what is the meaning of 0xdead000000000000? - linux-kernel

This value was appeared in the poison.h (linux source\include\linux\poison.h):
* Architectures might want to move the poison pointer offset
* into some well-recognized area such as 0xdead000000000000,
* that is also not mappable by user-space exploits:
I just curious about the special of the value 0xdead000000000000?

Pretty sure this is just a variant of deadbeef; i.e. it's just an easily identified signal value (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexspeak for deadbeef)
The idea of pointer poisoning is to ensure that a poisoned list pointer can't be used without causing a crash. Say you unlink a structure from the list it was in. You then want to invalidate the pointer value to make sure it's not used again for traversing the list. If there's a bug somewhere in the code -- a dangling pointer reference -- you want to make sure that any code trying to follow the list through this now-unlinked node crashes immediately (rather than later in some possibly unrelated area of code).
Of course you can poison the pointer simply by putting a null value in it or any other invalid address. Using 0xdead000000000000 as the base value just makes it easier to distinguish an explicitly poisoned value from one that was initialized with zero or got overwritten with zeroes. And it can be used with an offset (LIST_POISON{1,2}) to create multiple distinct poison values that all point into unusable areas of the virtual address space and are identifiable as invalid at a glance.


What happens when the raw pointer from shared_ptr get() is deleted?

I wrote some code like this:
shared_ptr<int> r = make_shared<int>();
int *ar = r.get();
delete ar; // report double free or corruption
// still some code
When the code ran up to delete ar;, the program crashed, and reported​ "double free or corruption", I'm confused why double free? The "r" is still in the scope, and not popped-off from stack. Do the delete operator do something magic?? Does it know the raw pointer is handled by a smart pointer currently? and then counter in "r" be decremented to zero automatically?
I know the operations is not recommended, but I want to know why?
You are deleting a pointer that didn't come from new, so you have undefined behavior (anything can happen).
From cppreference on delete:
For the first (non-array) form, expression must be a pointer to an object type or a class type contextually implicitly convertible to such pointer, and its value must be either null or pointer to a non-array object created by a new-expression, or a pointer to a base subobject of a non-array object created by a new-expression. If expression is anything else, including if it is a pointer obtained by the array form of new-expression, the behavior is undefined.
If the allocation is done by new, we can be sure that the pointer we have is something we can use delete on. But in the case of shared_ptr.get(), we cannot be sure if we can use delete because it might not be the actual pointer returned by new.
shared_ptr<int> r = make_shared<int>();
There is no guarantee that this will call new int (which isn't strictly observable by the user anyway) or more generally new T (which is observable with a user defined, class specific operator new); in practice, it won't (there is no guarantee that it won't).
The discussion that follows isn't just about shared_ptr, but about "smart pointers" with ownership semantics. For any owning smart pointer smart_owning:
The primary motivation for make_owning instead of smart_owning<T>(new T) is to avoid having a memory allocation without owner at any time; that was essential in C++ when order of evaluation of expressions didn't provide the guarantee that evaluation of the sub-expressions in the argument list was immediately before call of that function; historically in C++:
f (smart_owning<T>(new T), smart_owning<U>(new U));
could be evaluated as:
T *temp1 = new T;
U *temp2 = new U;
auto &&temp3 = smart_owning<T>(temp1);
auto &&temp4 = smart_owning<U>(temp2);
This way temp1 and temp2 are not managed by any owning object for a non trivial time:
obviously new U can throw an exception
constructing an owning smart pointer usually requires the allocation of (small) ressources and can throw
So either temp1 or temp2 could be leaked (but not both) if an exception was thrown, which was the exact problem we were trying to avoid in the first place. This means composite expressions involving construction of owning smart pointers was a bad idea; this is fine:
auto &&temp_t = smart_owning<T>(new T);
auto &&temp_u = smart_owning<U>(new U);
f (temp_t, temp_u);
Usually expression involving as many sub-expression with function calls as f (smart_owning<T>(new T), smart_owning<U>(new U)) are considered reasonable (it's a pretty simple expression in term of number of sub-expressions). Disallowing such expressions is quite annoying and very difficult to justify.
[This is one reason, and in my opinion the most compelling reason, why the non determinism of the order of evaluation was removed by the C++ standardisation committee so that such code is not safe. (This was an issue not just for memory allocated, but for any managed allocation, like file descriptors, database handles...)]
Because code frequently needed to do things such as smart_owning<T>(allocate_T()) in sub-expressions, and because telling programmers to decompose moderately complex expressions involving allocation in many simple lines wasn't appealing (more lines of code doesn't mean easier to read), the library writers provided a simple fix: a function to do the creation of an object with dynamic lifetime and the creation of its owning object together. That solved the order of evaluation problem (but was complicated at first because it needed perfect forwarding of the arguments of the constructor).
Giving two tasks to a function (allocate an instance of T and a instance of smart_owning) gives the freedom to do an interesting optimization: you can avoid one dynamic allocation by putting both the managed object and its owner next to each others.
But once again, that was not the primary purpose of functions like make_shared.
Because exclusive ownership smart pointers by definition don't need to keep a reference count, and by definition don't need to share the data needed for the deleter either between instances, and so can keep that data in the "smart pointer"(*), no additional allocation is needed for the construction of unique_ptr; yet a make_unique function template was added, to avoid the dangling pointer issue, not to optimize a non-thing (an allocation that isn't done in the fist place).
(*) which BTW means unique owner "smart pointers" do not have pointer semantic, as pointer semantic implies that you can makes copies of the "pointer", and you can't have two copies of a unique owner pointing to the same instance; "smart pointers" were never pointers anyway, the term is misleading.
make_shared<T> does an optional optimization where there is no separate dynamic memory allocation for T: there is no operator new(sizeof (T)). There is obviously still the creation of an instance with dynamic lifetime with another operator new: placement new.
If you replace the explicit memory deallocation with an explicit destruction and add a pause immediately after that point:
class C {
shared_ptr<C> r = make_shared<C>();
C *ar = r.get();
pause(); // stops the program forever
The program will probably run fine; it is still illogical, indefensible, incorrect to explicitly destroy an object managed by a smart pointer. It isn't "your" resource. If pause() could exit with an exception, the owning smart pointer would try to destroy the managed object which doesn't even exist anymore.
It of course depends on how library implements make_shared, however most probable implementation is that:
std::make_shared allocates one block for two things:
shared pointer control block
contained object
std::make_shared() will invoke memory allocator once and then it will call placement new twice to initialize (call constructors) of mentioned two things.
| block requested from allocator |
| shared_ptr control block | X object |
#1 #2 #3
That means that memory allocator has provided one big block, which address is #1.
Shared pointer then uses it for control block (#1) and actual contained object (#2).
When you invoke delete with actual object kept by shred_ptr ( .get() ) you call delete(#2).
Because #2 is not known by allocator you get an corruption error.
See here. I quot:
std::shared_ptr is a smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object through a pointer. Several shared_ptr objects may own the same object. The object is destroyed and its memory deallocated when either of the following happens:
the last remaining shared_ptr owning the object is destroyed;
the last remaining shared_ptr owning the object is assigned another pointer via operator= or reset().
The object is destroyed using delete-expression or a custom deleter that is supplied to shared_ptr during construction.
So the pointer is deleted by shared_ptr. You're not suppose to delete the stored pointer yourself
I didn't realize that there were more statements and the pointer was not out of scope, I'm sorry.
I was reading more and the standard doesn't say much about the behavior of get() but here is a note, I quote:
A shared_ptr may share ownership of an object while storing a pointer to another object. get() returns the stored pointer, not the managed pointer.
So it looks that it is allowed that the pointer returned by get() is not necessarily the same pointer allocated by the shared_ptr (presumably using new). So delete that pointer is undefined behavior. I will be looking a little more into the details.
The standard says at § (about make_shared):
6 Remarks: Implementations are encouraged, but not required, to perform no more than one memory allocation. [ Note: This provides efficiency equivalent to an intrusive smart pointer. — end note ]
7 [ Note: These functions will typically allocate more memory than sizeof(T) to allow for internal bookkeeping structures such as the reference counts. — end note ]
So an specific implementation of make_shared could allocate a single chunk of memory (or more) and use part of that memory to initialize the stored pointer (but maybe not all the memory allocated). get() must return a pointer to the stored object, but there is no requirement by the standard, as previously said, that the pointer returned by get() has to be the one allocated by new. So delete that pointer is undefined behavior, you got a signal raised but anything can happen.

C++ function for "kernel memory check" before accessing

I am developing a simple device driver for study. With a lot of testing, I am creating so many errors which finally leads my computer to blue screen. I am sure that the reason for this is memory crash. So now I want to check if my code can access to Kernel memory before going further.
My question is what function can check whether it is accessible or not in kernel memory. For instance, there is a pointer structure with two fields and I want to access the first field which is also a pointer but do now know whether it really has an accessible value or just trash value.
In this given context, I need to check it out to make sure that I am not getting blue screen.
Thanks in advance!
this is impossible for kernel memory. you must know exactly are kernel address is valid and will be valid during access. if you get address from user mode - you can and must use ProbeForRead or ProbeForWrite. but this is only for user-mode buffer. for any kernel memory (even valid and resident) this function just raise exception. from invalid access to kernel memory address no any protection. try - except handler not help here - you just got PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA bug check
For instance, there is a pointer structure with two fields and I want
to access the first field which is also a pointer but do now know
whether it really has an accessible value or just trash value.
from where you got this pointer ? who fill this structure ? you must not check. you must know at begin that this pointer is valid and context of structure will be valid during time you use it. otherwise your code already wrong and buggy

How device name is copied in ip_rt_ioctl in fib_frontend.c

I have one doubt in ip_rt_ioctl function
In case of route addition, first a copy_from_user is made for the structure struct rtentry and then the copied data from is subsequently used in rtentry_to_fib_config function, including the rtentry.rt_dev field which usually is the device name.
My understanding is copy_from_user does a shallow copy. So since the rtentry.rt_dev field is again a character pointer. So likely the contents of the pointer will not get copied.
Hence even after copy the device name will be pointer to the user space address.
So is it right to access the user space address from kernel space ?
It's OK to refer to user-space address from kernel-space while kernel is bound to that process' context (this is true for syscall handlers). In that case, proper page table is set and it's safe to refer to user process' memory.
However, you should always check validity of address or use copy_from_user() that does that.

Can you "pin" an object in memory with Go?

I have a Go object whose address in memory I would like to keep constant. in C# one can pin an object's location in memory. Is there a way to do this in Go?
An object on which you keep a reference won't move. There is no handle or indirection, and the address you get is permanent.
From the documentation :
Note that, unlike in C, it's perfectly OK to return the address of a
local variable; the storage associated with the variable survives
after the function returns
When you set a variable, you can read this address using the & operator, and you can pass it.
tl;dr no - but it does not matter unless you're trying to do something unusual.
Worth noting that the accepted answer is partially incorrect.
There is no guarantee that objects are not moved - either on the stack or on the Go heap - but as long as you don't use unsafe this will not matter to you because the Go runtime will take care of transparently updating your pointers in case an object is moved.
If OTOH you use unsafe to obtain a uintptr, invoke raw syscalls, perform CGO calls, or otherwise expose the address (e.g. oldAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%p", &foo)), etc. you should be aware that addresses can change, and that nor compiler nor runtime will magically patch things for you.
While currently the standard Go compiler only moves objects on the stack (e.g. when a goroutine stack needs to be resized), there is nothing in the Go language specification that prevents a different implementation from moving objects on the Go heap.
While there is (yet) no explicit support for pinning objects in the stack or in the Go heap, there is a recommended workaround: allocate manually the memory outside of the Go heap (e.g. via mmap) and using finalizers to automatically free that allocation once all references to it are dropped. The benefit of this approach is that memory allocated manually outside of the Go heap will never be moved by the Go runtime, so its address will never change, but it will still be deallocated automatically when it's not needed anymore, so it can't leak.

Partial unmap of Win32 memory-mapped file

I have some code (which I cannot change) that I need to get working in a native Win32 environment. This code calls mmap() and munmap(), so I have created those functions using CreateFileMapping(), MapViewOfFile(), etc., to accomplish the same thing. Initially this works fine, and the code is able to access files as expected. Unfortunately the code goes on to munmap() selected parts of the file that it no longer needs.
x = mmap(0, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
munmap(x, hdr_size);
munmap(x + foo, bar);
Unfortunately, when you pass a pointer into the middle of the mapped range to UnmapViewOfFile() it destroys the entire mapping. Even worse, I can't see how I would be able to detect that this is a partial un-map request and just ignore it.
I have tried calling VirtualFree() on the range but, unsurprisingly, this produces ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
I'm beginning to think that I will have to use static/global variables to track all the open memory mappings so that I can detect and ignore partial unmappings, but I hope you have a better idea...
Since I wasn't explicit enough above: the docs for UnMapViewOfFile do not accurately reflect the behavior of that function.
Un-mapping the whole view and remapping pieces is not a good solution because you can only suggest a base address for a new mapping, you can't really control it. The semantics of munmap() don't allow for a change to the base address of the still-mapped portion.
What I really need is a way to find the base address and size of a already-mapped memory area.
edit2: Now that I restate the problem that way, it looks like the VirtualQuery() function will suffice.
It is quite explicit in the MSDN Library docs for UnmapViewOfFile:
lpBaseAddress A pointer to the
base address of the mapped view of a
file that is to be unmapped. This
value must be identical to the value
returned by a previous call to the
MapViewOfFile or MapViewOfFileEx
You changing the mapping by unmapping the old one and creating a new one. Unmapping bits and pieces isn't well supported, nor would it have any useful side-effects from a memory management point of view. You don't want to risk getting the address space fragmented.
You'll have to do this differently.
You could keep track each mapping and how many pages of it are still allocated by the client and only free the mapping when that counter reaches zero. The middle sections would still be mapped, but it wouldn't matter since the client wouldn't be accessing that memory anyway.
Create a global dictionary of memory mappings through this interface. When a mapping request comes through, record the address, size and number of pages that are in the range. When a unmap request is made, find out which mapping owns that address and decrease the page count by the number of pages that are being freed. When that count reaches zero, really unmap the view.
