Jenkins plugin only works in dev environment (not packaged as HPI file) - maven

We are having a strange issue with our Jenkins plugin. In the development environment (running using mvn), the plugin works perfectly fine. But when we install the plugin (using marketplace or hpi file) to seemingly any version of Jenkins, it is totally broken. Our post-build action (publisher) registers but our configuration form is completely blank. It only shows the delete button to remove the action. What could be different about running from maven (hpi:run) vs installing from the marketplace or hpi file?

I finally figured it out. The capitalization of the resources folder that corresponds to the publisher must match the capitalization of the publisher class name. I think this would probably only be an issue on windows. Also its strange that it works totally fine in the dev environment.


Personal workspace was overwritten after upgrading to Eclipse Oxygen.1

I have just proceed to update my current Eclipse Oxygen installation to the latest versions (including Oxygen.1). As I did before (with previous Neon iterations for example), I have launched Eclipse using the administrator mode on Windows.
After updating all the componants, when I restart using the normal mode, all the settings I have made in my own workspace seems to have be fully overwritten: it now looks like the default workspace.
I don't understand if I have made something wrongly or if there have been a bug during the upgrade process, but I would want to know if there is a way to retrieve my previous workspace and to prevent this kind of behaviour.

Problems with Osgi plugins in Domino Designer after 9.01. FP4

We have our own OSGI plugin with a set of custom code and some java libraries that we use cross projects. It is installed on servers via an update site and imported on developers Domino Designer.
It is working fine up to FP4, but in Domino Designer it is not added to bundles after FP4. For servers and Notes clients it works fine up to FP6 for which we have tested so far.
Tested now with FP7 on my Domino Designer, and the plugin installs fine both via update site and via manual import. However each time I open a database using this library I get build errors. It solves by going to the code, on the error select correct project configuration and adding our plugin to the required bundles. When I close the database and open again, I have to do the same process and we have the same problem with all databases using this plugin.
I have tested starting Notes with the osgi console, but all reports as it is installed normal there.
When viewing in package explorer before fixing the bundle I can see that the plugin is missing from Plugin dependecies and gets added there when doing the fix.
I just installed a fresh Domino Designer for a new user now and upgraded him directly to FP7. He got exactly the same problem. Downgrading him to FP4 solves the problem.
Anyone having the same problem or have ideas to how it can be solved?

jenkins loses post-build action settings after restart with plugins based on ruby runtime

Tested with Yammer Plugin and buddycloud Plugin in Jenkins 2.x.
Since Yammer and buddycloud plugins depend on jruby based Ruby Runtime Plugin, installing those installs Ruby Runtime first.
As long as I don't restart Jenkins, the plugins work, and their settings persist. But after Jenkins is restarted the Post-Build Action settings on all job's configuration pages are lost and have to be re-entered. The jobs' respective config.xml files retain correct settings, but they seem to have no effect. Is there a fix or a workaround? thanks
Seems to be a widespread bug with Jenkins plugins Built on JRuby (and employing post-build actions). I had this same issue with a different plugin that fit this same mold ( Looks like the issue is logged with Jenkins as Issue #114 ( Still unfixed, but at least there is hope.

I installed tcWebHooks on TeamCity, options not showing

I'm using TeamCity Professional 9.0.2 (build 32195).
I installed the tcWebHooks plugin:
But I do not see any changes to the admin, and I cannot determine where to add web hooks to my build. I see no additional options in either the Project configuration or the Build configuration. Did I miss a step? From what I'm reading in the documentation, it should be a Project level setting with additions to the Project Home view.
This appears to have been an issue with the version of tcWebHooks. I installed and everything works as expected.
It's in a weird spot in TeamCity for some reason. You go under a Build Project, without going into Edit Project Settings.
EDIT: I'd also check the tcWebHooks blog for more info:

IntelliJ forcing me to restart my app on every code change

I am on Grails 1.3.5 and IntelliJ 9.0.4 on a Mac with the latest JDK
I have the simplest of Grails projects: a helloworld that simply renders a string directly from a controller. I created it through the New Project wizard in IntelliJ. That went fine and IntelliJ picks up the correct grails SDK.
The problem is that IntelliJ makes me restart the app to see any changes I make to my code, (e.g. changing the "hello world" string.
If I edit the same controller with a text editor (eg TextMate) and run the app from the command line with grails run-app I do get hot code replacement, which is obviously what I want...
Anyone got a clue?
Some points:
I strongly recommend using the latest IntelliJ X EAP ( since Grails support has been improved a lot since 9.0.x
If your IntelliJ config files got messed up, you can easily recreate them with 'grails integrate-with --intellij'. N.B. this recreates the config files in and old format and IntelliJ suggest to upgrade them - follow this procedure
Make sure your run configuration has uses at least the same memory settings than Grails uses when run from the command line, I'm fine with setting the 'VM parameters' field to '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1G'
If build problems occur (in rare cases the IntelliJ's internal compiler is more strict than plain Groovy), disable the 'Make' checkbox in the run config dialog.
If the problem persists, paste a screenshot of the run configuration you're using.
