Web Essentials SCSS compile error - visual-studio-2013

I am trying to compile the SCSS files in a projetc using Visual Studio 2013 and Web Essentials. Here is the error I am getting in the visual studio output window is
Something went wrong reaching:\Development\KnockApp\KnockApp\KnockApp.Web\Content\scss\directory.scss&targetFileName=C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\Temp\3510b388-06aa-48bb-b517-e1442399e924.css&mapFileName=C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\Temp\3510b388-06aa-48bb-b517-e1442399e924.css.map&precision=5&outputStyle=expanded&
SCSS: directory.scss compilation failed: The service failed to respond to this request
Possible cause: Syntax Error!
The SCSS files come from a third party theme and they use Compass, I have included the compass files in my project. I also have node and node-sass installed on the machine.
Any thoughts?

Got same error and found solution.
Web Essentials uses node.exe to build SCSS, but this service is crashed when tried to compile some partial SCSS with unresolved dependencies.
After that Visual Studio logs 'Something went wrong reaching' messages on each build, to fix this error just kill all 'node.exe' processes and build main SCSS file again.


Visual Studio - Build project works without problems but files .dll are missing

When I compile the project everything works fine but when I run it keeps throwing errors saying that .dll files are missing.
Using Visual Studio 17.3.4
CMake configuration
set(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR openssl/install_dir/include)
set(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES openssl/install_dir/lib/libeay32.lib openssl/install_dir/lib/ssleay32.lib)
include_directories(AFTER ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(executable_name ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES})
Error: The code execution can`t continue because libeay32.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may resolve the issue.

Building a C++ Visual Studio project in another IDE: fatal error afxwin.h

I downloaded this project's files which is written in visual studio and I am trying to make it compile in Code Blocks. The issue I am having, is with the StdAfx.h/.c files, which if I understand this correctly, are used for Visual studio.
So the error is:
fatal error: afxwin.h: No such file or directory
I get this error inside AtdAfx.h file, because it tried to include it:
#include <afxwin.h> // MFC core and standard components
If I try to delete the AtdAfx.h, my other project's files give me errors, since evey one of them uses the AtdAfx.h.
Side note:
This is the exact error I have Fatal error c1083 "afxwin.h" but he/she uses Visual studio, I use Code::Blocks.

how to upgrade firebase crashlytics in xamarin.forms

I am trying to upgrade firebase crashlytics SDK, I am trying on MyProject.Android project first.
I have installed this NuGet library and all its dependencies. the build is failing with this error on output:
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
error MSB6006: "java.exe" exited with code
here is the content of that Xamarin.Android.D8.targets file, actually the mentioned 51 line in the error, is the line which start with "<R8" in the image:
I really need help and I do not know what I should to do.
In my case, The problem was a conflict between Xamarin.Firebase.Crashlytics and two other libraries, Xamarin..Firebase.Crash and Xamarin.Firebase.Analytics.Impl, it is solved by deleting those both libraries.

ERROR: Failed to make the following project runnable: This process cannot access the file ~/MyProject.exe' because it is being used by another process

When I am trying to compile and run my ASP.Net Core 1.0 project on Visual Studio 2015, I am getting the following error:
Failed to make the following project runnable: MyProject (.NETFramework,Version=v4.6) reason: The process cannot access the file '~\MyProject.exe' because it is being used by another process.
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.Common.Targets
I have no clue why this error is coming. Any solution?
Here is a silly solution to this problem that actually worked! I stopped debugging and closed Visual Studio. Then I restarted the computer. Upon opening Visual Studio again after restarting the computer, I was able to run the application without any error.
It seems the process was still running in the background even though the application had been stopped from Visual Studio.
Source: Basic troubleshooting

Libwbxml compiling on Win32 environment

I've downloaded libwbxml source package from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libwbxml/files/libwbxml/0.11.0/ and followed instructions in the INSTALL file, trying to compile it for Windows environment. However, everytime I build the solution (I'm using VS 2005), I get several error messages like this:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wbxml_config.h': No such file or directory
I've searched throughout the web and could not find a definitive solution for it.
Based on my experience, building on Windows with Visual studio 98 will cause no error.
You may try to build another variant, wbxml2-0.9.2.tar, from sourceforce.net, it only causes error at test phase but the library and 2 tools can be built fine.
