Meteor will not run without Sudo? - bash

On OSX Yosemite and the latest version of meteor (1.0.1), no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall it, I can't seem to get it running without sudo. My user account is an administrator account. But meteor refuses to run without sudo. The errors I'm getting are all:
-bash: meteor: command not found
I've seen a few posts on here with similar problems. I've tried repairing disk permissions with disk utility. I've tried:
sudo chown -R $myUsername /usr/local/bin/meteor
I'm not sure what else I can do, because it seems to be a permissions issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Additional info that might help:
$ sudo which meteor
$ sudo ls -l /usr/local/bin/meteor
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 3528 Dec 18 23:14 /usr/local/bin/meteor
$ ls -ld /usr/local/bin
drwx------ 6 502 wheel 204 Dec 18 23:14 /usr/local/bin
By the way, ls -l /usr/local/bin/meteor only works with sudo.

After we clarified the permissions of the meteor executable and its base directory,
the problem became quite clear:
The Meteor binary is located in /usr/local/bin/meteor
Your user didn't have permission to the directory /usr/local/bin
The steps to resolve:
Add permission on the base directory: sudo chmod +rx /usr/local/bin
If necessary, add the base directory to PATH: PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
For future reference:
When you get this kind of error: -bash: XYZ: command not found
The first thing to check is find the absolute path of XYZ, for example /path/to/XYZ
Try to run with the absolute path /path/to/XYZ
If running with /path/to/XYZ gives -bash: /path/to/XYZ: Permission denied that means you have a problem with permissions on the file and/or directories:
You need read and exec permission on the file itself: sudo chmod +rx /path/to/XYZ
You need exec permission on all path elements leading up to the file: sudo chmod +x /path /path/to
After fixing permission issues, running with /path/to/XYZ should work
After fixing permission issues, if running with XYZ (without full path) still doesn't work, that means /path/to is not on your PATH. Fix with PATH=$PATH:/path/to
Note: the above sudo chmod commands give permissions (read and exec) to all users: owner + group + other. In the case of the OP (and in most common cases), this is perfectly fine.
In situations with more sophisticated permission setup, you might need to be more specific, and use g+rx instead of +rx.
(for the record)
If it works with sudo, and without sudo you get command not found, that means that meteor is on the PATH for root but not for your user. To make it work for your user, you need to find the path to meteor and add it to your user's PATH. For example:
Become root with sudo su -
Find the path of meteor, run command: which meteor
Logout from root (Control-D) to return to your user
Add the base directory to PATH, for example if earlier which meteor gave you /usr/local/bin/meteor, then do this: PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
After this, it should work with your user. To make it "permanent", add the last step in your ~/.bashrc.
If this still doesn't work, then perhaps your user doesn't have the execute permission on the file. Fix that with this command:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/meteor
From your comments it also seems your user doesn't have permission on the /usr/local/bin directory itself. Fix that with this command:
sudo chmod +rx /usr/local/bin

Shouldn't need an admin account to run it, standard user account works fine. You can locate the meteor file by typing which meteor. It will tell you what file is being used to execute.
Try removing the .meteor folder in your home directory, something like rm -rf ~/.meteor and the script from the bin folder rm /usr/local/bin/meteor or rm 'which meteor' (speech marks there are the ones above ~)
And then reinstall meteor without sudo using the curl | sh command.
Should hopefully install with all the correct permissions...


Commands without sudo in bash do not work

I am running a bash script and these commands in the script will not work without sudo in front of them. The is located in a folder such as /jobs/
Example of commands I am trying to run in the -
mv /var/app/myapp /var/app/myapp.old
rm file.tar.gz
tar -xzf /home/ubuntu/file.tar.gz -C /var/app/
All the above work if I add sudo in front of them.
I am trying to figure out what permissions are required for them to work without adding sudo in the script.
I have tried giving the rwx permissions and changing owner to root.
I'm learning permissions in linux, so I'm new to this. Basically what permission should the have so that I dont have to use sudo in the bash file? Any insight would greatly help.
When you run sudo <some command>, then <some command> is run by the root user (Super user do). The reason you might need to run any command using sudo is because the permissions on the files that command reads/writes/executes are such that only the "Super user" (root) has that permission.
When executing the command mv fileA fileB, the executing user would need:
Write permission to fileB if fileB already existed
Write permission to the directory containing fileB
From what you said it’s most likely you want read and write permissions you can achieve this with chmod
Chmod +[permission] filename
(+ is used to add permission you can also use - instead to remove it)
Where permissions can be:
r —> read
w—> write
x —>excecute
... and more
FOR EXAMPLE: it seems you write permissions for the first file so :
chmod +w /var/app/myapp
Will fix problem

Get permission to work with files on my Amazon EC2 Ubuntu server using FTP-WinSCP

I have an Ubuntu server on Amazon, I installed everything for working with it (php, mysql, phpmyadmin, apache..), The problem is that I cant move around or edit files using the FTP.
I get the error message:
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
from my WINSCP.
The only way I can trancefer/edit file is using 'putty' with the sudo/nano command.
I found a lot of information about this on google, but there are no updated soulution I can find. Linux isn't my usual work-space.
How do I get the permissions working for the WINSCP ?
A lot of answers say to change permissions on /var/www/ ... however AWS shortcuts out of the WWW folder and into the /var/app/current/ directory. If all else fails try:
sudo chown -R -v ec2-user /var/app/current/
On Ubuntu image in AWS, default user is ubuntu. Instead of using system folders like /var/... better to use /home/your_folder. Then change the ownership using {chown} command. For eg.
$ sudo chown -R -v ubuntu /home/your_folder/
This will change the ownership of 'your_folder' and contents inside it from 'root' user to 'ubuntu'. Then Winscp should be able to upload/delete/create files using SFTP/FTP etc..
I had the same issues. The solution is: You can solve this by changing WordPress ownership type:
sudo chown -R www-data:ubuntu /var/www/wordpress
Then, Change the right permission for the particular files and directories, type command
sudo find /var/www/wordpress/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
sudo find /var/www/wordpress/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
Apart from this, set the following important files to chmod 600 so that only the owner can fully read and write access to these files:
sudo chmod 600 /var/www/wordpress/wp-config.php
sudo chmod 600 /var/www/wordpress/.htaccess
Then everything will work. You will be able to access your wordpress files
for me using free tier from cloud providers will not give you root access, to fix this you have to change folder permission from SSH or try this solution
OS: windows 10 Pro
Open WinSCP instead of SFTP you select SCP go to advance settings click on SCP/Shell and change the shell option to sudo su -
Now you will be able to get permission.
Change file permision by command chmod 777 /var/app/current/ and transfer files to the directory

Spotlight won't turn on: Console says: mds[pid] (Fatal) Server: mds must be run as root. exiting

I turned off spotlight and was very thorough about it. So thorough that I can't get it turned back on. I need to install a program from the Mac App Store (& App Store relies on mds), so if anyone has information on how to install an App Store program without mds at all (spotlight), that would be even better.
So my problem is that spotlight is complaining it can only run as root, but I can't for the life of me figure out why it isn't. From what I understand, launch daemons in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons are automatically launched as root as long as they have the correct permissions. Every file that directory is rw-r-r. Here are the commands I've been using to unload/load spotlight from launchd:
sudo mdutil -a -E -i off
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo rm -rf "/.Spotlight-V100"
sudo chmod 600 /System/Library/CoreServices/Search.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Search
I also rename the mds executables in /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support, adding a .bak extension.
To reload it, I essentially undo those steps. However it's not working right now. I've searched for the error on google, but no dice. I reloaded the mds binaries from the Snow Leopard install image, didn't do anything. I've repaired permissions 4-5 times and manually looked up the tree to see if I noticed any permissions were wrong, but everything is root:wheel 755 like I assume it should be in the Frameworks folder, and rw-r-r in the LaunchDaemons folder. However mds is constantly spitting messages to the console that say
mds[pid] (Fatal) Server: mds must be run as root. exiting.
Anyone have any clue what is going on? I'd rather not reformat right now since I've put quite a long time into setting up this computer and I just want to install one program from the App Store.
Well, wouldn't you know as soon as I break down and post on SO I find the solution: I found someone's spotlight-enable script and pasted it into my terminal. Rebooted, spotlight working, installed program, disabled spotlight again. This is what I used:
sudo chmod 775 /Library/Spotlight;
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/Spotlight;
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Spotlight.prefPane;
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/Services/Spotlight.service;
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/CoreServices/;
sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/mdimport;
sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/mdcheckschema;
sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/mdfind;
sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/mdls;
sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/mdutil;
sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/md;
As Thilo pointed out, this isn't really programming related so it can be moved to Super User or whatever else anyone things is better.

cannot open output file a.out: Permission denied, on a simple compilation

I wrote some code in vim and whenever I try to run the code it shows this:
coolmego#coolmego-PC:~/coolmego/cprograms$ gcc dfs8puzz.c
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file a.out: Permission denied
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
coolmego#coolmego-PC:~/coolmego/cprograms$ ./a.out
bash: ./a.out: No such file or directory
What should I do?
Move to a directory where you are allowed to write.
This is because if you only have write permissions, but you are not the owner the directory.
Check your user name:
Make yourself the owner of the directory and its contents:
sudo chown -R "$USER:" /path/to/the/directory
Set read/write/execute permission
chmod -R 700 /path/to/the/directory
When you run sudo, you are actually running the commands as root user. Possibly you ended up messing up the permissions so that root owns the files. Thus when you run sudo, it just works (root can write in those directories). You need coolmego to own those files. For example:
sudo chown coolmego /home/coolmego/coolmego/cprograms/
chmod 700 /home/coolmego/coolmego/cprograms/
Remove option user in /etc/fstab. Anything with user in the fstab is automatically mounted noexec unless exec is explicitly given in the fstab.
Try giving read write permission to the directory in which you are targeting to get the output. In case you are using a personal system you can do "sudo chmod 777 "
I was having the same problem, after 1 hour i found out it was my Antivirus, i shut that down and everything worked fine.
try chmod -R 777 ~/coolmego/cprograms

Tomcat startup script permission on Mac OS X

I'm struggling with a Mac OS X 10.5.8 that I've started using recently for development. I successfully installed tomcat and create launchd.conf for my environment variables.
I believe it works fine. Coz I can build a project with Netbeans using maven and cargo plugins successfully so i found online a script for start and stop the tomcat
case $1 in
sh /Library/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/bin/
sh /Library/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/bin/
sh /Library/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/bin/
sh /Library/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/bin/
echo "Usage :start|stop|restart"
exit 0
That script was created in nano in sudo sh
but when i want to run it. is spit out this
sh: /usr/bin/tomcat: Permission denied
I've added chmod 755 *.sh and *.bat inside /Library/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/bin
Still access denied so what do I go around that? I have the admin privileges on the machine.
Thanks for reading
Go to Tomcat bin directory and run the below command:
chmod +x *.sh
This worked for me.
Where did you install the tomcat script to? I'd recommend you install it to /usr/bin. Once installed, make sure the permissions are correct (i.e. chmod 755 /usr/bin/tomcat). You can then confirm with ls -l /usr/bin/tomcat.
If you still get errors once the permissions on /usr/bin/tomcat are correct, then you can add the following two lines following the #!/bin/bash line.
set -x
set -v
With the above lines, bash will output additional information that will allow you to tell what's being executed and where the error is happening.
1) Go to the tomcat directory, which preferably should be "/usr/local/folder-name"
2) Check for the permissions for the folder: ls -l
3) Change the permissions using: sudo chmod -R 755 folder-name
4) Change the owner to the current owner: sudo chown -R owner-name:group-name folder-name
e.g sudo chown -R userName:admin folder-name
Try executing the script again and it should work.
