AS3 Blank copies of dynamically loaded images (works fine in Preview Mode, not in browser) - image

In AS3 I am loading an image at runtime using loaderContainer.load(new URLRequest(nameofpic)). The image loads perfectly fine, but then I need to copy the image into a number (24) of MCs and this is where it gets tricky.
The problem is, I can run it perfectly fine in preview mode, got all the 24 copies, but whenever I try running it in Firefox or IE, the images aren't displayed. No errors, just blank spaces.
It works with images present when exporting, both on stage or in the library -- their copies are visible in both preview mode and in the browser, but the browser doesn't want to work with dynamically loaded images
I have tried the draw() method as well as bitmapData.clone and again, they seem not to work in the browser, while they're fine in the preview mode.
Do you know what causes the problem and/if there is a list of more of such bugs?


Flutter Windows app crashes without error while loading multiple images from local disk

I created a multi image selector form field widget to use within a form with validation and so on, and it works fine; however, when I select 8 or more images from a file picker at once and add them to the selected images list, which would be displayed in an image widget within a GridView, the app crashes without any errors.
I even tried the app on Android to see if it happened there, but everything was OK even when I added 10+ images at a time.
I'm wondering if there's any way to debug this because I'm at a loss for what to do right now with no errors.
i've tried these:
Using a 50x50 pixel size cache for the selected image list to avoid loading a large amount of data at once
It turned out to be file_picker v4.0.0 causing the issue
Apparently, when you select files using this package, it will interact with the file, either loading it or whatnot. I'm not sure, but I discovered it by removing image widgets and only displaying the selected image paths using a text widget and it still crashed, so I was certain it was the file picker's fault and chose to use file picker cross even though it depends on file picker it was working differently and it didn't crash the app even with 20 images selected.

Mobile Chrome ignoring responsive images

Long time browser, first time caller....
I have recently re-written my website to use responsive images (which I am new to), but my s7 chrome seems to always load the "medium" sized image, which is the default src.
I have tried clearing cache and using incognito. It still appears that the medium image is loading, although the only way I'm deducing that is by selecting the image and loading in a new tab and reading the url. I'm not sure if this is accurate.
I've also tried changing the default src to the small image, but the medium is still loading.
However, on FF and Chrome desktop, even with developer tools set to mobile device, it seems to work correctly. Here's the relevant code:
sizes=" (max-width: 675px) 271px,
(max-width: 1920px) 620px,
(min-width: 1921px) 1240px,
srcset="../galleryphotos/doveinsnow_small.jpg 271w,
../galleryphotos/doveinsnow_medium.jpg 620w,
../galleryphotos/doveinsnow_large.jpg 1240w"
alt="Dove In Snow photograph"/>
Here is a link to the page with the above image, although every page on the site behaves the same way:
What am I missing?
As far as I can see, everything is working well. I checked with Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) and I can see all 3 versions of your image if I change the viewport from 675px to more than 1920px.
Here are 2 ways you could confirm which image is being shown.
If you place a different marker on each of the 3 images it will be easy to tell which one is being displayed.
Another way is to use Web Inspector (from within your browser, right click on your page then choose 'inspect')
Click the network tab, select img, then reload the page. You'll get full details of all the images on the page.
I hope this helps!

some elastislide images fail to load in IE9

I'm using 2 elastisliders on a web page and everything works fine in firefox, chrome, safari, ie8 and 10 but in ie9 some images fail to load. The images which are failing to load are random (a page refresh results in different images failing to load). When I left-click and select "show image" the image appears just fine. I already added a image loading script written for IE specific but this doesn't seem to help. anyone?

My site seems to be loading scripts first on Firefox, preloader not working

So it seems that Firefox loads the background images after everything else. I reorganized my site so the first image is not a background image and thus it seems to load first. Great news...but the other images continue to load at the very end. I intend to optimize them further but I don't think that is the issue.

is chrome faster because it doesn't reload images?

I have this issue for a while and I want to know if it is just me or it is the way chrome works. When I make changes to an image and upload it, on reload chrome fails to show the new image, instead it shows the old image. Firefox shows the new image. This happens mostly with big images, like background. So I have to wait for a few minutes before chrome shows the new image... Is this a rule or it happens just with my browser?
This might happen because your local clock isn't synchronized with the web server. When you upload an image, a new file is created. The server will return the time stamp of the file when the browser asks for it. If that time stamp is older than what you have in your cache, the browser won't load the image again (assuming it's still good enough).
You should inspect the image (right click on it) and then look at the network activity. Chrome will tell you there whether it did load the image and why not.
Looks like it's caching issue. This logic is different for different browsers.
You can clear Chrome cach by pressing Ctrl+Shitf+F12 and set option "Empty the cache". After this action new image should load always.
