Binary tree level order traversal time complexity - algorithm

HERE it is explained that method 1 of level order traversal has a time complexity of O(n^2). Can someone please explain me this. I am not sure how author is saying that printGivenLevel() takes O(n).
"Time Complexity: O(n^2) in worst case. For a skewed tree, printGivenLevel() takes O(n) time where n is the number of nodes in the skewed tree. So time complexity of printLevelOrder() is O(n) + O(n-1) + O(n-2) + .. + O(1) which is O(n^2)."
On the contrary HERE, it seems to be proved that it is O(n)

In the attached code, printGivenLevel() is O(n) indeed for worst case.
The *complexity function) of printGivenLevel() is:
T(n) = T(left) + T(right) + O(1)
where left = size of left subtree
right = size of right subtree
In worst case, for each node in the tree there is at most one son, so it looks something like this:
Now, note that the way the algorithm works, you start from the root, and travel all the way to the required level, while decreasing the level variable every time you recurse. So, in order to get to the nth level, you are going to need at least n invokations of printGivenLevel(), so the complexity function of printGivenLevel() for the above example is:
T(n) = T(n-1) + T(1) + O(1) = O(n) (can be proved used master theorem)
The first implementation requires you to do printGivenLevel() for each level, so for the same example, you get a worst case running time of O(n^2), since you need O(k) to print each level from 1 to k, which is O(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n) =(*) O(n(n+1)/2) = O(n^2), where the equality marked with (*) is from sum or arithmetic progression

We can perform level order traversal in an easy way with always(best,avg,worst) O(n) Time complexity.
Simple Python code:
def level_order(self):
print(,end=' ')
while len(a)!=0:
for i in a:
if i.left!=None:
print(,end=' ')
if i.right!=None:
print(,end=' ')
Explanation: a is a list of all addresses of nodes at current level; tmp is a list to store addresses of child nodes of a. If len(a)=0, that means it is the last level, so the loop breaks.


What is big O of this pseudocode?

For this pseudocode, what would be big O of this:
BinarySum(A, i, n) {
if n=1 then
return A[i] // base case
return BinarySum(A, i, n/2) + BinarySum(A, i+[n/2], [n/2])
This is really confusing because I think it is O(logn) since you are dividing by 2 each time you run the function but then some people I spoke to think it is O(n) and not O(logn) because the algorithm doesn't half the problem by picking and choosing one half of the array. What is it?
The runtime is θ(n).
How to determine runtime
The recurrence relation for the algorithm is
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1)
Because we have two recursive calls for half of the array in every call and need constant time in a single call. BTW: this is the same recurrence relation which also describes a binary tree traversal.
You can use the Master-theorem to determine the runtime here since a >= 1 and b > 1 and the recurrence relation has the form
T(1) = 1; T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)
This is case one of the theorem meaning f(n) = O(n ^ logb(a)). This is because with a = 2, b = 2 and f(n) = O(1) like in this case log2(2) = 1 and therefore f(n) = O(1) = O(n¹) = O(n).
When case one is applicable the Master-theorem says that the runtime of the algorithm is θ(n).
First, let me say that I like the other answer that links the recurrence with the traversal of binary trees. For a balanced binary tree, this is indeed the recurrence, and so the complexity must necessarily be the same as a depth-first traversal, which we all know is O(n). I like this analogy because it clearly says that the result doesn't just apply to the recurrence T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1) but to anything where you split the input into chunks of sizes m[0], m[1], ... that sum to size n and do T(n) = T(m[0]) + T(m[1]) + T(m[2]) + ... + O(1). You don't have to split the input into two equally sized parts to get O(n); you just have to spent constant time and then recurse on disjoint parts of the input.
Using the Master's Theorem, I feel, is a bit overkill for this one. It is a big gun, and it gives us the correct answer, but if you are like me, it doesn't give you much intuition about why the answer is what it is. With this particular recurrence, we can get the correct answer and an intuitive understanding of it with a few drawings.
We can break down what happens at each level of the recursion and maybe draw it like this:
We have the work that we are handling on the left, i.e., the size of the input and the actual time we spend at each function call on the right. We have input size n at the first level, but we only spend one "computation unit" of time on it. We have two chunks of size n/2 that we spend two units of time on at the next level. At the next level, we have four chunks, each of size n/4, and we spend four units on them. This continues until our chunks have size one, and we have n of those, that we spend n units of time on.
The total time we spend is the area of the red blocks on the right. The depth of the recursion is O(log n) but we don't need to worry about that to analyse the time. We will just flip the "time" bit and look at it this way:
The total time we spend must be n for the original bottom layer (now top layer), n/2 for the next layer, n/4 for the next, and so on. Move n outside of parentheses, and all we have to worry about is the sum 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+.... The sum ends at some point, of course. We only have O(log n) terms. But we don't have to worry about that at all, because even if it continued forever we wouldn't sum to more than two.
You might recognise this as a geometric series. They have the form sum x^i for i=0 to infinity, and when |x|<1 they converge to 1/(1-x). Proving this takes a little calculus, but when x = 1/2 as we have, it is easy to draw the series and get the result from there.
Take the size n layer and then start putting the remaining layers next to each other under it. First, you put down the n/2 layer. It takes half of the space. Then you put the n/4 layer next to it, and it takes half of the remaining space. The n/8 layer will take half of the remaining space, the n/16 layer will take half of the remaining space, and it will continue like this as if it were a reenactment of Zeno's paradox.
If you keep taking half of what is left forever, you can never get more than you started with, so adding up all the layers except the first cannot give you more time spent than you spent on the very first layer. The total time you would do if you kept recursing forever (and time worked like real numbers) would be linear. Since you stop before forever, it is still going to be linear. Infinity gives us O(n) so recursion depth O(log n) will as well.
Of course, getting O(n) from observing that T(n) < T'(n) = O(n) where T'(n) continues subdividing forever only tells us that T(n) = O(n) and not that T(n) = Omega(n), there you have to show that you don't spend substantially less time than n, but considering that the largest layer is n, it should be obvious that the recursion also runs in Omega(n).
If you don't cut the data size in half every recursion, but cut the data in some other chunks that add up to n, you still get O(n) of course--think of traversing a tree--but it gets a hell of a lot harder to draw, and I've never managed to come up with a good illustration of that. For splitting the data in half, though, the drawing is simple and the conclusions we draw from it gives us the correct running time.
The same drawing also tells us that the recurrence T(n) = T(n/2) + O(n) is in O(n). Here, we don't have to flip the first drawing, because we start out with the largest layer on top. We spend time n then n/2 then n/4 and so on, and we end up spending 2n time units. Because 2 isn't special here, we have T(n) = T(f·n) + O(n) = O(n) for any fraction 0 ≤ f < 1, it is just a lot harder to draw when f ≠ 1/2.
First a bug:
BinarySum(A, i, n) {
if n=1 then
return A[i] // base case
return BinarySum(A, i, n/2) + BinarySum(A, i+(n/2), (n - n/2))
// ^^^^
The second half might be of uneven length. And then the last value was dropped for n/2.
Recursively this might be several values.
On the complexity. Having A[0] + A[1] + A[2] + ... + A[n-1].
The recursion goes down to a single A[i] and for every + above adds exactly 1 left and right. So (n-1 subtrees + n leafs = 2n-1) O(n). Furthermore the call tree is irrelevant. BinarySum is not faster (than non-binary sums) unless using multithreading.
There's a difference between making just one recursive function call, like binary search does, and two recursive function calls, like your code does. In both cases, the maximum depth of the recursion is O(log n), but the total cost of the algorithms are different. I think you are confusing the maximum depth of the recursion with total running time of the algorithm.
The given function does a constant amount c of work before making two recursive function calls. Let c denote the work done by a function outside its recursive calls. You can draw a recursion tree where each node is the cost of a function call. The root node has a cost of c. The root node has two children because there are two recursive calls, each with a cost of c. Each of these children makes two further recursive calls; hence, the root node has 4 grandchildren, each with a cost of c. This continues until we hit the base case.
The total cost of the recursion tree is the cost of the root node (which is c), plus the cost of its children (which is 2c), plus the cost of the grandchilden (which is 4c), and so on, until we hit the n leaves (which have a total cost of nc, where for simplicity we'll assume n is a power of 2). The total cost of all levels of the recursion tree is c+2c+4c+8c+...+nc = O(nc) = O(n). Here, we used the fact that in an increasing geometric series, the total sum is dominated by the last term (the sum is essentially just the last term, up to constant factors, which are subsumed in asymptotic notation). This sum had O(log n) terms, but the sum is O(n).
Equivalently, the recurrence describing the running time of your algorithm is T(n) = 2T(n/2)+c, and by the Master theorem, the solution is T(n) = O(n). This is different from binary search, which has the recurrence T(n)=1T(n/2)+c, which has the solution T(n)=O(log n). For binary search, the total cost of all levels of the recursion tree would be c+c+...+c; here, the sum has O(log n) terms and the sum is O(log n).

How to solve such this recurrence to find out time complexity

There is this version of merge sort where the array is divided into n/3 and 2n/3 halves each time(instead of n/2 and n/2 originally).
The recurrence here would be:
Now the problem is, how to solve this to get the time complexity of this implementation?
There is Akra–Bazzi_method to calculate complexity for some more complex cases than Master Theorem is intended for.
In this example you'll get the same Theta(NlogN) as for equal parts (p=1, T=Theta(n(1+Integral(n/n^2*dn)))
T(n) denotes the total time taken by the algorithm.
We can calculate time complexity of this recurrence relation through recursion tree.
T(n)=T(n/3)+T(2n/3)+n ------- 1
Root node of T(n) is n, Root node will be expanded into 2 parts:
T(n/3) and T(2n/3)
In next step we will find root node value of T(n/3) and T(2n/3)
To compute T(n/3) substitute n/3 in place of n in equation 1
To compute T(2n/3) substitute 2n/3 in place of n in equation 1
Root node of T(n/3) is n/3root node will be expanded into 2 parts:
T(n/9) and T(2n/9)
Expand root node value till you will get individual elements i.e T(1)
Calculation of depth:
For calculating depth, n/(b^i)=1
So we will get, n/(3^i) or n/((3/2)^i)
If n=9 then n/3=3, 2n/3=6
for next level n/9=1, 2n/9=2,4n/9=4
Right part of recursion tree n->2n/3->4n/9 this is the longest path that we will take to expand the root node
If we take left part of tree to expand the root node, we will use n/(3^i) to find the depth of tree, to know where the tree will stop
So here we are using right part of tree, n/((3/2)^i)
log n=log(3/2)^i
i=(logn base 3/2)
Now, calculating cost of each level
Since, cost of each level is same i.e. n
T(n) = cost of level * depth
T(n) = n * i
T(n) = n(logn base 3/2)
Or we can calculate using T(n)=n+n+n..... i times i.e T(n) = n * i
You can even find time complexity using Akra–Bazzi method

Why is the Fibonacci Sequence Big O(2^n) instead of O(logn)?

I took discrete math (in which I learned about master theorem, Big Theta/Omega/O) a while ago and I seem to have forgotten the difference between O(logn) and O(2^n) (not in the theoretical sense of Big Oh). I generally understand that algorithms like merge and quick sort are O(nlogn) because they repeatedly divide the initial input array into sub arrays until each sub array is of size 1 before recursing back up the tree, giving a recursion tree that is of height logn + 1. But if you calculate the height of a recursive tree using n/b^x = 1 (when the size of the subproblem has become 1 as was stated in an answer here) it seems that you always get that the height of the tree is log(n).
If you solve the Fibonacci sequence using recursion, I would think that you would also get a tree of size logn, but for some reason, the Big O of the algorithm is O(2^n). I was thinking that maybe the difference is because you have to remember all of the fib numbers for each subproblem to get the actual fib number meaning that the value at each node has to be recalled, but it seems that in merge sort, the value of each node has to be used (or at least sorted) as well. This is unlike binary search, however, where you only visit certain nodes based on comparisons made at each level of the tree so I think this is where the confusion is coming from.
So specifically, what causes the Fibonacci sequence to have a different time complexity than algorithms like merge/quick sort?
The other answers are correct, but don't make it clear - where does the large difference between the Fibonacci algorithm and divide-and-conquer algorithms come from? Indeed, the shape of the recursion tree for both classes of functions is the same - it's a binary tree.
The trick to understand is actually very simple: consider the size of the recursion tree as a function of the input size n.
In the Fibonacci recursion, the input size n is the height of the tree; for sorting, the input size n is the width of the tree. In the former case, the size of the tree (i.e. the complexity) is an exponent of the input size, in the latter: it is input size multiplied by the height of the tree, which is usually just a logarithm of the input size.
More formally, start by these facts about binary trees:
The number of leaves n is a binary tree is equal to the the number of non-leaf nodes plus one. The size of a binary tree is therefore 2n-1.
In a perfect binary tree, all non-leaf nodes have two children.
The height h for a perfect binary tree with n leaves is equal to log(n), for a random binary tree: h = O(log(n)), and for a degenerate binary tree h = n-1.
For sorting an array of n elements with a recursive algorithm, the recursion tree has n leaves. It follows that the width of the tree is n, the height of the tree is O(log(n)) on the average and O(n) in the worst case.
For calculating a Fibonacci sequence element k with the recursive algorithm, the recursion tree has k levels (to see why, consider that fib(k) calls fib(k-1), which calls fib(k-2), and so on). It follows that height of the tree is k. To estimate a lower-bound on the width and number of nodes in the recursion tree, consider that since fib(k) also calls fib(k-2), therefore there is a perfect binary tree of height k/2 as part of the recursion tree. If extracted, that perfect subtree would have 2k/2 leaf nodes. So the width of the recursion tree is at least O(2^{k/2}) or, equivalently, 2^O(k).
The crucial difference is that:
for divide-and-conquer algorithms, the input size is the width of the binary tree.
for the Fibonnaci algorithm, the input size is it the height of the tree.
Therefore the number of nodes in the tree is O(n) in the first case, but 2^O(n) in the second. The Fibonacci tree is much larger compared to the input size.
You mention Master theorem; however, the theorem cannot be applied to analyze the complexity of Fibonacci because it only applies to algorithms where the input is actually divided at each level of recursion. Fibonacci does not divide the input; in fact, the functions at level i produce almost twice as much input for the next level i+1.
To address the core of the question, that is "why Fibonacci and not Mergesort", you should focus on this crucial difference:
The tree you get from Mergesort has N elements for each level, and there are log(n) levels.
The tree you get from Fibonacci has N levels because of the presence of F(n-1) in the formula for F(N), and the number of elements for each level can vary greatly: it can be very low (near the root, or near the lowest leaves) or very high. This, of course, is because of repeated computation of the same values.
To see what I mean by "repeated computation", look at the tree for the computation of F(6):
Fibonacci tree picture from:
How many times do you see F(3) being computed?
Consider the following implementation
int fib(int n)
if(n < 2)
return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
Let's denote T(n) the number of operations that fib performs to calculate fib(n). Because fib(n) is calling fib(n-1) and fib(n-2), it means that T(n) is at least T(n-1) + T(n-2). This in turn means that T(n) > fib(n). There is a direct formula of fib(n) which is some constant to the power of n. Therefore T(n) is at least exponential. QED.
To my understanding, the mistake in your reasoning is that using a recursive implementation to evaluate f(n) where f denotes the Fibonacci sequence, the input size is reduced by a factor of 2 (or some other factor), which is not the case. Each call (except for the 'base cases' 0 and 1) uses exactly 2 recursive calls, as there is no possibility to re-use previously calculated values. In the light of the presentation of the master theorem on Wikipedia, the recurrence
f(n) = f (n-1) + f(n-2)
is a case for which the master theorem cannot be applied.
With the recursive algo, you have approximately 2^N operations (additions) for fibonacci (N). Then it is O(2^N).
With a cache (memoization), you have approximately N operations, then it is O(N).
Algorithms with complexity O(N log N) are often a conjunction of iterate over every item (O(N)) , split recurse, and merge ... Split by 2 => you do log N recursions.
Merge sort time complexity is O(n log(n)). Quick sort best case is O(n log(n)), worst case O(n^2).
The other answers explain why naive recursive Fibonacci is O(2^n).
In case you read that Fibonacci(n) can be O(log(n)), this is possible if calculated using iteration and repeated squaring either using matrix method or lucas sequence method. Example code for lucas sequence method (note that n is divided by 2 on each loop):
/* lucas sequence method */
int fib(int n) {
int a, b, p, q, qq, aq;
a = q = 1;
b = p = 0;
while(1) {
if(n & 1) {
aq = a*q;
a = b*q + aq + a*p;
b = b*p + aq;
n /= 2;
if(n == 0)
qq = q*q;
q = 2*p*q + qq;
p = p*p + qq;
return b;
As opposed to answers master theorem can be applied. But master theorem for decreasing functions needs to be applied instead of master theorem for dividing functions. Without theorem with following recurrence relation with substitution it can be solved,
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
f(n) = 2*f(n-1) + c
let assume c is equal 1 since it is constant and doesn't affect the complexity
f(n) = 2*f(n-1) + 1
and substitute this function k times
f(n) = 2*[2*f(n-2) +1 ] + 1
f(n) = 2^2*f(n-2) + 2 + 1
f(n) = 2^2*[2*f(n-3) + 1] +2 + 1
f(n) = 2^3*f(n-3) + 4 + 2 + 1
f(n) = 2^k*f(n-k) + 2^k-1 + 2^k-2 + ... + 4 + 2 + 1
now let's assume n=k
f(n) = 2^n*f(0) + 2^n-1 + 2^n-2 + ... + 4 + 2 + 1
f(n) = 2^n+1 thus complexity is O(2^n)
Check this video for master theorem for decreasing functions.

Logarithmic function in time complexity

How does a program's worst case or average case dependent on log function? How does the base of log come in play?
The log factor appears when you split your problem to k parts, of size n/k each and then "recurse" (or mimic recursion) on some of them.
A simple example is the following loop:
while n > 0:
n = n/2
print n
The above will print n, n/2, n/4, .... , 1 - and there are O(logn) such values.
the complexity of the above program is O(logn), since each printing requires constant amount of time, and number of values n will get along the way is O(logn)
If you are looking for "real life" examples, in quicksort (and for simplicity let's assume splitting to exactly two halves), you split the array of size n to two subarrays of size n/2, and then you recurse on both of them - and invoke the algorithm on each half.
This makes the complexity function of:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n)
From master theorem, this is in Theta(nlogn).
Similarly, on binary search - you split the problem to two parts, and recurse only on one of them:
T(n) = T(n/2) + 1
Which will be in Theta(logn)
The base is not a factor in big O complexity, because
log_k(n) = log_2(n)/log_2(k)
and log_2(k) is constant, for any constant k.

Average Runtime of Quickselect

Wikipedia states that the average runtime of quickselect algorithm (Link) is O(n). However, I could not clearly understand how this is so. Could anyone explain to me (via recurrence relation + master method usage) as to how the average runtime is O(n)?
we already know which partition our desired element lies in.
We do not need to sort (by doing partition on) all the elements, but only do operation on the partition we need.
As in quick sort, we have to do partition in halves *, and then in halves of a half, but this time, we only need to do the next round partition in one single partition (half) of the two where the element is expected to lie in.
It is like (not very accurate)
n + 1/2 n + 1/4 n + 1/8 n + ..... < 2 n
So it is O(n).
Half is used for convenience, the actual partition is not exact 50%.
To do an average case analysis of quickselect one has to consider how likely it is that two elements are compared during the algorithm for every pair of elements and assuming a random pivoting. From this we can derive the average number of comparisons. Unfortunately the analysis I will show requires some longer calculations but it is a clean average case analysis as opposed to the current answers.
Let's assume the field we want to select the k-th smallest element from is a random permutation of [1,...,n]. The pivot elements we choose during the course of the algorithm can also be seen as a given random permutation. During the algorithm we then always pick the next feasible pivot from this permutation therefore they are chosen uniform at random as every element has the same probability of occurring as the next feasible element in the random permutation.
There is one simple, yet very important, observation: We only compare two elements i and j (with i<j) if and only if one of them is chosen as first pivot element from the range [min(k,i), max(k,j)]. If another element from this range is chosen first then they will never be compared because we continue searching in a sub-field where at least one of the elements i,j is not contained in.
Because of the above observation and the fact that the pivots are chosen uniform at random the probability of a comparison between i and j is:
2/(max(k,j) - min(k,i) + 1)
(Two events out of max(k,j) - min(k,i) + 1 possibilities.)
We split the analysis in three parts:
max(k,j) = k, therefore i < j <= k
min(k,i) = k, therefore k <= i < j
min(k,i) = i and max(k,j) = j, therefore i < k < j
In the third case the less-equal signs are omitted because we already consider those cases in the first two cases.
Now let's get our hands a little dirty on calculations. We just sum up all the probabilities as this gives the expected number of comparisons.
Case 1
Case 2
Similar to case 1 so this remains as an exercise. ;)
Case 3
We use H_r for the r-th harmonic number which grows approximately like ln(r).
All three cases need a linear number of expected comparisons. This shows that quickselect indeed has an expected runtime in O(n). Note that - as already mentioned - the worst case is in O(n^2).
Note: The idea of this proof is not mine. I think that's roughly the standard average case analysis of quickselect.
If there are any errors please let me know.
In quickselect, as specified, we apply recursion on only one half of the partition.
Average Case Analysis:
First Step: T(n) = cn + T(n/2)
where, cn = time to perform partition, where c is any constant(doesn't matter). T(n/2) = applying recursion on one half of the partition.Since it's an average case we assume that the partition was the median.
As we keep on doing recursion, we get the following set of equation:
T(n/2) = cn/2 + T(n/4) T(n/4) = cn/2 + T(n/8) .. . T(2) = c.2 + T(1) T(1) = c.1 + ...
Summing the equations and cross-cancelling like values produces a linear result.
c(n + n/2 + n/4 + ... + 2 + 1) = c(2n) //sum of a GP
Hence, it's O(n)
I also felt very conflicted at first when I read that the average time complexity of quickselect is O(n) while we break the list in half each time (like binary search or quicksort). It turns out that breaking the search space in half each time doesn't guarantee an O(log n) or O(n log n) runtime. What makes quicksort O(n log n) and quickselect is O(n) is that we always need to explore all branches of the recursive tree for quicksort and only a single branch for quickselect. Let's compare the time complexity recurrence relations of quicksort and quickselect to prove my point.
T(n) = n + 2T(n/2)
= n + 2(n/2 + 2T(n/4))
= n + 2(n/2) + 4T(n/4)
= n + 2(n/2) + 4(n/4) + ... + n(n/n)
= 2^0(n/2^0) + 2^1(n/2^1) + ... + 2^log2(n)(n/2^log2(n))
= n (log2(n) + 1) (since we are adding n to itself log2 + 1 times)
T(n) = n + T(n/2)
= n + n/2 + T(n/4)
= n + n/2 + n/4 + ... n/n
= n(1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ... + 1/2^log2(n))
= n (1/(1-(1/2))) = 2n (by geometric series)
I hope this convinces you why the average runtime of quickselect is O(n).
