Is there an easy way to make the camera behave like a body so that it can collide with other bodies?
The camera itself is an Object3D, so you can just add it to a Group or another object (a small THREE.Box) and use the standard way of detecting collisions between the container and the other bodies(e.g using Cannon.js with a Cannon.Box, Physijs or using the THREE.RayCaster).
I am using THREE.js via this - and I would like to implement custom logic for switching LODs. The main reason is that distance from camera is still the same but camera have scale set based on zoom level of map. I would like to switch LOD based on zoom level. I am trying to figure out how to "hack" LOD logic so I could pass own function which will be called by THREE.js and will return which LOD to use.
Please can you give me some hints how to implement this in the way as clean as possible?
I've built a basic scene for SceneKit, including several SCNNodes with geometries, SCNLights, and an SCNCamera. I would now like to add functionality whereby the point of view shifts between different camera positions when the user taps on the screen.
What is the best way to achieve this? Should I include several SCNCameras in the scene and switch sceneView.pointOfView between them? Or should I rather update the position (and orientation) of a single camera. Also, how can I specify the transition path from moving from the old to the new camera position, i.e. use animation for the transition.
changing the pointOfView of the view is the easiest way. But if you want to control the path you will have to move the camera yourself. You can do that with SCNAction or by using CoreAnimation explicit or implicit animations.
I have a scene with one fully-rigged model of human body
and I would like to users could make their own animations by transforming the model.
I am talking about an app with time-line and possibility of rotating certain muscles.
Could you please recommend me some way how to do that?
I can imagine storing some information about model state in certain times.. but I do not know how to save it as an animation.
You can't edit animations at runtime. You can create an animation from scratch and use AnimationClip.SetCurve to build up your animation, but you can't access the curves directly at runtime.
However in an editor script you can use the AnimationUtilitys to modify an Animationclip, but of course only in the editor since this is an editor class.
Answer picked from this thread.
I think best possible solution for you is to create many different animations for every body part by your own and let user to choose different combinations of animations (if you are using Animator or Animations). Or you can split model by body parts and let user change transform parameters with iTweens (move from A to B and change angle from C to D). Then u can easily save object's "from" transform and object's "to" transform and use it as animation.
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to keep on object tracking a surface in my Three.js application
I have a large 3D surface/track/maze in which my object is allowed to move
Arrow keys control heading/rotate and accelerate/decelerate
Now I need to figure out how to keep the object on the surface -
Object should be able to 'drive' NSEW & Front/Back
Any hints gratefully accepted
I use the lib to manage the movements
and to keep it on the floor, I used cannon.js [] for physics.
I am trying to create a cube using three.js for a project. I need to add text to vertices and at different points inside the cube. Any idea how this can be done?
For some basic code examples of using Sprite objects in Three.js, check out:
And for an easy way to create images that contain text to use as your sprite textures, check out the sample code at:
I think a combination of these two ideas will achieve what you are looking to do.
If you want to have label-style texts, so that the text begins at a specific point, but is always oriented with the camera and easily readable no matter the camera position, you can use sprites. (example of canvas-created text label sprites: - here they are rendered on a separate pass to that they are never obscured by the scene but you can do it on the same pass)
If that's what you are looking for, I'd suggest first checking the Sprites examples, and learn to attach some static image as a sprite to correct position in the scene. After you get that working, you modify the code so that you generate the text to an image canvas using standard Javascript Canvas functions, and using that image as the sprite.