Suppress Gradle's JavaExec output - gradle

I have gradle code below and I don't know how to avoid huge output generated by JavaExec task. I haven't found any option of JavaExec for it. If anyone knows better way of ignoring it, please share it.
def getStubOutput() {
return new FileOutputStream(new File("${buildDir}/temp"))
configure(project(':jradius:dictionary-min')) {
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir "${projectDir}/target/dictionary-src"
dependencies {
compile project(':jradius:core')
task genSources(type: JavaExec) {
main = 'net.jradius.freeradius.RadiusDictionary'
classpath configurations.all
args = ["net.jradius.dictionary", "${projectDir}/../freeradius/dict-min", "${projectDir}/target/dictionary-src"]
maxHeapSize = "800m"
standardOutput = getStubOutput()
jar {
archiveName = "jradius-dictionary-min-1.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar"
genSources.dependsOn ':jradius:cloneJradius'
compileJava.dependsOn genSources

I simply use a dummy OutputStream that does nothing in its write method:
def dummyOutputStream = new OutputStream() {
public void write(int b) {}
exec {
executable = name
standardOutput = dummyOutputStream
errorOutput = dummyOutputStream
ignoreExitValue = true

A great solution I came across is to modify the logging level of the task. If you set it to INFO, then it will squelch all the output of that task, unless gradle is run with --info.
Alternatively, you can set the level to LogLevel.QUIET, which will completely silence it.
task chatty(type: Exec) {
logging.captureStandardOutput LogLevel.INFO

As in the comment I thought that standardOutput can be set to null but the following piece of code (taken from: org.gradle.process.internal.AbstractExecHandleBuilder) shows that's not possible:
public AbstractExecHandleBuilder setStandardOutput(OutputStream outputStream) {
if (outputStream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("outputStream == null!");
this.standardOutput = outputStream;
return this;
What You can do is to redirect the output to temporary file (file will be deleted!) with this oneliner:
task genSources(type: JavaExec) {
main = 'net.jradius.freeradius.RadiusDictionary'
classpath configurations.all
args = ["net.jradius.dictionary", "${projectDir}/../freeradius/dict-min", "${projectDir}/target/dictionary-src"]
maxHeapSize = "800m"
standardOutput = { def f = File.createTempFile('aaa', 'bbb' ); f.deleteOnExit(); f.newOutputStream() }()
or if You'd like to save this output for further reading:
task genSources(type: JavaExec) {
main = 'net.jradius.freeradius.RadiusDictionary'
classpath configurations.all
args = ["net.jradius.dictionary", "${projectDir}/../freeradius/dict-min", "${projectDir}/target/dictionary-src"]
maxHeapSize = "800m"
standardOutput = new File(project.buildDir, 'radius.log').newOutputStream()
The last option is to add apache commons-io to script dependencies and set standardOutput to NullOutputStream. In can be done as follows:
import static
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'
task genSources(type: JavaExec) {
main = 'net.jradius.freeradius.RadiusDictionary'
classpath configurations.all
args = ["net.jradius.dictionary", "${projectDir}/../freeradius/dict-min", "${projectDir}/target/dictionary-src"]
maxHeapSize = "800m"
standardOutput = NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM
That's all that comes to my head.

This disables the standard output from a javaExec task:
task myCustomTask(type: javaExec) {
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
classpath = ...
main = ...
args ....


Child process exited with code 1 LibGDX jPackageImage task

I am using jpackage to convert my libgdx game to an executable file. I am following this tutorial to do so. The jpackageImage task works perfectly fine but when the exe is created and I run it, it doesn't run but rather gives me an error: Child process exited with code 1 I am unaware what is causing this.
I am on windows 11 and im using JDK
The JDK is set to JAVA_HOME which is set to the correct PATH.
I am using Badass-Runtime plugin as well which is defined in the first line of my build.gradle file.
Here is my build.gradle file for desktop:
plugins { id 'org.beryx.runtime' version '1.8.4' }
sourceCompatibility = 1.7 = ["src/"]
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs = ["../core/assets"]
mainClassName = ""
def osName = System.getProperty('').toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
project.ext.assetsDir = new File("../core/assets")
task runGame(dependsOn: classes, type: JavaExec) {
main = project.mainClassName
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
standardInput =
workingDir = project.assetsDir
ignoreExitValue = true
task debug(dependsOn: classes, type: JavaExec) {
main = project.mainClassName
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
standardInput =
workingDir = project.assetsDir
ignoreExitValue = true
debug = true
task dist(type: Jar) {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': project.mainClassName
dependsOn configurations.runtimeClasspath
from {
configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
with jar
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/lib")
jpackageImage.dependsOn dist
dist.dependsOn classes = appName + "-desktop"
runtime {
options = ['--strip-debug',
'--compress', '2',
'--vm', 'server']
modules = ['java.base',
distDir = file(buildDir)
jpackage {
jpackageHome = 'C:\\Users\\pc\\.jdks\\openjdk-'
mainJar = dist.archiveFileName.get()
if (osName.contains('windows')) {
imageOptions = ["--icon", file("../icons/icon.ico")]
} else if (osName.contains('linux')) {
imageOptions = ["--icon", file("../icons/icon.png")]
} else if (osName.contains('mac')) {
imageOptions = ["--icon", file("../icons/icon.icns")]
Is it this bug? which triggers because your code exits with 1. Try doing with System.exit(0); , there is a workaround listed as well.

Execute a task only if a particular task is run

I want the task setupDB to execute if and only if the task fatJar or slimJar is run.
But after adding gradle.taskGraph.whenReady, commandLine './scripts/' is never running for any task.
Here is my code for the setupDB task:
//download bigg.sqlite if not present
task setupDB {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (!project.file("resources/edu/ucsd/sbrg/bigg/bigg.sqlite").exists()
&& (graph.hasTask(slimJar)|| graph.hasTask(fatJar))) {
doFirst {
exec {
println "Setup DB"
commandLine './scripts/'
You can also view the build.gradle file:
apply plugin: "java"
defaultTasks "clean", "fatJar"
// Java versions for compilation and output
sourceCompatibility = "1.8"
targetCompatibility = "1.8"
archivesBaseName = "ModelPolisher"
version = "1.7"
sourceSets { = ["src"]
main.resources.srcDirs = ["resources"]
main.resources.excludes = ["**/"] = ["test"]
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
// local dependencies
flatDir {
dirs "lib/de/zbit/SysBio/1390"
dependencies {
compile "org.sbml.jsbml:jsbml:1.4"
compile "de.zbit:SysBio:1390"
compile "org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.21.0"
compile "org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.2"
compile "org.biojava:biojava-ontology:5.0.0"
compile "com.diffplug.matsim:matfilerw:3.0.1"
compile "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.9.9"
compile "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.9.9"
testCompile "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.1.0"
// config for all jar tasks
tasks.withType(Jar) {
dependsOn test
destinationDir = file("$rootDir/target")
manifest {
"Version": version,
"Implementation-Title": "ModelPolisher",
"Implementation-Version": version,
"Specification-Vendor": "University of California, San Diego",
"Specification-Title": "ModelPolisher",
"Implementation-Vendor-Id": "edu.ucsd.sbrg",
"Implementation-Vendor": "University of California, San Diego",
"Main-Class": "edu.ucsd.sbrg.bigg.ModelPolisher"
// with dependencies
task fatJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-fat"
from {
configurations.compile.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
with jar
//with dependencies, without bigg.sqlite
task lightJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-noDB"
from {
configurations.compile.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
with jar
// without dependencies and bigg.sqlite
task bareJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-slim-noDB"
with jar
// without dependencies, bigg.sqlite included
// not included in release
task slimJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-slim"
with jar
// zip lib folder for release
task zipLibs(type: Zip) {
from "lib"
into "lib"
include "**/**"
archiveName = ""
destinationDir = file("target/")
// zip script files for release
task zipScripts(type: Zip) {
from "scripts"
into "scripts"
include "**/**"
archiveName = ""
destinationDir = file("target/")
// create all three jars for release
task release() {
dependsOn fatJar
dependsOn bareJar
dependsOn lightJar
dependsOn tasks["zipLibs"]
dependsOn tasks["zipScripts"]
// necessary, as order is not defined by dependsOn
bareJar.mustRunAfter classes
// slimJar.mustRunAfter bareJar
lightJar.mustRunAfter slimJar
fatJar.mustRunAfter lightJar
// clean up target directory
clean.doFirst {
//download bigg.sqlite if not present
task setupDB {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (!project.file("resources/edu/ucsd/sbrg/bigg/bigg.sqlite").exists()
&& (graph.hasTask(slimJar)|| graph.hasTask(fatJar))) {
doFirst {
exec {
println "Setup DB"
commandLine './scripts/'
// bump jar version in travis.yml
if (project.file(".travis.yml").exists()) {
task bumpVersionTravis() {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionTravis
// bump jar version in
if (project.file("./scripts/").exists()) {
task bumpVersionMP() {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionMP
def replaceVersion(path) {
ArrayList<String> content = new ArrayList<>()
File travisFile = new File(path)
String MPVersion = /ModelPolisher.*\d{1,2}(.\d{1,2}){1,2}.jar/
travisFile.eachLine {
line ->
content.add(line.replaceAll(MPVersion, "ModelPolisher-fat-" +
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(travisFile))
content.each {
line -> writer.writeLine(line)
You seem to have the wrong idea about gradle configuration. You shouldn't be changing task behavior based on inputs. You should be configuring dependencies between tasks and also configuring task inputs/outputs to control the "up-to-date" behaviour.
task slimJar(type:Jar) {
dependsOn 'setupDB'
task fatJar(type:Jar) {
dependsOn 'setupDB'
task setupDB {
outputs.upToDateWhen { file("resources/edu/ucsd/sbrg/bigg/bigg.sqlite").exists() }
doFirst {
println "Setup DB"
exec {
commandLine './scripts/'
The following is also bad practice
if (project.file(".travis.yml").exists()) {
task bumpVersionTravis() {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionTravis
The available tasks should NOT change based on files in your file system. They should always be there, regardless of your file system. You should instead set the "enabled" flag (or use task outputs) to control if the task executes or is skipped
task bumpVersionTravis {
enabled = project.file(".travis.yml").exists()
doLast {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionTravis

Xtext: Couldn't resolve reference to JvmType MyGeneratorModule

I am copying the structure of the example Xtext Web project for multiple dsl's using the Entities and StateMachine example. I am using Gradle as my build system. I have a class MyGeneratorModule in both of my grammar projects. In my workflow I reference it like this:
configuration = MyGeneratorModule {...}
I can run the workflow fine in each project, but when I try to perform a jettyRun from the web project I get this error:
Task :com.selinc.logic.program:generateXtextLanguage FAILED
0 [main] ERROR mf.mwe2.launch.runtime.Mwe2Launcher - [XtextLinkingDiagnostic: null:17 Couldn't resolve reference to JvmType 'MyGeneratorModule'.
Am i missing something in the workflow or gradle build? Here is a more complete example of my languages build.gradle file and workflow:
component = XtextGenerator {
configuration = MyGeneratorModule { // <- This is what is not resolving
project = StandardProjectConfig {
baseName = baseName
rootPath = rootPath
runtimeTest = {
enabled = true
web = {
enabled = true
root = "../myWebProject"
src = "../myWebProject/src/main/java"
srcGen = "../myWebProject/src/main/xtext-gen"
assets = "../myWebProject/src/main/webapp"
mavenLayout = true
code = {
encoding = "UTF-8"
lineDelimiter = "\r\n"
fileHeader = "/*\n * generated by Xtext \${version}\n */"
cleaner = {
exclude = ""
language = StandardLanguage {
name = "MyLang"
fileExtensions = "lang"
serializer = {
generateStub = false
webSupport = {
generateHtmlExample = true
framework = "CODEMIRROR"
generateJsHighlighting = false
generateServlet = false
junitSupport = {
junitVersion = "5"
dependencies {
testCompile "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.1.0"
testRuntime "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.1.0"
testCompile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.testing:${xtextVersion}"
compile project(':myOtherLang')
compile project(':myXCoreModel')
compile project(":util")
compile group: 'org.eclipse.xtext', name: 'org.eclipse.xtext.ecore', version: '2.15.0'
compile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.xbase:${xtextVersion}"
sourceSets {
mwe2 {}
configurations {
mwe2 {
extendsFrom compile
mwe2Compile.extendsFrom mainCompile
mwe2Runtime.extendsFrom mainRuntime
} 'generator'
dependencies {
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.emf:org.eclipse.emf.mwe2.launch:"
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.common.types:${xtextVersion}"
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator:${xtextVersion}"
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.xtext:xtext-antlr-generator:[2.1.1, 3)"
//added for xcore support
mwe2Compile 'org.eclipse.emf:org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore:1.3.1'
mwe2Compile 'org.eclipse.emf:org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.xtext:+'
task generateXtextLanguage(type: JavaExec) {
main = 'org.eclipse.emf.mwe2.launch.runtime.Mwe2Launcher'
classpath = project.sourceSets.mwe2.runtimeClasspath
inputs.file "path/GenerateMyLang.mwe2"
inputs.file "path/MyLang.xtext"
outputs.dir "src-gen"
args += "path/GenerateMyLang.mwe2"
args += "-p"
args += "rootPath=/${projectDir}/.."
test {
eclipse.classpath.plusConfigurations += [configurations.mwe2]
i have doubts if this will work. the code you copy from does not generate an xtext language
you should move custom modules to a separate gradle project and thus compile it separately. alernatively you can experiment with gradle buildSrc/separate source folder code
(am not sure if this works for this usecase)
dependencies {
compile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext:${xtextVersion}"
compile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.xbase:${xtextVersion}"
sourceSets {
mwe2 {}
configurations {
mwe2 {
extendsFrom compile
mwe2Compile.extendsFrom mainCompile
mwe2Runtime.extendsFrom mainRuntime
} 'generator'
dependencies {
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.emf:org.eclipse.emf.mwe2.launch:"
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.common.types:${xtextVersion}"
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator:${xtextVersion}"
mwe2Compile "org.eclipse.xtext:xtext-antlr-generator:[2.1.1, 3)"
task generateXtextLanguage(type: JavaExec) {
main = 'org.eclipse.emf.mwe2.launch.runtime.Mwe2Launcher'
classpath = project.sourceSets.mwe2.runtimeClasspath
inputs.file "src/org/xtext/example/mydsl/GenerateMyDsl.mwe2"
inputs.file "src/org/xtext/example/mydsl/MyDsl.xtext"
outputs.dir "src-gen"
args += "src/org/xtext/example/mydsl/GenerateMyDsl.mwe2"
args += "-p"
args += "rootPath=/${projectDir}/.."
eclipse.classpath.plusConfigurations += [configurations.mwe2]

Custom gradle script for Detekt with multi-module project

I'm trying to create a custom gradle task that will run the different detekt profiles I have setup.
Here is my Detekt config:
detekt {
version = "1.0.0.RC6-4"
profile("main") {
input = "$projectDir/app/src/main/java"
output = "$projectDir/app/build/reports/detekt"
config = "$projectDir/config/detekt-config.yml"
profile("app") {
input = "$projectDir/app/src/main/java"
output = "$projectDir/app/build/reports/detekt"
profile("database") {
input = "$projectDir/database/src/main/java"
output = "$projectDir/database/build/reports/detekt"
profile("logging") {
input = "$projectDir/logging/src/main/java"
output = "$projectDir/logging/build/reports/detekt"
profile("network") {
input = "$projectDir/network/src/main/java"
output = "$projectDir/network/build/reports/detekt"
And here is what I'm trying for the custom gradle task:
task detektAll {
group = 'verification'
dependsOn 'detektCheck'
doLast {
println "\n##################################################" +
"\n# Detekt'ed all the things! Go you! #" +
I need to add -Ddetekt.profile=app and the others for each profile.
How can I accomplish this?

Gradle build - Maven Modello

I have a Maven build which uses maven-modello (1.4) to generate Java classes/XSD's etc. from an description file (modello file). I'm searching for a possible solution in Gradle to solve the same problem.
I haven't test it, but can something like that do the trick:
import org.codehaus.modello.Modello
// Dependencies
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.codehaus.modello:modello-maven-plugin:1.5'
// Execution
task modello << {
file("$projectDir/models").eachFile { modelFile ->
if ('.mdo')) {
new Modello().generate(modelFile.newReader(), generator, parameters)
// Configuration
modello.ext {
generator = 'java'
parameters = new Properties()
parameters.'' = buildDir.absoluteFile
parameters.'modello.version' = '1.5'
parameters.'modello.package.with.version' = false
parameters.'modello.output.useJava5' = true
parameters.'modello.output.encoding' = 'UTF-8'
