Executing genetic algorithm per configuration - algorithm

I'm trying to understand a paper I'm reading regarding genetic algorithms.
They running there a GA with parameters they presented.
Some of the parameters are:
stop criterion - 50 generations.
Runs per configuration - 30.
After they presented the parameters they said that they executed the algorithm 20 times.
I don't understand two things:
1. what the second parameter means? that every configuration runs untill it reaches 30 generations?
2. when they execute the algorithm 20 times, it means untill they reach 20 generations or that they executed 20 configurations?

Question 1
Usually in GA:s parameters such as mutation rates, selection rates, etc, need to be customised for the problem at hand. To get a somewhat good measure to quantify what is a good or bad parameter configuration, each configuration is repeated for a number of runs, whereafter the mean and standard deviation of the best solution in each of these runs are computed. Note that these runs have nothing to do with the number of generations or specific parameters in the GA, it's simply a way to reduce noise and increase reliability when comparing and choosing among different parameter configurations.
On the other hand, "number of runs" in itself can also be a parameter of study, but it's quite obvious that increasing the total number of runs will increase the chance to find a really good solution (say a large deviation from mean GA performance). If studying such a case, it's important that the total number of generations (effectively the total number of function evaluations), over all runs, are the same between different parameter settings.
As an example, consider the following parameter configuration:
numberOfRuns = 30
numberOfGenerations = 50
==> a total of 1500 generation analysed
studied vs configuration:
numberOfRuns = 50
numberOfGenerations = 30
==> a total of 1500 generation analysed
A study like this could examine if it is favourable to have more generations in each GA run (first scenario), of if it's better to have fewer generations but more runs (second scenario: probably favourable for a GA with quick convergence to local optima but with large standard deviation).
The following parameter configuration, however, would not have any meaning to benchmark against the two above, since it has a larger number of total generations:
numberOfRuns = 50
numberOfGenerations = 50
==> a total of 2500 generation analysed
Question 2
If they say they execute the algorithm 20 times, it would generally be equivalent with 20 runs as per described above. Hence, 20 runs each running over 50 generations.


ElasticNet extremely slow

I am runnning an Elastic net model using sklearn. My dataset has 70k observations and 20 features. I want to test different parameters and use the following code:
alpha_plot, l1_ratio_plot = np.linspace(min_xlim, max_xlim, 50), np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
alpha_grid, l1_ratio_grid = np.meshgrid(alpha_plot, l1_ratio_plot)
l1_ratio_alpha_grid = np.array([l1_ratio_grid.ravel(), alpha_grid.ravel()]).T
model_coefficients_analysis = []
for i in l1_ratio_alpha_grid:
model_analysis = ElasticNet(alpha=i[1], l1_ratio=i[0], fit_intercept=True, max_iter=10000).fit(self.features_train_std, self.labels_train)
I am aware that this can be done with GridsearchCV but it doesn't do the job for me as I need to store the coefficients for every combination of parameters tested. The current code snippet is exceptionally slow. It takes roughly 10 minutes for each of the 50*10 iterations. Is there a way to speed up the process? For example in GridsearchCV there is a parameter n_jobs which can be set equal to -1 to speed up the process. But here I do not seem to find it.
It takes roughly 10 minutes for each of the 50*10 iterations
That seems very high, but you also have rather large data; I can't fit a randomized such dataset in memory in Colab (where I usually run examples for answers here). You might not be able to shrink the first fit time very much, but maybe you can reduce the subsequent fit times by using warm-starting.
Setting warm_start=True and using the same model object for each iteration, the coefficients will be saved as a starting point for the solver in the next iteration:
model_analysis = ElasticNet(fit_intercept=True, max_iter=10000)
for i in l1_ratio_alpha_grid:
model_analysis.set_params(alpha=i[1], l1_ratio=i[0])
model_analysis.fit(self.features_train_std, self.labels_train)
You might consider using ElasticNetCV, since it uses warm-starting internally, and it provides some other niceties. You can use a PredefinedSplit if adding k-fold cross-validation is too much of an added expense, but I believe the n_jobs parameter is only useful in splitting up jobs across hyperparameters and folds, so using more cores might mitigate the issues with k-fold (but then you'll also have k times as many coefficients).
Your large max_iter is a bit worrying; do you get nonconvergence? From your independent variable name it seems like you're scaling, but if not that's the place to start: fast (and maybe correct) convergence depends on features with similar scales. You might also consider increasing the convergence criterion tol. I have no experience with the selection parameter, but the docstring suggests changing it to random may speed up convergence?

Sorting list for most efficient build

I have a problem that I am having some trouble tackling, I am playing this game and thought it would be fun to make a calculator to calculate the most efficient builds.
Every fleet allows for 30 units, and a fleets power is the sum of every units power combined.
Every unit can give a certain amount of power ranging from 1 to 200. The price of these units is different and can vary from unit to unit, (A 200 power unit costs around 1.5, an a 50 power unit costs around 0.02)
I would like to calculate the cheapest build for a fleet of x amount of power.
At first I though I would get the price of all units, get the average price for 1 power and calculate the most efficient units based of price per power. And this gives me a list sorted from most efficient units, and then I would create a list containing the 30 most efficient PpP (Price per Power) units.
I could then do a check to see if my power of the generated fleet is equal or more than my desired amount, and if not, remove the lest powerful unit, and replace it with the next most efficient bigger one from my list, and repeat until it has enough power in the 30.
The problem is that seeing as the price grows exponentially it means that unit with 1-50 power are always the most efficient.
Does anyone know if there an algorithm that I could use or study?
I want to calculate the cheapest way of achieving a fleet of x amount of power with a maximum of 30 units. without it taking weeks to complete
I have a list of about 30 000 units containing the price and power.
Its a hard problem to explain so apologies if you don't understand anything
EDIT: Sorry I messed up in my description, the price of the units vary, meaning it could be more efficient to get, for example for a 3000 power fleet, maybe a 15 x 150power units and 15x 50power units fleet is better than 30x 100mp fleet. Sorry for the confusion
To improve the efficiency of your above algorithm you can find the unit whose power is the closest to 30 times the desired power without exceeding it. After that you use the same method removing units one by one and replacing it with the next higher unit. Since 30 of the next higher unit will always exceed the power required, this part of the algorithm only needs to run once.

How many simulations need to do?

Hello my problem is more related with the validation of a model. I have done a program in netlogo that i'm gonna use in a report for my thesis but now the question is, how many repetitions (simulations) i need to do for justify my results? I already have read some methods using statistical approach and my colleagues have suggested me some nice mathematical operations, but i also want to know from people who works with computational models what kind of statistical test or mathematical method used to know that.
There are two aspects to this (1) How many parameter combinations (2) How many runs for each parameter combination.
(1) Generally you would do experiments, where you vary some of your input parameter values and see how some model output changes. Take the well known Schelling segregation model as an example, you would vary the tolerance value and see how the segregation index is affected. In this case you might vary the tolerance from 0 to 1 by 0.01 (if you want discrete) or you could just take 100 different random values in the range [0,1]. This is a matter of experimental design and is entirely affected by how fine you wish to examine your parameter space.
(2) For each experimental value, you also need to run multiple simulations so that you can can calculate the average and reduce the impact of randomness in the simulation run. For example, say you ran the model with a value of 3 for your input parameter (whatever it means) and got a result of 125. How do you know whether the 'real' answer is 125 or something else. If you ran it 10 times and got 10 different numbers in the range 124.8 to 125.2 then 125 is not an unreasonable estimate. If you ran it 10 times and got numbers ranging from 50 to 500, then 125 is not a useful result to report.
The number of runs for each experiment set depends on the variability of the output and your tolerance. Even the 124.8 to 125.2 is not useful if you want to be able to estimate to 1 decimal place. Look up 'standard error of the mean' in any statistics text book. Basically, if you do N runs, then a 95% confidence interval for the result is the average of the results for your N runs plus/minus 1.96 x standard deviation of the results / sqrt(N). If you want a narrower confidence interval, you need more runs.
The other thing to consider is that if you are looking for a relationship over the parameter space, then you need fewer runs at each point than if you are trying to do a point estimate of the result.
Not sure exactly what you mean, but maybe you can check the books of Hastie and Tishbiani
specially the sections on resampling methods (Cross-Validation and bootstrap).
They also have a shorter book that covers the possible relevant methods to your case along with the commands in R to run this. However, this book, as a far as a I know, is not free.
Also, could perturb the initial conditions to see you the outcome doesn't change after small perturbations of the initial conditions or parameters. On a larger scale, sometimes you can break down the space of parameters with regard to final state of the system.
1) The number of simulations for each parameter setting can be decided by studying the coefficient of variance Cv = s / u, here s and u are standard deviation and mean of the result respectively. It is explained in detail in this paper Coefficient of variance.
2) The simulations where parameters are changed can be analyzed using several methods illustrated in the paper Testing methods.
These papers provide scrupulous analyzing methods and refer to other papers which may be relevant to your question and your research.

Comparison of Sorting Algorithms using running time in terms of seconds

I have devised a test in order to compare the different running times of my sorting algorithm with Insertion sort, bubble sort, quick sort, selection sort, and shell sort. I have based my test using the test done in this website http://warp.povusers.org/SortComparison/index.html, but I modified my test a bit.
I set up a test manager program server which generates the data, and the test manager sends it to the clients that run the different algorithms, therefore they are sorting the same data to have no bias.
I noticed that the insertion sort, bubble sort, and selection sort algorithms really did run for a very long time (some more than 15 minutes) just to sort one given data for sizes of 100,000 and 1,000,000.
So I changed the number of runs per test case for those two data sizes. My original runs for the 100,000 was 500 but I reduced it to 15, and for 1,000,000 was 100 and I reduced it to 3.
Now my professor doubts the credibility as to why I've reduced it that much, but as I've observed the running time for sorting a specific data distribution varied only by a small percentage, which is why I still find it that even though I've reduced it to that much I'd still be able to approximate the average runtime for that specific test case of that algorithm.
My question now is, is my assumption wrong? Does the machine at times make significant running time changes (>50% changes), like say for example sorting the same data over and over if a first run would give it 0.3 milliseconds will the second run give as much difference as making it run for 1.5 seconds? Because from my observation, the running times don't vary largely given the same type of test distribution (e.g. completely random, completely sorted, completely reversed).
What you are looking for is a way to measure error in your experiments. My favorite book on subject is Error Analysis by Taylor and Chapter 4 has what you need which I'll summarize here.
You need to calculate Standard error of the mean or SDOM. First calculate mean and standard deviation (formulas are on Wikipedia and quite simple). Your SDOM is standard deviation divided by square root of number of measurements. Assuming your timings have Normal distribution (which it should), the twice the value of SDOM is a very common way to specify +/- error.
For example, let's say you run sorting algorithm 5 times and get following numbers: 5, 6, 7, 4, 5. Then mean is 5.4 and standard deviation is 1.1. Therefor SDOM is 1.1/sqrt(5) = 0.5. So 2*SDOM = 1. Now you can say that algorithm rum time was 5.4 ± 1. You professor can determine if this is acceptable error in measurement. Notice that as you take more readings, your SDOM, i.e. plus or minus error, goes down inversely proportional to square root of N. Twice of SDOM interval has 95% probability or confidence that the true value lies within the interval which is accepted standard.
Also you most likely want to measure performance by measuring CPU time instead of simple timer. Modern CPUs are too complex with various cache level and pipeline optimizations and you might end up getting less accurate measurement if you are using timer. More about CPU time is in this answer: How can I measure CPU time and wall clock time on both Linux/Windows?
It absolutely does. You need a variety of "random" samples in order to be able to draw proper conclusions about the population.
Look at it this way. It takes a long time to poll 100,000 people in the U.S. about their political stance. If we reduce the sample size to 100 people in order to complete it faster, we not only reduce the precision of our final result (2 decimal places rather than 5), we also introduce a larger chance that the members of the sample have a specific bias (there is a greater chance that 100 people out of 3xx,000,000 think the same way than 100,000 out of those same 3xx,000,000).
Your professor is right, however he's not provided the details that I mention some of them here :
Sampling issue: It's right that you generate some random numbers and feed them to your sorting methods, but with a few test cases indeed you're biased cause almost all of the random functions are biased to some extent (specially to the state of machine or time at the moment), so you should use more and more test cases to be more confident about the randomness.
Machine state: Suppose you've provide perfect data (fully representative of a uniform distribution), the performance of the electro-mechanical devises like computers may vary in different situations, so you should try for considerable times to smooth the effects of these phenomena.
Note : In advanced technical reports, you should provide a confidence coefficient for the answers you provide derived from statistical analysis, and proven step by step, but if you don't need to be that much exact, simply increase these :
The size of the data
The number of tests

combining different instances of a random generator but still maintaining low discrepancy

I am generating about 100 million random numbers to pick from 300 things. I need to set it up so that I have 10 million independent instances (different seed) that picks 10 times each. The goal is for the aggregate results to have very low discrepancy, as in, each item gets picked about the same number of times.
The problem is with a regular prng, some numbers get chosen more than others. (tried lcg and mersenne twister) The difference between the most picked and least picked can be several thousand, to ten thousands) With linear congruity generators and mersenne twister, I also tried picking 100 million times with 1 instance and that also didn't yield uniform results. I'm guessing this is because the period is very long, and perhaps 100 million isn't big enough. Theoretically, if I pick enough numbers, the results should reach uniformity. (should settle at the expected value)
I switched to Sobol, a quasirandom generator and got much better results with the 100 million from 1 instance test. (difference between most picked and least picked is about 5) But splitting them up to 10 million instances at 10 times each, the uniformity was lost and I got similar results as with the prng. Sobol seem very sensitive to sequence - skipping ahead randomly diminishes uniformity.
Is there a class of random generators that can maintain quasirandom-like low discrepancy even when combining 10 million independent instances? Or is that theoretically impossible? One solution I can think of now is to use 1 Sobol generator that is shared across 10 million instances, so effectively it is the same as the 100 million from 1 instance test.
Both the shuffling and proper use of Sobol should give you uniformity as desired. Shuffling needs to be done at the aggregate level (start with a global 100M sample having the desired aggregate frequencies, then shuffle it to introduce randomness, and finally split into the 10 values instances; shuffling within each instance wouldnt help globally, as you noted).
But that's an additional level of uniformity, you might not really need that: randomness might be enough.
First of all I would check the check itself, because it sounds strange that with enough samples you're really getting significant deviations (check "chi square test" to qualify such significance, or equivalently how many are "enough" samples). So for a first safety check: if you're picking independent values, then simplify differently to 10M instances picking 10 out 2 categories: do you get approximately a binomial distribution? For exclusive picking it's a different distribution (hypergeometric iirc, but need to check). Then generalize to more categories (multinomial distribution) and only later it's safe to proceed with your problem.
