tfs $tf folder is missing from local workspace - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to integrate our TFS with an external tool (Sonar) and for this Sonar needs the $tf folder that is supposedly (according to MS documentation) is supposed to exist on local workspaces.
I actually never seen this folder in any local environment before.
why am I not seeing this folder?
how can I have TFS/VS create it?
a few notes:
I looked for hidden files.
using VS 2010 premium / VS2013 premium and TFS2010

TFS and VS2010 don't support local workspaces. You'll need to upgrade both to at least 2012 (ideally, 2013) in order to use them.


How can I create an extension for Visual Studio that can interface with TFS directly?

I am attempting to create an extension that will periodically check to see if the user has the latest version of all files in a specific project or branch. This specific project/branch is going to be determined by what item is checked out for editing. The reason for creating this extension is to create reminders every time a file becomes unsynced. This will prevent merging into items that are out of date.
I am also working with Gated Check-ins, so it would be advantageous if I could check for latest version after a gated build succeeds.
I am having trouble finding the APIs for TFS integration when making an extension for visual studio. I am also having trouble finding an API to use to make a direct TFS extension. I am assuming this is because everything that has to do with TFS commands should be done using TFS command line commands.
I am running TFS and VS 2015.
Thanks in advance for the help!
You can use NuGet packages of TFS API:
All the DLL's also stored in the following location, you can take them and use in your project:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
A good tutorial on how to use the API you can find here.

Remove TFS mappings

I am using Visual Studio 2015. Initially I installed TFS 2013 on my local machine with source control mappings to my local User folder. After some time there was a need to include some more developers to my project so I installed TFS 2013 on a server running Windows Server 2012.
Then I UnBind my solution from local TFS and tried to add it to the TFS on the server. But it was only taking my local TFS, so I uninstalled TFS from my local machine. But then again when I tried to add my solution to the TFS on server, it gives the error shown in the image.
Then I removed my workspaces as mentioned in MSDN here
and here and then restarted my local machine but the error is still there.
Although I am creating the new workspace with exactly same name and place but when I have removed the older workspace and TFS from my local machine, wouldn't the error be removed!
May be TFS marked the workspaces somewhere in Computer registry but I don't know it. Kindly help me to solve this issue.
AWAIS is my local machine name
awais:8080/tfs was my older TFS that was on my local machine but I
already uninstalled it
You can use tf command-line to remove old workspace which clears cache as well:
tf workspaces /remove:* /collection:http://awais:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
If it does not work, try removing from your connections on Team Explorer, deleting the local folder and clearing your cache
Use TFS Sidekicks to track the workspace, it is a great tool to manage the workspaces.

We have an issue connecting TFS workspaces to versions of Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012. We get "The path … is already mapped in workspace " issue

Here is what we are trying to do:
In a TFS collection we set up a TFS project “BuildBusinessWebsite”. For this project we will have .Net solutions, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports, and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages. (I have to do development on all three.) We have chosen to set up a folder structure like this in Source Control Explorer with solutions and code in each directory folder:
Now, we are currently developing the SSRS reports and the SSIS packages using Visual Studio 2008 and the application is being developed in Visual Studio 2010. When you connect the second Visual Studio 2010 environment to the same working directory (Local Path: Not mapped) you get the error “The path … is already mapped in workspace …” issue because it is already mapped to the Visual Studio 2008 directory. I need both environments mapped to the same directory as I do not want to keep multiple directories on my machine up to date with “Get Latest”. I am also currently testing the migration to Visual Studio 2012 where it is also asking me to map another location for TFS. My current work around is to create another layer of folder mappings as C:\TFS2008, C:\TFS2010, and C:\TFS2012 with the folder structure above in each. Is there a way to consolidate all these for one location for all the code?
Second issue related to the above is with branching and merging: If there is some way to fix the above then this one is moot, however, when pulling down the folders above from source control and you are utilizing branching and merging, the branching and merging connections between prod, test, and dev do not seem to pull from TFS. They seem to be local to my workspace and machine. Considering the example above where I branch my application from Production to test and test to Development in Visual Studio 2010, when I use Visual Studio 2012, map the Source Control Explorer to another location on my hard drive, and “Get Latest”… After it comes down I lose my branching and merging having to set them back up. Is there a better way to set this up?
Thank you all ahead of time for reading this and thoughts you might have would be greatly appreciated.
TFS Workspaces are uniquely identified by:
Workspace Name
Workspace Owner (AD Account name)
Computer Name (The Computer which it is on)
Team Project Collection it is in
The workspace mapping should have nothing to do with the "environment" you are working in. You should either use the TF Admin command to create your workspaces or go to File->Source Control->Advanced->Workspaces... in Visual Studio. Also, create only 1 workspace and do it at the root folder.

SharePoint 2010 development without local server installation

I'd like to develop SharePoint 2010 web parts without local SharePoint installation. I mean I don't want to install SharePoint server because I don't need it and it's so huge.
I found some questions about this, but I still can't get it working. I found a blog entry about this:
I tried to follow the instructions from that blog. Now I can create SharePoint 2010 projects with Visual Studio. Problem is that Visual Studio cannot find SharePoint dlls. Even if I copy them to local directory and add that folder to registry with key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\v3.5\AssemblyFoldersEx\MyAssemblies (like blog entry adviced)
How could I tell Visual Studio where SharePoint dlls are?
You can get the DLLs from sharepoint from the ISAPI folder in the 14 hive:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ISAPI
Just copy the dlls to your local computer and reference them in your project to compile.
You will realise it's a great pain when you are debugging/deploying your projects as you wont be able to test your code locally.
UPDATE: The Sharepoint 2010 Evaluation machine is not available anymore. So the information bellow is not current anymore. The best option now is to get Sharepoint 2010 from MSDN, if you have a subscription obviously.
My advice is to get Microsofts 2010 Information Worker Demonstration and Evaluation Virtual Machine (SP1):
It's a virtual machine with Sharepoint 2010, and it comes with all the tools you need like infopath, and visual studio pre-installed.
The only problem is you will need 2008 server r2 to run it.
I have managed to successfully convert the machine to VMWare and I am happily running it under windows 7 by following instructions from this post:
Make sure you read the comments on that post as there are a couple of gotchas.
Also make sure you have a somewhat grunty machine. I am running it with an i7 with 8 gig ram, SSD, with 4 cores allocated to the VM and it runs smooth.
Ok, to answer the original question:
Copy the SharePoint dlls from an actual SharePoints server (you'll need one of those anyhow) from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ISAPI
To your dev machine - you do NOT need to place them in a similar structure - choose whatever you want.
In visual studio either reference those dll's directly (add reference, browse) or add a folder to the "reference paths" in the project settings.
If you are multiple people working on the project, you may have problems if you are using different versions/service packs of the SharePoint dlls - then ensure that the reference has the "specific version" flag set to true (every reference)

Project management with Visual Studio, without TFS?

Can I have some basic project management in Visual Studion without TFS or is TFS what I need?
Basically I like to get a list with my projects, last edited dates, and if possible project tags (customer for example), and when selecting one VS should load it. From the right repository (Mercurial/Git/Svn). I can move my project to some repo host if they have this solution (Addon).
At the moment I handle the projecs manually with Windows standard folders + SVN/Hg in folder context menu, and thats a headache.
Thank you
As far as I know Visual Studio doesn't support that functionality natively.
TFS isn't my forte but I know it comes with MSDN subscriptions and the retail version is around $500 if that is the path you are interested in. If you do go the TFS route you have an option to use TFS Basic during install which is a greatly simplified install of TFS that can even use SQL Express.
You can check out pricing and download the trial from here if you want more info:
