No log messages after Spring Boot upgrade - spring-boot

I have recently upgraded spring boot from 1.1.10 to 1.2.0. I did not specify version information for spring boot dependencies like spring mvc. So they also got upgraded.
After upgrade, I am not able to see any log information from spring.
I am able to see the sysout and syserr information of my code though.
Did any thing change in the latest relese ?

As per the changelog Spring Boot 1.2.0 changelog Spring Boot's default behavior is to not write any log files.

Sorry folks, I have a in my class path. That configuration file prevented entries from springframework packages. Not sure how it ended up there though. Probably 1.1.10 is not picking it up. Things might have changed with 1.2.0. Hence the problem. Once I deleted that file, every thing is working fine
Thank you for your time


Spring boot 2.2.7 migration breaks Jaxb unmarshal

I have a Java 11 application that works perfectly fine with Spring Boot v2.2.6.RELEASE, but it breaks when I upgrade to v2.2.7.RELEASE. The problem is that I get a java.lang.NullPointerException when reading the nested object:
jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringSource(xml)).getChild().foo();
I checked the SB release notes and this seems to be the breaking change:
As migrating from Glassfish Jaxb 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 is a patch change, I would expect that this upgrade should require no changes from my side. I tried to check for some migration guide but found nothing at jaxb-ri page. Any idea would be welcome.
This sounds like a bug in the JAXB reference implementation. If you haven't already done so, I would search the RI's open issues for an existing report of your problem. If you don't find anything, I would then open an issue that describes your problem and includes a minimal sample that works with 2.3.2 and fails with 2.3.3.

Gradle, Spring Boot, spring-boot-starter-data-jpa upgrade

I am using Spring Boot version 1.5.7.RELEASE and wanted to use some of the following code for some pagination stuff something like
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 1,, "seatNumber"));
However, my version of doesn't have the by method. When I update the individual JAR that has the Sort class (spring-data-commons) the compilation error goes away but I get a bunch of other errors.
So I tried doing something like this
compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa:2.3.4.RELEASE'
To hopefully more "holistically" upgrade all the Spring Data pieces, but that doesn't seem to do anything (still have the old version of spring-data-commons).
I assumed by "pointing" to it would upgrade all the dependencies too but I am still on hibernate 5.0 instead of (according to the Maven repository link hibernate 5.4). Anyways in summary I would like to upgrade just the spring data pieces if that is possible, with a simple one liner, or at least understand why doing what I mentioned doesn't work.
Upgrading from Spring Boot version 1.5.7.RELEASE to version 2.3.4.RELEASE is to adventurous.
You should upgrade small piece gradually. The problem(s) will be easy to diagnostic.

does spring security jars have dependency on java version?

I was using spring secuirty jars with version 4.1.0 and spring version 4.2.6 with java 7 and the code was working fine.
But when I shifted my code to java 1.6(due to some internal policies) and it stopped working. the frontEnd code is not even hitting the middle tier.
Also I am not getting any compile time or startup error in logs?
Any help around this, is highly appreciated.

Spring loaded 1.2.5 + Spring Boot 1.3.2. can't seem to get it to work

I came across a video on youtube ( ) where it demos Spring Loaded.
I'm trying to duplicate the same behavior but am still unsuccessful so far.
What I'm using:
Spring Tool Suite 3.7.2
Spring Boot 1.3.2-RELEASE
Spring loaded 1.2.5-RELEASE
Maven version 3.1.0
JDK 1.8.0_71
I tried the same thing as the guy does in the video (except for the versions being more up to date of course) but it doesn't work.
I also tried the "maven plugin" way as described in the spring docs here ->
But that also did not work.
I tried changing the versions of spring loaded to 1.2.0 (docs use that version) but that didn't do anything either.
I ran the app in STS itself, and also tried mvn spring-boot:run from command line, but both simply don't get the desired result.
When using mvn spring-boot:run I see that it is attaching the agent:
[INFO] Attaching agents: [C:\Users\ron.m2\repository\org\springframework\springloaded\1.2.5.RELEASE\springloaded-1.2.5.RELEASE.jar]
But changing RequestMappings or method signatures do not get picked up by spring loaded and thus the change is not reflected.
I'm a little out of ideas why I can't get this to work and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Spring loaded does not yet support spring 4.2. See
So you either stick with DevTools which definitely speeds up the development process (although not as fast as spring-loaded), use JRebel (which supports the latest spring version) or downgrade to spring 4.1.
As an alternative you could also try the automatic restart feature of Spring Boot Devtools: It restarts just the app and it is much quicker than restarting the whole JVM. You are loosing application state though, but it might be an alternative.

Is it possible to run Mule 2.2.1 on spring 3?

We have an application that is currently running spring 2.5.6 and mule 2.2.1. We have decided to go ahead and upgrade the app to use spring 3.2 we also upgraded spring security to 3.1. I understand that Mule 2.2.1 uses spring 2.5.6 for configuration and so forth. We were to re-factor our code and build the entire project. However after deploying the application and starting the server, my server started in about 6 seconds instead of the normal 30 seconds and then I noticed that none of my services were not loaded. Unfortunately after days of investigating I cannot find where everything fails, as there are no errors in any of the logs including spring and mule logs. My question is it possible to get these to play together or should I just forget about getting this to work.
I read this post and followed these instruction and still was not able to get it work. Mule says it started up just fine without any errors but I can hit any of my services. Any help? Thanks
Thanks #genjosanzo for the pointer. It helped met dig into this issue better and eventually make it work.
We had a similar need like yours - need to make Mule 2.2.1 work with Spring 3.2.x releases. Upgrade to Mule 3 involved rewrite of Mule extensions such as exception handling strategies, a RabbitMQ Mule transport etc. Upgrade to Mule 3 was therefore ruled out.
In order to make this work, you need to rewrite/update 3 java files from your module:
with implementations from :
To be more specific, you need these classes to be updated/upgraded:, and
With these updated versions, you can continue to create the MuleContext like:
SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder springConfigBuilder = new SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder(muleConfigPaths);
MuleContext context = new DefaultMuleContextFactory().createMuleContext(springConfigBuilder)
The modified implementations are here : Mule in Trooper and sample class that uses this is here : Trooper Mule container
Mule uses some internal spring API to parse the mule configuration and creates the correspondent beans.
For this reason the upgrade might work with spring 3.0.x but I'm pretty sure that something got broken with spring 3.1.x (i.e. this code has been introduced to maintain backward compatibility).
How about upgrading mule as well? Most of the 2.2.x syntax is still supported and many new feature has been introduced in newer mule versions.
FWIW, the above answer from #regunathb is right on. Patching in those three classes works. However, it is important to note that the 3.4 version of those classes from mule-module-spring-config will not work as-is. You must get the modified versions of the classes that #regunathb posted on GitHub, otherwise you'll end up with various incompatibilities between 3.4 and 2.2.1.
