intel xdk test cache - caching

I'm making an app using the Intel XDK.
I'm also using the "app preview" app on a Galaxy Tab 2.
My problem is that when I "push" files to the Intel servers to load onto my device, there seems to be either a delay, or a caching issue because I'm getting what I KNOW is old js and css code.
The HTML file seems to change just fine.
As a work-around, I was loading my js file with a unique number in the src, like this:
<script type="application/javascript" src="js/ae.js?ver=abc123"></script>
but now even that only works sometimes.
Am I doing something wrong?

I've seen this happen sporadically. The webview should clear out the files. Have you tried using the Debug tab and testing through App Preview? It will load Crosswalk then for you. This lets you connect your device through USB and debug in a much faster way.


OS X CNA (Captive Network Assistant) doesn't load stylesheets for some sites

I wonder if anybody experienced this and, more importantly, found a solution.
In OS X (desktop) Captive Network Assistant doesn't apply CSS stylesheets for some websites including (at least) Facebook Login page:
Interestingly, it works fine on iOS devices – mobile CNA displays it just fine. Displays correctly in regular browsers on the same OS X desktop machine.
I would assume there is an error stopping it from loading stylesheets but since CNA doesn't have any debug panel or log – it's hard to say what is it.
I even tried loading a full React application in CNA and it worked fine so I assume that CNA limitations that some people discuss online are a myth.
Network issues are ruled out because Facebook hosts CSS on the same endpoint where the HTML is served from.

What is causing my website converted to APK pages to stick when scrolling?

I converted my website to an APK and it installs fine - the problem is that when trying to scroll up or down - the page sticks and the page refreshes to a page not available - the live site works perfect.
Try to use momentum scrolling. I don't know exactly what can cause your issue, but
Android 3+ and iOS 5+ implemented a new property called overflow-scrolling that enables momentum scrolling. And it works beautifully.
Look here:
Hope that helps.
I was using a service from GoNative that packages mobile web sites into APKS - kind of a wrapper to allow mobile sites to function like apps. One of the configuration options was to use "web pool" services that cached pages to allow for faster processing - I deleted that feature and the site/app works fine.

Is it possible to view output of visual studio cordova project as a web app in browser?

I am using Visual Studio 2015 tools for Apache Cordova for mobile application development on Windows 7.
To build and run my app, I have to choose one solution platform and one target.
Is there any way to view the output on my browser just like a web app with no emulator?
When I press f5, the result will open in a browser in an emulator mode which I choose as system platform and target device. But I want to run my app like a web application, when you right click on index.html and select view in browser.
I look for a project setting or a ‘system platform’ and ‘target device’ value that work like that.
PS:Selecting any windows solution platform and local machine target needs Windows 8 or higher and the build process is failed.
Thank you.
The solution I found for my problem:
I used the url of my output result with emulator: "http://localhost:4400/index.html?enableripple=cordova-3.0.0-NexusS"
and then removed the emulator settings in url: "http://localhost:4400/index.html".
Using this url will cause some popups asking some things. These are for 'cordova.js' script which is referenced in index.html file of cordova project. As we do not need this in browser, commenting the line <script src="cordova.js"></script> from index.html, no dialog will open any more and the project will compile so faster for initial design that do not need cordova.
Now I will use chrome mobile mode (f12-> phone icon) to see mobile view of my app.
The answer depend on your expectations.
If you just want to view the page layout and test some of the associated Javascript, the answer is YES.
If you want to test the plugin libraries and associated JS, the answers is NO.
However, here are some items to be cautious with - either way.
When running your code on a device, you MUST wait for the
'deviceready'. There are not ifs, ands, ors, or buts on this - you
must wait.
You can emulate some of the plugins. This Summer some of HTML5 APIs have become available. If you want to write a shim, you can emulate some plugins with the HTML5 APIs, and use the Phonegap plugins on the mobile device. NOTE: some emulators now support HTML5 APIs.
Not all browsers are equal and not all webview libraries are equal. Cordova and Phonegap both use a webview library with their respective platforms. On Android, it is called Webview. On iOS, it is WKWebview. These libraries are finally starting to get some attention. So Google, Apple, Intel and others are all making competing libraries. *better for us* ;) One new library for Android is called crosswalk. Many developers like it, but it is bloated.
Best of Luck

Local loading of images in actionscript fails in a browser works in flash player

This one is strange
When I run the flash player (from flashdevelop) the images are loaded and everything is fine.
But when I run the swf from a browser the requests are sent (using chrome's tools for programers - network tab) but nothing is loaded. The size/content column shows 0/actual size of the file
This makes me sad.
Any ideas where to look for an answer?
Make sure that you either compile the swf with the bitmaps imported in your stage/library or make sure that the html version has the right directory setup when the bitmaps are loaded from other directories

Why does StageVideo not work locally in IE?

I'm having troubles testing a StageVideo file locally. The HTML file that contains the swf loads perfectly in Chrome & FireFox, but when I go to open it in Internet Explorer 9 nothing happens (it just shows a white screen).
I've added the permissions for the location to the 'Global Security Settings' tab of the Flash settings manager (on the Macromedia website). I've also checked in the IE9 settings to make sure that it allows GPU rendering.
Has anyone encountered anything similar or have any suggestions as to why it might be blocked in IE9?
Thanks in advance.
My gut feeling is that you don't have the latest Flash Player for IE, but do have it for Chrome/FF since they're 2 different versions. The swf probably doesn't even load up because of the Flash Player requirement.
