jqGrid: Restore FilterToolBar chosen values after destroyFilterToolBar - jqgrid

I`m trying to implement dynamic content of filter dropdowns, so in beforeRequest request I analyze filters value, prepare dropdown values and call updateDropdownValues:
var updateDropdownValues = function(dropdownValues){
for(var columnName in dropdownValues) {
$("#securityJqGrid").jqGrid("setColProp", columnName, {
searchoptions: {value: dropdownValues[columnName]}
$("#securityJqGrid").jqGrid('filterToolbar', {stringResult: true});
var postData = jQuery($("#securityJqGrid")).jqGrid("getGridParam", "postData");
postData.filters = lastFilters;
The problem is that after filterToolbar creation it doesn`t restore value of previous filtering. If I choose value from another dropdown it will filter data only by this new value instead of combination of two values - new one and previous. Is there any way to restore filterToolbar state?


Kendo AutoComplete - force users to make valid selection

I've got a few Kendo AutoComplete fields linked to remote data (hundreds of possibilities, so DropDownList is not an option).
How can I force users to make a selection from the displayed list?
I'm also retrieving the additional data that's returned from the data source, e.g.
dataSource: stationData,
minLength: 2,
dataTextField: 'name',
select: function(e){
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());
I'm doing additional stuff with the data in dataItem and it needs to be a valid selection.
I think I was possibly over-complicating things. The answer is pretty simple and is posted below.
var valid;
minLength: 2,
dataTextField: "name",
open: function(e) {
valid = false;
select: function(e){
valid = true;
close: function(e){
// if no valid selection - clear input
if (!valid) this.value('');
dataSource: datasource
This method allows users to type whatever they like into the AutoComplete if list not opens. There are two corrections to fix this:
initialize variable valid as false:
var valid = false;
Check if no valid selection in change event, but not in close:
change: function(e){ if (!valid) this.value(''); }
The answer the OP posted, in addition to the answer suggested by #Rock'n'muse are definitely good propositions, but both miss an important and desired functional aspect.
When utilizing the solution given by #Mat and implementing the change-vice-close suggestion from #Rock'n'muse, the typed-in value indeed clears from the widget if no selection is made from the filtered data source. This is great; however, if the user types in something valid and selects a value from the filtered list, then places the cursor at the end of the value and types something which now invalidates the value (doesn't return any valid selections from the data source), the typed-in value is not cleared from the widget.
What's happening is that the isValid value remains true if the previously typed-in (and valid) value should be altered. The solution to this is to set isValid to false as soon as the filtering event is triggered. When the user changes the typed-in value, the widget attempts to filter the data source in search of the typed-in value. Setting isValid to false as soon as the filter event is triggered ensures a "clean slate" for the change event as suggested by the solution from #Rock'n'muse.
Because we're setting isValid to false as soon as the filtering event is triggered, we do not need to do so in the open event (as data source filtering must occur before the user will ever see an option to select). Because of this, the open event binding was removed from #Mat's solution. This also means the initial assignment of false upon declaration of isValid is superfluous, but variable assignment upon declaration is always a good idea.
Below is the solution from #Mat along with the suggestions from #Rock'n'muse and with the filtering implementation applied:
var isValid = false;
minLength: 2,
dataTextField: "name",
select: function () {
valid = true;
change: function (e) {
// if no valid selection - clear input
if (!valid) {
filtering: function () {
valid = false;
dataSource: datasource
As an addendum, using the select event binding to set and evaluate a simple boolean value as #Mat proposes is much cleaner, simpler and faster than using a jQuery $.each(...) on the data source in order to make sure the typed-in value matches an actual item of the data source within the change event. This was my first thought at working a solution before I found the solution from #Mat (this page) and such is my reasoning for up-voting his solution and his question.
Perhaps, can you make your own validation by using the blur event :
$("#station").blur(function() {
var data = stationData,
nbData = data.length,
found = false;
for(var iData = 0; iData < nbData; iData++) {
if(this.value === data[iData].yourfieldname) // replace "yourfieldname" by the corresponding one if needed
found = true;
You can check this fiddle.
You most likely need some custom logic which to intercept each key stroke after the min length of two symbols is surpassed, and prevent the option to enter a character which makes the user string not match any of the items from the autocomplete list.
For this purpose intercept the change event of the Kendo autocomplete and compare the current input value from the user against the items from the filtered list.
Hope this helps,
dataSource: datasource,
minLength: 1,
dataTextField: "catname",
select: function(e) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());
dataBound: function(e){
FYI, autocomplete_id is a hidden field to store the value of the autocomplete. - Sometimes, we would like to have the dataValueField other than dataTextField. So, it serves its purpose.
In this you can get the value of the autocomplete "id" from the element autocomplete_id - which is dataValueField from serverside.
In databound, its values is set to null, and on select, it is assigned the "id" value.
Although the accepted answer works, it is not the best solution.
The solution provided doesn't take into account if the user enters a value before even the kendo AutoComplete widget triggers the open event. In result, the value entered is not forced and therefore, the entry/selection is invalid.
My approach assumes that the application is running in MVC and the array is passed in ViewData. But this can be changed to suit your environment.
My approach:
var validSelect, isSelected;
minLength: 2,
filter: "startswith",
dataTextField: "name",
filtering: function(e) {
validSelect = false;
dataArr = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewData["allStatons"]));
// for loop within the ViewData array to find for matching ID
for (var i = 0; i < dataArr .length; i++){
if (dataArr[i].ID.toString().match("^" + $("#staton").val())) {
validSelect = true;
// if value entered was not found in array - clear input
if (!validSelect) $("#staton").val("");
select: function(e){
isSelected = true;
close: function(e){
// if selection is invalid or not selected from the list - clear input
if (!validSelect || !isSelected) $("#staton").val("");
dataSource: datasource
As you can see, this approach requires the array from the server side on load so that it can match during the filtering event of the widget.
I found this on Telerik's site by just using the change event. For me this works best. I added the "value === ''" check. This will catch when the user "clears" the selection.
Here's the link to the full article.
dataSource: data,
filter: "startswith",
placeholder: "Select country...",
change: function() {
var value = this.value();
if (value === '') return;
var found = false;
var data = this.dataSource.view();
for(var idx = 0, length = data.length; idx < length; idx++) {
if (data[idx] === value) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
alert("Custom values are not allowed");
In my AutoComplete Change event I check for a selected item and clear the cell if not selected.
function myAutoComplete_OnChange(e)
if (this.dataItem())
// Don't use filtered value as display, instead use this value.
e.sender.element[0].value = this.dataItem().WidgetNumber;
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
grid.dataItems()[grid.select().index()].WidgetKey = null;
grid.dataItems()[grid.select().index()].WidgetNumber = null;

Slickgrid add new row on demand

Is there a way to add a new row to a slickgrid on demand? For example, have a button on the page that shows the new row when clicked.
It can be done easily using dataView.addItem(params), just replace params with your parameters..
function addNewRow(){
var item = { "id": "new_" + (Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)), "Controller": tempcont, "SrNo1": tempsrno };
here id, Controller, SrNo1 are ids of colunm
You can add a row dynamically, such as with a button click, by subscribing the "onAddNewRow" listener to your grid object. As many have suggested, it is best to use the dataView plugin to interface with your data. Note that you'll want the "enableAddRow" option set to "true".
Firstly, DataView requires that a unique row "id" be set when adding a new row. The best way to calculate this is by using dataView.getLength() which will give you the number of rows that currently exist in you grid (which we'll use as the id for the new row). The DataView addItem function expects an item object. So we create an empty item object and append the id to it.
Secondly, you'll be only focusing a single cell when you add your data. After you've entered that data (by blurring that cell), DataView will notice that you have not entered data for any of the remaining cells in the row (of course) and will default their values to "undefined". This is not really a desired effect. So what you can do is loop through the columns you've explicitly set and append them to our item object with a value of "" (empty string).
Thirdly, we don't want all the cells to be blank. Actually, we want the original cell's entered data to appear. We have that data so we can set it last so that it will overwrite the "" (empty string) value we previously set.
Lastly, we'll want to update the grid such that it displays all of these changes.
grid.onAddNewRow.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var input = args.item;
var col = Object.keys(input)[0]
var cellVal = input[Object.keys(input)[0]]
// firstly
var item = {};
item.id = dataView.getLength();
// secondly
$.each(columns, function(count, value) {
colName = value.name
item[colName] = ""
// thirdly
item[col] = cellVal
// lastly
I hope this helps. Cheers!
You can always add new rows to the grid. All you need to do is add the data object for the row to your grid data.
Assume you create your grid from a data source - myGridData (which is an array of objects).
Just push the new row object to this array. Call the invalidate method on the grid.
Done :)
Beside creating the new row, I needed it to be shown, so that the user can start writing on it. I'm using pagination, so here is what I did:
//get pagination info
var pageInfo = dataView.getPagingInfo();
//add new row
dataView.addItem({id: pageInfo.totalRows});
//got to last page
dataView.setPagingOptions({pageNum: pageInfo.totalPages});
//got to first cell of new row
var aux = totalRows/ pageInfo.pageSize;
var row = Math.round((aux - Math.floor(aux)) * pageInfo.pageSize, 0);
grid.gotoCell(row, 0 ,true);
Before I use pagination, I just needed this:
var newId = dataView.getLength();
dataView.addItem({id: newId});
grid.gotoCell(newId, 0 ,true);
var newRow = {col1: "col1", col2: "col2"};
var rowData = grid.getData();
rowData.splice(0, 0, newRow);
grid.scrollRowIntoView(0, false);
Working fine for me.

Need to pass a jqgrid column name to function triggered by the "onclickSubmit" event

I need to pass or make available a jqgrid colModel column name to a function triggered by the jqgrid event "onclickSubmit:" defined in the edit options of navGrid - but i don't know how to do that.
here are the jqgrid and javascript code segments:
..., onclickSubmit: fixpostdata}, // navGrid edit options
var fixpostdata = function(params, postdata){
var rowid = $('#tab3-grid').getGridParam('selrow');
// when the onclickSubmit event fires and calls this function,
// a string containing a jqgrid colmodel column name needs to be
// made available in order to modify that cell's value contained
// in the postdata array prior to posting it to the server.
columnName = ???;
var value = $('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('getCell', rowid, columnName );
postdata[ columnName ] = value;
Can anyone help?
what's contained in the params argument?
If you need to send contain of some hidden column to the server together with other editable columns you need include editable: true in the hidden column and add one more property
editrules: { edithidden: false }

while the select editoption posts the value (or id) of the selected list item, autocomplete posts the label - i need id posted

While both autocomplete and select in jqgrid editform place the selected label into the cell, select will place the value (id) in the postdata array where autocomplete will place the label into the postdata array.
is there a way to get the editoption's autocomplete to post the item value (id) instead of the label?
here is the jqgrid code segment i'm using autocomplete in...
colNames:['Workorder', 'wo.CUID',.....],
{name:'wo.CUID', index:'cu.LastName', width:120, fixed:true, align:'center', sortable:true, editable:true, edittype:'text',
editoptions:{dataInit:function(el){$(el).autocomplete({ source: 'php/customer-ac-script.php'
, minLength: 1
formoptions:{rowpos: 1, label:'Customer', elmprefix:'* '},
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#tab3-pager',
{view:true, closeOnEscape:true, cloneToTop:true}, // general parameters that apply to all navigation options below.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40], savekey:[true,13]}, // edit options.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40], savekey:[true,13], reloadAfterSubmit:false, afterSubmit: addRecordID}, // add options.
{jqModal:true, afterSubmit: serverMessage}, // del options.
{jqModal:true}, // search options.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40]} // view options.
The php code segment:
// construct autocomplete select.
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$output[$i][$crudConfig['id']] = $row['CUID'];
$output[$i][$crudConfig['value']] = $row['LastName'];
logMsg(__LINE__,'I','cu.CUID: '.$row['CUID'].', cu.LastName: '.$row['LastName']);
// encode to json format and send output back to jqGrid table.
echo json_encode($output);
logMsg(__LINE__,'I','Send json output back to jqGrid table: '.json_encode($output));
Would it be as simple as calling a function under the autocomplete select event or the grid before or after editform submit?
Also, i noticed this note in the jqgrid doc's for datainit: that says...
Note: Some plugins require the position of the element in the DOM and
since this event is raised before inserting the element into the DOM
you can use a setTimeout function to accomplish the desired action.
Would the lack of including the settimeout function be causing the problem?
The server code which provide the JSON response on the autocomplete request has id and value properties. On the other side the standard behavior of jQuery UI Autocomplete is to use label and value properties (see "Datamodel" in the documentation). The value of label property (if any exist) will be used to display in the contextmenu. The value of value property will be placed in the <input> field after the user choose the item from the contextmenu. The value of label property can has HTML markup, but the value of value property must be the text.
So I see the problem as pure problem of the usage of jQuery UI Autocomplete independent on jqGrid. If I understand correct your question you can solve your problem by modification your server side code.
Oleg's answer clarifying the data model for jquery UI's autocomplete, has allowed me to move forward and understand that autocomplete has nothing to do with constructing and sending the postdata array to the server, jqgrid's editform handles it. With that knowledge, i was able to answer my original question and successfully integrate autocomplete into jqgrid. So, in the interest of sharing, i'd like to show you all my motivation and solution.
By default, selecting a label from the autocomplete list put's the value of the selected label/value pair into the text box. All the editform cares about when you submit is what's in the edit fields. So when you submit the editform, the cell's postdata element value will again contain the value of the autocomplete text box. But what if while wanting to post the value of the label/value pair, you want the label of the label/value pair displayed in the text box? You have a problem! How do you get the value of the label/value pair posted to the server?
Well, after spending a few days on it, it turns out to be quite simply. While i'm sure there is more than one solution, here is mine:
add a hidden id column in the grid
define the select: and focus: events in the autocomplete function
in the select: function; insert the selected label into the text box (optional), disable the default behavior of autocomplete, then set the cell of the hidden column to the value of the selected label/value pair
in the focus: function; insert the selected label into the text box(optional), disable the default behavior of autocomplete
add an "onclickSubmit:" event to the navgrid edit options with function name something like "fixpostdata"
in the "fixpostdata" function; get the cell value of the hidden column and insert it into the postdata element associated with the cell.
The following are the grid and javascript code segments i used…
grid segments
{name:'wo_CUID', index:'wo_CUID', width: 70, hidden: true},
{name:'wo.CUID', index:'cu.LastName', width:120, sortable:true, editable:true, edittype:'text',
dataInit:function(el){ // el contains the id of the edit form input text box.
source: 'php/customer-ac-script.php',
minLength: 1,
select: function(event, ui){event.preventDefault();
var rowid = $('#tab3-grid').getGridParam('selrow');
// set the hidden wo_CUID cell with selected value of the selected label.
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('setCell', rowid,'wo_CUID',ui.item.value);},
focus: function(event, ui) {event.preventDefault();
formoptions:{rowpos: 1, label:'Customer', elmprefix:'* '},
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#tab3-pager',
{view:true, closeOnEscape:true, cloneToTop:true},
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[false,38,40], onclickSubmit: fixpostdata}, // edit options.
javascript function
// define handler function for 'onclickSubmit' event.
var fixpostdata = function(params, postdata){
var rowid = $('#tab3-grid').getGridParam('selrow');
var value = $('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('getCell', rowid,'wo_CUID');
postdata['wo.CUID'] = value;
The fixpostdata function fires when you submit the editform but befor the postdata array is sent to the server. At this point you replace the cell's postdata element value with whatever you want. In this case, the value of the label/value pair stored in the hidden column cell. When the function returns, the modified postdata array is sent to the server.

JQGrid setCell customFormatter

I'm using setCell to set the value of a cell. The problem is it is still calling the customFormatter specified for the column. Is there anyway I can set the value of this cell without it having to go through the customFormatter?
First of all the custom formatter will be used on every grid refresh, so to set the cell value you have to do this after the custom formatter. The best place to do this is inside of loadComplete or gridComplete event handler.
To set the cell value you can use jQuery.text for example. So you should get jQuery object which represent the cell (<td> element) and then use jQuery.text or jQuery.html to change the cell contain. How I understand you, you knows the rowid of the cell and the column name which you want to change. The following code could be:
loadComplete: function() {
var rowid = '2', colName = 'ship_via', tr,
cm = this.p.colModel, iCol = 0, cCol = cm.length;
for (; iCol<cCol; iCol++) {
if (cm[iCol].name === colName) {
// the column found
tr = this.rows.namedItem(rowid);
if (tr) {
// if the row with the rowid there are on the page
$(tr.cells[iCol]).text('Bla Bla');
See the corresponding demo here.
