How can I get a list of all CSGO items including skin name, quality and rarity? - steam-web-api

I'm not looking for details of a specific player inventory, but a list of all items for CSGO. What I want is details of the weapons in particular, but including skin name information and rarity.
To make it easier to explain this site has the information I need, except rarity.
By using the following api url I can get weapon model names but not skin names (ie. "Zirka"){YOUR_API_KEY}

I haven't found anything regarding skins in Steam Web Api.
Lists of all skins as well as rarity and corresponding weapons are in "paint_kits", "paint_kits_rarity" and "item_sets" sections of /csgo/scripts/items/items_game.txt file.
As for their correct names, those are in /csgo/resource/csgo_YOUR_LANGUAGE.txt. Looking like that
"PaintKit_so_red_Tag" "Candy Apple"
Won't be hard to make php or python script to get all of it and put it in a database for ease of use.
For skins images you could get weapon and skin name from the above, and do a foreach curl loop to get content from div with "market_listing_largeimage" class using for example simple_html_dom.php, from url{ITEM_NAME}%20%7C%20{SKIN_NAME}%20%28{USAGE_THINGY Ex. Well-Worn}%29
Just remember to replace all spaces going to the url with %20 but that depends on what you use to get the page. You could do a foreach on the usage thingy since some weapons don't have some variants on the market, curl could return wrong page. Nothing that a simple if+foreach couldn't fix.
Also do it only after skins update if overused you could get blocked from valve website for spamming. You could also use SteamWebApi and game news to check for new versions and update it automatically then. Just use your imagination and google.


Parsing Jekyll's Categories

I have created a simple blog based on the Jekyll engine but I need one more function to make the thing really complete.
In Jekyll, parent directories of posts are implicitly 'labels' or 'categories'. So, if I were to create a post under the directory structure
it would end up having 3 labels (computers, scm, git)
In my blog, I have created a few pages:
and these pages explicitly list posts in their respective categories such that /computers/index.html displays links to every post in /computers, /computers/sc and /computers/scm/git ... and likewise on down the road. Unfortunately, categories are not compound in Jekyll and so, "/computers/scm/index.html" iterates over the same set of posts as "/sandwiches/scm/index.html" …
Now, I'd like to automatically generate a sitemap listing all the categories, providing links to all of the pages I've created. Jekyll includes a construct "site.categories" that I can iterate over which works just great for all the top level categories. The problem is that when "scm" comes up, there is no "/scm/index.html" - it needs to be "/computers/scm/index.html".
I'm not sure I can fix this behavior - what type of extensions can I write to get both hierarchical categories and automatically generate a site map to my listing pages?
In my wildest dreams, I'd like to be able to tag a post as /a/b/c and have it associated with labels /a, /a/b and /a/b/c and then be able to generate pages that iterate over exactly these sets of posts. I need the site's organization to drill down from general to specific.
Do I need to try a different static generation engine?
You need to use Jekyll's plugins. For categories support in my blog I use one of this.
If you are Github Pages user, you must note that GP does not support plugins because of security reasons. To avoid this, you may use ideas from this blog post.
As an alternative, you can use Octopress, which is Jekyll-based.

Project references with microdata

I have a site where I need to list my projects from before. They are websites with name, URL, description, list of used technologies, and an image gallery.
I was searching for a schema for it on, but I was not able to find a fitting one. What itemscopes should I use?
There is no good fit for what you need in the current available Schemas on
What I'd do:
Use for your webpage definition, along with parts of as needed.
Use for defining yourself
Lastly for each project, I'd use what's already there for the parent Creative Work schema ( since there is no sub-schema under it that fits for you. I'd then just define attributes and values for about, datePublished, author, headline, keywords. Also define editor, video, awards and publisher if appropriate.

codeigniter extra url segments

I am making a site for a client and decided i would use code igniter.
The site essentially has two backends, one for designers, and one for a sales team. So after logging in, the user will be redirected to either
The sales team for example can view orders, containers, products, therefore i need a controller for each of these.
The sales need to be able to view, edit, delete certain orders...
Basically my problem is i dont have enough url segments to play with.
My thoughts on solving my problem
removing the orders, containers, products classes and making ALL of their methods as methods of the sales class, although this would mean a large number of methods and loading all models so it seemed kind of pointless.
removing the sales/designer classes and controlling what each kind of user has access to based on a user type stored in session data.
a way of having an extra url segment?
I appreciate any advice, I just dont want to get 3 weeks into the project and realise i started wrong from the beginning!
Use folders.
If you make a subfolder in /application/ called sales you can put different controllers in there:
orders.php /* Controller */
Then in orders.php you will put your vieworders($id) method and so on, and you will be able to acces it with
You can also make subfolders in the /models/ and /views/ to organize your files.
Now, Access Control is something apart and it depends more in the auth system you are using.
Give the user/designer a privilege, a column in the user table for example, check the permission of the user at the beginning of the function, then prevent or execute it.
This would be the exact way i would do it.
Seems like you should have a look into the routing class. Might be a dirty solution but rerouting the sales/(:any) to something like sales_$1 would mean you'd make controllers with names like sales_orders.
Same for the design part.
(FYI: $routing['sales/(:any)'] = 'sales_$1'; should do the trick; see application/config/routing.php).

Displaying specific content to specific user in Joomla 1.5

To be short, It's a website for an investigations lab.
I need to display specific content (lab report) to specific user. Users will be given a username and a password when leaving and will be asked to login on the website to access his/her report with the credentials given to him.
So , it's a "specific content" for "specific user" - Moving to 1.6 is not an option.
I have a solution in mind but involve a lot of core hacking and will take some time ... If any one been in a similar situation or have an idea in mind I would appreciate your help.
Ok, this can be done but it's going to take a little trickery to get there. First, you are going to need a way to post the lab reports and associate them with a user. I would use K2 for this since you can add the report as an attachment to an item. You can also add extra fields to K2, which would be the next step. You'll need an extra field where you can enter a user ID number that you will use to determine if a user is allowed to view the content.
There are several steps you will need to take to now filter the content so only the associated user can see it.
You will need to get the user ID once the user is logged in:
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$usr_id = $user->get('id');
You'll need a menu item that links to a K2 Category where all the lab reports go.
You'll need a subtemplate with a modified category_item.php for that category that only displays the associate reports:
all the category item stuff
You'll need a subtemplate with a modified item.php for the category that again blocks users other than the associated user, basically the same code as #3 to either display the content or an error message.
The only other way I can think of that you can accomplish this would be to use an ACL component with a group for each user.
The K2 method with subtemplates would not require any core hacks and will work with a little work.
You can achieve what you want with Flexicontent and Flexiaccess
Flexicontent is a K2 type component and I use them interchangeably. With Flexiaccess you can create items that are only available to certain users.
No hacks required.
Bad News: That cant be done with standard Joomla 1.5 (without hacking)
Good News: You can use one of the free or commercial Extensions for Joomla to accomplish that. I would suggest for example:
Or you can search for yourself:

Wordpress: How do I convert a generated URL (permalink) to a pretty URL?

In a plugin, I am generating a paginated link to a category,
i.e. http://localhost/?cat=17&paged=5. The category is known by slug and id.
Is there a way to have this URL converted to the user defined "nice permalink" format,
i.e. http://localhost/category/foo/page/5?
(Assuming we're running Wordpress 2.8/2.9+)
Edit: Since there are some misunderstandings about what I'm trying to achieve, here's what I have:
The category ID
The page number (i.e. the fifth page of that category's archive)
With these data I can create the URL to that page, which would be, for example, http://localhost/?cat=17&paged=5, and that works well. The problem is of a visual nature: If the user has pretty permalinks enabled, then this won't fit in very well.
Question is: How do I get the correct, pretty permalink (i.e. http://localhost/category/foo/page/5) from (or for) the information I have?
Edit 2: Obviously if a user has pretty permalinks disabled, then there are no pretty permalinks. I know that, and that is really not subject of the question ... For the moment, let's just assume the user has an arbitrary permalink setting. I generate a link, and it should look like the user wants it to.
Have you looked at the WP_Rewrite?
Does All In One SEO meet your requirements? I actually bought the "pro" version for like $30 USD and it was well worth it.
My Wordpress installation (2.9.2) does this automatically - canonical URLs have been built into Wordpress for some time. Maybe your plugin is disabling this feature?
I'm guessing you already figured it out but I just wanted to put this out for others. I think I understand your situation. If I've read your question correctly, changing admin permalink settings does not apply.
You can get the category ID then use get_category_link() function to get the 'pretty' permalink. Then append the pagination to the end.
You could explode the permalink to get the category ID and pagination number, then use the step above to put it together.
Is this what you were looking for?
The correct way to generate the link would be to use get_category_link and add_query_arg
In your example, the following would work:
$category_link = add_query_arg( array('paged' => 5), get_category_link($category->term_id));
This will generate the URL and Wordpress will redirect to the correct page.
check this page out, it explains pretty permalinks pretty good.
You should find these settings in
I think
in the direction what you want
You can also try to redirect your url using htaccess, here are some examples:
Sorry darf bis jetzt nur ein link posten pfft... :-(
kind regards,
