Pig LOADER for SPLUNK like records - hadoop

I am trying to use PIG to read data from HDFS where the files contain rows that look like:
"key1"="value1", "key2"="value2", "key3"="value3"
"key1"="value10", "key3"="value30"
In a way the rows of the data are essentially dictionaries:
{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}
{"key1":"value10", "key3":"value30"}
I can read and dump portion of this data easily enough with something like:
data = LOAD '/hdfslocation/weirdformat*' as PigStorage(',');
sampled = SAMPLE data 0.00001;
dump sampled;
My problem is that I can't parse it efficiently. I have tried to use
but it seems extremely slow.
Could someone recommend a different approach?

Seems like one way is to use a python UDF.
This solution is heavily inspired from bag-to-tuple
In myudfs.py write:
def FieldPairsGenerator(dataline):
for x in dataline.split(','):
k,v = x.split('=')
yield (k.strip().strip('"'),v.strip().strip('"'))
def KVDataToDict(dataline):
return dict( kvp for kvp in FieldPairsGenerator(dataline) )
then write the following Pig script:
REGISTER 'myudfs.py' USING jython AS myfuncs;
data = LOAD 'whereyourdatais*.gz' AS (foo:chararray);
A = FOREACH data GENERATE myfuncs.KVDataToDict(foo);
A now has the data stored as a PigMap


PIG: Process tuples in a bag

I have a data set that looks like this after a GROUP operation :
input = key1|{(a1,b1,c1),(a2,b2,c2)}
I need to traverse the above to generate final output like this :
<KEY>key2</KEY>| ...
I have tried to use FLATTEN and CONCAT to achieve this result in the below manner:
A = FOREACH input GENERATE key, FLATTEN(input);
output = FOREACH A GENERATE CONCAT('<KEY>',CONCAT(input.key,'</KEY>')),
But this does not give the desired output. Fairly new to pig, so don't know if this is possible.
If you FLATTEN your bag than you'll ended up as many new 'rows' as many elements you had in the bag:
If I understand your problem correctly you want this:
Use the BagToTuple built in function.
Than you'll get
After this you can format your data with e.g. a UDF

Store pig result in a text file

Hi stackoverflow community;
i'm totally new to pig, i want to STORE the result in a text file and name it as i want. is it possible do this using STORE function.
My code:
a = LOAD 'example.csv' USING PigStorage(';');
b = FOREACH a GENERATE $0,$1,$2,$3,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$12,$13,$14,$20,$24,$25;
STORE b INTO ‘myoutput’;
Yes you will be able to store your result in myoutput.txt and you can load the data into file with any delimiter you want using PigStorage.
a = LOAD 'example.csv' USING PigStorage(';');
b = FOREACH a GENERATE $0,$1,$2,$3,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$12,$13,$14,$20,$24,$25;
STORE b INTO ‘myoutput.txt’ using PigStorage(';');
Yes, it is possible. b will store every row into 25 different columns - $0 to S25.

Pig reading data as databytearray

Hey guys i have one more question I am just not able to understand the behavior of pig
I am loading the data into pig and after some transformation storing it using PigStorage() on hdfs(/user/sga/transformeddata).
But when I load the data from /user/sga/transformeddata location and do
temp = load '/user/sga/transformeddata' using PigStorage();
gen = foreach temp generate page_type;
dump gen;
getting following error:
databytearray can not be cast to java.lang.String
but if i do
gen = foreach temp generate *;
dump gen;
it works fine
any help is totally appreciated to understand this.
As required presenting the code:
STORE union_of_all_records INTO '/staged/google/data_after_denormalization' using PigStorage('\t','-schema');
union_of_all_records is an alias in pig.
now another script which will consume this data
lookup_data =
LOAD '/staged/google/page_type_map_file/' using PigStorage() AS (page_type:chararray,page_type_classification:chararray);
load_denorm_clickstream_record =
LOAD '/staged/google/data_after_denormalization' using PigStorage('\t','-schema');
and join on these two aliases
denorm_clickstream_record = LIMIT load_denorm_clickstream_record 100;
join_with_lookup =
JOIN denorm_clickstream_record BY page_type LEFT OUTER, lookup_data BY page_type;
step x : final_output =
FOREACH join_with_lookup
GENERATE denorm_clickstream_record::page_type as page_type;
at step x i get the above error.
I think you have to options:
1) You have to tell Pig the schema that the data has. For example:
temp = load '/user/sga/transformeddata' using PigStorage() AS (page_type:chararray);
2) When you first store the data tell Pigstorage to store the schema information as well. PigStorage('\t', '-schema'); When you load the data as you do above, PigStorage should read the schema from the schema information.

Carry fields around, or store and join?

In Hadoop using Pig, I have a large number of fields in a few separate sources which I load, filter, project, group, run through a couple Java UDFs, join, project and store. (That's everyday life in Hadoop.) Some of the fields in the original load of data aren't used by the UDFs and aren't needed until the final store.
When is it better to pass unused fields through UDFs than to store and join them later?
A trivial toy example is a data source with columns name,weight,height and I ultimately want to store name,weight,heightSquared. My UDF is going to square the height for me. Which is better:
inputdata = LOAD 'data' AS name,weight,height;
outputdata = FOREACH inputdata
GENERATE myudf.squareHeight(name,weight,height)
AS (name,weight,heightSquared);
STORE outputdata INTO 'output';
inputdata = LOAD 'data' AS name,weight,height;
name_weight = FOREACH inputdata
GENERATE name,weight;
intdata1 = FOREACH inputdata
GENERATE myudf.squareHeight(name,height)
AS (iname,heightSquared);
intdata2 = JOIN intdata1 BY iname, name_weight BY name;
outputdata = FOREACH intdata2
GENERATE name,weight,heightSquared;
STORE outputdata INTO 'output';
In this case it looks pretty obvious: the first case is better. But the UDF does have to read and store and output the weight field. When you have 15 fields the UDF doesn't care about and one it does, is the first case still better?
If you have 15 fields the UDF doesn't care about, then don't send them to the UDF. In your example, there's no reason to write your UDF to take three fields if it's only going to use the third one. The best script for your example would be
inputdata = LOAD 'data' AS name,weight,height;
outputdata =
FOREACH inputdata
myudf.squareHeight(height) AS heightSquared;
STORE outputdata INTO 'output';
So that addresses the UDF case. If you have a bunch of fields that you'll want to store, but you are not going to use them in any of the next several map-reduce cycles, you may wish to store them immediately and then join them back in. But that would be a matter of empirically testing which approach is faster for your specific case.

Pig multiple store commands creating duplicate work

I have a pig script which reads input from a file and sends to our custom UDF, which sends back a Map with 2 key/value pair. After that we have to save each key value pair in 2 different locations. We are doing it using Store. Problem we are facing is each STORE command which we are using in our pig script is invoking our custom UDF.
>LOADFILE = LOAD '$file' AS record:chararray;
>GENERATE $0#'errorRecord' AS ErrorRecord;
>ERRLIST = FILTER ERRLIST BY ErrorRecord is not null;
>GENERATE $0#'mInfo' AS MRecord;
>MLIST = FILTER MLIST BY MRecord is not null;
Is there a way in pig script through which UDF will be invoked only once, even if we have multiple STORE....
I think that what's happening under the covers is that MAPREC isn't populated by its assignment statement. Pig is waiting until MAPREC is used (which is twice) to figure out what it contains. I suggest creating an intermediate structure by using a FOREACH to iterate over MAPREC. That would force the calling of MyUDF once and then use that intermediate result twice in place of MAPREC in the following FOREACH statements. Hope that made sense.
