Stripe payments popup internalization - internationalization

I'm using Stripe custom popup form for payment.
payment popup demo
It's great, however my site is not in English, so i want the popup to change the language of labels. Is it possible?

Unfortunately it is not yet possible to localize Stripe Checkout and if that's something you really need, you should design your own form and use Stripe.js for the token generation.


Validating PayPal Pay Now and other cut and paste payment buttons as legitimate code

We have a site where we allow members to sell items they have made.
The items are displayed in a container including a name, description, images and price. The container also contains space for a Purchase button.
The content of each container is controlled by the member in an editor. Part of the editor is a text area where they can cut and paste a PayPal Pay-Now (or similar from other service) button code.
We already have all of this working; when the container is displayed the Pay Now button is shown and is functional.
My question is: How best to validate the code the member pastes into the editor as legitimate pay button code and not something malicious before it’s saved to DB.
I’ve set up a dropdown where the member selects the source of the code (PayPal, Stripe, etc) which would allow validation based on the selected source.
What I need is a resource for the validation code itself. Has someone done anything like this, some regex out there or maybe a service?
This is a net 5.0 site using razor pages.
Sites builders either allow an arbitrary HTML/JS widget, or provide their own payment service integrations that implement payment buttons.
You will not find anyone validating button code, it's not done.
For PayPal Checkout, see the documentation on the payee object for sending funds to another account:
This payee object can be used in a client-side integration with no server, if you don't want to implement a backend; see for an example

Braintree iOS V4 Drop-In UI: How to skip the select payment method action sheet

I'm using the Braintree iOS V4 Drop-in UI during the sign-up process to create a subscription.
The drop in UI shows an action sheet to select the payment method and then a second screen to provide credit card information.
Is it possible to skip the payment method selection screen and take the user directly to the card details screen?
Here's the screen that I'd like to skip
Response from Braintree support:
At this time, we do not offer any ways to skip the payment sheet and
go straight to the credit card form with the Drop-in UI integration.
With that in mind, you can build your own view to collect the credit
card information and tokenize it with the low-level tokenization API.
This approach allows you to design your checkout flow in any way you

Hiding paypal button from Braintree's dropin ui

Is it possible to hide paypal button from braintree dropin UI ? I am thinking to have custom paypal button for paypal (based on client demand and design) and would like to use interface provided by braintree dropin for credit card payment processing.I am using PHP and javascript.
I work at Braintree. If you have more detailed questions, please get in touch with our support team.
In the current major version of the drop-in, showing the PayPal button is a configurable option.
In previous versions, f you're using Braintree for your PayPal integration, and you're using the drop-in UI, the PayPal button will show up. If you don't want the PayPal button to show up because you don't want to use PayPal through your Braintree integration, and you haven't yet updated to the current version, email and they'll disable it for you.
Apparently this is possible since in v2.15.0 they added a headless option.
Example code:
If you remove below from Braintree's Javascript code (from braintree.dropin.create function) It will remove PayPal button from Drop-in UI.
paypal: {
flow: 'vault'
Whatever clienttoken is being provided in the braintree , just provide some invalid or null value to it , it will then show
You can use disablePayPal() method in latest version of BrainTree.
DropInRequest dropInRequest = new DropInRequest().clientToken(token).amount(amount);
dropInRequest.disablePayPal(); <-- this will disable Paypal Button
startActivityForResult(dropInRequest.getIntent(_context), CARD_REQUEST_CODE);

MVC3 - How to check if user clicked on the link you sent through e-mail in .net?

I'm running an e-commerce website and I send my customers regular newsletters.
I'm using nopcommerce v2.40.
I just see who all are subscribed. I want to develop a detailed newsletter management system, something like MailChimp.
I want a report on how many users actually clicked on the link that I sent them via e-mail.
Can anyone tell me how to do that??
This is a pretty generalized question but I'm new at this and I have no idea how to do it.
Thank you !
You can do this sort of thing quite simply with Google Analytics.
Here are some links worth looking at.
Google Analytics Email Tracking
Setting up campaign tracking in Google Analytics
in your email newsletter add params you need to collect.
click to view
Everytime someone would click on the above link, they would be taken to your default controller that collects clicks and other parameters you want. You would then save that data and redirect to an actual page you want them to see via "redirect" parameter provided in the url.

magento and paypal integration

I'm trying to integrate PayPal into my Magento 1.6 store, preferably the Website Payments Standard
I have followed all the steps to add this to my payment page, but when I get to the payment page, the radio button is missing, so I cannot select it.
It seems that the radio is display:none in the HTML source.
Has anyone ever come across this before?
If you have only one payment method enabled, no radio button will be shown. The customer doesn't have to need to choose when he/she have only one option.
