported = false)
void delete(Person entity);
It is important that you override both delete methods as the exporter
currently uses a somewhat naive algorithm for determing which CRUD
method to use in the interest of faster runtime performance. It’s not
currently possible to turn off the version of delete which takes an ID
but leave exported the version that takes an entity instance. For the
time being, you can either export the delete methods or not. If you
want turn them off, then just keep in mind you have to annotate both
versions with exported = false.
As of early 2018, there is now the ability to only expose repository methods explicitly declared for exposure (DATAREST-1176)
See RepositoryRestConfiguration
A Export false at Type level does not allow overriding with export true at Method level ticket (DATAREST-1034) was opened, but closed as a duplicate of DATAREST-1176. Oliver Gierke stated:
I'll resolve this as fixed against the version of DATAREST-1176 for
now but feel free to reopen in case there's anything else you need.
They are not exact duplicates and the functionality described in 1034 would have been more user friendly, but there are at least some options now.
By default, Spring boot exposes all methods to REST. You can set that to false.
For more information, you can refer
Sample code snippet to do this:
public class ApplicationRepositoryConfig implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config, CorsRegistry cors) {
Since Spring Data REST 3.1, we can configure exposure per HTTP method. I used the following snippet to disable exposure of PUT, PATCH, POST and DELETE methods for items and collections:
public class SpringDataRestCustomization implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config, CorsRegistry cors) {
ExposureConfiguration exposureConfiguration = config.getExposureConfiguration();
exposureConfiguration.withItemExposure((metadata, httpMethods) -> httpMethods.disable(HttpMethod.PUT)
.withCollectionExposure((metadata, httpMethods) -> httpMethods.disable(HttpMethod.PUT)

Spring Constraint Validation Context - Database Request Caching

I've written a custom Validation Annotation and a ConstraintValidator implementation, which uses a Spring Service (and executes a Database Query):
public class MyValidator implements ConstraintValidator<MyValidationAnnotation, String> {
private final MyService service;
public MyValidator(MyService service) {
this.service = service;
public void initialize(MyValidationAnnotation constraintAnnotation) {}
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
return service.exists(value);
It's used like this:
public class MyEntity {
List<Foo> list;
public class Foo {
String id;
This works quite nice, but service.exists(value) is getting called for every item within the list, which is correct, but could/should be optimized.
When validating an instance of MyEntity, I'd like to cache the results of the service.exists(value) calls.
I don't want to use a static HashMap<String, Boolean>, because this would cache the results for the entire application lifetime.
Is it possible to access some kind of Constraint Validation Context, which only exists while this particular validation is running, so I can put there the cached results?
Or do you have some other solution?
Thanks in advance!
You can use Spring's cache support. There might be other parts in the application which needs caching and this can be reused. And the setup is very simple too. And it will keep your code neat and readable.
You can cache your service calls. You need to put annotation on your service methods and a little bit of configuration.
And for cache provider you can use Ehcache. You have many options like setting ttl and max number of elements that can be cached and eviction policy etc etc if needed.
Or you can implement your own cache provider if your needs are simple. And if it is web request, In this cache you may find ThreadLocal to be useful. you can do all caching for this running thread using threadlocal. When the request is processed you can clear the threadlocal cache.

Return custom-typed object from JpaRepository

I have the following repository:
public interface UserRepository extends BaseDAO<User> {
Collection<User> findByEmail(#Param("email") String email);
#Query("select new, 1, 1)) as initial, count(*)) from User u join u.chats c where group by upper(substring(u.lastName, 1, 1)) order by initial")
List<CustomUser> getContactsIndex(#Param("email") String email);
which is exposed with Spring Data REST. The User object is a managed entity, while CustomUser not and as you can see, it's build on-fly by using custom query.
Once I want to call that function, it fails with Persistent entity must not be a null! exception. Is there any way to implement this behavior?
P.S. Expose CustomUser with separate repository is impossible because it is not a managed entity.
One challenge with using Spring Data Rest is when you hit an edge case and you don't know whether you've hit a bug or whether you're just outside the scope of what the library is intended for. In this case I think you are at the edge of what SDR will easily do for you, and it's time to implement your own controller.
Spring Data Rest is looking for an Entity - in your case a User - as the return type for ALL methods in the repository to expose under /entities/search, and breaks when it doesn't find that entity type. The User it wants to serialize isn't there, hence the "Persistent entity must not be null".
The way around this is to write a simple #Controller that has a #RequestMapping for the exact same url exposed by the repository method. This will override the SDR generated implementation for that url, and from that you can return whatever you want.
Your implementation might look something like this:
public class CustomUserController {
private final UserRepository repository;
public CustomUserController(UserRepository repo) {
repository = repo;
#RequestMapping(value = "/users/search/getContactsIndex", method = GET, produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE})
public #ResponseBody List<CustomUser> getContactsIndex(#RequestParam String email) {
return repository.getContactsIndex(email);
Be aware that there is a "recommended" way to override functionality this way. There is an open issue to document the best way to do this.
