utPLSQL and existing data? - oracle

I'm struggling to deploy utPLSQL to improve quality in my current project. The problem is that there are currently almost 1000 database tables and nearly 800 PL/SQL packages. Also I'm very new using utPLSQL framework but have some experience in SQL and PL/SQL.
I cannot rely on existing data to stay the same during and between test runs in order to produce same test results since there are dozens of developers changing the data constantly. What I'm looking for is to create temporary test tables in the tester schema based on existing production tables, fill them with test data and make PL/SQL code to use those test tables when running tests. Is it even possible? If not, what approach should I use?
I've been reading Kevin McCormack's article Continuous Integration with Oracle PL/SQL, utPLSQL and Hudson but the problem is I cannot spend too much time for reading and trying to find solution before the idea of using utPLSQL framework will be mothballed by the organization I'm working for.
Any help would be most appreciated.

When using utPLSQL I have each test create any data it needs, execute the test against the created data, then roll back the transaction at the end which effectively removes the test data from the database. This takes extra time because I have to figure out what data actually needs to be created, but ensures that the data exists when it's needed and doesn't hang around when it isn't needed - and the tests don't count on data which may or may not exist. YMMV.


When and how should SpringData + JPA schema and DB initialization be used?

I'm working on a simple task of adding a new table to an existing SQL DB and wiring it into a SpringBoot API with SpringData.
I would typically start by defining the DB table directly, creating PK and FK, etc and then creating the Java bean that represents it, but am curious about using the SpringData initialization feature.
I am wondering when and where Spring Data + JPAs schema generation and DB initialization may be useful. There are many tutorials on how it can be implemented, but when and why are not as clear to me.
For example:
Should I convert my existing lower environment DBs (hand coded) to initialized automatically? If so, by dropping the existing tables and allowing the App to execute DDL?
Should this feature be relied on at all in production envrionment?
Should generation or initialization be run only once? Some tutorial mention this process running continually, but why would you choose to lose data that often?
What is the purpose of the drop-and-create jpa action? Why would
you ever want to drop tables? How are things like UAT test data handled?
My two cents on these topics:
Most people may say that you should not rely on automated database creation because it is a core concept of your application and you might want to take over the task so that you can lnowmfor sure what is really happening. I tend to agree with them. Unless it is a POC os something not production critical, I would prefer to define the database details myself.
In my opinion no.
This might be ok on environments that are non-productive. Or on early and exploratory developments. Definetely not on production.
On a POC or on early and exploratory developments this is ok. In any other case I see this being useful. Test data might also be part of the initial setup of the database. Spring allows you to do that by defining an SQL script inserting data to the database on startup.
Bottomline in my opinion you should not rely on this feature on Production. Instead you might want to take a look at liquibase or flyway (nice article comparing both https://dzone.com/articles/flyway-vs-liquibase), which are fully fledged database migration tools on which you can rely even on production.
My opinion in short:
No, don't rely on Auto DDL. It can be a handy feature in development but should never be used in production. And be careful, it will change your database whenever you change something on your entities.
But, and this is why I answer, there is a possibility to have hibernate write the SQL in a file instead of executing it. This gives you the ability to make use of the feature but still control how your database is changed. I frequently use this to generate scripts I then use as blueprint for my own liquibase migration scripts.
This way you can initially implement an entity in the code and run the application, which generates the hibernate sql file containing the create table statement for your newly added entity. Now you don't have to write all those column names and types for the database table yourself.
To achieve this, add following properties to your application.properties:
This will generate the SQL script in your project folder within build/generated_scripts/hibernate_schema.sql
I know this is not exactly what you were asking for but I thought this could be a nice hint on how to use Auto DDL in a safer way.

Exporting data to csv file: sqlplus vs sqlcl parallel vs pl/sql utl_file dbms_parallel_execute, which one is faster

In my last project we were working on a requirement where huge data (40 million rows) needs to read and for each row we need to trigger a process. As part of design we used multithreading where each thread fetch data for a given partition using Jdbc Cursor with a configurable fetch size. However when we ran the job in the application in the Prod environment, we observed that it is slow as it is taking more time in querying data from database.
As we had very tight time lines on completion of job execution, we have come up with work around where the data is exported from SQL Developer in csv file format and split in to small files. These files are provided to job. This has improved the job performance significantly and helped completing the job on time.
As mentioned above we have used manual step to export the data to the file. If this need to automate this step, executing exporting step from Java App for instance, which one of the below options (which are suggested on the web) will be faster.
sqlplus (Java making native call to sqlplus)
sqlcl parallel spool
pl/sql procedure with utl_file and dbms_parallel_execute
Below link gives some details on the above but does not have stats.
Please note that currently I don't have access to this Oracle environment, so could not test from my side. Also I am an application developer and don't have much expertise on DB side.
So looking for advise from some one who have worked on similar use case earlier or have relevant expertise.
Thanks in advance.

Developer sandboxes for Oracle database

We are developing a large data migration from Oracle DB (12c) to another system with SSIS. The developers are using a production copy database but the problem is that, due to the complexity of the data transformation, we have to do things in stages by preprocessing data into intermediate helper tables which are then used further downstream. The problem is that all developers are using the same database and screw each other up by running things simultaneously. Does Oracle DB offer anything in terms of developer sandboxing? We could build a mechanism to handle this (e.g. have dev ID in the helper tables, then query views that map to the dev), but I'd much rather use built-in functionality. Could I use Oracle Multitenant for this?
We ended up producing a master subset database of select schemas/tables through some fairly elaborate PL/SQL, then made several copies of this master schema so each dev has his/her own sandbox (as Alex suggested). We could have used Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting but it's too expensive. Another option for creating the subset database wouldn have been to use Jailer. I should note that we didn't have a need to mask any sensitive data.
Note. I would think this a fairly common problem so if new tools and solutions arise, please post them here as answers.

Storing DDL scripts into a clob

Using Toad for Oracle 10.6 with DB Admin Add-in. For our migration process Dev to QA to Prod, we are starting to use the Schema Compare Module to generate the Sync Script DDL. After execution, we want to store the Sync Scripts for historical purposes. Due to policy, we are unable to copy these much of anyplace. Even the Windows server where toad runs is write-restricted.
I am thinking I could create a table with a CLOB column and store the scripts there, unless you folks tell me that this is a Really Bad Idea. I am looking for any tips on things like handling embedded special characters, or any other pitfalls that I may encounter.
Doing the best with what you have is a good thing. If management won't let you have version control, then jamming it in the database is better than nothing at all. The important thing is to create a process, document it, and follow it for deployments.
As for using schema differences to deploy, take a look at:

Nhibernate Nunit - clear database between testcases

We have a rather extensive test suite that takes forever to execute.
After each test has completed, the database (MSSQL) needs to be emptied so it is fresh for the next testcase.
The way we do this is by temporarily removing all foreign keys, TRUNCATE'ing all tables, and re-adding the FKs.
This step takes somewhere between 2-3 seconds, according to NHProfiler. All the time is seemingly spent with the FK operations.
Our current method is clearly not optimal, but which way should we go to improve the performance ? The number of elements which are actually deleted from the DB is completely insignificant compared to the number of operations for the FK removal/additions.
Using an in-memory SQLite database is not an option, as the code under test uses MSSQL specific operations.
You could wrap everything in a transaction and in the end just rollback everything. That's how I do it. It allows also to run tests in parallel.
what about using SQL Server Compact, create the database from the mapping files using nhibernate schema create and load the data for each test. if you are talking about a trivial amount data.
Have a look at this blog post - Using SQL Server Compact Edition for Unit testing
Alternativly you could use Fluent Migrator to create the database schema and load the data for each test.
Why are you even using a DB in your tests? Surely you should be mocking the persistence mechanism? Unless you're actually trying to test that part of the functionality you're wasting time and resources actually inserting/updating/deleting data.
The fact that your tests rely on ms sql specifics and returned data hints at the possibility that your architecture needs looking at.
I'm not meaning to sound rude here - I'm just surprised no one else has picked you up on this.
There are a couple of things that I've done in the past to help speed up database integration tests. First thing I did was I ended up having a sql script that actually creates the entire database from scratch. This can be easily accomplished using a tool like Red-Gate SQL Compare against a blank database.
Second I created a script that removed all of the database objects from an existing database.
Then I needed a script that populated the database with test data. Again, simple to create using Red-Gate tools. You don't need/want a ton of data here, just enough to cover your test cases.
With those items in place, I created one test class with all of my read-only operations in there. In the init of that class, i cleared a local sql server express instance, ran the create script and then ran the populate script. This ensured the database was initialized correctly for all of the read-only tests.
For tests that actually manipulate the database, we just did the same routing as above except that we did it on test init as opposed to class init.
Obviously the more database manipulation tests you have, the longer it will take to run all of your tests. If it becomes unruly, you should look at categorizing your tests and only running what is necessary locally and running the full suite on a continuous integration server.
