How to read a text file in NMAKE - makefile

I am new to scripting language.
I would like to read contents of a text file using NMAKE and display it. Text file contains only single line of data.
I have referred the following links, but its not working for me:
Can't figure out how to read file from nmake
Create a variable in a makefile by reading contents of another file
Here is the code snippet:
all :
.copy File1.txt
.copy File2.txt
.exec AddtnlInfo.bat #This batch file generates INFO.TXT file
#TODO - Read INFO.TXT file, display its contents and perform copy operation

To properly answer the question we really need to know more, such as when you want to display the contents of the file. A Makefile is not the same as writing in a scripting language - It does contain scripting language statements, but that is not the same as the purpose of a Makefile. A Makefile is to sequence the execution of statements written in another scripting language. The sequencing is to create files based on the dates and times of other files. Further Microsoft NMAKE is not the same as Make in various detailed ways (but in concept it is the same).
If the display of the contents of the file is linked to the creation of some file, then the answer is easy. If you want to display the text file every time the Makefile is executed then the solution might be very difficult. To just say Welcome to my Makefile from a file is harder than it seems. We have to know why you want to do this, so we can see if there is an alternate solution.
To display a text file is easy, as the commands in a an NMAKE script are Windows batch file commands. To display a file one uses the type filename command:
echo The file contains:
type filename
But this is probably not what you want.
Your second link to another article is not useful as this is about generic Makefiles in a linux context and not about NMAKE on a Windows platform, and thus would be no help to you.


How to extract date from filename in batch, and unzip to multiple directories using batch/7z

I am trying to code a script to automatically process some of our daily ftp files.
I have already coded the files to download from the source ftp using WinSCP and calling it in a .bat file, and would ideally like to call it within the same bat. Scripting Language does not matter, as long as I can run/call it from the original batch.
I need will extract the date from a filename, and unzip the contents into corresponding folders. The source file is delivered automatically daily via FTP, and the filename is:
The bolded section is the date that I would like to extract.
The contents of the .zip include two types of content, multiple PDFs and a .dat file.
For the supplied date of 20170227, the pdfs need to get extracted to a folder following the format:
At the same time, the .dat file needs to get extracted to multiple folders following the format:
\%root%\Claim Add\2017 Claim Add\02-2017
After extracting, I need to move the source zip to
\%root%\Claim Add\2017 Claim Add\02-2017
What is the best way off accomplishing all of this?
I am assuming it would be the for /f batch command, but I am new to batch coding and cannot figure out how to start it from scratch.
I also have 7zip installed, but do not understand how to use the command-line options.
You have asked for a lot in one question, and not shown any code or demonstrated effort on your part.
For the first part, once you have the filename in a variable:
You can get the date part with:
echo %FILENAME:~13,-14%
The syntax: :13,-14 means "Remove the first 13 letters and the last 14 letters." That should leave you with just the date.
When you integrate that into your script, Show Your Code

Loop Over Files as Input for Program, Rename and Write Output to Different Directory

I have a problem with writing the output of a program to a different directory when I loop different files as variables as inputs. I run this in the command line. The problem is that I do not know how to "tell" the program to put the output with a changed filename into another directory than the input directory.
Here is the command, although it is a bioinformatic tool which requires specific input file formats. I am sorry that I could not give a better example. Nonetheless, the program is called computeMatrix in a software-tool box called deeptools2.
for f in ~/my/path/*spc_files*; do computeMatrix reference-point--referencePoint center --regionsFileName /target/region.bed --binSize 500 --scoreFileName "$f" **--outFileName "$f.matrix"** ; done \
So far, I tried to use the command basename to just get the filename and then change the directory before that. However I could not figure out:
if this is combinable
what is the correct order of the commands (e.g.:
outputFile='basename"$f"', "~/new/targetDir/'basename$f'")
Probably there are other options to solve the problem which I could not think of/ find.

How to compile a lex file on windows?

I have correctly downloaded and installed flex, bison and Dev C++ in C:\ . Then I tried to compile myfile.l in command prompt, but it gives the error:
flex: can't open myfile.l.
What is the problem?
I can see from your question that you are a beginner in need of some instruction, so what follows is in tutorial style. I hope you don't mind the tone. Many of my students encounter the same problem as you did when first starting.
The files containing the code for flex, bison or the compiler gcc (or g++) are just text files, and not some specially encoded form of file. They are only named something.l, something.y and something.c (or something.cpp) by convention. We could just call them something.txt or even something.l.txt if we wanted to. The reason they are named the way they are is to enable all the different components of one program to be distinguished without cluttering up the name space. So, if we have a project, such as some homework done in flex and bison, we can use the word homework as the base name and have the following file set:
homework.l <-- The lexer source file for flex created for the homework
homework.y <-- The parser source file for bison created for the homework
homework.cpp <-- The C++ source file for g++ created for the homework
homework.obj <-- The object file created by g++
homework.exe <-- The final windows executable created by g++
(There will be many other files as well, but I'll skip over that for now).
As the source files are just forms of a text file they can be created by a text editor. You indicated you are using Dev C++ which is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which combines a text editor, a compiler and a debugger into one package. The text editor part works just like any other text editor, such as Notepad, NotePad++, vim, emacs or one of the myriad of other editor tools.
Commonly, by default, a text editor tool on Windows will save a text file with the postfix language code of .txt. Here is an example dialogue of saving such a file:
You can see that if I saved my file, which I called SOlexer.l by pressing the Save button, I would get a file called SOlexer.l.txt because the default is to always make a file withe the suffix of .txt.
Now this does not need to be a problem. If I tried to invoke flex, as you did:
$ flex SOlexer.l
flex: can't open SOlexer.l
I would get the same error message. However I can just call flex with the actual file name used and it would work:
$ flex SOlexer.l.txt
Alternatively, I could rename the file, and then use it:
$ rename SOlexer.l.txt SOlexer.l
$ flex SOlexer.l
Problem solved!
However, as you have discovered, it is best to just create the file with the desired (and more convenient) name in the first place. To do this one has to just make a different selection from the menu when saving the file, like this:
If we click on All types (*.*) we can create the file without the .txt suffix. This should work for most similar tools also.
To help my students who had difficulty using flex and bison on Windows I made a series of video tutorials. You are welcome to use them also.
In conclusion, although you had trouble getting your flex file to build, your problem is nothing to do with flex or bison, but a simple beginners problem with learning how to create and edit files on a Windows system.

Sublime Text 2 project default file(s) for building

I am a beginner user of Sublime Text 2, but I was trying to set up project specific default file(s) to build from. I'll explain myself:
When writing in LaTeX, I tend to separate the sections or chapters in different .tex files. When I build, I would like the main file to be the one passed to the compiler no matter what file has focus (a section/chapter .tex or the .log file or any other file for that matter).
Similarly, when writing C++ code, I would like to be able to specify a list of files to pass to the compiler.
Right now I am using a copy of the C++ build-system with *.cpp instead of the current file in the "cmd" line, but not always I want to build every cpp file in the folder. A similar modification on the LaTeX builder would be possible changing the file to build to something like main.tex and using main.tex for the main file every time.
Even though these are workarounds, I was wondering if there was a way of defining the default file(s) to the be passed to the compiler (or to a batch file if necessary) from the project specific files.

PVRTexTool, is there a way to run it on multiple files at once?

I am using PVRTexTool to convert png files to pvr files but the tool seems to only be able to run on one file at a time(wont accept *.png as file name).
does anyone know how to run it on a group of files at once?
Its really a hassle to run it on all of my textures.
In a shell, run
for file in *.png ; do
PVRTexToll $file
(I don't know how to call PVRTeXTool from a command line, so please substitute the second line with a correct version)
This is a general way to feed each file to a command which only accepts one file at a time. See any introduction on shell scripting, e.g. this discussion of the for loop.
