Shell script to compare two specific rows in a single CSV file - shell

I am trying to learn shell script. I have a single CSV file, which is in bellow format:
Time, value1, value2, value3
12-17 17:47:55.380,1,2,9
12-17 17:48:55.380,8,4,9
12-17 17:49:55.380,1,2,9
12-17 17:50:55.380,8,4,9
I am looking for csv output something like bellow:
Till now I have written code:
First_value=ps -ef |awk "NR==1{print ;exit}" try.csv Second_value=ps -ef |awk "NR==2{print ;exit}" try.csv echo diff = $Second_value - $First_value
But I am getting error like: 14: 12-17:not found.
Following are my queries:
I am not able to put this in loop and get the output. I would like to
know, how i can write the result back to same csv file,but at
particular row and column.

Following script ( will compare two lines of your choosing and output these lines with the original separation characters.
#! /bin/bash
# input: $1 - CVS file
# $2 - line number of line to subtract from
# $3 - line number of line to subtract
# Save separators
head -n1 $1 | sed 's/[0-9]\+/\n/g' | head -n-1 | tail -n+2 > .seps
# check for reversed compare
if [ $3 -lt $2 ]
# get requested lines ($2 & $3) from the CVS file as supplied in $1
awk -v first=$2 -v second=$3 -F'[,: ]' 'BEGIN { OFS="\n" }
NR==first{ split($0,v) }
for (i in w) {
$i = v[i]-w[i]
}' $1 > .vals
# handle reversed compare
if [ $reversed -eq 1 ]
awk '{print $1 * -1}' .vals > .tmp
mv .tmp .vals
# paste the differences with the original seperation characters
paste -d'\0' .vals .seps | paste -sd'\0'
# remove used files
rm .vals .seps
Example usage:
$ cat file
$ chmod +x
$ bash file 1 2
$ bash file 2 1
Note that this script will compare fields separated by several delimiters such as colons and commas. It will, however, not take semantics like time etc. into account. Meaning that dates wont be subtracted as a whole but component-wise.


Bash: Working with CSV file to build a loop and save the result

Using Bash, I'm wanting to get a list of email addresses from a CSV file to do a recursive grep search on it for a bunch of directories looking for a match in specific metadata XML files, and then also tallying up how many results I find for each address throughout the directory tree (i.e. updating the tally field in the same CSV file).
accounts.csv looks something like this:
updated to more accurately reflect real-world data
email,date,bar,URL,"something else",tally,21/04/2015,,,"blah blah",5,17/06/2015,,,"lah yah",0,7/08/2017,,,"wah wah",1
For example, if we put in $email from the list, run
grep -rl "${email}" --include=\*_meta.xml --only-matching | wc -l
on it and then add that result to the tally column.
At the moment I can get the first column of that CSV file (minus the heading/first line) using
awk -F"," '{print $1}' accounts.csv | tail -n +2
but I'm lost how to do the looping and also the writing of the result back to the CSV file...
So for instance, with if we run
grep -rl "${email}" --include=\*_meta.xml --only-matching | wc -l
and the result is say 17, how can I update that line to become:,7/08/2017,,,"wah wah",17
Is this possible with maybe awk or sed?
This is where I'm up to:
# make temporary list of email addresses
awk -F"," '{print $1}' accounts.csv | tail -n +2 > emails.tmp
# loop over each
while read email; do
# count how many uploads for current email address
grep -rl "${email}" --include=\*_meta.xml --only-matching | wc -l
done < emails.tmp
XML Metadata looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>example <br /></description>
<title>Some Title Name Goes Here</title>
<addeddate>2017-05-28 06:20:54</addeddate>
<publicdate>2017-05-28 06:21:15</publicdate>
<curation>[curator][/curator][date]20170528062151[/date][comment]checked for malware[/comment]</curation>
how to do the looping and also the writing of the result back to the CSV file
awk does the looping automatically. You can change any field by assigning to it. So to change a tally field (the 6th in each line) you would do $6 = ....
awk is a great tool for many scenarios. You probably can safe a lot of time in the future by investing some minutes in a short tutorial now.
The only non-trivial part is getting the output of grep into awk.
The following script increments each tally by the count of *_meta.xml files containing the given email address:
awk -F, -v OFS=, -v q=\' 'NR>1 {
cmd = "grep -rlFw " q $1 q " --include=\\*_meta.xml | wc -l";
cmd | getline c;
$6 = c
} 1' accounts.csv
For simplicity we assume that filenames are free of linebreaks and email addresses are free of '.
To reduce possible false positives, I also added the -F and -w option to your grep command.
-F searches literal strings; without it, searching for a.b#c would give false positives for things like axb#c and a-b#c.
-w matches only whole words; without it, searching for b#c would give a false positive for ab#c. This isn't 100% safe, as a-b#c would still give a false positive, but without knowing more about the structure of your xml files we cannot fix this.
A pipeline to reduce the number of greps:
grep -rHo --include=\*_meta.xml -f <(awk -F, 'NR > 1 {print $1}' accounts.csv) \
| gawk -F, -v OFS=',' '
NR == FNR {
# store the filenames for each email
if (match($0, /^([^:]+):(.+)/, m)) tally[m[2]][m[1]]
FNR > 1 {$4 = length(tally[$1])}
' - accounts.csv
Here is a solution using single awk command to achieve this. This solution will be highly performant as compared to other solutions because it is scanning each XML file only once for all the email addresses found in first column of the CSV file. Also it is not invoking any external command or spawning a sub0shell anywhere.
This should work in any version of awk.
cat srch.awk
# function to escape regex meta characters
function esc(s, tmp) {
tmp = s
gsub(/[&+.]/, "\\\\&", tmp)
return tmp
# while processing csv file
NR == FNR {
# save escaped email address in array em skipping header row
if (FNR > 1)
em[esc($1)] = 0
# save each row in rec array
rec[++n] = $0
# this block will execute for eaxh XML file
# loop each email and save count of matched email in array em
# PS: gsub return no of substitutionx
for (i in em)
em[i] += gsub(i, "&")
# print header row
print rec[1]
# from 2nd row onwards split row into columns using comma
for (i=2; i<=n; ++i) {
split(rec[i], a, FS)
# 6th column is the count of occurrence from array em
print a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], em[esc(a[1])]
Use it as:
awk -f srch.awk accounts.csv $(find . -name '*_meta.xml') > tmp && mv tmp accounts.csv
A script that handles accounts.csv line by line and replaces the data in for comparison.
#! /bin/bash
# Copy file
cp ${file_old} ${file_new}
while read -r line; do
# Skip first line
if [[ $x -gt 1 ]]; then
# Read data into variables
IFS=${delimiter} read -r address foo bar tally somethingelse <<< ${line}
cnt=$(find . -name '*_meta.xml' -exec grep -lo "${address}" {} \; | wc -l)
# Reset tally
# Change line number $x in new file
sed "${x}s/.*/${address} ${foo} ${bar} ${tally} ${somethingelse}/; ${x}s/ /${delimiter}/g" \
-i ${file_new}
done < ${file_old}
The input and ouput:
# Input
$ find . -name '*_meta.xml' -exec cat {} \; | sort | uniq -c
$ cat accounts.csv
# output
$ ./
$ cat

Counting lines in a file matching specific string

Suppose I have more than 3000 files file.gz with many lines like below. The fields are separated by commas. I want to count only the line in which the 21st field has today's date (ex:20171101).
I tried this:
awk -F',' '{if { $21 ~ "TZ=GMT+30 date '+%d-%m-%y'" } { ++count; } END { print count; }}' file.txt
but it's not working.
Using awk, something like below
awk -F"," -v toSearch="$(date '+%Y%m%d')" '$21 ~ toSearch{count++}END{print count}' file
The date '+%Y%m%d' produces the date in the format as you requested, e.g. 20170111. Then matching that pattern on the 21st field and counting the occurrence and printing it in the END clause.
Am not sure the Solaris version of grep supports the -c flag for counting the number of pattern matches, if so you can do it as
grep -c "$(date '+%Y%m%d')" file
Another solution using gnu-grep
grep -Ec "([^,]*,){20}$(date '+%Y%m%d')" file
explanation: ([^,]*,){20} means 20 fields before the date to be checked
Using awk and process substitution to uncompress a bunch of gzs and feed them to awk for analyzing and counting:
$ awk -F\, 'substr($21,1,8)==strftime("%Y%m%d"){i++}; END{print i}' * <(zcat *gz)
substr($21,1,8) == strftime("%Y%m%d") { # if the 8 first bytes of $21 match date
i++ # increment counter
END { # in the end
print i # output counter
}' * <(zcat *gz) # zcat all gzs to awk
If Perl is an option, this solution works on all 3000 gzipped files:
zcat *.gz | perl -F, -lane 'BEGIN{chomp($date=`date "+%Y%m%d"`); $count=0}; $count++ if $F[20] =~ /^$date/; END{print $count}'
These command-line options are used:
-l removes newlines before processing, and adds them back in afterwards
-a autosplit mode – split input lines into the #F array. Defaults to splitting on whitespace.
-n loop around each line of the input file
-e execute the perl code
-F autosplit modifier, in this case splits on ,
BEGIN{} executes before the main loop.
The $date and $count variables are initialized.
The $date variable is set to the result of the shell command date "+%Y%m%d"
$F[20] is the 21st element in #F
If the 21st element starts with $date, increment $count
END{} executes after the main loop
Using grep and cut instead of awk and avoiding regular expressions:
cut -f21 -d, file | grep -Fc "$(date '+%Y%m%d')"

How to add all values in a certain column?

I want to add all the 3rd fields from each line and produce the result.
Below is the way I solved the problem
grep '2016Feb' input.txt|awk -F\- '{print $3}'|while read LINE; do
sum = $(expr $sum + $LINE)
echo $sum
Is there a better way of solving the problem than my code? Possible a command that solves the problem # command line itself?
For a file like:
$ cat input.txt
The output is: 590.
Just set the field separator to the dash and sum the third column:
$ awk -F- '{sum+=$3} END{print sum+0}' file
590 ^^
# in case there are no matching lines, print 0
Since it looks like you are just counting those lines that contain the text "Feb2016", you can also add a filter:
awk -F- '/Feb2016/{sum+=$3} END{print sum+0}' file
# ^^^^^^^^^
# just on lines containing the string "Feb2016"
$ cat data
$ cut -d - -f 3 data | paste -s -d '+' | bc

Search file A for a list of strings located in file B and append the value associated with that string to the end of the line in file A

This is a bit complicated, well I think it is..
I have two files, File A and file B
File A contains delay information for a pin and is in the following format
AD22 15484
AB22 9485
AD23 10945
File B contains a component declaration that needs this information added to it and is in the format:
So what I am trying to achieve is the following output
There is no order to the pin numbers in file A or B
So I'm assuming the following needs to happen
open file A, read first line
search file B for first string field in the line just read
once found in file B at the end of the line add the text "\nPIN_DELAY='"
add the second string filed of the line read from file A
add the following text at the end "';"
repeat by opening file A, read the second line
I'm assuming it will be a combination of sed and awk commands and I'm currently trying to work it out but think this is beyond my knowledge. Many thanks in advance as I know it's complicated..
FILE2=`cat file2`
FILE1=`cat file1`
for line in $FILE1;do
echo $line >> $TMPFILE
for line2 in $FILE2;do
if [ $FLAG == 1 ];then
echo -e "PIN_DELAY='$(echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $1}')'" >> $TMPFILE
elif [ "`echo $line | grep $(echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $1}')`" != "" ];then
mv $TMPFILE file1
Works for me, you can also add a trap for remove tmp file if user send sigint.
awk to the rescue...
$ awk -vq="'" 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next} {print; for(k in a) if(match($0,k)) {print "PIN_DELAY=" q a[k] q ";"; next}}' keys data
Explanation: scan the first file for key/value pairs. For each line in the second data file print the line, for any matching key print value of the key in the requested format. Single quotes in awk is little tricky, setting a q variable is one way of handling it.
FINAL Script for my application, A big thank you to all that helped..
# ! /usr/bin/sh
# script created by Adam with a LOT of help from users on stackoverflow
# must pass $1 file (package file from Xilinx)
# must pass $2 file (chips.prt file from the PCB design office)
# remove these temp files, throws error if not present tho, whoops!!
rm DELAYS.txt CHIP.txt OUTPUT.txt
# BELOW::create temp files for the code thanks to Glastis#stackoverflow I now know how to do this
DELAYS=`mktemp DELAYS.txt`
CHIP=`mktemp CHIP.txt`
OUTPUT=`mktemp OUTPUT.txt`
# BELOW::grep input file 1 (pkg file from Xilinx) for lines containing a delay in the form of n.n and use TAIL to remove something (can't remember), sed to remove blanks and replace with single space, sed to remove space before \n, use awk to print columns 3,9,10 and feed into awk again to calculate delay provided by fedorqui#stackoverflow
# In awk, NF refers to the number of fields on the current line. Since $n refers to the field number n, with $(NF-1) we refer to the penultimate field.
# {...}1 do stuff and then print the resulting line. 1 evaluates as True and anything True triggers awk to perform its default action, which is to print the current line.
# $(NF-1) + $NF)/2 * 141 perform the calculation: `(penultimate + last) / 2 * 141
# {$(NF-1)=sprintf( ... ) assign the result of the previous calculation to the penultimate field. Using sprintf with %.0f we make sure the rounding is performed, as described above.
# {...; NF--} once the calculation is done, we have its result in the penultimate field. To remove the last column, we just say "hey, decrease the number of fields" so that the last one gets "removed".
grep -E -0 '[0-9]\.[0-9]' $1 | tail -n +2 | sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+/ /g' -e 's/\s\n/\n/g' | awk '{print ","$3",",$9,$10}' | awk '{$(NF-1)=sprintf("%.0f", ($(NF-1) + $NF)/2 * 169); NF--}1' >> $DELAYS
# remove blanks in part file and add additional commas (,) so that the following awk command works properly
cat $2 | sed -e "s/[[:blank:]]\+//" -e "s/(/(,/g" -e 's/)/,)/g' >> $CHIP
# this awk command is provided by karakfa#stackoverflow Explanation: scan the first file for key/value pairs. For each line in the second data file print the line, for any matching key print value of the key in the requested format. Single quotes in awk is little tricky, setting a q variable is one way of handling it.
awk -vq="'" 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next} {print; for(k in a) if(match($0,k)) {print "PIN_DELAY=" q a[k] q ";"; next}}' $DELAYS $CHIP >> $OUTPUT
# remove the additional commas (,) added in earlier before ) and after ( and you are done..
cat $OUTPUT | sed -e 's/(,/(/g' -e 's/,)/)/g' >> chipsd.prt

Print text between two lines (from list of line numbers in file) in Unix [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a sample file which has thousands of lines.
I want to print text between two line numbers in that file. I don't want to input line numbers manually, rather I have a file which contains list of line numbers between which text has to be printed.
Example : linenumbers.txt
I need a shell script which will read line numbers from this file and print the text between each range of lines into a separate (new) file.
That is, it should print lines between 345 and 789 into a new file, say File1.txt, and print text between lines 999 and 1056 into a new file, say File2.txt, and so on.
considering your target file has only thousands of lines. here is a quick and dirty solution.
awk -F'|' '{system("sed -n \""$1","$2"p\" targetFile > file"NR)}' linenumbers.txt
the targetFile is your file containing thousands of lines.
the oneliner does not require your linenumbers.txt to be sorted.
the oneliner allows line range to be overlapped in your linenumbers.txt
after running the command above, you will have n filex files. n is the row counts of linenumbers.txt x is from 1-n you can change the filename pattern as you want.
Here's one way using GNU awk. Run like:
awk -f script.awk numbers.txt file.txt
Contents of script.awk:
# set the field separator
# for the first file in the arguments list
# add the row number and field one as keys to a multidimensional array with
# a value of field two
# skip processing the rest of the code
# for the second file in the arguments list
# for every element in the array's first dimension
for (i in a) {
# for every element in the second dimension
for (j in a[i]) {
# ensure that the first field is treated numerically
# if the line number is greater than the first field
# and smaller than the second field
if (FNR>=j && FNR<=a[i][j]) {
# print the line to a file with the suffix of the first file's
# line number (the first dimension)
print > "File" i
Alternatively, here's the one-liner:
awk -F "|" 'FNR==NR { a[NR][$1]=$2; next } { for (i in a) for (j in a[i]) { j+=0; if (FNR>=j && FNR<=a[i][j]) print > "File" i } }' numbers.txt file.txt
If you have an 'old' awk, here's the version with compatibility. Run like:
awk -f script.awk numbers.txt file.txt
Contents of script.awk:
# set the field separator
# for the first file in the arguments list
# add the row number and field one as a key to a pseudo-multidimensional
# array with a value of field two
# skip processing the rest of the code
# for the second file in the arguments list
# for every element in the array
for (i in a) {
# split the element in to another array
# b[1] is the row number and b[2] is the first field
# if the line number is greater than the first field
# and smaller than the second field
if (FNR>=b[2] && FNR<=a[i]) {
# print the line to a file with the suffix of the first file's
# line number (the first pseudo-dimension)
print > "File" b[1]
Alternatively, here's the one-liner:
awk -F "|" 'FNR==NR { a[NR,$1]=$2; next } { for (i in a) { split(i,b,SUBSEP); if (FNR>=b[2] && FNR<=a[i]) print > "File" b[1] } }' numbers.txt file.txt
I would use sed to process the sample data file because it is simple and swift. This requires a mechanism for converting the line numbers file into the appropriate sed script. There are many ways to do this.
One way uses sed to convert the set of line numbers into a sed script. If everything was going to standard output, this would be trivial. With the output needing to go to different files, we need a line number for each line in the line numbers file. One way to give line numbers is the nl command. Another possibility would be to use pr -n -l1. The same sed command line works with both:
nl linenumbers.txt |
sed 's/ *\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)|\([0-9]*\)/\2,\3w file\1.txt/'
For the given data file, that generates:
345,789w > file1.txt
999,1056w > file2.txt
1522,1366w > file3.txt
3523,3562w > file4.txt
Another option would be to have awk generate the sed script:
awk -F'|' '{ printf "%d,%dw > file%d.txt\n", $1, $2, NR }' linenumbers.txt
If your version of sed will allow you to read its script from standard input with -f - (GNU sed does; BSD sed does not), then you can convert the line numbers file into a sed script on the fly, and use that to parse the sample data:
awk -F'|' '{ printf "%d,%dw > file%d.txt\n", $1, $2, NR }' linenumbers.txt |
sed -n -f -
If your system supports /dev/stdin, you can use one of:
awk -F'|' '{ printf "%d,%dw > file%d.txt\n", $1, $2, NR }' linenumbers.txt |
sed -n -f /dev/stdin
awk -F'|' '{ printf "%d,%dw > file%d.txt\n", $1, $2, NR }' linenumbers.txt |
sed -n -f /dev/fd/0
Failing that, use an explicit script file:
awk -F'|' '{ printf "%d,%dw > file%d.txt\n", $1, $2, NR }' linenumbers.txt > sed.script
sed -n -f sed.script
rm -f sed.script
Strictly, you should deal with ensuring the temporary file name is unique (mktemp) and removed even if the script is interrupted (trap):
tmp=$(mktemp sed.script.XXXXXX)
trap "rm -f $tmp; exit 1" 0 1 2 3 13 15
awk -F'|' '{ printf "%d,%dw > file%d.txt\n", $1, $2, NR }' linenumbers.txt > $tmp
sed -n -f $tmp
rm -f $tmp
trap 0
The final trap 0 allows your script to exit successfully; omit it, and you script will always exit with status 1.
I've ignored Perl and Python; either could be used for this in a single command. The file management is just fiddly enough that using sed seems simpler. You could also use just awk, either with a first awk script writing an awk script to do the heavy duty work (trivial extension of the above), or having a single awk process read both files and produce the required output (harder, but far from impossible).
If nothing else, this shows that there are many possible ways of doing the job. If this is a one-off exercise, it really doesn't matter very much which you choose. If you will be doing this repeatedly, then choose the mechanism that you like. If you're worried about performance, measure. It is likely that converting the line numbers into a command script is a negligible cost; processing the sample data with the command script is where the time is taken. I would expect sed to excel at that point; I've not measured to confirm that it does.
You could do the following
while IFS=\| read start end ; do
echo "sed -n '$start,${end}p;${end}q;' $somefile > $somefile-$start-$end"
done < $linenumbers
run it like so sh
sed -n '345,789p;789q;' afile > afile-345-789
sed -n '999,1056p;1056q;' afile > afile-999-1056
sed -n '1522,1366p;1366q;' afile > afile-1522-1366
sed -n '3523,3562p;3562q;' afile > afile-3523-3562
then when you're happy do sh | sh
EDIT Added William's excellent points on style and correctness.
EDIT Explanation
The basic idea is to get a script to generate a series of shell commands that can be checked for correctness first before being executed by "| sh".
sed -n '345,789p;789q; means use sed and don't echo each line (-n) ; there are two commands saying from line 345 to 789 p(rint) the lines and the second command is at line 789 q(uit) - by quitting on the last line you save having sed read all the input file.
The while loop reads from the $linenumbers file using read, read if given more than one variable name populates each with a field from the input, a field is usually separated by space and if there are too few variable names then read will put the remaining data into the last variable name.
You can put the following in at your shell prompt to understand that behaviour.
ls -l | while read first rest ; do
echo $first XXXX $rest
Try adding another variable second to the above to see what happens then, it should be obvious.
The problem is your data is delimited by |s and that's where using William's suggestion of IFS=\| works as now when reading from the input the IFS has changed and the input is now separated by |s and we get the desired result.
Others can feel free to edit,correct and expand.
To extract the first field from 345|789 you can e.g use awk
awk -F'|' '{print $1}'
Combine that with the answers received from your other question and you will have a solution.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/(.*)\|(.*)/\1,\2w file-\1-\2.txt/' | sed -nf - file
