Capture stdout for a long time in bash - bash

I'm using a script which is calling another, like this :
# stuff...
# do stuff with the variable OUT
Basically, the scriptB script displays text in multiple time. Ie : it displays a line, 2s late another, 3s later another and so on.
With the snippet i use, i only get the first output of my command, i miss a lot.
How can i get the whole output, by capturing stdout for a given time ? Something like :
begin capture
stop capture
I don't mind if the output is not shown on screen.

If I understand your question, then I believe you can use the tee command, like
./scriptB | tee $HOME/scriptB.log
It will display the stdout from scriptB and write stdout to the log file at the same time.

Some of your output seems to be coming on the STDERR stream. So we have to redirect that as needed. As in my comment, you can do
{ ./scriptB ; } > /tmp/scriptB.log 2>&1
Which can almost certainly be reduced to
./scriptB > /tmp/scriptB.log 2>&1
And in newer versions of bash, can further be reduced to
./scriptB >& /tmp/scriptB.log
AND finally, as your original question involved storing the output to a variable, you can do
OUT=$(./scriptB > /tmp/scriptB.log 2>&1)
The notation 2>&1 says, take the file descriptor 2 of this process (STDERR) and tie it (&) into the file descriptor 1 of the process (STDOUT).
The alternate notation provided ( ... >& file) is a shorthand for the 2>&1.
Personally, I'd recommend using the 2>&1 syntax, as this is understood by all Bourne derived shells (not [t]csh).
As an aside, all processes by default have 3 file descriptors created when the process is created, 0=STDIN, 1=STDOUT, 2=STDERR. Manipulation of those streams is usually as simple as illustrated here. More advanced (rare) manipulations are possible. Post a separate question if you need to know more.


Pipe command in Bash

Pipe command is showing it's results properly .When i try to use it cat or > it doesn't show the output
i have try to run the command with different spaces but it didn't help
sort spiderman.txt | cat > superman.txt
sort spiderman.txt | > superman.txt
in the first above code cat is not showing it's output (the cat command is not showing contents of superman.txt ) however if i write is separately the cat command it's showing the contents
in the second command nothing happens to superman.txt
ideally it should have replaced all contents of superman.txt and replaced with sorted contents of spiderman.txt but nothing happens.
If you're trying simple output redirection you shouldn't pipe (|), just redirect (>):
sort spiderman.txt > superman.txt
If you want to show the content as well as redirect to a file - perhaps what you're looking for is tee?
sort spiderman.txt | tee superman.txt
The tee utility copies standard input to standard output, making a copy in zero or more files. The output is unbuffered.
> superman.txt (with no command) is processed as follows:
superman.txt is opened for writing and truncated
The output redirection is removed from the current command.
Since there is nothing left, the empty command is treated as having
run and exited successfully. Nothing actually reads from the pipe
or writes to superman.txt.
cat is necessary as a command which does read from standard input and writes to standard output.
It sometimes seems a little odd to me that more shells don't provide a minimal built-in that simply copies input to output with no frills, to avoid otherwise having to fork and exec cat. ( I should say "no" rather than "more", as I'm not aware of any shell that does. zsh might, if I bothered to search through the documentation to find it.)
(Some shells will optimize away an extra fork when processing a command line; bash is not one of them, though. It forks once to create a process for the write end of the pipe, then forks again to run cat. I believe ksh would simply exec cat directly instead of unnecessarily forking, in which case a built-in cat is less necessary.)

Bash store result of a command in a variable and print it to the console while using here documents

I'm running rman commands from Bash scripts. I pass my commands to rman using here documents. I want to capture the output but also at the same time print it to the console (real-time).
I found this solution, but I don't how to make it to work with here-docs.
VAR=$(ls | tee /dev/tty)
What I currently run is:
output=$(rman <<RMAN
Do you know how in this RMAN example I could also print stdout to the console apart from storing it in the output variable? Any help is appreciated.
The here document is no different from other redirections, although the syntax is of course slightly different.
var=$(rman <<\... | tee /dev/stderr
If this is a representative snippet of your code, you might as well
var=$(rman <<<"$rman_script" | tee /dev/stderr)
By the by, if you genuinely need the script multiple times (why else keep it in a variable?) maybe refactor into a function:
rman_script () {
rman <<\____HERE
Actual script
Probably multiple lines
var=$(rman_script | tee /dev/stderr)
You'll notice that I use /dev/stderr instead of /dev/tty. Having a script require, and muck with, your tty should probably be avoided unless your script is really short and simple, and only makes sense to use interactively (password manipulation comes to mind as one soenario where it's sometimes hard to avoid).
output=$(rman <<RMAN)
Note that a HERE-document looks syntactically like a input redirection, only that you have << instead of <. The input will be taken from the subsequent lines.

Does stdout get stored somewhere in the filesystem or in memory? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Send output of last command to a file automatically in bash?
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I know I can save the result of a command to a variable using last_output=$(my_cmd) but what I'd really want is for $last_output to get updated every time I run a command. Is there a variable, zsh module, or plugin that I could install?
I guess my question is does stdout get permanently written somewhere (at least before the next command)? That way I could manipulate the results of the previous command without having to re-run it. This would be really useful for commands that take a long time to run
If you run the following:
exec > >(tee save.txt)
# ... stuff here...
exec >/dev/tty
...then your stdout for everything run between the two commands will go both to stdout, and to save.txt.
You could, of course, write a shell function which does this for you:
with_saved_output() {
"$#" \
2> >(tee "$HOME/.last-command.err >&2) \
| tee "$HOME/.last-command.out"
...and then use it at will:
with_saved_output some-command-here
...and zsh almost certainly will provide a mechanism to wrap interactively-entered commands. (In bash, which I can speak to more directly, you could do the same thing with a DEBUG trap).
However, even though you can, you shouldn't do this: When you split stdout and stderr into two streams, information about the exact ordering of writes is lost, even if those streams are recombined later.
Thus, the output
O: this is written to stdout first
E: this is written to stderr second
could become:
E: this is written to stderr second
O: this is written to stdout first
when these streams are individually passed through tee subprocesses to have copies written to disk. There are also buffering concerns created, and differences in behavior caused by software which checks whether it's outputting to a TTY and changes its behavior (for instance, software which turns color-coded output on when writing directly to console, and off when writing to a file or pipeline).
stdout is just a file handle that by default is connected to the console, but could be redirected.
yourcommand > save.txt
If you want to display the output to the console and save it to a file at the same time yout could pipe the output to tee, a command that writes everything it receives on stdin to stdout and to a file of your choice:
yourcommand | tee save.txt

What is a simple explanation for how pipes work in Bash?

I often use pipes in Bash, e.g.:
dmesg | less
Although I know what this outputs, it takes dmesg and lets me scroll through it with less, I do not understand what the | is doing. Is it simply the opposite of >?
Is there a simple, or metaphorical explanation for what | does?
What goes on when several pipes are used in a single line?
Is the behavior of pipes consistent everywhere it appears in a Bash script?
A Unix pipe connects the STDOUT (standard output) file descriptor of the first process to the STDIN (standard input) of the second. What happens then is that when the first process writes to its STDOUT, that output can be immediately read (from STDIN) by the second process.
Using multiple pipes is no different than using a single pipe. Each pipe is independent, and simply links the STDOUT and STDIN of the adjacent processes.
Your third question is a little bit ambiguous. Yes, pipes, as such, are consistent everywhere in a bash script. However, the pipe character | can represent different things. Double pipe (||), represents the "or" operator, for example.
In Linux (and Unix in general) each process has three default file descriptors:
fd #0 Represents the standard input of the process
fd #1 Represents the standard output of the process
fd #2 Represents the standard error output of the process
Normally, when you run a simple program these file descriptors by default are configured as following:
default input is read from the keyboard
Standard output is configured to be the monitor
Standard error is configured to be the monitor also
Bash provides several operators to change this behavior (take a look to the >, >> and < operators for example). Thus, you can redirect the output to something other than the standard output or read your input from other stream different than the keyboard. Specially interesting the case when two programs are collaborating in such way that one uses the output of the other as its input. To make this collaboration easy Bash provides the pipe operator |. Please note the usage of collaboration instead of chaining. I avoided the usage of this term since in fact a pipe is not sequential. A normal command line with pipes has the following aspect:
> program_1 | program_2 | ... | program_n
The above command line is a little bit misleading: user could think that program_2 gets its input once the program_1 has finished its execution, which is not correct. In fact, what bash does is to launch ALL the programs in parallel and it configures the inputs outputs accordingly so every program gets its input from the previous one and delivers its output to the next one (in the command line established order).
Following is a simple example from Creating pipe in C of creating a pipe between a parent and child process. The important part is the call to the pipe() and how the parent closes fd1 (writing side) and how the child closes fd1 (writing side). Please, note that the pipe is a unidirectional communication channel. Thus, data can only flow in one direction: fd1 towards fd[0]. For more information take a look to the manual page of pipe().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main(void)
int fd[2], nbytes;
pid_t childpid;
char string[] = "Hello, world!\n";
char readbuffer[80];
if((childpid = fork()) == -1)
if(childpid == 0)
/* Child process closes up input side of pipe */
/* Send "string" through the output side of pipe */
write(fd[1], string, (strlen(string)+1));
/* Parent process closes up output side of pipe */
/* Read in a string from the pipe */
nbytes = read(fd[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
printf("Received string: %s", readbuffer);
Last but not least, when you have a command line in the form:
> program_1 | program_2 | program_3
The return code of the whole line is set to the last command. In this case program_3. If you would like to get an intermediate return code you have to set the pipefail or get it from the PIPESTATUS.
Every standard process in Unix has at least three file descriptors, which are sort of like interfaces:
Standard output, which is the place where the process prints its data (most of the time the console, that is, your screen or terminal).
Standard input, which is the place it gets its data from (most of the time it may be something akin to your keyboard).
Standard error, which is the place where errors and sometimes other out-of-band data goes. It's not interesting right now because pipes don't normally deal with it.
The pipe connects the standard output of the process to the left to the standard input of the process of the right. You can think of it as a dedicated program that takes care of copying everything that one program prints, and feeding it to the next program (the one after the pipe symbol). It's not exactly that, but it's an adequate enough analogy.
Each pipe operates on exactly two things: the standard output coming from its left and the input stream expected at its right. Each of those could be attached to a single process or another bit of the pipeline, which is the case in a multi-pipe command line. But that's not relevant to the actual operation of the pipe; each pipe does its own.
The redirection operator (>) does something related, but simpler: by default it sends the standard output of a process directly to a file. As you can see it's not the opposite of a pipe, but actually complementary. The opposite of > is unsurprisingly <, which takes the content of a file and sends it to the standard input of a process (think of it as a program that reads a file byte by byte and types it in a process for you).
In short, as described, there are three key 'special' file descriptors to be aware of. The shell by default send the keyboard to stdin and sends stdout and stderr to the screen:
A pipeline is just a shell convenience which attaches the stdout of one process directly to the stdin of the next:
There are a lot of subtleties to how this works, for example, the stderr stream might not be piped as you would expect, as shown below:
I have spent quite some time trying to write a detailed but beginner friendly explanation of pipelines in Bash. The full content is at:
A pipe takes the output of a process, by output I mean the standard output (stdout on UNIX) and passes it on the standard input (stdin) of another process. It is not the opposite of the simple right redirection > which purpose is to redirect an output to another output.
For example, take the echo command on Linux which is simply printing a string passed in parameter on the standard output. If you use a simple redirect like :
echo "Hello world" > helloworld.txt
the shell will redirect the normal output initially intended to be on stdout and print it directly into the file helloworld.txt.
Now, take this example which involves the pipe :
ls -l | grep helloworld.txt
The standard output of the ls command will be outputed at the entry of grep, so how does this work?
Programs such as grep when they're being used without any arguments are simply reading and waiting for something to be passed on their standard input (stdin). When they catch something, like the ouput of the ls command, grep acts normally by finding an occurence of what you're searching for.
Pipes are very simple like this.
You have the output of one command. You can provide this output as the input into another command using pipe. You can pipe as many commands as you want.
ls | grep my | grep files
This first lists the files in the working directory. This output is checked by the grep command for the word "my". The output of this is now into the second grep command which finally searches for the word "files". Thats it.
The pipe operator takes the output of the first command, and 'pipes' it to the second one by connecting stdin and stdout.
In your example, instead of the output of dmesg command going to stdout (and throwing it out on the console), it is going right into your next command.
| puts the STDOUT of the command at left side to the STDIN of the command of right side.
If you use multiple pipes, it's just a chain of pipes. First commands output is set to second commands input. Second commands output is set to next commands input. An so on.
It's available in all Linux/widows based command interpreter.
All of these answere are great. Something that I would just like to mention, is that a pipe in bash (which has the same concept as a unix/linux, or windows named pipe) is just like a pipe in real life.
If you think of the program before the pipe as a source of water, the pipe as a water pipe, and the program after the pipe as something that uses the water (with the program output as water), then you pretty much understand how pipes work.
And remember that all apps in a pipeline run in parallel.
Regarding the efficiency issue of pipe:
A command can access and process the data at its input before previous pipe command to complete that means computing power utilization efficiency if resources available.
Pipe does not require to save output of a command to a file before next command to access its input ( there is no I/O operation between two commands) that means reduction in costly I/O operations and disk space efficiency.
If you treat each unix command as a standalone module,
but you need them to talk to each other using text as a consistent interface,
how can it be done?
cmd input output
echo "foobar" string "foobar"
cat "somefile.txt" file *string inside the file*
grep "pattern" "a.txt" pattern, input file *matched string*
You can say | is a metaphor for passing the baton in a relay marathon.
Its even shaped like one!
cat -> echo -> less -> awk -> perl is analogous to cat | echo | less | awk | perl.
cat "somefile.txt" | echo
cat pass its output for echo to use.
What happens when there is more than one input?
cat "somefile.txt" | grep "pattern"
There is an implicit rule that says "pass it as input file rather than pattern" for grep.
You will slowly develop the eye for knowing which parameter is which by experience.

why does redirect (<) not create a subshell

I wrote the following code
cat $file | while read line do
echo $var
Now as I understand it the pipe (|) will cause a sub shell to be created an therefore the variable var on line 1 will have the same value on the last line.
However this will solve it:
while read line do
done < $file
echo $line
My question is why does the redirect not cause a subshell to be created, or if you like why does pipe cause one to be created?
The cat command is a command which means it needs its own process and has its own STDIN and STDOUT. You're basically taking the STDOUT produced by the cat command and redirecting it into the process of the while loop.
When you use redirection, you're not using a separate process. Instead, you're merely redirecting the STDIN of the while loop from the console to the lines of the file.
Needless to say, the second way is more efficient. In the old Usenet days before all of you little whippersnappers got ahold of our Internet (_Hey you kids! Get off of my Internet!) and destroyed it with your fancy graphics and all them web page, some people use to give out the Useless Use of Cat award for people who contributed to the group and had a spurious cat command because the use of cat is almost never necessary and is usually more inefficient.
If you're using a cat in your code, you probably don't need it. The cat command comes from concatenate and is suppose to be used only to concatenate files together. For example, when we use to use SneakerNet on 800K floppies, we would have to split up long files with the Unix split command and then use cat to merge them back together.
A pipe is there to hook the stdout of one program to the stdin or another one. Two processes, possibly two shells. When you do redirection (> and <), all you're doing remapping stdin (or stdout) to a file. reading/writing a file can be done without another process or shell.
