Slick Grid Multi select issue - slickgrid

I'm using SlickGrid. I can select multiple rows with pressing the Ctrl button.
How I can achieve this without pressing the Ctrl button.

The handleClick (line 131) function expects a "modifier" key to be pressed (line 138) when selecting more than one row. To overcome this expectation, you'll need to provide a custom RowSelectionModel implementation that removes the logical checks.
Another option would be to use the CheckboxRowSelector for multi-row selection.


Kendo Hierarchy Grid clear selection

I am playing with this example by Kendo:
I have modified it so that the rows are selectable (selectable:true).
I have added a button on the top which calls the grid.clearSelection() function.
This is supposed to clear all selection but it does not clear the selection of rows that are selected in the dropdown table. (Recreate: click on the first row "Nancy", expand it and click on "10258 - Austria", then click the "Clear Selection" button and only "Nancy" will clear)
Is the function not working properly or am I misusing it?
In any case - how can I achieve a total clearing of all selected rows?
This is because they are two separate grids. Check this:

Changing RadGrid row selection behavior

I have a RadGrid with AllowMultiRowSelection="true", EnablePostBackOnRowClick="false", and UseClientSelectColumnOnly="false". The documented behavior is:
When multi-row selection is enabled, clicking on a row still de-selects any other selected rows. Users can select multiple rows by holding the Ctrl key down while clicking on a row.
However, the behavior for the "Client Select Column" (i.e. a checkbox column) is to toggle the row when the checkbox is clicked.
I want to apply the checkbox behavior (toggling) to any click on the row. I know this isn't the intended behavior of the grid, but it ought to be possible through some client-side scripting (i.e. click the row and it toggles the appropriate checkbox). Can anyone help me figure out such a script?
To avoid deselection of any other selected rows by click on the specific row you can just set UseClientSelectColumnOnly="True". As result you can toggle checkbox only by click on the checkbox.
It doesn't help you with click on the row, but it helps to avoid unexpected deselection.

extjs column sort & sort arrow icon

I have a list of projects. When I click on a column header, the column is sorted and a sort arrow icon appears in the column header. However, the column keeps the sort and the sort arrow icon even after filtering the records (by entering text in the filter textfield and pressing the Filter button). I want the sort and the sort arrow icon to be removed from the column each time I filter the records. I have found some posts about clearing the sort arrow icon when a grid reloads (see links below). But how can I apply this to my situation? Any tips would be much appreciated.
In Ext JS 4.x you can just clear the sorters on the grid before you filter.;"name", "Lisa");
Here is a working fiddle:
if you don't filter/make a change you can force the UI to update by using:
Use following options at column model (ExtJs 3.4)
menuDisabled:true //there will be no any menu
sortable:false // there will be menu but disabled sorting option

kendo ui grid looses selection when bound value changes

It seems like the grid widget looses selection when a value that a column is bound to is changed. Does anyone know how to not loose the selection?
Example here (select a row then click "click here"):
Yes, the Grid is refreshed and any selection is lost. In this code library you can get the idea how to persist the selection.
Basically there is a cookie which is used but since you do not reload the page you can simply safe it into a JavaScript variable.

JqGrid keyboard navigation

I have an editable Jqgrid(where when im clicking on a row, that row get editable) with 3 dropdown lists in it, what i want is:
when im clicking on a row, its get editable and selects first dropdown in a row
after i choosed an object in dropdown list and pressed tab it jumps to the next dropdown (already happends)
same as the 2. but it have to jump to the third dropdown list
when im done editing, when i press down key or just press somewhere else on the screen data which i edited should be saved to DB. so it have to happend withount me pressing enter key, which i have to do now.
if i press down key, selection have to jump down to next row and save the previouse row which i just edited
I know its a long one, but i cant get path keyboard selection because im stuck with clickable edit....
If you don't use multiselect:true you can use bindKeys method to have keyboard support.
If you need to change the order of focus on Tab pressing you can change tabindex attribute on the editable fields (input or select elements). You can use oneditfunc parameter of editRow for such initialization actions.
